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Created April 21, 2012 04:59
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RailsConf 2012 iCal
PRODID;X-RICAL-TZSOURCE=TZINFO:-//com.denhaven2/NONSGML ri_cal gem//EN
DESCRIPTION:Rich Hickey\, the author of <a href="">Clo
jure</a> and designer of <a href="">Datomic</a>\, is
a software developer with over 20 years of experience in various domains
. Rich has worked on scheduling systems\, broadcast automation\, audio a
nalysis and fingerprinting\, database design\, yield management\, exit p
oll systems\, and machine listening\, in a variety of languages.
SUMMARY:Keynote: Rich Hickey
SUMMARY:Morning Break
DESCRIPTION:When he isn't ruining people's lives by writing software like
phuby\, enterprise\, and neversaydie\, Aaron can be found writing sligh
tly more useful software like nokogiri. To keep up his Gameboy Lifestyle
\, Aaron spends his weekdays writing high quality software for ATTi. Be
sure to catch him on Karaoke night\, where you can watch him sing his fa
vorite smooth rock hits of the 70's and early 80's.
SUMMARY:Keynote: Aaron Patterson
DESCRIPTION:Welcome to RailsConf 2012!
SUMMARY:Keynote: Welcome
SUMMARY:Morning Break
SUMMARY:Afternoon Break
DESCRIPTION:David Heinemeier Hansson is a partner at <a href="http://37si">37signals</a>\, a privately-held Chicago-based company commi
tted to building the best web-based tools possible with the least number
of features necessary.\n\n37signals' products include Basecamp\, Highri
se\, Backpack\, Campfire\, Ta-da List\, and Writeboard. 37signals' produ
cts do less than the competition -- intentionally.\n\nHe is also the cre
ator of Ruby on Rails.
SUMMARY:Keynote: David Heinemeier Hansson
SUMMARY:Afternoon Break
DESCRIPTION:David Cohen is the founder and CEO of TechStars. Previously\,
David was a founder of several software and web technology companies. H
e was the founder and CTO of Pinpoint Technologies which was acquired by
<a href="">ZOLL Medical Corporation</a> (NASDAQ: <a
;selected=ZOLL%60">ZOLL</a>) in 1999. You can read about it in <a href="
_1_1/103-1943388-3567068?%5Fencoding=UTF8">No Vision\, All Drive</a> [Am
azon]. David was also the founder and CEO of <a href="http://www.askdave"></a>\,
a music service which was sold to <a href="">S</a> in 2006. He also had what he likes to think of as a "<a
eful failure</a>" in between. \n\nDavid is a active startup advocate\, a
dvisor\, board member\, and technology advisor who comments on these top
ics on his blog at <a href="">
</a>. He recently co-authored <a href=""><em
>Do More Faster</em></a> with Brad Feld. He is also very active at the
<a href="">University of Colorado</a>\, serving
as a member of the Board of Advisors of the <a href="http://www.cs.color">Computer Science Department</a>\, the <a href="http://www.sili">Entrepreneur
ial Advisory Board at Silicon Flatirons</a>\, and the Board of Advisors
of the <a href="">D
eming Center</a> Venture Fund. He is a member of the selection committee
for <a href="">Venture Capital in the Roc
kies</a>\, and runs the Colorado chapter of the <a href="">Open Angel Forum</a>. His hobbies are technology\, soft
ware/web startups\, business history\, and tennis. He is married to the
<a href="">coolest girl</a> he's ever met and has
three amazing kids who always seem to be teaching him something new.
SUMMARY:Keynote: David Cohen
SUMMARY:Morning Break
DESCRIPTION:Ruby's favorite podcast comes to RailsConf! Join the Ruby Rog
ues (David Brady\, James Edward Gray II\, Avdi Grimm\, Josh Susser\, and
Charles Max Wood) for this live episode on What Rails Developers Should
Care About.\n\nIf you've listened to the show\, you probably know that
the Rogues favor:\n\n* Good Object Oriented design\n* Patterns\n* Test D
riven Development\n* The Law of Demeter and Tell\, Don't Ask\n* Open sou
rce\n* Beautiful code\n* Pair programming\n* Code metrics\n* Scaling per
formant code\n* and more\n\nSince this is a live episode\, we want to in
teract with the audience. Each Rogue will give a brief introduction on w
hat's important to him as a Rubyist on Rails\, then we will turn the ses
sion over to your questions. We will take them over the Internet and/or
live\, before and during the show.\n\nAll that AND we promise to wear am
azing hats!
SUMMARY:Keynote: Ruby Rogues Live
DESCRIPTION:There are many people in the Ruby/Rails world who contribute
to our community and rarely receive any recognition or payment for their
work.\n\nThey create educational content\, develop plugins & gems\, con
tribute to open source projects\, and even put on events which help educ
ate and make our lives as developers easier.\n\nRuby Heroes was created
to show some gratitude and give these people the recognition they deserv
e. Hopefully the type of recognition that keeps them doing what they’r
e doing\, and continuing to make our community stronger.
SUMMARY:Keynote: Ruby Hero Awards
DESCRIPTION:BohConf is a hacking-centric event that will include communit
y code drives featuring well-known OSS authors\, barcamp-style discussio
ns\, and more.\n\nWe've got 2 rooms reserved for everybody's favorite un
conference. No RailsConf badge required. Please [register on EventBrite]
(\n\nFollow [@bohconf](htt
p:// for the latest news.
LOCATION:Hilton\, 4th Floor
DESCRIPTION:BohConf is a hacking-centric event that will include communit
y code drives featuring well-known OSS authors\, barcamp-style discussio
ns\, and more.\n\nWe've got 2 rooms reserved for everybody's favorite un
conference. No RailsConf badge required. Please [register on EventBrite]
(\n\nFollow [@bohconf](htt
p:// for the latest news.
LOCATION:Hilton\, 4th Floor
DESCRIPTION:BohConf is a hacking-centric event that will include communit
y code drives featuring well-known OSS authors\, barcamp-style discussio
ns\, and more.\n\nWe've got 2 rooms reserved for everybody's favorite un
conference. No RailsConf badge required. Please [register on EventBrite]
(\n\nFollow [@bohconf](htt
p:// for the latest news.
LOCATION:Hilton\, 4th Floor
DESCRIPTION:"Stack Smashing" refers to an internal project where I took o
ur production Rails application environment down from over 100 virtual m
achines to 2 physical machines. Our application environment for Major Le
ague Gaming consists of 13+ inter-connected applications with millions o
f users to provide functionality such as single-sign on\, online video (
both video on demand and UGC)\, news and live competition information\,
photo galleries\, profiles\, and much more. We simply needed a simpler i
nfrastructure in which to develop and deploy our applications. In this t
alk\, we will cover the following:\n\n * Network topology before and af
ter\, as well as the makeup of our virtual and physical machines.\n * D
etailed discussion of Chef recipes\, NGINX\, HAProxy configurations and
updates to standard configurations.\n * Application and service monitor
ing and configuration.\n * Application migration from the old stack to
the new stack.\n * Rails 3 to Rails 3.1 upgrade insights.\n * Unicorns
!\n * Strategies for service configuration to handle failure.\n * Offl
ine processing with queueing and queue management.\n * Simplifying\, st
andardizing and sexy-fying your Capistrano-based deployment tasks into a
reusable gem.\n * Behavior driven infrastructure monitoring and valida
tion.\n * Adopting an opt-in continuous deployment strategy that is int
egrated with our continuous integration environment.\n\nThis will be a v
ery code and example-focused talk. Come and learn about the ways that yo
u can simplify your existing infrastructure.\n\nSpeakers:\nDavid Czarnec
ki\n Bio: David Czarnecki is a lead engineer at Agora Games (a part of
Major League Gaming)\,\, a company that specia
lizes in building middleware to power video games\, both in-game and on
the web. He is the author of 2 books for O'Reilly and had previously bee
n developing exclusively in Java for nearly 15 years. He has been develo
ping in Ruby and Rails since joining Agora Games in 2008 and has been a
speaker at conferences like JavaOne\, RailsConf and Ruby Midwest. David
loves video games\, especially the Guitar Hero series and Left 4 Dead.
SUMMARY:Stack Smashing
DESCRIPTION:Rails is huge. Even if you have worked with it for a long ti
me\, it's unlikely that you have stumbled across everything yet.\n\nDo y
ou really know what all of the built-in Rake tasks do? Have you seen al
l of the methods ActiveSupport makes available to you? Are you aware of
all the queries ActiveRecord is capable of?\n\nIn this talk\, I'll dig
into the extras of Rails and see if I can't turn up some features that y
ou don't see all of the time\, but that might just be handy to know abou
t anyway. I'll make sure you come out of this able to impress your frie
nds at the hackfest.\n\nSpeakers:\nJames Edward Gray II\n Bio: James (@J
EG2) has been a Rails programmer for about as long as it has been fashio
nable to be one and a Rubyist even longer than that. As you probably kn
ow from listening to him on the Ruby Rogues podcast\, James loves to dig
into how our community and code works.
