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Created October 21, 2016 14:49
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namespace Fable.Import
open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Import.JS
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Error =
abstract stack: string option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ErrorConstructor =
abstract stackTraceLimit: float with get, set
abstract captureStackTrace: targetObject: obj * ?constructorOpt: Function -> unit
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] MapConstructor =
interface end
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] WeakMapConstructor =
interface end
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] SetConstructor =
interface end
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] WeakSetConstructor =
interface end
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] NodeRequireFunction =
[<Emit("$0($1...)")>] abstract Invoke: id: string -> obj
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] NodeRequire =
inherit NodeRequireFunction
abstract cache: obj with get, set
abstract extensions: obj with get, set
abstract main: obj with get, set
abstract resolve: id: string -> string
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] NodeModule =
abstract exports: obj with get, set
abstract require: NodeRequireFunction with get, set
abstract id: string with get, set
abstract filename: string with get, set
abstract loaded: bool with get, set
abstract parent: obj with get, set
abstract children: ResizeArray<obj> with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] SlowBufferType =
abstract prototype: Buffer with get, set
[<Emit("new $0($1...)")>] abstract Create: str: string * ?encoding: string -> Buffer
[<Emit("new $0($1...)")>] abstract Create: size: float -> Buffer
[<Emit("new $0($1...)")>] abstract Create: size: Uint8Array -> Buffer
[<Emit("new $0($1...)")>] abstract Create: array: ResizeArray<obj> -> Buffer
abstract isBuffer: obj: obj -> bool
abstract byteLength: string: string * ?encoding: string -> float
abstract concat: list: ResizeArray<Buffer> * ?totalLength: float -> Buffer
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] BufferEncoding =
(* TODO StringEnum ascii | utf8 | utf16le | ucs2 | binary | hex *) string
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Buffer =
inherit NodeBuffer
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] BufferType =
abstract prototype: Buffer with get, set
[<Emit("new $0($1...)")>] abstract Create: str: string * ?encoding: string -> Buffer
[<Emit("new $0($1...)")>] abstract Create: size: float -> Buffer
[<Emit("new $0($1...)")>] abstract Create: array: Uint8Array -> Buffer
[<Emit("new $0($1...)")>] abstract Create: arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer -> Buffer
[<Emit("new $0($1...)")>] abstract Create: array: ResizeArray<obj> -> Buffer
[<Emit("new $0($1...)")>] abstract Create: buffer: Buffer -> Buffer
abstract from: array: ResizeArray<obj> -> Buffer
abstract from: arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer * ?byteOffset: float * ?length: float -> Buffer
abstract from: buffer: Buffer -> Buffer
abstract from: str: string * ?encoding: string -> Buffer
abstract isBuffer: obj: obj -> obj
abstract isEncoding: encoding: string -> bool
abstract byteLength: string: string * ?encoding: string -> float
abstract concat: list: ResizeArray<Buffer> * ?totalLength: float -> Buffer
abstract compare: buf1: Buffer * buf2: Buffer -> float
abstract alloc: size: float * ?fill: U3<string, Buffer, float> * ?encoding: string -> Buffer
abstract allocUnsafe: size: float -> Buffer
abstract allocUnsafeSlow: size: float -> Buffer
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] IterableIterator<'T> =
interface end
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] NodeBuffer =
inherit Uint8Array
abstract write: string: string * ?offset: float * ?length: float * ?encoding: string -> float
abstract toString: ?encoding: string * ?start: float * ?``end``: float -> string
abstract toJSON: unit -> obj
abstract equals: otherBuffer: Buffer -> bool
abstract compare: otherBuffer: Buffer * ?targetStart: float * ?targetEnd: float * ?sourceStart: float * ?sourceEnd: float -> float
abstract copy: targetBuffer: Buffer * ?targetStart: float * ?sourceStart: float * ?sourceEnd: float -> float
abstract slice: ?start: float * ?``end``: float -> Buffer
