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Last active January 26, 2018 11:30
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Public Sale Contract

Things to test

  • The USD/ETH rate in the contract is $1064.11/ETH
  • There is a USD5000 individual cap, so the maximum you could contribute is ~4.69 ETH
  • The maximum gas price is 60 Gwei. Transactions above this will be rejected.


Please add all test results to the spreadsheet. I'll try to remember to put columns in.

  1. Try to send one transaction that is below the ETH cap (e.g. 1 ETH) but with a gas price above 60 Gwei - this should fail
  2. Try to send one transaction that is higher than the maximum - this should fail
  3. Try to send one transaction that is lower than the maximum - this should be successful
  4. Check your investment by reading the contract. In the Read Smart Contract tab ( you will see a method called "getInvestor". Put your wallet address in here and click "Query". Confirm that there is a record of your contribution plus tokens assigned.
  5. Try to send a second transaction, that when added to your first contribution, is higher than the maximum individual cap. This should fail.
  6. Try to send a second transaction, that when added to your first contribution, is still lower than the maximum individual cap. This should be successful.
  7. Confirm that your record in the contract has increased both the contribution and tokens assigned.

When everyone has done that, I'll start Token Distribution:

  1. Confirm that the count of tokens from 6) is now available in your wallet. You can see this under the "Tokens" dropdown when viewing your own wallet address at

How to contribute

  1. Ensure you are on the Rinkeby test network
  2. If you require funds, let me know
  3. Using your wallet software (Mist, Ethereum Wallet, Metamask, MEW - or any ERC-20 compatible wallet), send funds to the contract address above
  4. Recommended settings:
    • gas limit: 200,000
    • gas price: <= 60 gwei


Private Sale Contract

Things to test

  • The USD/ETH rate in the contract is $1064.11/ETH
  • There is a pledged amount per whitelisted wallet, the maximum you could contribute is in the spreadsheet


Please add all test results to the spreadsheet. I'll try to remember to put columns in.

  1. Try to send one transaction that is higher than the pledge - this should fail
  2. Try to send one transaction that is lower than the pledge - this should be successful
  3. Check your investment by reading the contract. In the Read Smart Contract tab ( you will see a method called "getInvestor". Put your wallet address in here and click "Query". Confirm that there is a record of your contribution plus tokens assigned.
  4. Try to send a second transaction, that when added to your first contribution, is higher than the pledge. This should fail.
  5. Try to send a second transaction, that when added to your first contribution, is still lower than the pledge. This should be successful.
  6. Confirm that your record in the contract has increased both the contribution and tokens assigned.
  7. Try to send a transaction from your non-whitelisted wallet - this should fail

When everyone has done that, I'll start Token Distribution:

  1. Confirm that the count of tokens from 6) is now available in your wallet. You can see this under the "Tokens" dropdown when viewing your own wallet address at

How to contribute

  1. Ensure you are on the Rinkeby test network
  2. If you require funds, let me know
  3. Using your wallet software (Mist, Ethereum Wallet, Metamask, MEW - or any ERC-20 compatible wallet), send funds to the contract address above
  4. Recommended settings:
    • gas limit: 200,000
    • gas price: 60 gwei
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