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Last active March 22, 2021 17:02
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Lint non-stable lifecycle functions used in your code.
db_lifecycles <- function(db) {
lifecycle_patterns <- paste0("(?:",
paste(collapse = "|",
desc <- lapply(db, tools:::.Rd_get_metadata, "description")
lapply(desc, function(x) {
rematch2::re_match(x, lifecycle_patterns)[[1]]
db_functions <- function(db) {
usage <- lapply(db, tools:::.Rd_get_section, "usage")
lapply(usage, get_rcode)
pkg_function_lifecycles <- function(pkg) {
db <- tools::Rd_db(pkg)
lc <- db_lifecycles(db)
funs <- db_functions(db)
res <- mapply(function(lc, f) list(fun = f, lifecycle = rep(lc, length(f))), lc, funs, SIMPLIFY = FALSE), c(res, make.row.names = FALSE))
get_rcode <- function(x) {
if (!length(x)) {
} else {
res <- tools:::.parse_usage_as_much_as_possible(x)
vapply(res, function(x) {
if ( as.character(x[[1]]) else character(1)
}, character(1))
tidyverse_lifecycles <- function(which) {
pkgs <- purrr::set_names(tidyverse::tidyverse_packages())
# Get function lifecycles
res <- purrr::map_dfr(pkgs, pkg_function_lifecycles, .id = "package")
# Filter funs without a lifecycle
res <- na.omit(res)
# Filter funs without a function name
res <- res[nzchar(res$fun), ]
# Filter method definitions
res <- res[grep("[\\\\]method\\{", res$fun, invert = TRUE), ]
# filter lifecycles not in which
res[res$lifecycle %in% which, ]
# pak::pak("jimhester/lintr")
#' @param path The path to the files you want to search
#' @param which The lifecycle stages you want to lint
lint_tidyverse_lifecycle <- function(path, which = c("superseded", "deprecated", "questioning", "defunct", "experimental", "soft-deprecated", "retired")) {
which <- match.arg(which, several.ok = TRUE)
lc <- tidyverse_lifecycles(which)
funs <- lc$fun
msgs <- sprintf("`%s::%s` is %s", lc$package, lc$fun, lc$lifecycle)
lifecycle_linter <- lintr::Linter(function(source_file) {
lintr::ids_with_token(source_file, "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL", fun = `%in%`),
function(id) {
token <- lintr::with_id(source_file, id)
fun_name <- token[["text"]]
if (fun_name %in% funs) {
line_num <- token[["line1"]]
start_col_num <- token[["col1"]]
end_col_num <- token[["col2"]]
msg <- msgs[fun_name == funs]
filename = source_file[["filename"]],
line_number = line_num,
column_number = start_col_num,
type = "warning",
message = msg,
line = source_file[["lines"]][[as.character(line_num)]],
ranges = list(c(start_col_num, end_col_num))
}, name = "lifecycle_linter")
lintr::lint_dir(path = path, linters = lifecycle_linter)
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