SUMMARY:Ten Things You Didn't Know Rails Could Do
DESCRIPTION:This talk covers a successful utilization of Rails Engines to
share features that cut across the layers of MVC in different Rails 3 p
rojects. Rails Engines thus provide the best of both worlds: improved pr
oductivity by reusing MVC code (including assets like Javascript\, CSS\,
and Images) and better flexibility by allowing different applications t
o customize behavior as needed without reliance on application-dependent
conditionals. Rails Engine patterns will be provided to guide developer
s on how to leverage Rails Engines' reusability and flexibility without
sacrificing maintainability.\n\nOutline:\n\n- Basics of Rails Engines\n-
Rails Engine Patterns\n- Improved Productivity Tips\n- Summary of Benef
its and Trade-Offs\n\nAttendees should walk away with an overview of Rai
ls Engines and guidelines on how to utilize them effectively.\n\nSpeaker
s:\nAndy Maleh\n Bio: Andy Maleh is a Software Engineer at Groupon who s
pecializes in user needs analysis and building transformative software t
hat meets ongoing demands. He leads by embracing agile practices and sof
tware craftsmanship in the process of perfecting Groupon's deal experien
ce. He joined Groupon via Obtiva\, where he served as a Senior Consultan
t for more than five years. Andy is also the Founder and Lead Developer
of the Glimmer open source project for Desktop Development with Ruby.\n\
nAndy holds an M.S. in Software Engineering from DePaul University in Ch
icago and a B.S. in Computer Science from McGill University (Montreal).
Outside of Groupon walls\, Andy is a drummer in two indie rock bands (Ga
g Order and Cletus Darby) and travels via Longboard when the Chicago wea
ther permits.
SUMMARY:Rails Engines Patterns
DESCRIPTION:Most of us have been there. That website you want to use\, f
rom your mobile device\, that just refuses to cooperate. From the Flash
-only\, to the can't f**king log in\, to the redirect-to-mobile-and-stay
-there sites\, there's more than enough websites out there to invoke Mob
ile Rage.\n\nAlthough we all know that the best mobile development strat
egy is "mobile-first"\, we also all know how many sites and applications
out there were designed and built by people who didn't imagine how fast
mobile would take over.\n\nCome learn about the common mistakes most pe
ople make for mobile\, and some of the simple solutions you can use to h
elp reduce Mobile Rage\, without having to do a complete rewrite.\n\nSpe
akers:\nLori M Olson\n Bio: Six years ago Lori tried Ruby/Rails as an al
ternative to Java development and "has never looked back!" She has been
delivering Rails and Javascript based applications in the oil & gas indu
stry for the last six years\, working for companies like Labrador Techno
logies\, CodeGear/Borland\, and Intellog.\n\nLori has a long list of spe
aking credits. Most recently\, she spoke at Confoo 2012 in Montreal\, jQ
uery Conf Boston 2011\, Madison Ruby 2011\, and Conferencia Rails 2010 i
n Madrid. She has also presented at the CodeRage and COSSFEST conference
s\, and has presented frequently to the Calgary Ruby User Society\, of w
hich she is also a co-founder
SUMMARY:Mobile Rage - What causes it & how to fix it
DESCRIPTION:Are you having trouble launching new features because of fric
tion between development and operations? At CustomInk\, we've reduced t
his friction by making changes to our teams\, processes\, and tools. Co
me find out what we've been up to and learn how you can implement simila
r changes in your own environment.\n\nThere's always a bit of tension wh
en getting features from idea to production. In this talk\, we'll look
at some of the changes CustomInk has made to reduce this friction and ke
ep the new features coming. Gone are the days of bi-monthly deploys\, o
ffice pools dedicated to guessing when this deploy will be rolled back\,
and the ceremony surrounding the deploy-rollback-fix-deploy cycle. Tod
ay\, ideas flow from product managers to developers to production with e
ase thanks to a number of changes that we've made to our teams\, process
es and tools.\n\nDuring this talk\, we'll look at:\n\n* How product mana
gers drive the release cycle\n * Ideas and customer feedback\n * Prior
itizing development requests\n * Managing branch merges and deployments
(yes\, product managers can help here!)\n\n* How operations enables dev
eloper productivity\n * Spinning up development environments - Vagrant\
, Chef\n * Infrastructure Automation - Chef\n * Enabling Continuous De
ployment - Capistrano and caphub\n * Failing gracefully - Fault-toleran
t load balancing with ldirectord\n\n* How developers get their code runn
ing in production\n * Staging environments\n * Continuous Integration
- Jenkins\, Green Screen\n * Staying on topic: Deploying changes when
they're ready\n \n* Getting rid of the over-the-wall mentality - Dev &
Ops working together\n * Enabling developers to do it themselves\n * P
air programing infrastructure automation\n * Keeping the process light
and the communication flowing\n\nSpeakers:\nNathen Harvey\n Bio: Nathen
Harvey is the manager of Web Operations for\, a website th
at allows you to design and purchase custom apparel for your group or sp
ecial event. Nathen is the co-organizer of the Washington DC MongoDB Use
rs' Group and DevOps DC. Nathen contributes to open source projects incl
uding the Opscode Chef framework. When not working or hosting meetups\,
Nathen enjoys going to concerts\, drinking craft beer\, and over sharin
g on sites like twitter\, untappd\, and foursquare.
SUMMARY:Taming the Kraken - How Operations enables developer productivity
DESCRIPTION:RoR makes an excellent framework for off-the-beaten-path type
of projects\, like hacking Roombas and other robots. In this presentati
on\, I'll demonstrate how our soon to be robot overlords will be happy w
hen we gift them with RoR and a connection to the internet. The presenta
tion will include working examples and demonstrations of:\n\n- communica
ting with an Arduino chip via Ruby\n- tethered serial and wireless bluet
ooth control of a Roomba via Ruby and Arduino\n- two-way communication w
ith our robot friends over the web using Ruby on Rails and popular web s
ervices\n- useful applications of robots controlled over the web\n- 3 Ro
RoR pitfalls to watch-out for\n- live performance of "Chiron Beta Prime"
by Jonathan Coulton*\n\nThe presentation will close with an argument fo
r why hacking on fun\, often eccentric\, projects in your spare time is
essential for staying motivated\, habitual improvement\, and tangential
learning -- i.e.\, being a real pragmatic programmer.\n\n*not included\,
perhaps\n\nSpeakers:\nCharles Abbot\n Bio: Charles works at COOKPAD\, J
apan's largest recipe site and Rails shop. He spends most of his dayligh
t hours building reporting\, analytic\, and payment management systems t
hat millions of loyal users don't actually get to see. When he's not at
work graphing bell-curves\, forecasting user behavior\, and throwing aro
und gut-wrenching terms like "correlation-coefficients" and "confidence
intervals" - he likes to play basketball\, prepare his Roomba for the r
obot uprising\, and dote on his newborn daughter. Charles has been using
Ruby and Rails since Feb of '06.
SUMMARY:RoRoRoomba - Ruby on Rails on Roomba
DESCRIPTION:Progressive Enhancement isn't important on the mobile web bec
ause it's all Webkit right? Not so fast. Even among Webkit implementatio
ns events\, css\, and performance vary widely. We'll talk about the dark
er corners of the mobile web and show how jQuery Mobile can help you bui
ld Rails applications that are reliable\, accessible\, and support more
devices.\n\nSpeakers:\nJohn Bender\n Bio: John Bender is the co-creator
of Vagrant\, a jQuery Mobile contributor\, and a recovering polygot. Dur
ing the day he works full-time on jQuery Mobile at Adobe and otherwise s
pends his time hacking on open source. John shares his thoughts at http:
// and as @johnbender on Twitter.
SUMMARY:Progressive Enhancement on the Mobile Web
DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20120423T143000 was born from the 48 hour intense 2010 Rails R
umble and has grown! Having recently passed our 50\,000\,000th site res
ult\, this talk discusses the real world challenges and optimisations re
quired to take a code base born from the fires of YAGNI to a production
system.\n\nThis talk isn't about how you can scale from 0 requests to 50
0 billion requests per microsecond\, but give a practical view to some o
f the performance problems we faced as the application steadily grew fro
m a hack job into a functioning system.\n\nThe journey will go through t
he mistakes we made\, challenges faced and real world optimisations disc
overed\, including some tricks we learnt along the way from concurrent i
ndex creation to using the ZeroMQ messaging framework with Rails\n\nSpea
kers:\nMikel Lindsaar\n Bio: Mikel Lindsaar heads up reInteractive\, a R
ails development company in Sydney Australia and a web ap
plication monitoring service\, he is also the author of the Ruby mail ge
m\, is on the Rails commit team for his work on ActionMailer and has con
tributed to many open source projects.
SUMMARY:From Rails Rumble to 50\,000\,000 results
DESCRIPTION:When Ruby on Rails burst onto the scene in 2004\, it excited
web developers by showing that you could build next generation apps quic
kly and efficiently. Rails was one of the first frameworks to embrace Aj
ax\, giving everyone the power to do partial page updates and whiz-bang
effects in a conventional\, effortless way.\n\nIn 2007\, the Rails team
embraced RESTful conventions\, making API development a no-brainer for n
ew applications. Because RESTful JSON is so easy in Rails\, Rails applic
ations tend to implement APIs on balance.\n\nThen it was time to polish.
