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Created January 1, 2019 11:05
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how to easily make webrtc connection without dependencies
var pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection(),
pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
var addCandidate = (pc, can) => can && pc.addIceCandidate(can).catch(console.error);
pc1.onicecandidate = e => { addCandidate(pc2, e.candidate); };
pc2.onicecandidate = e => { addCandidate(pc1, e.candidate); };
pc1.oniceconnectionstatechange = e => console.log("pc1 iceConnState:", pc1.iceConnectionState);
pc2.oniceconnectionstatechange = e => console.log("pc2 iceConnState:", pc2.iceConnectionState);
pc1dch = pc1.createDataChannel('dch', {"negotiated" : true, id: 1});
pc2dch = pc2.createDataChannel('dch', {"negotiated" : true, id: 1});
pc2dch.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'
pc1dch.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'
pc1dch.onopen = e => {console.log("pc1dch open")};
pc2dch.onopen = e => {console.log("pc2dch open")};
pc1dch.onclose = e => {console.log("pc1dch close")};
pc2dch.onclose = e => {console.log("pc2dch close")};
pc2dch.onmessage = e => {console.log("pc2dch message: ", e)}
pc1dch.onmessage = e => {console.log("pc1dch message: ", e)}
function start() {
.then(d => pc1.setLocalDescription(d))
.then(() => pc2.setRemoteDescription(pc1.localDescription))
.then(() => pc2.createAnswer())
.then(d => pc2.setLocalDescription(d))
.then(() => pc1.setRemoteDescription(pc2.localDescription))
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Using one requestAnimationFrame

      const draw = async() => {
        delayed.push(await createImageBitmap(canvas));
        if (++now < then) {
          delayStreamContext.fillStyle = "black";
          delayStreamContext.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
        } else {
          delayStreamContext.drawImage(delayed.shift(), 0, 0);

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@jimmywarting :

To answer your original question: It's not possible to set a playout delay of 10 seconds in WebRTC.

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Hmm, thanks for investigating the possibility

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