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Created May 5, 2016 09:24
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  • Save jimmyliao/ead9903e959976e18462608c524cc303 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jimmyliao/ead9903e959976e18462608c524cc303 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
應該是re-setup on new machine:
- Change to source branch
>>>> jimmyliao@JimmyMBPR $ sudo gem install bundler
Fetching: bundler-1.12.2.gem (100%)
Successfully installed bundler-1.12.2
Parsing documentation for bundler-1.12.2
Installing ri documentation for bundler-1.12.2
Done installing documentation for bundler after 5 seconds
1 gem installed
>>>> jimmyliao@JimmyMBPR $ bundle install
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching version metadata from
Fetching dependency metadata from
Rubygems 2.0.14 is not threadsafe, so your gems will be installed one at a time. Upgrade to Rubygems 2.1.0 or higher to enable parallel gem installation.
Using rake 0.9.6
Installing RedCloth 4.2.9 with native extensions
Installing chunky_png 1.2.9
Installing fast-stemmer 1.0.2 with native extensions
Installing fssm 0.2.10
Installing sass 3.2.12
Installing directory_watcher 1.4.1
Installing haml 3.1.8
Installing kramdown 0.14.2
Installing liquid 2.3.0
Installing maruku 0.7.0
Installing posix-spawn 0.3.6 with native extensions
Installing yajl-ruby 1.1.0 with native extensions
Installing rack 1.5.2
Installing rb-fsevent 0.9.3
Installing rdiscount with native extensions
Installing rubypants 0.2.0
Installing tilt 1.4.1
Installing stringex 1.4.0
Using bundler 1.12.2
Installing classifier 1.3.3
Installing compass 0.12.2
Installing sass-globbing 1.0.0
Installing pygments.rb 0.3.7
Installing rack-protection 1.5.1
Installing jekyll 0.12.1
Installing sinatra 1.4.4
Bundle complete! 15 Gemfile dependencies, 27 gems now installed.
Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
>>>> jimmyliao@JimmyMBPR $ rake setup_github_pages
Enter the read/write url for your repository
(For example, '
or '')
Repository url:
rm -rf _deploy
mkdir _deploy
cd _deploy
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/jimmyliao/WebDrive/GitHub/
[master (root-commit) 772ce73] Octopress init
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
create mode 100644 index.html
cd -
## Now you can deploy to with `rake deploy` ##
>>>> jimmyliao@JimmyMBPR $ rake preview
Starting to watch source with Jekyll and Compass. Starting Rack on port 4000
directory source/stylesheets/
create source/stylesheets/screen.css
[2016-05-05 16:35:42] regeneration: 2 files changed
## Generating Categories..
=> Creating Categories Tag Cloud
=> Creating Categories Sidebar
And open http://localhost:4000 to preview
=> New Post
>> cd source/_posts
>> create markdown file. ex. 2016-05-05-resetup-Octopress-on-different-machine.markdown
<Content Start>
layout: post
title: "Re-Setup Octopress on different laptop"
date: 2016-05-05 16:23:25 +0800
published: true
comments: true
- Blog
You will learn how to create blog post on different laptop.
<Content End>
>>>> jimmyliao@JimmyMBPR $ rake new_post[How-to-install-octopress]
>>>> jimmyliao@JimmyMBPR $ rake generate
>>>> jimmyliao@JimmyMBPR $ rake generate
## Generating Site with Jekyll
identical source/stylesheets/screen.css
Configuration from /Users/jimmyliao/WebDrive/GitHub/
Building site: source -> public
## Generating Categories..
=> Creating Categories Tag Cloud
=> Creating Categories Sidebar
Successfully generated site: source -> public
[ /Users/jimmyliao/WebDrive/GitHub/ ]
>>>> jimmyliao@JimmyMBPR $ rake deploy
## Deploying branch to Github Pages
## Pulling any updates from Github Pages
cd _deploy
warning: no common commits
remote: Counting objects: 5541, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (149/149), done.
remote: Total 5541 (delta 18), reused 1 (delta 0), pack-reused 5369
create mode 100644 robots.txt
create mode 100644 sitemap.xml
create mode 100644 stylesheets/screen.css
## Pushing generated _deploy website
Username for '': jimmyliao
Password for '':
remote: Invalid username or password.
fatal: Authentication failed for ''
## Github Pages deploy complete
cd -
git push
Finally, merge
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