Both the 2.0 and 3.0 releases cleaned up the code-base and found ways t
o take emerging conventions and make them easier to use.\n\nBut now\, li
ke in 2004\, another revolution is brewing. Increasingly\, developers ar
e moving their view layer from the server into the client\, using RESTfu
l JSON and client-side templating to increase responsiveness and bring a
pplicable aspects of desktop applications to the web.\n\nLike last time\
, not every application needs to jump head-first into this new world. Bu
t just as in 2004\, Rails has an opportunity to embrace the future\, and
bring its ruthless insistence on convention over configuration to bear
on this problem.\n\nRails already has the plumbing to be a fantastic con
ventional JSON server. The question is: will we take the challenge\, or
will we desperately cling to the past\, hoping that the future will neve
r come?\n\nSpeakers:\nYehuda Katz\n Bio: Yehuda Katz is a member of the
Ember.js\, Ruby on Rails and jQuery Core Teams\; he spends his daytime h
ours at the startup he founded\, Tilde Inc.. Yehuda is the co-author of
the best-selling jQuery in Action\, Rails 3 in Action\, and is a contrib
utor to Ruby in Practice. He spends most of his time hacking on open sou
rce--his main projects\, along with others\, like Thor\, Handlebars and
Janus--or traveling the world doing evangelism work. He blogs at http:// and can be found on Twitter as @wycats.
SUMMARY:Rails: The Next Five Years
DESCRIPTION:Many people know that machine learning techniques can facilit
ate learning from\, and adapting to\, noisy\, real-world data\, but aren
't sure how to begin using them. Starting with two real-world examples
\, we will introduce you to some libraries that bring machine learning t
echniques to your Rails applications. We will then dive into the art o
f feature design\, one of the first practical roadblocks that many peopl
e encounter when applying machine learning. Feature design is the chall
enging\, subtle\, and often trail-and-error process of selecting and tra
nsforming the data you provide for your learning algorithm\, and it is o
ften the hardest part of using these techniques. Our goal is for you to
come out of this talk with the tools necessary to think about machine l
earning and how to apply it to your problems.\n\nSpeakers:\nAndrew Canti
no & Ryan Stout\n Bio: Andrew Cantino has been building web applications
for over fifteen years. Andrew has a Masters in Computer Science from
Georgia Tech\, where he focused on machine learning and artificial intel
ligence. He has worked on Gmail at Google\, on video search at CastTV\,
and recently spent two years practicing Agile software development at P
ivotal Labs. Andrew is currently VP of Engineering at Mavenlink.\n\nRya
n Stout has also been doing web development for fifteen years and has be
en working with Rails for the last six. He runs a small web-consulting
agency and has been involved in startups ranging from social gaming to o
nline dating and domain search. He spent the last year developing a ste
alth startup that uses both natural language processing systems and mode
rn machine learning techniques.
SUMMARY:Practical Machine Learning and Rails
DESCRIPTION:Rails makes it very easy to rapidly develop web applications\
, but doesn’t always make it so simple to deploy or secure them. \n\nT
his talk is going to focus on best practices to secure your rails applic
ation\, learnt through multiple high profile projects and penetration te
sts. The talk will be practical and show that this isn’t necessarily h
ard if thought about from the start. \n\nWe’ll also touch on getting t
he right balance of security without it getting in the way of the users.
\n\nSpeakers:\nThomas Pomfret\n Bio: Thomas is CTO at Mint Digital where
he has worked since the very beginning after acing the interview almost
purely on the back of a sharp suit. Having been involved in all of Mint
's major projects he has great real world experience in developing mass
participation web sites quickly and effectively along with some hard les
sons learnt on how to make them stay up. He mainly hacks in ruby althoug
h has a growing love for erlang.\n\nPast speaking gigs include Scotland
on Rails\, London Ruby Users Group and Kings of Code.
SUMMARY:Securing your site
DESCRIPTION:Even the simplest of Rails applications can eventually grow i
nto a twisted mess of complexity. At some point you will need a backgrou
nd task\, or a long-running service\, or a scheduled job\, or all of the
above and more. All of these little bits of functionality added to an a
pplication ad hoc can keep you up at night with cold sweats and nightmar
es. But it doesn't have to be that way.\n\nIn this presentation\, we wil
l examine a complex Rails application - complexity that is eventually co
mmon to most modern Rails apps: background tasks\, scheduled jobs\, WebS
ockets\, long-running services\, caching and more. We will look at the c
hallenges inherent in these features for both development and deployment
. Then we'll look to TorqueBox for simple solutions to these complex pro
blems. You'll never have that long-runing service using the wrong Ruby c
ode again\; no more environment variable nightmares in your cron jobs. Y
ou can sleep better now.\n\nTorqueBox is a Ruby application server that
is built on JRuby and JBoss AS7. It provides asynchronous messaging\, sc
heduled jobs\, long-running processes\, caching\, simple deployment\, an
d much more. TorqueBox is designed to bring the power\, scalability and
stability of these time-tested JavaEE services to Ruby applications thro
ugh a simple and expressive Ruby interface.\n\nSpeakers:\nLance Ball\n B
io: Lance Ball is a Senior Software Developer at Red Hat and a core memb
er of the TorqueBox team. He has been writing code for over a dozen year
s in startups\, as a consultant\, and working for The Man. His ideas hav
e been expressed in Ruby\, Java\, Perl and C++. As a consultant\, Lance
wrote Rails and Sinatra applications before joining Red Hat. He's on Twi
tter as @lanceball.
SUMMARY:Complex Made Simple: Sleep Better with TorqueBox
DESCRIPTION:As more people collaborate on the web with your applications\
, its not enough to just persist data to the database\; it needs to be p
ushed out to your users web browsers so that they're always working with
the freshest data.\n\nIn this session\, Brad will show how to build a r
eal-time layer on top of an existing Rails application's authorization a
nd resource logic so that you can build on top of the hard work already
invested in your Rails application.\n\nTopics that will be discussed inc
lude:\n\n- Why I didn't choose Socket.IO\n- Stream application resources
into Backbone.js models to keep data fresh\n- Hook into ActiveRecord to
push representations of data into a message queue\n- Message queue nami
ng conventions public/private resource streams\n- Exposing message queue
s to HTTP\n- Securing streams with existing application authorization lo
gic\n- Considerations for streaming in a production environment\n\nSpeak
ers:\nBrad Gessler\n Bio: I'm the CTO at Poll Everywhere\, the worlds la
rgest mobile survey platform\, and I love building stuff. I've been hack
ing Rails since 1.x\, full embraced REST\, and haves since extended the
concept to make building realtime Rails application easier.
SUMMARY:Realtime web applications with streaming REST
DESCRIPTION:A glimpse of some of the features coming to Sass in the pendi
ng 3.2\nrelease. Plus\, a huge announcement about the project that's bee
n\nmonths in the making as we have secretly toiled away on something tha
t\nwe think will be awesome. Hear it first at this talk. Repositories\nw
ill be made public when the talk is over. Shh! Its a secret!\n\nSpeakers
:\nHampton Catlin\n Bio: Hampton Catlin is the inventor of Sass\, a CSS
generating language\, and the Haml markup language.\nHe is currently the
Director of Engineering at Moovweb\, a (bootstrapped!) startup focusing
on transforming how we interact with the web. He is the original creato
r of Wikipedia Mobile ( and is also the creator of sever
al successful iPhone applications that have been downloaded by over 3 mi
llion people.
