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Created July 12, 2013 15:05
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Caching with github_api, faraday-http-cache, and moneta
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Usage:
# load './github.rb'
# 10.times { fire }
require 'github_api'
require 'faraday-http-cache'
require 'moneta'
require 'active_support/cache/moneta_store'
require 'logger'
@store = store: :LRUHash
@github = do |config|
config.stack.insert_before Github::Response::Jsonize, Faraday::HttpCache, @store
def fire
resp = @github.get user: 'jimjh', repo: 'floating-point-lesson', path: 'manifest.yml'
puts "x-ratelimit-remaining: #{resp.headers.ratelimit_remaining}"
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