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Forked from ericrasch/gulpfile.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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(function () {
'use strict';
var gulp = require('gulp');
var glob = require('glob');
var del = require('del');
var $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')();
var pkg = require('./package.json');
var _short_name = pkg.shortName.toLowerCase();
var _bower_dir = 'bower_components';
var _theme_dir = 'web/wp-content/themes';
var _child_dir = _theme_dir + '/' + _short_name;
var _assets_dir = _child_dir + '/assets';
var _src_dir = _assets_dir + '/src';
var _dist_dir = _assets_dir + '/dist';
var _dev_dir = _assets_dir + '/dev';
var _img_dir = _assets_dir + '/images';
var _banner = '/*!' + (pkg.title || + ' - v' + pkg.version + ' - ' + (new Date()).toDateString() + '*/\n';
var _clrgrd_opts = {
whitelist: [
['#fff', '#fefefe']
// Cleans the dist directory
gulp.task('clean:dist', function(callback) {
del([_dist_dir + '/**'], callback);
// Cleans the dev directory
gulp.task('clean:dev', function(callback) {
del([_dev_dir + '/**'], callback);
// Lints the gulpfile for errors
gulp.task('lint:gulpfile', function() {
.pipe( $.jshint() )
.pipe( $.jshint.reporter('default') );
// Lints the source js files for errors
gulp.task('lint:src', function() {
var _src = [
_src_dir + '/js/**/*.js',
var _options = {
lookup: _src_dir + '/.jshintrc'
.pipe( $.jshint(_options) )
.pipe( $.jshint.reporter('default') );
// Concatonates, minifies and renames the source JS files for Dist
gulp.task('scripts:dist', function() {
glob.sync(_src_dir + '/js/*', function(err, matches) {
if (err) { throw err; }
if (matches.length) {
matches.forEach(function(match) {
var dir = match.split('/js/')[1];
var scripts = [
_src_dir + '/js/' + dir + '/libs/**/*.js',
_src_dir + '/js/' + dir + '/**/*.js'
if (dir === 'footer') {
var footer_scripts = [
_bower_dir + '/history.js/scripts/uncompressed/history.js',
_bower_dir + '/history.js/scripts/uncompressed/history.adapter.jquery.js',
scripts = footer_scripts.concat(scripts);
.pipe( $.plumber() )
.pipe( $.concat(dir + '.js') )
.pipe( $.uglify() )
.pipe( $.header(_banner, {pkg : pkg}) )
.pipe( $.rename(dir + '.min.js') )
.pipe( gulp.dest(_dist_dir) );
// Concatonates the source JS files for Dev
gulp.task('scripts:dev', function() {
glob.sync(_src_dir + '/js/*', function(err, matches) {
if (err) { throw err; }
if (matches.length) {
matches.forEach(function(match) {
var dir = match.split('/js/')[1];
var scripts = [
_bower_dir + '/history.js/scripts/uncompressed/history.js',
_bower_dir + '/history.js/scripts/uncompressed/history.adapter.jquery.js',
_src_dir + '/js/' + dir + '/libs/**/*.js',
_src_dir + '/js/' + dir + '/**/*.js'
.pipe( $.plumber() )
.pipe( $.concat(dir + '.js') )
.pipe( gulp.dest(_dev_dir) );
// Compiles and compresses the source Sass files for Dist
gulp.task('styles:dist', function() {
var _sass_opts = {
loadPath: _bower_dir,
style: 'compressed',
lineNumbers: false
gulp.src(_src_dir + '/scss/style.scss')
.pipe( $.plumber() )
.pipe( $.rubySass(_sass_opts) )
.pipe( $.colorguard(_clrgrd_opts) )
.pipe( $.rename('style.min.css') )
.pipe( gulp.dest(_dist_dir) );
// Compiles the source Sass files for Dev
gulp.task('styles:dev', function() {
var _sass_opts = {
loadPath: _bower_dir,
style: 'expanded',
lineNumbers: true
gulp.src(_src_dir + '/scss/style.scss')
.pipe( $.plumber() )
.pipe( $.rubySass(_sass_opts) )
.pipe( $.colorguard(_clrgrd_opts) )
.pipe( gulp.dest(_dev_dir) );
// Minimizes all the images
gulp.task('images', function() {
var _options = {
progressive: true
gulp.src(_img_dir + '/*')
.pipe( $.imagemin(_options) )
.pipe( gulp.dest(_img_dir) );
// Lints all the js files for errors
gulp.task('lint', [
// Builds for distribution (staging or production)
gulp.task('build', [
// Builds for development (local)
gulp.task('build:dev', [
// Builds assets and reloads the page when any php, html, img or dev files change
gulp.task('watch', function() {
$.livereload.listen(); + '/scss/**/*', ['sass:dev']); + '/js/**/*', [
_child_dir + '/**/*.php',
_child_dir + '/**/*.html',
_dev_dir + '/**/*',
_img_dir + '/*'
]).on('change', $.livereload.changed);
// Backup default task just triggers a build
gulp.task('default', ['build']);
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