SUMMARY:The Future of Sass
DESCRIPTION:It is no secret that location has become ubiquitous. Mobile G
PS\, available data sets\, and easy-to-use mapping services have brought
geospatial information within reach of web developers. Location already
plays a significant role in many of the major services such as Twitter\
, Facebook\, and Google\, not to mention legions of startups.\n\nHowever
\, for those of us implementing more than the most trivial features\, it
is also true that location is challenging. A significant learning curve
awaits us\, involving spatial databases\, coordinate systems\, intercha
nge formats\, and plenty of math. Our Ruby-based tools lag a bit behind
those available to our Java- and Python-oriented colleagues\, and effect
ive documentation is scarce.\n\nThis presentation aims to jump-start Rai
ls developers hoping to go beyond putting a few pushpins on a Google Map
. Rather than spending a lot of time explaining the many concepts involv
ed\, we'll bypass the learning curve and jump straight into walking thro
ugh code for a few nontrivial applications. The hope is that the concept
ual knowledge will come naturally as a result of seeing it in action\, b
ut pointers to online resources will also be provided to fill in any gap
s.\n\nA thorough understanding of Ruby\, Rails\, ActiveRecord\, and SQL
will be assumed. No prior knowledge of GIS or computational geometry wil
l be required\, though it may be helpful.\n\nSpeakers:\nDaniel Azuma\n B
io: Daniel Azuma is a Ruby developer specializing in geospatial technolo
gies\, computational geometry\, graphics\, and related fields. He is the
author of RGeo and related gems commonly used for geospatial analysis i
n Ruby and Rails applications. He currently works as Chief Software Arch
itect at Pirq\, and blogs at
SUMMARY:Getting Down To Earth: Geospatial Analysis With Rails
DESCRIPTION:This talk will explore the story of Ezra's travels through th
e history of ancient Rails 0.6 when he first picked it up in 2004 all th
e way through current times and extrapolate out to the future of the Rai
ls and Ruby platform and how much of a success it has been. We will talk
about the twisting path from way back then to now and beyond and explor
e what Rails was\, is and will be as time keeps on slipping into the fut
ure.\n\nThis talk will be chock full of aqdvancxed tech as well as rambl
ings of a Rails industry Vet who has been "On the Rails" for *8* long ye
ars now and has played a major part in shaping what has been\, is and wi
ll be(at least in his own mind where he is absolutely a legend\, in real
ity he's just a schmuck who hacks ruby)\n\nI want to share with the Rail
s community my story and experiences and hopefully impart some wisdom an
d some hard learned lessons about life\, liberty and the pursuit of a ra
ils app that doesn't use 400Mb of RAM per process \;)\n\nSpeakers:\nEzra
Zygmuntowicz\n Bio: Ezra Zygmuntowicz is one of the early pioneers in t
he rails space. He was one of three original founders of Engine Yard and
spearheaded much of the open source culture and community support for r
uby in general that the company was built on. He is the author of Deploy
ing Rails Applications for there pragmatic programmers and released one
of the earliest commercial websites written in Rails back in fall of 200
4 for the Yakima Herald Republic Newspaper.\n\nEzra is the "deployment g
uy"\, when you look back in history on the rails mailing list you will f
ind literally thousands of posts about deployment and helping the commun
ity figure out how to deploy and scale rails apps when no one knew how t
o do it.\n\nEzra has build multiple clouds from the ground up. One IaaS
cloud for Engine Yard before there was the term cloud at all\, before EC
2 existed even. He also built 2 PaaS clouds\, Appcloud\, Engine Yard's c
urrent AWS PaaS platform and Cloud Foundry a VMWare project. I think it
may be safe to say that he has deployed more rails apps personally then
anyone else on the planet.\n\nEzra is a speaker at many ruby and cloud r
elated technology conferences and has spoken at every single railsconf s
ince the first one but missed out on speaking at the last 2 events.\n\nE
zra has become a Extroverted Mad Scientist Recluse with entrepreneurial
tendencies and more recently has gone back to his roots in the physical
world building many embedded electronics projects\, blowing glass artwor
k\, building and using multiple 3d printers\, CNC machines and Laser cut
ters and recently even built his own CO2 laser from scratch!.\n\nHe has
come full circle from artists to technologist and back again\, this time
applying the technology of rails\, ruby\,cloud and the internet to clas
sic artwork in mediums like Glass\, QWood\, Metals and Plastics. He is n
ow slowly building the Internet of Things.
SUMMARY:What a long Strange Trip it has been.
DESCRIPTION:Rails is so popular to be used to fast build a website\, at t
he beginning we sometimes write codes too fast without considering code
quality\, but after your company grows fast\, you have to pay more atten
tions on code review to make your website more robust and more maintaina
ble.\n\nIn this talk I will introduce you a way to build a semi automati
c code review process\, in this process a tool will analyze the source c
odes of your rails project\, then give you some suggestions to refactor
your codes according to rails best practices. It can also check your co
des according to your team's rails code guideline. So engineers can focu
s on implementation performance\, scalability\, etc. when they do code r
eview.\n\nSpeakers:\nRichard Huang\n Bio: Richard Huang is a senior engi
neer\, a passionate rubyist and open source advocate\, he created <a hr
s</a> gem\, and also built the websites <a href="http://rails-bestpracti"></a> and <a href="">ra</a>
SUMMARY:Semi Automatic Code Review
DESCRIPTION:Redis is a darling of the NoSQL crowd and for good reasons. I
t's easy to setup and has blazing fast performance. In this talk\, drawn
on real production experience and real code straight out of the DueProp
s codebase\, Obie will introduce and demonstrate key Redis application p
atterns vital to today's Rails developer. Emphasis will be placed on rea
l-world constraints and how to leverage Redis to improve scaling and per
formance over plain-vanilla ActiveRecord applications.\n\nConcepts cover
ed:\n* Adding Redis-based flags and other properties to ActiveRecord obj
ects\n* Event tracking with Redis sets\n* Graphing relationships between
(User) objects with Redis sets\n* Time-ordered activity feeds with Redi
s sorted sets\n* Applying security restrictions to display of activity f
eeds with intersection of Redis sorted sets\n* Aggregating group activit
y feeds with union of Redis sorted sets\n* Applying Redis sorted sets to
scoring and leaderboard programming\n* Integrating Redis with Rspec and
Cucumber\n* Debugging tactics for when things go wrong or are unclear\n
\nSpeakers:\nObie Fernandez\n Bio: Obie Fernandez is an author and entre
preneur. He founded Hashrocket in 2007 and led it to prominence as one o
f the world’s leading Rails-based design and development shops. He is
also a frequent speaker at industry events and is Addison Wesley’s Se
ries Editor for the bestselling Professional Ruby Series. Prior to Hashr
ocket\, as a senior consultant at ThoughtWorks\, Obie specialized in com
plex custom enterprise software projects. His latest startup is DueProps
.com\, a promising new web startup that aims to revolutionize the way th
at people are recognized at work.
SUMMARY:Redis Application Patterns in Rails
DESCRIPTION:Presenter and Decorators are design approaches that can be us
ed in Rails applications outside of the standard Models\, Views and Cont
rollers. These approaches are becoming more and more popular as teams se
arch for new ways to identify and manage the complexity within their app
lications.\n\nIn this session Mike Moore will defined the Presenter and
Decorator approaches using simple and clear terminology. Common design p
roblems in Rails applications will be shown using real-life code example
s and refactored toward Presenters and Decorators. Code will be improved
and strengthened by identifying and respecting the dependencies within
large applications.\n\nSpeakers:\nMike Moore\n Bio: Mike Moore hacks for
a living at Bloomfire. He organizes conferences\, is an occasional podc
aster\, part-time purveyor of Ruby-themed apparel\, and tries to be a ni
ce guy. He loves his family and the Ruby community.\n\nhttp://blowmage.c
SUMMARY:Presenters and Decorators: A Code Tour
DESCRIPTION:With more than a million user submitted recipes and an active
user base of 15 million monthly unique users\, is the world
's largest recipe website\, and an essential tool for the 50% of all Jap
anese women in their 20's and 30's who use the site regularly.\n\nThe Co service is built on Rails and is running entirely on AWS in To
kyo\, where more than 30 engineers are working in small agile teams to b
ring more value to users every day.\n\nAs you know\, Japan had a huge ea
rthquake and tsunami last year\, and some of those affected didn't have
cooking facilities\, water or basic foods for long time. Many Cookpad us
ers immediately uploaded simple recipes that could be made without the b
asics in adverse conditions\, and helped those in hardship immensely all
owing them to enjoy food with their families at that difficult time.\n\n
In this session\, I'll talk about the COOKPAD way of creating services a
nd the technologies behind them\, and how we improve peoples lives throu
gh cooking every day.\n\nSpeakers:\nMasahiro Ihara\n Bio: Masahiro Ihara
is Vice President Engineering at Cookpad Inc. in Tokyo.
