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PowerShell script to modify a File nipkg to show in Add or Remove Programs
# Copyright (c) 2024 JKI. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
### About ###
# This a powershell script to modify a .nipkg file such that the packaged LabVIEW executable application shows in the Windows Add or Remove Programs list
# See NIPM docs on this feature here:
### How this Script Works ###
# - unpacks the .nipkg file (using `nipkg.exe unpack`)
# - modifies the `instructions` xml file, adding an `<osUninstallEntry ux="oem"/>` item to `<instructions/>`
# - repacks the .nipkg file (using `nipkg.exe pack`)
# Usage:
# see the usage message below, which is shown if no arguments are provided to this script
param (
[string]$ux = "oem"
# Usage:if no arguments are provided, display the usage
if ($args.Length -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Error: No arguments provided"
Write-Host "Usage: .\set_nipkg_os_uninstall_entry.ps1 -nipkgPath <path> [-ux <oem>] [-ux <ni>]"
Write-Host " -nipkgPath: path to the .nipkg file"
Write-Host " -ux: [Optional] user experience (oem|ni) where oem is the default value"
Write-Host " oem: Hides all dialog text and links referring to NI during a modify or uninstall operation."
Write-Host " ni: Shows normal Package Manager interface elements during a modify or uninstall operation."
exit 1
# convert to path
$nipkgPath = Convert-Path $nipkgPath
# Check if the nipkgPath is a valid file
if (-not (Test-Path $nipkgPath)) {
Write-Host "Error: '$nipkgPath' is not a valid file path"
exit 1
# Check if the nipkgPath is a valid nipkg file
if (-not ($nipkgPath -like "*.nipkg")) {
Write-Host "Error: '$nipkgPath' is not a valid nipkg file"
exit 1
# nipkg.exe program path
$nipkgExe = "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\nipkg.exe"
# temporary unpack directory (same location as the nipkg file, but with a `.unpacked` extension)
$unpackDir = "$nipkgPath.unpacked"
# Execute the nipkg.exe unpack command
Write-Debug "Unpacking '$nipkgPath'"
& $nipkgExe unpack $nipkgPath $unpackDir
# Check if the unpack directory exists
if (-not (Test-Path $unpackDir)) {
Write-Host "Error: Unpack directory $unpackDir does not exist"
exit 1
# `instructions` xml file path
$instructionsPath = "$unpackDir\data\instructions"
# Check if the instructions file exists
if (-not (Test-Path $instructionsPath)) {
Write-Host "Error: Instructions file $instructionsPath does not exist"
exit 1
Write-Debug "Modifying package instructions xml file"
# Load the instructions xml file
[xml]$instructions = Get-Content $instructionsPath
# Check if the `osUninstallEntry` element exists
if (-not $instructions.instructions.osUninstallEntry) {
# Add the `osUninstallEntry` element
$osUninstallEntry = $instructions.CreateElement("osUninstallEntry")
$osUninstallEntry.SetAttribute("ux", $ux)
} else {
# Modify the `osUninstallEntry` element
$instructions.instructions.osUninstallEntry.SetAttribute("ux", $ux)
# Save the modified instructions xml file
Write-Debug "Saving modified package instructions xml file"
# move/rename the original nipkg file to a backup file
Write-Debug "Backing up the original nipkg file"
$backupNipkgPath = "$nipkgPath.bak"
Move-Item $nipkgPath $backupNipkgPath -Force
# Execute the nipkg.exe pack command and repack the nipkg file into the original nipkg file's director
Write-Debug "Repacking the nipkg file"
$parentDir = Split-Path $nipkgPath -Parent
& $nipkgExe pack $unpackDir $parentDir
# Check if the repacked nipkg file exists
Write-Debug "Verifying repacked nipkg file"
if (-not (Test-Path $nipkgPath)) {
Write-Host "Error: Repacked nipkg file $nipkgPath does not exist"
exit 1
# Remove the unpack directory
Write-Debug "Removing the unpack directory"
Remove-Item $unpackDir -Recurse
Write-Debug "Removing the backup nipkg file"
Remove-Item $backupNipkgPath
Write-Host "Done"
exit 0
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