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Last active December 1, 2023 18:25
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How to run Jupyter Notebook on NYU HPC to run tensorflow


  1. If you don't have a virtual environment, download and do this in your working directory:
  2. Run run-jupyter.sbatch and follow the instructions in NYU Prince Tutorial on how to run Jupyter Notebook:
    sbatch run-jupyter.sbatch
# activate existed python3 module to get virtualenv
module load python3/intel/3.6.3
# create virtual environment with python3
virtualenv -p python3 .env
# activate virtual environment
source .env/bin/activate
# install tensorflow-gpu
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install tensorflow-gpu
pip install jupyter
# uncomment the following line if you have requirements.txt file
# pip install -r requirements.txt
# unload module
module unload python3/intel/3.6.3
#SBATCH --job-name=jupyter
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --mem=16GB
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00
module purge
module load cuda/9.0.176 cudnn/9.0v7.0.5
source .env/bin/activate
port=$(shuf -i 6000-9999 -n 1)
/usr/bin/ssh -N -f -R $port:localhost:$port log-0
/usr/bin/ssh -N -f -R $port:localhost:$port log-1
Jupyter server is running on: $(hostname)
Job starts at: $(date)
Step 1 :
If you are working in NYU campus, please open an iTerm window, run command
ssh -L $port:localhost:$port $
If you are working off campus, you should already have ssh tunneling setup through HPC bastion host,
that you can directly login to prince with command
ssh $USER@prince
Please open an iTerm window, run command
ssh -L $port:localhost:$port $USER@prince
Step 2:
Keep the iTerm windows in the previouse step open. Now open browser, find the line with
The Jupyter Notebook is running at: $(hostname)
the URL is something: http://localhost:${port}/?token=XXXXXXXX (see your token below)
you should be able to connect to jupyter notebook running remotly on prince compute node with above url
if [ "$SLURM_JOBTMP" != "" ]; then
jupyter notebook --no-browser --port $port --notebook-dir=$(pwd)
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