SUMMARY:How Rails helps make cooking more fun in Japan
DESCRIPTION:Do you need to start learning Ruby on Rails? In this morning
tutorial the Envy Labs team will lead you through all five labs of their
Rails for Zombies course. Unlike other tutorials\, all you need to star
t coding Rails is a laptop with Wi-Fi and a browser which isn’t Intern
et Explorer. All coding will be done through our web application\, and t
here will be plenty of lab assistants to help you if you get stuck along
the way. Before you come to the course we recommend you play through ht
tp:// It’s an in-browser Ruby tutorial.\n\nTopics Cov
ered\n* Basic ActiveRecord CRUD\n* Models\, Validations\, has_many\, bel
ongs_to\n* Views\, ERB\, Loops\n* Controllers\, before filter\n* Basic R
outing\n\nSpeakers:\nGregg Pollack
SUMMARY:Rails for Zombies (AKA Intro to Rails - Part 1)
DESCRIPTION:Done with Rails for Zombies but can't stop the craving for a
second corpse? We’ll pickup where Rails for Zombies 1 leaves off and j
ump into the topics listed below. All you need to bring is a laptop with
Wi-Fi and a browser which isn’t Internet Explorer. All coding will be
done through our web application\, and there will be plenty of lab assi
stants to help you if you get stuck along the way. \n\nTopics Covered\n*
How to create a Rails app\, the command line\, database migrations\, th
e Ruby 1.9 Hash Syntax\, Bundler\, and Database configuration.\n* Named
Scope\, Callbacks\, Include\, has_many\, and has_many :through relations
hips.\n* REST principles\, view forms\, nested resources\, and view part
ials.\n* Sending email from our Rails app and the Rails 3.1: the Asset P
ipeline.\n* Controller rendering options and custom RESTful routes. Desi
gn an API with Rails and respond to AJAX requests.\n\nSpeakers:\nGregg P
SUMMARY:Rails for Zombies 2 (AKA Intro to Rails - Part 2)
DESCRIPTION:So you’ve got the basics of Rails down\, but you haven’t
really done any testing. Never fear\, this course will lead you through
everything you need to know to start testing your Rails apps. All you
need to bring is a laptop with Wi-Fi and a browser which isn’t Interne
t Explorer. All coding will be done through our web application\, and th
ere will be plenty of lab assistants to help you if you get stuck along
the way. \n\nTopics Covered\n* Test Unit basics\n* Testing Rails models\
, using fixtures\, and validation testing.\n* Improving our testing code
with macros\, shoulda basics\, and setup/teardown.\n* Mocking and Stubb
ing with Mocha\n* Testing the whole Rails stack with Capybara Integratio
n tests\n* Using Factory Girl to replace Fixtures\n\nSpeakers:\nGregg Po
SUMMARY:Rails Testing for Zombies
DESCRIPTION:Have you ever wondered what makes Rails tick? Bryan Liles wil
l cover two of the pillars of the Rails foundation: ActiveSupport and Ac
tiveModel. Together we will discover where some of Rails’ ease and pow
er originates and how make use of it in your projects.\n\nSpeakers:\nBry
an Liles
SUMMARY:ActiveSupport and ActiveModel
DESCRIPTION:Based on Chapter 4 of the Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael H
artl\, “Rails-flavored Ruby” covers the aspects of the Ruby programm
ing language most important for developing Rails applications. Topics in
clude hashes\, arrays\, and other objects\; blocks\; functions\; and cla
sses.\n\nSpeakers:\nMichael Hartl
SUMMARY:Rails-flavored Ruby
DESCRIPTION:Working with Rails often means switching between several Ruby
versions back and forth which is made almost seamless by RVM. It also i
nvolves several simple command line tools like Pry\, Guard\, and Pow and
that will make your development life so much easier.\n\nSpeakers:\nOliv
ier Lacan
SUMMARY:RVM & Essential Rails Development Tools
DESCRIPTION:Scopes are a great way of encapsulating query logic in a gran
ular\, reusable way. This talk will cover some techniques you can use to
keep those scopes as composable and portable as possible. We’ll cove
r how to use Arel directly\, while avoiding the common practice of using
SQL fragments\, and show you how this can make your scopes more reusabl
e\, while at the same time preventing you from using database vendor spe
cific operators\, such as ILIKE.\n\nSpeakers:\nJacob Swanner
SUMMARY:ActiveRecord Scopes and Arel
DESCRIPTION:Anyone who develops with Rails uses the Rake tool all the tim
e. Rake will run your tests\, migrate your database\, and precompile you
r assets. But did you know you can define and build your own Rake tasks?
This short talk will cover the basics of using Rake and writing simple
automation tasks to make your development process smother.\n\nSpeakers:\
nJim Weirich
SUMMARY:Basic Rake
DESCRIPTION:There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. There are over 30\,0
00 RubyGems available on just\, alone. But with so many out
there\, it must be impossible to find the right one\, right? In this ta
lk we’ll learn about some resources which help you find the right gems
\, as well as how to intelligently decide if a library is right for your
project.\n\nSpeakers:\nNathaniel Bibler
SUMMARY:How to Find Valuable Gems
DESCRIPTION:Building safe web applications isn’t always easy. The good
news is that Rails provides a lot of features that will help you along t
he way. Aaron will walk you through the common mistakes made by web deve
lopers\, and how to account for them while working with Rails. He will a
lso walk you through some tools you can use to make securing your applic
ations much much easier.\n\nSpeakers:\nAaron Bedra
SUMMARY:Securing the Rails
DESCRIPTION:In this talk we will explore the best practices in using inte
rfaces as the foundation for designing object oriented applications in R
uby and Rails. We will talk about some of the techniques that make it po
ssible to write loosely coupled components that can be easily extended t
o respond to requirement changes.\n\nSpeakers:\nCaike Souza
SUMMARY:Powerful Interfaces
DESCRIPTION:There’s all kinds of discussion on how to make test process
es work\, and how to make tests fast\, but it sometimes seems like there
’s not much discussion on how to make tests useful. What makes a BDD t
est valuable\, in that it will save more time that it will cost in maint
enance? I’ll claim that there are five things that you should look for
in your tests: independence\, repeatability\, clarity\, conciseness\, a
nd robustness. These features will make the tests easier to write\, easi
er to verify\, and easier to keep consistent as your application becomes
more complicated. You’ll leave this talk ready and able to write grea
t tests.\n\nSpeakers:\nNoel Rappin
SUMMARY:Testing Best Practices\, or The Five Habits of Highly Effective T
DESCRIPTION:“A testing tool by any other other name would assert as tru
thy.” – some guy. You’ve seen Rails’ built-in Test::Unit in the
morning session. This afternoon\, we’ll introduce RSpec\, another po
pular testing tool. We’ll overview basic structure\, contexts\, “sh
ould” expectations\, mocking and stubbing. We’ll also cover Rails m
odel\, view\, controller\, routing\, helper\, and request specs.\n\nSpea
kers:\nJon "Lark" Larkowski
SUMMARY:Introduction to RSpec
DESCRIPTION:CoffeeScript is taking the world\, and particularly the Rails
eco system\, by storm. This little language has provided an almost Ruby
like abstraction onto of JavaScript. CoffeeScript is trying to make wri
ting front end code as much fun as Ruby makes writing backend code.\n\n
In this talk we start with the basic concepts of CoffeeScript and move o
n to the more powerful and fun features of the language. While we're loo
king at CoffeeScript we'll see how it relates to the Ruby code we write
everyday. What do Ruby 1.9 lambdas and CoffeeScript functions have in co
mmon? Which of the two languages supports splats\, default arguments\, a
nd ranges? The answers may surprise you.\n\nSpeakers:\nMark Bates\n Bio:
Mark Bates is the founder and chief architect of the Boston\, MA based
consulting company\, Meta42 Labs. Mark spends his days focusing on new a
pplication development and consulting for his clients. At night he write
s books\, raises kids\, and occasionally he forms a band and “tries to
make it”.\n\nMark has been writing web applications\, in one form or
another\, since 1996. His career starting as a UI developer writing HTML
and JavaScript applications before moving towards the middle(ware) with
Java and Ruby.\n\nAlways wanting to share his wisdom\, or more correctl
y just wanting to hear the sound of his own voice\, Mark has spoken at s
everal high profile conferences\, include RubyConf and jQueryConf. Mark
has also taught classes on Ruby and Ruby on Rails. In 2009 Mark’s firs
t (surprisingly not his last!) book\, “Distributed Programming with Ru
by”\, was published by Addison-Wesley. In 2012 Addison-Wesley publishe
d Mark’s second book\, “Programming in CoffeeScript”.\n\nMark live
s just outside of Boston with his wife Rachel and their two sons\, Dylan
and Leo. Mark can be found on the web at:\, ht
tp://\, and
SUMMARY:CoffeeScript for the Rubyist
DESCRIPTION:Rails did a lot to bring REST to developers\, but its concept
ion leaves the REST devotee feeling a bit empty. "Where's the hypermedia
?" she says. "REST isn't RPC\," he may cry. "WTF??!?!" you may think. "I
have it right there! resources :posts ! What more is there? RPC? Huh?"\
n\nIn this talk\, Steve will explain how to design your APIs so that the
y truly embrace the web and HTTP. Just as there's an impedance mismatch
between our databases\, our ORMs\, and our models\, there's an equal mis
match between our applications\, our APIs\, and our clients. Pros and co
ns of this approach will be discussed\, as well as why we aren't buildin
g things this way yet.\n\nSpeakers:\nSteve Klabnik\n Bio: Steve is a Rub
y Hero\, software craftsman\, and an aspiring digital humanities scholar
. He spends most of his time contributing to Open Source projects\, and
maintains both Hackety Hack and Shoes. He also teaches classes with Jump
start Lab.
SUMMARY:Designing Hypermedia APIs
DESCRIPTION:Unless you have been living under a rock for the past year yo
u might know of Travis CI\, the continuous integration service for the o
pen source community.\n\nTravis started as a single GitHub project which
was a rails app and a resque background task. Compare that to 12 months
later where Travis is now four separate deployable apps\, uses two diff
erent rubies (1.9.2 and jruby)\, and comprises a total of 10 GitHub proj
ects.\n\nApart from looking at how Travis works now\, we will also look
at how it got there\, and how we broke Travis up into smaller more manag
eable\, more concise encapsulated services.\n\nSpeakers:\nJosh Kalderimi
s\n Bio: Josh is a top 30 Ruby on Rails contributor and has been working
with the framework since 2008. He maintains a bunch of open-source Ruby
projects\, including multi_json\, linkedin\, faraday_middleware and his
own completeness-fu. He's also one of Amsterdam.rb's organizers\, and a
n integral part of the core Travis-CI team.
