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Last active September 14, 2023 01:21
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Getting custom-built dotNet library+tool (2 repos)

Example below stems from my adventure starting with C#/.NET by fixing some issues in CycloneDX tooling. One big caveat was getting my custom-built library used by the custom-built tool (and VS Code IDE to debug). Ended up with the following; maybe better ways exist...

  • Install DotNet and NuGet
    • TODO: How did I get that on Windows?
    • Ubuntu Linux (in WSL):
:; sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install dotnet7 nuget
  • Check out the sources (in HOME for the example)
:; cd ~
:; git clone
:; git clone
  • Created a local NuGet repo location to replace private library builds in, using a uniquely suffixed version:
:; cd ~/cyclonedx-dotnet-library
:; echo > _Cfg <<'EOF'

[ -d "$NUGETREPO_DIR" ] || nuget sources Add -Name userhome -Source "$NUGETREPO_DIR"

LIBVER="`cat semver.txt`.1" || LIBVER=""

for P in src/*/*.csproj ; do
    sed -e 's,<TargetFramework>netstandard2.0</TargetFramework>,<TargetFramework>net6.0</TargetFramework>,' -i "$P"

dotnet build \
&& dotnet pack -p:Version="${LIBVER}" -p:TargetFrameworks=net6.0 -p:TargetFramework=net6.0 \
&& for P in `pwd`/src/*/bin/Debug/*"${LIBVER}"*.nupkg ; do \
    nuget delete -NonInteractive `basename "$P" ".${LIBVER}.nupkg"` "${LIBVER}" -Source "$NUGETREPO_DIR"

    # Unlike "nuget add" (missing in Linux), this one uses the
    # path arg as relative even if it is absolute by wording:
    (cd / && nuget push "$P" -Source "$NUGETREPO_DIR")
  • As seen above, also had to use net6.0 target instead of netstandard2.0; internet lore says netstandard2.1 may also work - primary goal here is to have newer language features by default (codebase is apparently C# 9.0+ but does not say so in manifests).

  • On Windows (with Git Bash), nuget add "$P" -Source ~/.nuget without a cd, uses the absolute path as such.

  • For the tool using the library, gotta patch its recipe to consult the private local repo, and use custom versions, according to the patch-format blob below:

--- a/src/cyclonedx/cyclonedx.csproj
+++ b/src/cyclonedx/cyclonedx.csproj
@@ -10,13 +10,16 @@
     <Description>A command line tool for interacting with CycloneDX bill-of-material documents.</Description>
+    <RestoreSources>C:\\Users\\jim\\.nuget;$(RestoreSources);</RestoreSources>
     <PackageReference Include="CoderPatros.AntPathMatching" Version="0.1.1" />
     <PackageReference Include="CsvHelper" Version="29.0.0" />
-    <PackageReference Include="CycloneDX.Utils" Version="5.4.0" />
-    <PackageReference Include="CycloneDX.Spdx.Interop" Version="5.4.0" />
+    <PackageReference Include="CycloneDX.Core" Version="" />
+    <PackageReference Include="CycloneDX.Spdx" Version="" />
+    <PackageReference Include="CycloneDX.Utils" Version="" />
+    <PackageReference Include="CycloneDX.Spdx.Interop" Version="" />
     <PackageReference Include="System.CommandLine" Version="2.0.0-beta1.21308.1" />
     <PackageReference Include="System.Security.Cryptography.Xml" Version="6.0.1" />
  • If you tried to build the tool before and it cached the "wrong" library versions from the internet instead of ones you tinkered with, dotnet clean; dotnet build should take care of this.
  • If it objects too hard, try this for the tool rebuild:
:; cd ~/cyclonedx-cli
:; echo > _Cfg <<'EOF'


dotnet nuget locals all --clear
dotnet restore

for P in \
	CycloneDX.Core CycloneDX.Spdx.Interop CycloneDX.Spdx CycloneDX.Utils \
; do
	dotnet add package $P

dotnet build
  • VS Code For debugging to work, ended up copying the DLL and (importantly) matching PDB files to just be near the binary after every rebuild of the library (added to script above):
:; cp -pf ~/cyclonedx-dotnet-library/src/*{Utils,Core,Spdx}*/obj/Debug/net6.0/CycloneDX*.{dll,pdb} \

Finally, it should be noted that DLLs used in dotnet build seem to be legit Windows DLLs when built in either OS, so to provide a platform-independent tarball it suffices to add the cyclonedx.exe from the Windows build into the ~/cyclonedx-cli/src/cyclonedx/bin/Debug/net6.0 directory prepared on Linux (which has a cyclonedx binary). Apparently these facade binaries are DLL interpreters, since the tool's code seems to end up in cyclonedx.dll (and cyclonedx.pdb) on both systems.

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