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Last active October 24, 2021 16:33
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bg padova
import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
# cleaned data as np array (training vectors don't contain targets
targets1 = np.loadtxt('targets1.csv', delimiter=',')
targets2 = np.loadtxt('targets2.csv', delimiter=',')
targets3 = np.loadtxt('targets3.csv', delimiter=',')
targets4 = np.loadtxt('targets4.csv', delimiter=',')
training1 = np.loadtxt('training1.csv', delimiter=',')
training2 = np.loadtxt('training2.csv', delimiter=',')
training3 = np.loadtxt('training3.csv', delimiter=',')
training4 = np.loadtxt('training4.csv', delimiter=',')
vali = np.loadtxt('vali.csv', delimiter=',')
classi = []
score = []
for i in (1,2,3,4):
xtrain, ytrain = eval('training%d, targets%d' % (i, i))
classi.append(RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=200, verbose=0, n_jobs=6))
classi[-1].fit(xtrain, ytrain)
vali_split = [[],[],[],[]]
index_split = [[],[],[],[]]
for ind, row in enumerate(vali):
vali_split[int(row[0]) - 1].append(row)
index_split[int(row[0]) - 1].append(ind)
def launch_pred(frac):
predictions = np.zeros((vali.shape[0],))
for i in (1,2,3,4):
tmp_pred_split = classi[i - 1].predict(np.array(vali_split[i - 1]))
for index, pred in enumerate(tmp_pred_split):
predictions[index_split[i - 1][index]] = pred
index = 0
while index < predictions.shape[0]:
if vali[index][2] == 1.0:
if index > 0:
# build new predictions based on the last frac of data for each id:
somma = 0
tmp_index = index - 1
killer = numero * frac
while index - tmp_index + 1 < killer:
somma += predictions[tmp_index]
tmp_index = tmp_index - 1
n = (2 * somma + killer ** 2 - killer) / (2 * killer) - killer + numero
if n < numero - 0.5:
n = numero - 0.5
tmp_index = index - numero
while True:
predictions[tmp_index] = n
n = n - 1
tmp_index = tmp_index + 1
if vali[tmp_index][2] == 1.0:
# ---
numero = 1
numero += 1
index += 1
np.savetxt("predictions.csv", predictions)
import ipdb
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0x07CB commented Oct 24, 2021

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