SUMMARY:Deconstructing Travis
DESCRIPTION:A recent report by Veracode (
index.html) found cross-site scripting in 68% of surveyed web applicatio
ns and SQL injection in 32%\, even though these are well-known\, easily
preventable\, and easily detectable vulnerabilities. As applications gro
w larger\, it becomes harder and harder to manually verify that every li
ne of code is adhering to security guidelines - even given the built-in
protection available with Ruby on Rails.\n\nBrakeman (http://brakemansca is an open source static analysis tool which provides painles
s vulnerability scans of Rails code from "rails new" through deployment.
Running Brakeman as a part of continuous integration provides feedback
during all stages of development and can alert developers immediately wh
en a potential vulnerability is introduced. Bringing security testing as
close to the developer as possible (even scanning as files are saved) m
eans security problems are caught faster - and the sooner problems are
found the cheaper they are to fix.\n\nAs a static analysis tool\, Brakem
an can be run without worrying about deploying the whole application sta
ck: no webserver\, database\, configuration\, or application dependencie
s required - not even Rails itself. This allows fast\, easy vulnerabilit
y scans on any Rails project.\n\nWe talk a lot about testing in the Ruby
and Rails community\, but somehow security testing is passed over. This
needs to change!\n\nThis talk will cover how to incorporate Brakeman in
to Rails development and how it can improve application security\, as we
ll as a look into how Brakeman works internally.\n\nSpeakers:\nJustin Co
llins\n Bio: Justin is a Ph.D. candidate at UCLA and currently works as
an application security engineer at Twitter.
SUMMARY:Keeping Rails Applications on Track with Brakeman
DESCRIPTION:Heard about the big Basecamp launch this March? Wondering wha
t's new\, how it's shaping Rails\, and the tech behind it? We're going t
o go over some the practices and patterns in the new Basecamp's code bas
e and you can learn how to improve your app with them.\n\nSome of what w
e'll go over:\n\n* Employing concerns to share code across models/contro
llers\n* Stacker\, the CoffeeScript component behind the "page" based la
yout\n* Why polling for updates still works at scale\n* Client side test
ing without the hassle\n* Using jbuilder to keep view data out of models
\n* Keeping your team's sanity with a single setup script\n* Debugging p
ainful JavaScript performance slowdowns\n* How to keep your app alive ev
en if external dependencies like Redis are down\n* Why tagged request lo
gging and action/controller SQL query logging can make finding bugs easi
er\n\nSpeakers:\nNick Quaranto\n Bio: Programmer at 37signals\, Husband\
, Husky wrangler\, RIT Alum\, Mechanic.
SUMMARY:Basecamp Next: Code Spelunking
DESCRIPTION:Other programming languages have powerful features that are o
ften enviable while working in Ruby: Python’s function decorators\, Sc
ala’s partial evaluation\, and Haskell’s lazy evaluation\, among oth
ers. Fortunately\, Ruby’s metaprogramming facilities give us the abili
ty to add these features to Ruby ourselves\, without the need for the co
re language to be changed.\n\nThis talk will walk through adding simple
(yet functional) versions of the previously mentioned features to Ruby\,
using Ruby\, and discuss the dos and don’ts of responsible Ruby metap
rogramming.\n\nSpeakers:\nMichael Fairley\n Bio: Michael Fairley (@micha
elfairley) is the lead developer at 1000memories\, where he helps people
preserve and cherish their most valuable memories. He’s an active ope
n source contributor\, and maintains a handful of side projects includin
g and
SUMMARY:Extending Ruby with Ruby
DESCRIPTION:In the 21st century successful teams are data-driven. We’ll
present a complete introduction to everything you need to start monitor
ing your service at every level from business drivers to per-request met
rics in Rails/Rack\, down to server memory/cpu. Provides a high-level ov
erview of the fundamental components that comprise a holistic monitoring
system and then drills into real-world examples with tools like ActiveS
upport::Notifications\, statsd/rack-statsd\, and CollectD. Also covers b
est practices for active alerting on custom monitoring data.\n\nSpeakers
:\nJoseph Ruscio\n Bio: Joseph Ruscio is a Co-Founder and CTO at Librato
\, Inc. He’s responsible for the company’s technical strategy\, arch
itecture\, and generally hacks on all levels of the product. He’s a Ru
by enthusiast and the author of the aggregate and rack-test-rest gems. @
josephruscio on Twitter and Github.
SUMMARY:It’s Not in Production Unless it’s Monitored
DESCRIPTION:Schemaless database are a joy to use because they make it eas
y to iterate on your app\, especially early on. And to be honest\, the r
elational model isn't always the best fit for real-world evolving and me
ssy data.\n\nOn the other hand\, relational databases are proven\, robus
t\, and powerful. Also\, over time as your data model stabilizes\, the l
ack of well-defined schemas becomes painful. \n\nHow are we supposed to
pick one or the other? Simple: pick both. Fortunately recent advances in
Postgres allow for a hybrid approach that we've been using at Heroku. T
he hstore datatype gives you key/value in a single column\, and PLV8 ena
bles JavaScript and JSON in Postgres. These and others in turn make Post
gres the best document database in the world. \n\nWe will explore the po
wer of hstore and PLV8\, explain how to use them in your project today\,
and examine their role in the future of data.\n\nSpeakers:\nWill Leinwe
ber\n Bio: As a member of Heroku's incomparable Department of Data\, Wil
l runs the world's largest Postgres service. He enjoys improving experie
nces\, pushing boundaries\, and simplifying everything. @leinweber
SUMMARY:Schemaless SQL — The Best of Both Worlds
DESCRIPTION:Rails got much more modular after 3.0 rewrite. But do you kno
w how to use specific rails elements outside Rails? What if you would li
ke to use ActionView with some other library (like webmachine)? Have you
ever needed to render view with layouts outside of the rails stack? Or
maybe you wanted to build some kind of system that fetches templates fro
m database rather than from files? Router anyone? You know that you can
use it outside rails too?\n\nIn this talk I will dive into Rails intern
als and will show you what's there and how you can use it outside rails.
\n\nAlthough I will focus on using those parts standalone\, this knowled
ge will most likely help you also build your apps if you ever need somet
hing sophisticated that requires modification of regular rails behavior.
\n\nSpeakers:\nPiotr Sarnacki\n Bio: I'm passionate rails developer that
loves open source. I was participating in Ruby Summer of Code 2010 with
"Rails 3 Mountable Apps" project and I still try to contribute to Rails
as much as I can.
SUMMARY:Using Rails without Rails
DESCRIPTION:Ever run into a really gnarly data problem and wished you had
a do-over? Tired of wrestling with ActiveRecord to model a really compl
ex domain? Looking for a good way to echo state changes to external syst
ems? Then grab a cup of joe and settle in for a look at event-sourcing
your data.\n\nEvent-sourced data uses Plain Old Ruby Objects (POROs) to
model your data and exclusively uses events to mutate state on those obj
ects. By serializing the events\, the state of your data can be recreate
d for any point in time\, and outside listeners can create specialized p
urposeful datastores of the data\, enabling complex business requirement
s with fewer hassles. We'll also touch on other architectural patterns
like DCI and CQRS that play well with this idea.\n\nSpeakers:\nKeith Gad
dis\n Bio: Keith Gaddis is a developer with almost fifteen years experie
nce developing complex web applications\, in industries ranging from med
ical applications to publishing to sports media. He has over six years
experience with Ruby and Rails\, and has been building complex web appli
cations for more than a decade.
SUMMARY:Use the Source\, Luke: High fidelity data with event sourcing
DESCRIPTION:What does it take to deploy an application without any downti
me?\n\nMore than most Ruby developers would expect\, turns out\; what is
aggravated by the lack of documentation and other resources on this top
ic.\n\nIn this talk we'll dive into both development practices (hot comp
atibility\, database migrations\, caching) and deployment setup (Heroku\
, Unicorn\, HAProxy)\, covering everything you need to know in order to
ship code without affecting a single customer.\n\nSpeakers:\nPedro Belo\
n Bio: Hailing from Brazil\, Pedro moved to the US and A and joined Hero
ku back in 2008\, taking projects ranging from Node.js support to organi
zing Starcraft nights. Today he works on the API team\, focused on makin
g the Heroku public APIs smoother.
SUMMARY:Zero downtime deploys for Rails apps
DESCRIPTION:While Node.js is the hot new kid on the block\, evented libra
ries like EventMachine for Ruby and Twisted for Python have existed for
a long time. When does it make sense to use one over the other? What are
the advantages and disadvantages to using node over ruby? In this talk\
, you will learn how to get the same power of concurrency enjoyed by Nod
e.js while continuing to write in the language you know and love. Topics
covered will include pubsub with redis or faye\, building evented rack
applications\, and running evented applications alongside existing Rails
apps.\n\nSpeakers:\nJerry Cheung\n Bio: Jerry Cheung splits his time as
a co-founder of Opperator and a developer at Intridea. He is a co-autho
r of the upcoming MacRuby in Action\, and likes contributing to open sou
rce. He's currently dabbling in evented Ruby and Grape driven webapps. W
hen he's not coding\, he stalks awesome cars in Southern California and
writes about them in RockyRoadBlog.
