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Created February 2, 2009 15:31
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Save jimmac/56939 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
render gnome-power-manager icons
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# the source svg needs to have a 'plate' layer with all the crop
# rects having a label with the output filename
require "rexml/document"
require "ftools"
include REXML
INKSCAPE = '/usr/bin/env inkscape'
SRC = "#{Dir.pwd}/svg/gpm-batteries.svg"
OUT = "#{Dir.pwd}/png"
def renderit
svg =, 'r'))
svg.root.each_element("//g[contains(@inkscape:label,'plate')]") do |icon|
if icon.attributes['inkscape:groupmode']=='layer' #only look inside layers, there may be pasted groups
icon.each_element("rect") do |box|
outfile = "#{box.attributes['inkscape:label']}.png"
dir = "#{OUT}/" + outfile.gsub(/\/[^\/]+$/,'')
cmd = "#{INKSCAPE} -i #{box.attributes['id']} -e \"#{OUT}/#{outfile}\" \"#{SRC}\" > /dev/null 2>&1"
File.makedirs(dir) unless File.exists?(dir)
system(cmd) unless File.exists?("#{OUT}/#{outfile}")
print "."
puts ''
renderit unless !File.exists?(SRC)
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