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Last active July 19, 2024 15:12
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Linear Regression
// slope of model y~x
// inputs:
// xs: the input data
// ys: the response data
// return:
// the slope
slope = lambda(xs, ys,
x_bar, average(xs),
y_bar, average(ys),
numerator, sum((xs - x_bar) * (ys - y_bar)),
denominator, sum((xs - x_bar)^2),
// intercept of model y ~ x
// inputs:
// xs: the input data
// ys: the response data
// return:
// the intercept
intercept = lambda(xs, ys,
y_bar, average(ys),
x_bar, average(xs),
y_bar - jp.slope(xs, ys)*x_bar
// least squares fit for a model y ~ x
// This repicates the excel LINEST function
// however the results are returned in an
// order suitable for calculating the modelled
// reponse values from input.
// inputs:
// xs: the inputs
// ys: the resonses
// return:
// a stack (2 x 1) [[b0], [b1]]
least_squares_est = lambda(xs, ys,
x_bar, average(xs),
y_bar, average(ys),
numerator, sum((xs - x_bar) * (ys - y_bar)),
denominator, sum((xs - x_bar)^2),
b1_, numerator/denominator,
b0_, y_bar - b1_ * x_bar,
vstack(b0_, b1_)
// calculate predicted response from set of samples, using a linear
// model developed from a series of calibration standards
// inputs:
// xs: known inputs from calibration curve
// ys: known responses from calibration curve
// samples: sample inputs
// return:
// sequence of predicted responses from the samples
// assume:
// count(xs) == count(ys)
// xs, ys, samples are numeric
y_bar = lambda(xs, ys, samples,
n_, count(samples),
seq_, sequence(n_, 1, 1, 0),
design_mat, hstack(seq_, samples),
bs_, jp.least_squares_est(xs, ys),
mmult(design_mat, bs_)
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