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Created July 27, 2013 20:16
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The ABC's of Vim
The abc's of Vim
a - Append
Changes from normal mode to insert mode appending after the character under the cursor
This is a useful thing to have when you wish to add to a word.
b - beginning of word (motion)
Moves the cursor to the beginning of a word.
c - change
deletes and places into insert mode
requires a motion describing what to change. ce changes to end of word, cw changes up to next word, c$ changes to the end of line.
d - delete
deletes characters
requires a motion describing what to delete. de deletes to end of word. dw deletes up to next word, d$ deletes to end of line.
e - end of word (motion)
moves to end of word
f - find
Moves the character to the first occurrence of character after cursor position on the same line.
g - extra commands
gg - go to top of file
gf - open file described by text under cursor
h - character left (motion)
moves the cursor left.
i - Insert mode
changes from normal mode to insert mode
j - line down (motion)
moves the cursor downward
k - line up (motion)
moves the cursor upwards
l - character right (motion)
moves the cursor to the right
m - sets a mark
sets a mark for later navigation - requires a a-z character to name which mark to use.
n - next (motion)
repeats previous find
o - open
Changes from normal mode to insert mode with a new blank line below the current cursor position.
p - paste
paste copied text after the cursor position if register contains only character(s), after line in register is line(s)
q - record macro
begins recording of keystrokes to be played back
r - replace
replaces character at cursor with next character typed.
s - substitute
replaces character at cursor position and changes to insert mode
t - till
Moves the cursor to the position before the first occurrence of the character typed on the same line from the current cursor position.
u - undo
undo last command
v - visual mode
switches to visual mode - allows selection of text not easily described by motions
w - word (motion)
Moves the cursor to the start of the next word
x - delete character
Deletes the character under the cursor position.
y - yank
yanks text into a register.
z - special commands
zt scroll to top of screen. (cursor stays on same line, but moves up)
zb scroll cursor to bottom
zz scroll cursor to center
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