SUMMARY:Evented Ruby vs Node.js
DESCRIPTION:Rails 3 and above includes a powerful instrumentation system\
, ActiveSupport::Notifications\, which can be used to track performance
and event information for all aspects of your application. Notifications
are light-weight\, easy to setup\, and can be consumed by multiple subs
cribers (logs\, audit trails\, consolidated metrics\, other parts of you
r application).\n\nIn this session we’ll start with the basics of Acti
veSupport::Notifications and work our way to powerful advanced use cases
. Topics we’ll explore include:\n\n - How to set up and use notificati
ons\n - Logging what you want from any tier of your system\n - How to ca
pture and aggregate performance/business data for the metrics you care a
bout most\n - Conditional monitoring in production: flag on and off data
by system or customer to get to the root of problems more quickly\n - U
sing ActiveSupport::Notifications in non-Rails applications and your own
libraries\n\nSpeakers:\nMatt Sanders\n Bio: Matt Sanders (@nextmat) is
a Senior Software Engineer at Librato\, Inc\, where he works on the Metr
ics real-time monitoring platform and dreams of making your data beautif
ul. He’s been active in the Ruby community since 2005 and is a regular
contributor to open-source projects including compass-960 and excon. On
sunny days he can be found chasing waves on the Texas coast.
SUMMARY:Digging Deep with ActiveSupport::Notifications
DESCRIPTION:This talk applies the concepts of chaos theory to software de
velopment using the Bak–Tang–Wiesenfeld sand pile model as the vehic
le for exploration. The sand pile model\, which is used to show how a co
mplex system is attracted to living on the edge of chaos\, will be used
as a both a powerful metaphor and analogy for building software. Softwar
e\, it turns out\, has its own natural attraction to living in its own e
dge of chaos. In this talk\, we'll explore what this means and entertain
questions for what to do about it.\n\nThe speaker's hypothesis is that
by understanding how complex systems work we can gain insights to better
understand and improve the act of building software. By looking through
the lens of the sand pile model we'll explore the following:\n\n* what
the sand pile model can tell us about software development\n* how softwa
re is naturally attracted to its own chaos\n* the impacts on software li
ving perpetually on the edge of chaos\n* how existing software practices
can be used to detract software away from chaos\n* what this means not
only for our software\, but for our teams\, and ourselves individually\n
\nThis thought-provoking perspective will leave you with new ways to thi
nk about software. You’ll walk away having learned a little about chao
s\, complexity\, and how they apply to software with a thought-provoking
perspective and inspiration for thinking about software in new ways.\n\
nSpeakers:\nZach Dennis\n Bio: Zach Dennis is a Software Craftsman/Partn
er at Mutually Human Software in Grand Rapids\, MI. He's a proven RSpec
and Ruby guru\, founder of the Michigan Ruby User Group and co-author of
The RSpec Book. He's contributed to several projects such as Ruby's sta
ndard library documentation\, Ruby on Rails\, and RSpec as well as many
of his own. He's been leading and mentoring teams for almost an entire d
ecade. In his spare time he reads copiously and plays the guitar. You ca
n find him as @zachdennis on Twitter and @zdennis on Github.
SUMMARY:Sand Piles and Software
DESCRIPTION:Twitter's internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n)
model doesn't follow traditional methods. Instead of contracting out t
o professional translators\, Twitter maintains an active community of ov
er 500\,000 volunteers who have helped successfully launch Twitter in 28
languages\, including right-to-left languages like Hebrew and Arabic.
Learn about some of the technical challenges we face\, how to translate
a Rails application at scale\, and what to do when the i18n gem and po f
iles aren't quite enough. We'll take a look at the tricky stuff too\, l
ike dates\, times\, lists\, plurals\, alphabetization\, and capitalizati
on using the twitter_cldr gem\, and go over internationalization best pr
actices. Finally\, we'll explain how to maintain internationalization o
f your Javascript alongside your Rails code for an end-to-end solution.\
n\nSpeakers:\nCameron Dutro\n Bio: Cameron Dutro has worked for Twitter'
s International Team for about a year and a half\, helping build and mai
ntain the Translation Center\, Twitter's crowdsourced translation platfo
rm. Although he only started using Ruby and Rails a few years ago\, he'
s a big fan of their extendibility and elegance. Cameron is also the au
thor of the twitter_cldr gem\, an attempt to bring JDK-level internation
alization capabilities to the Ruby community.
SUMMARY:i18n on Rails: A Twitter Approach
DESCRIPTION:Ruby on Rails claims to be "optimized for programmer happines
s and sustainable productivity." I strongly disagree with the latter ass
ertion. In this talk I will channel my half decade of industry Rails exp
erience into expounding this position and providing constructive feedbac
k as to what needs to change---in both the framework and the community--
-before we can support this claim. I'll also cover practical techniques
you can use to be sustainably productive on your own projects in the mea
ntime.\n\nSpeakers:\nXavier Shay\n Bio: Xavier Shay recently emigrated f
rom Australia to San Francisco to work on the engineering team at Square
. Prior\, he worked on large Ruby on Rails projects at The Conversation\
, NZX\, Redbubble\, and mentored many more. In 2010 he presented a world
tour of a training course titled "Your Database Is Your Friend". He has
been working with Ruby on Rails for half a decade\, and has published a
nd contributed to over 80 open source projects according to GitHub.
SUMMARY:Sustainable Productivity with Rails
DESCRIPTION:Chanko provides a simple framework for rapidly and safely pro
totyping new features in your production Rails app\, and exposing these
prototypes to specified segments of your user base.\n\nWith Chanko\, you
can release many concurrent features and independently manage which use
rs see them. If there are errors with any chanko\, it will be automatial
ly removed\, without impacting your site.\n\nChanko was extracted from C where the team uses it daily to test new features live\, in p
roduction\, on the largest Rails site in Japan which serves 500 million
page views a month to a user based of over 15 million highly engaged use
s.\n\nSpeakers:\nKenta Murata\n Bio: Kenta Murata is an Engineer at Cook
pad in Tokyo\, Japan. He is also a Ruby committer maintaining the bigdec
imal library.
SUMMARY:Chanko - How Cookpad safely releases multiple feature prototypes
- in production - for test segments of their 15 million engaged users
DESCRIPTION:Google loves speed\, and we want to make the entire web faste
r - yes\, that includes your Rails app! We'll explore what we've learned
from running our own services at scale\, as well as cover the research\
, projects\, and open sourced tools we've developed in the process. \n\n
We'll start at the top with website optimization best practices\, take a
look at what the browser and HTML5 can do for us\, take a detour into t
he optimizations for the mobile web\, and finally dive deep into the SPD
Y and TCP protocol optimizations. \n\nWe'll cover a lot of ground\, so b
ring a coffee. By the end of the session\, you should have a good checkl
ist to help you optimize your own site.\n\nSpeakers:\nIlya Grigorik\n Bi
o: Ilya Grigorik is a web performance engineer\, an open-source and Ruby
evangelist\, a data geek\, and a proverbial early adopter of all things
digital. He is currently helping lead the social analytics and web perf
ormance efforts at Google. Earlier\, Ilya was the founder and CTO of Pos
tRank\, a social analytics company\, which was acquired by Google.
SUMMARY:Let's make the web faster - tips from trenches @ Google
DESCRIPTION:MiniTest is the no-nonsense testing framework you already kno
w how to use. If we strive for cleaner and simpler code in our own work\
, wouldn't it be nice to have that in our test framework too? Whether yo
u're a Test Unit fan or RSpec fan\, you'll feel right at home using Mini
Test. Its simplicity makes it fast\, easy to use\, extendable\, and mayb
e most importantly\, easy to understand. Plus\, Rails 4 uses MiniTest.\n
\nSpeakers:\nJared Ning\n Bio: Jared Ning is a freelancer from Oklahoma
City. Since becoming a freelancer a year and half ago\, he has been livi
ng according to the philosophy "red\, green\, travel until the money run
s out\, repeat".
SUMMARY:MiniTest: Refactoring Test Unit and RSpec back to version 0.0.1
DESCRIPTION:Backbone.js is a flexible\, lightweight tool for structuring
the JavaScript in a modern web application. It goes great with Rails! Bu
t beware - "flexible and lightweight" are code words for "you build your
own plumbing." Backbone is new enough that we haven't established stron
g patterns for that plumbing yet\, so different Backbone codebases look
very different\, and when you're new to the idea of structuring your Jav
aScript\, it can be tough to tell where the win is. \n\nSo in this talk
I'll demystify Backbone. I'll show several very different ways I've used
it on real Rails apps. You'll get a feel for the circumstances when Bac
kbone makes sense\, and moreover\, when each of the different approaches
to Backbone make sense.\n\nSpeakers:\nSarah Mei\n Bio: Sarah Mei is a R
uby and JavaScript developer from San Francisco. She has been programmin
g since the days when Java was the new hotness\, and for the last two ye
ars she's been at Pivotal Labs. She's on the core team for Diaspora and
Pie\, and contributes code to many other open source projects. She also
co-founded RailsBridge\, a non-profit that has taught more than 600 peop
le how to program in the last three years.
