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Created July 16, 2009 07:14
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weight.rb (RoR): Lets you pick a row from a table randomly based on the rows weight.
# weight.rb (A Ruby on Rails Model).
# Lets you pick a row from a table randomly based on the rows weight.
# Your table will need three columns:
# - weight (float)
# - weight_begin (float)
# - weight_end (float)
# You can also support multiple categories by adding a string column to your
# table, and setting @@category_column to the columns name. Each category
# will have it's own weight scope.
# The code within the class...end definition can be pasted into your own
# Model without any modification cause I'm using "self.class.to_s.constantize"
# instead of "Weight" within the instance methods.
# The weight_begin and weight_end "index" columns are auto-updated when
# you call the save method on new or existing row objects.
class Weight < ActiveRecord::Base
after_create :update_weights
after_update :update_weights
after_destroy :update_weights
@@category_column = nil
def self.pick(category = nil)
scope = rand(10000).to_f / 100.00
if category.nil?
conditions = ["weight_begin <= ? AND weight_end >= ?", scope, scope]
conditions = ["weight_begin <= ? AND weight_end >= ? AND #{@@category_column} = ?", scope, scope, category]
self.find(:first, :conditions => conditions)
def self.reset_weights
self.update_all({:weight_begin => nil, :weight_end => nil})
def self.update_weights
def update_weights
self_class = self.class.to_s.constantize
category_changed = self.send("#{@@category_column}_changed?") || false
if self.new_record? || self.weight_changed? || !category_changed.nil?
categories = [nil]
if !@@category_column.nil? && self_class.column_names.include?(@@category_column.to_s)
categories = self_class.find(:all, :select => "distinct #{@@category_column}").map { |cat| cat.send(@@category_column) }
categories.each do |category|
conditions = (!category.nil?) ? {@@category_column.to_sym => category} : {}
total = self_class.sum(:weight, :conditions => conditions)
rows = self_class.find(:all, :conditions => conditions)
previous = 0.00
size = rows.size
rows.each_with_index do |row, i|
previous += 0.01 if previous > 0.00
weight_begin = previous
weight_end = ((previous + (row.weight.to_f / total.to_f * 100))).round(2)
weight_end = 100.00 if i == (size-1)
previous = weight_end
self_class.update_all({:weight_begin => weight_begin, :weight_end => weight_end}, {:id =>})
return nil
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