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Created June 26, 2017 22:50
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Test script that used triggers to populate hierarchical
from pprint import pprint
import psycopg2
import uuid
from contextlib import closing
setup_sql = """
create table data (id int primary key, state jsonb, isc bool);
create table stage (id int primary key, state jsonb, isc bool);
create or replace function find_cid(fid int, fstate jsonb, fisc bool)
returns int
as $$
fpid int;
p_id int;
p_state jsonb;
p_isc bool;
if fisc then
return fid;
end if;
fpid = (fstate->>'p')::int;
if fpid is null then return null; end if;
select id, state, isc from data where id = fpid
into p_id, p_state, p_isc;
return find_cid(p_id, p_state, p_isc);
$$ language plpgsql stable;
create or replace function populate_cid_triggerf() returns trigger
as $$
cid int;
cid = find_cid(, NEW.state, NEW.isc);
if cid is not null then
NEW.state := NEW.state || ('{"cid": ' || cid::text || '}')::jsonb;
end if;
return NEW;
$$ language plpgsql;
create trigger populate_cid_trigger
before insert or update
on data
for each row
execute procedure populate_cid_triggerf();
def l(cursor, query):
return list(cursor)
bconn = psycopg2.connect('')
bconn.autocommit = True
dbname = 'd'+uuid.uuid1().hex
bcursor = bconn.cursor()
bcursor.execute("create database " + dbname)
with closing(psycopg2.connect("dbname=" + dbname)) as conn:
with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor:
with conn:
def ex(sql):
return cursor
def save(*inserts):
with conn:
for insert in inserts:
ex("DELETE FROM data WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM stage)")
INSERT INTO data (id, state, isc)
SELECT id, state, isc
FROM stage order by id""")
ex("truncate stage")
with conn:
save("""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (0, '{}', false)""")
with conn:
save("""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (1, '{"p": 0}', true)""",
"""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (2, '{"p": 1}', false)""")
with conn:
save("""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (1, '{"p": 0, "z": 2}', true)""",
"""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (3, '{"p": 1}', false)""")
with conn:
save("""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (4, '{"p": 1}', false)""",
"""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (1, '{"p": 0, "z": 2}', true)""");
with conn:
save("""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (5, '{"p": 2}', false)""",
"""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (1, '{"p": 0, "z": 3}', true)""")
with conn:
save("""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (6, '{"p": 5}', false)""",
"""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (1, '{"p": 0, "z": 4}', true)""")
with conn:
save("""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (1, '{"p": 0, "z": 5}', true)""",
"""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (7, '{"p": 6}', false)""",
"""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (71, '{"p": 7}', false)""",
"""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (72, '{"p": 7}', false)""")
with conn:
save("""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (81, '{"p": 8}', false)""",
"""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (82, '{"p": 8}', false)""",
"""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (8, '{"p": 6}', false)""",
"""insert into stage (id, state, isc) values (1, '{"p": 0, "z": 5}', true)""")
pprint(l(cursor, "select * from data order by id"))
bcursor.execute("drop database " + dbname)
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