SUMMARY:Using Backbone.js with Rails: Patterns from the Wild
DESCRIPTION:Although XMPP is most often used as a chat protocol\, it can
also provide a robust asynchronous communication channel in other applic
ation scenarios. In this presentation\, we will provide introduction to
Strophe.js\, XMPP4R\, and ejabberd\, which are the XMPP components that
we use to integrate our device automation framework and living room devi
ces under test. By using these off-the-shelf components\, we addressed o
ur needs for getting around internal firewalls\, application security (b
ased on SASL)\, and asynchronous command-response handling.\n\nSpeakers:
\nAndrew Carter and Steve Jang\n Bio: Andrew Carter is a software engine
er with 18 years of professional experience. He spent ten years at Micro
soft on SQL Server\, bCentral\, and Xbox Live teams. Andrew has worked f
or several Seattle area software companies including Source Labs\, Pure
Networks\, Jobster\, and Getty Images. Currently\, he is a Principal Sof
tware Developer at Hulu in the Seattle office.\n\nSteve Jang is a softwa
re engineer with experience building embedded systems\, communication pr
otocols\, web services\, and Rails and database applications over the la
st 18 years. After working at Geoworks\, Microsoft\, and a string of sta
rt up companies in Seattle area\, he joined Hulu about 6 months ago\, an
d is currently working on device automation framework for Hulu TV device
SUMMARY:Using XMPP as an Asynchronous Communication Layer Between Ruby an
d JavaScript
DESCRIPTION:Curious how Spiceworks\, a social business app built on Rails
\, keeps 2 million active users happy? With Ruby on Rails\, baby! In the
last year our usage has increased 8x and now exceeds 200 million reques
ts per month. Join Francis Sullivan\, CTO and Co-founder\, and David Bab
bitt\, Technical Program Manager\, to hear about the architecture and be
st practices we adopted to make this happen.\n \nGet the ins-and-outs on
: \n· Hosting a high volume Rails application\n· Choosing what to op
timize\n· Lessons learned while moving to JRuby\n· Updating a large
codebase through Rails beta to Rails 3\n· Scaling the dev organization
\n\nSpeakers:\nFrancis Sullivan and David Babbitt\n Bio: Coming soon
SUMMARY:Up and to the right – how Spiceworks is scaling 200 million req
uests per month
DESCRIPTION:Every young company expects to grow quickly\, but is your eng
ineering team really ready for it? In 3 years\, iTriage went from a kit
chen table to one of the leading mobile consumer healthcare apps with ov
er 5 million downloads. Staying ahead of this growth didn't just mean hi
ring more Rails engineers. \n\nPatrick will discuss what iTriage did (an
d continues to do) to stay ahead of our growth\, including: \n- Technica
l architecture\, including use of Rails Engines to enable a modular\, RE
STful service-based design\n- Enabling high quality iPhone\, Android and
Web apps\n- Development and release management processes\n- Recruiting
and hiring approaches\n\nSpeakers:\nPatrick Leonard\n Bio: Patrick is re
sponsible for iTriage’s overall technology vision and strategy\, produ
ct software engineering\, and system operations. To this role\, Patrick
brings a broad range of software and technology leadership in software a
pplications and infrastructure. His experience includes software design
and development\, architecture\, product management\, international mark
ets\, public policy\, professional services and product marketing. He is
a recognized expert in the areas of web & mobile application developmen
t\, parallel programming\, and SOA\, and has written and spoken in publi
cations and events for Sun\, Intel\, Microsoft and IEEE/ACM Supercomputi
ng among others.\n\nPatrick also co-invented a patented implementation o
f content-based message routing. Before joining iTriage\, he headed the
software engineering division at Axion Health\, and before that Rogue Wa
ve Software. Prior to that\, Patrick created the Web and E-business prod
uct line for J.D. Edwards (now part of Oracle) and designed and built cu
stom enterprise systems for Accenture (formerly Andersen Consulting).\n\
nHe serves on the advisory board for the University of Denver’s Colleg
e of Engineering and Computer Science and is co-chair of the Public Poli
cy Committee for Colorado Software and Internet Association (CSIA).
SUMMARY:Preparing for Rapid Growth - Tips for Enabling Your Rails App and
Team to Grow Quickly
DESCRIPTION:I regularly write code that does something great but is slow
as a dog. Denormalizing / pre-computing / backgrounding are all fine\, b
ut they're all an investment and they leave tentacles all through the co
de. I want to be able to try out slow but very useful code in my app wit
hout the friction of performance concerns\, but also without worrying th
at my ops engineer is going to kill me in my sleep.\n\nWouldn't it be ni
ce to add one line to our models that takes care of caching\, cache keys
\, backgrounding\, dog-piling\, and cache warming? Oh\, and it should gi
ve the UI clear consistent hooks so that it's clear whether the data is
ready so the UI can render a spinner or disable a feature until the comp
utation is complete.\n\nWe'll take a look at a series of techniques that
we use at PatientsLikeMe to allow us to safely and quickly put some ver
y expensive queries on the website so that we can evaluate whether it's
worthwhile to create longer term solutions. The solution we've come up w
ith is a lot of gloss over memcache and resque that makes it feel like w
e can memoize any method in our application and lets us focus on the goa
ls of the algorithms rather than their performance and architecture.\n\n
This talk will feature: memcache\, resque\, a bit of metaprogramming\, a
look at caching in the wild and code that fixes some usual problems\, a
nd a fairly epic SQL query with some nice Postgres features you should k
now about.\n\nYou should come if: you want to take a look at some practi
cal solutions that we use in production to be able to roll out computati
onally expensive features.\n\nSpeakers:\nJeff Dwyer\n Bio: Jeff Dwyer is
a Sr Software Engineer at PatientsLikeMe. He's the author of the book P
ro Web 2.0 with GWT and he will buy you a drink if you tell him you've r
ead it. Even if you're lying. Once upon a time he taught GWT at conferen
ces from Las Vegas to Prague. If you delayed your flight from Java to Ru
by because you were enthralled by one of these talks he will buy you two
drinks. Jeff is a father of two and lives in Hanover\, NH.
SUMMARY:Patella: It's Memoization into Memcached calculated in the backgr
ound with Resque.
DESCRIPTION:You know 'em\, you love 'em -- five-minute talks by attendees
on topics that they're passionate about. We'll have a signup sheet avai
lable from the start of the conference\, so start thinking of ideas toda
y!\n\nSpeakers:\nDr Nic Williams\n Bio: Dr Nic is a developer’s develo
per.\n\nHe writes blog posts for developers\; creates tools\, libraries
and text editor extensions for developers\; and speaks to developers at
conferences.\n\nHe’s the VP of Developer Evangelism at Engine Yard\, t
he premier platform as a service.\n\nHe’s Australian and now living in
the Bay Area.\n\nAnd he’s funny\; if you can understand his accent.
SUMMARY:Lightning Talks
DESCRIPTION:Over the past year\, Heroku has expanded by going polyglot an
d supporting languages like Java\, Clojure\, Python\, Node.js\, and Scal
a in addition to Ruby. In this session\, we will discuss major updates t
o the platform and our emphasis on making the Ruby developer experience
even better. We'll leave plenty of time at the end for any questions.\n\
nSpeakers:\nTerence Lee\n Bio: Terence works at Heroku\, maintaining the
Ruby stack and some OSS projects such as Bundler and Resque. When he’
s not going to an awesome Heroku or Ruby event\, he lives in Austin\, TX
\, the taco capital of America.
SUMMARY:A Polyglot Heroku
DESCRIPTION:New Relic CEO Lewis Cirne will lead a panel discussion with r
epresentatives from some of today's most popular\, highly-trafficked web
sites. With millions of uniques a month\, find out how these organizati
ons are optimizing their Rails-based sites for mobile\, for unexpected t
raffic bursts\, and for seasonality.\n\nSpeakers:\nLew Cirne\, Pitr Vern
igorov\, Joshua Warchol\, Tim Sturge\, Jon Pliske\n Bio: Lew Cirne\, CEO
of New Relic\nPitr Vernigorov\, Senior Architect at Uken (gaming)\nJosh
ua Warchol\, VP of Technology at Fanzter (ecommerce)\nTim Sturge\, Direc
tor of Operations at Zendesk (collab/support)\nJon Pliske\, from Groupon
SUMMARY:Not a Vendor Pitch: Real World Rails Apps at Massive Scale:: A Pa
nel Discussion with New Relic\, Groupon\, Zendesk\, Fanzter\, and Uken
DESCRIPTION:This panel is made up of EY Support Engineers and Developers
and they are ready to answer your questions! Want to know more about de
ploying to the cloud? What does PaaS mean to you? What is the EY Stack
?\n\nSpeakers:\nEngine Yard\n Bio: Sponsored by Engine Yard
SUMMARY:Engine Yard - The Cloud\, Application Support\, and You - Ask Me
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