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Created August 13, 2015 10:55
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import java.util.*;
* Implementation of a generic bag in Java using a HashMap
* where each item in the map (x, n) stores item x and the number of occurences n
public class Bag<T>
//Initialise instantiate hashmap to implement bag
private HashMap<T,Integer> map;
public Bag(){
//Initialise the hasmap in the no-args constructor
//this keyword refers to the current class we are in = new HashMap<T,Integer>();
* Method to add item x of type T to Bag
public void add(T x)
{ //Check if the map contains this item already
{ //If it does see how many times this element occurs
int numElem = map.get(x);
//Increment by one the number of times this element occurs
//i.e. add another of these elements to the bag
map.put(x, (numElem+1));
{ //If the element does not exist create a new item in the map
//with the number of items set to one
map.put(x, 1);
* Method to get frequency of item x with type T in Bag
* where x is not null
public int freq(T x)
{ // If the element is in the bag
{ //Return the value where the item x is the key i.e. the number
//of occurences of that element
return map.get(x);
{ //If this element is not in the bag return 0
return 0;
//void remove(T,x) - not to be coded
* Method to get most frequent item x with type T in Bag
* where x is not null and if more than one item is the most
* frequent any of these elements can be returned
public T mode()
{ //Check is the map emptpy
{ //Return null if it is
return null;
{ //If not emptpy intialise an integer to store the num of occurences of the most
// frequent item
Integer largestFrequency = new Integer(0);
//Also initialise a variable to store the key with the largest frequency
T largestKey = null;
//Iterate through the keys in the bag/map
for(T key : map.keySet()){
//Store the current item frequency
Integer currentFrequency = map.get(key);
//If the current is greater than the largest
if(currentFrequency > largestFrequency){
//Set the largest frequency to the current frequency
largestFrequency = currentFrequency;
//And set the largest key to the current key
largestKey = key;
//Return the largest key
return largestKey;
public class BagTest {
public static void main(String[] args){
Bag<String> bagTest = new Bag<String>();
System.out.println("Freq of Hello: "+ bagTest.freq("Hello"));
System.out.println("Freq of world: "+bagTest.freq("world"));
System.out.println("Freq of Foo: "+ bagTest.freq("Foo"));
System.out.println("Freq of bar: "+ bagTest.freq("bar"));
String mostFreqItem = bagTest.mode();
System.out.println("\nThe most frequent item is: "+mostFreqItem+ "\nOccuring "+ bagTest.freq(mostFreqItem)+" times.");
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