abstract writeUIntLE: value: float * offset: float * byteLength: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract writeUIntBE: value: float * offset: float * byteLength: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract writeIntLE: value: float * offset: float * byteLength: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract writeIntBE: value: float * offset: float * byteLength: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract readUIntLE: offset: float * byteLength: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract readUIntBE: offset: float * byteLength: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract readIntLE: offset: float * byteLength: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract readIntBE: offset: float * byteLength: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract readUInt8: offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract readUInt16LE: offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract readUInt16BE: offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract readUInt32LE: offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract readUInt32BE: offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract readInt8: offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract readInt16LE: offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract readInt16BE: offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract readInt32LE: offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract readInt32BE: offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract readFloatLE: offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract readFloatBE: offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract readDoubleLE: offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract readDoubleBE: offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract swap16: unit -> Buffer
abstract swap32: unit -> Buffer
abstract swap64: unit -> Buffer
abstract writeUInt8: value: float * offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract writeUInt16LE: value: float * offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract writeUInt16BE: value: float * offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract writeUInt32LE: value: float * offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract writeUInt32BE: value: float * offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract writeInt8: value: float * offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract writeInt16LE: value: float * offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract writeInt16BE: value: float * offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract writeInt32LE: value: float * offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract writeInt32BE: value: float * offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract writeFloatLE: value: float * offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract writeFloatBE: value: float * offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract writeDoubleLE: value: float * offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract writeDoubleBE: value: float * offset: float * ?noAssert: bool -> float
abstract fill: value: obj * ?offset: float * ?``end``: float -> obj
abstract indexOf: value: U3<string, float, Buffer> * ?byteOffset: float * ?encoding: string -> float
abstract lastIndexOf: value: U3<string, float, Buffer> * ?byteOffset: float * ?encoding: string -> float
abstract entries: unit -> IterableIterator<float * float>
abstract includes: value: U3<string, float, Buffer> * ?byteOffset: float * ?encoding: string -> bool
abstract keys: unit -> IterableIterator<float>
abstract values: unit -> IterableIterator<float>
type [<Erase>]Globals =
[<Global>] static member ``process`` with get(): NodeJS.Process = jsNative and set(v: NodeJS.Process): unit = jsNative
[<Global>] static member ``global`` with get(): NodeJS.Global = jsNative and set(v: NodeJS.Global): unit = jsNative
[<Global>] static member ___filename with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
[<Global>] static member ___dirname with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
[<Global>] static member require with get(): NodeRequire = jsNative and set(v: NodeRequire): unit = jsNative
[<Global>] static member ``module`` with get(): NodeModule = jsNative and set(v: NodeModule): unit = jsNative
[<Global>] static member exports with get(): obj = jsNative and set(v: obj): unit = jsNative
[<Global>] static member SlowBuffer with get(): SlowBufferType = jsNative and set(v: SlowBufferType): unit = jsNative
[<Global>] static member Buffer with get(): BufferType = jsNative and set(v: BufferType): unit = jsNative
module NodeJS =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ErrnoException =
inherit Error
abstract errno: string option with get, set
abstract code: string option with get, set
abstract path: string option with get, set
abstract syscall: string option with get, set
abstract stack: string option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<Import("EventEmitter","NodeJS")>] EventEmitter() =
member __.addListener(``event``: U2<string, Symbol>, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
member __.on(``event``: U2<string, Symbol>, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
member __.once(``event``: U2<string, Symbol>, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
member __.removeListener(``event``: U2<string, Symbol>, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
member __.removeAllListeners(?``event``: U2<string, Symbol>): obj = jsNative
member __.setMaxListeners(n: float): obj = jsNative
member __.getMaxListeners(): float = jsNative
member __.listeners(``event``: U2<string, Symbol>): ResizeArray<Function> = jsNative
member __.emit(``event``: U2<string, Symbol>, [<ParamArray>] args: obj[]): bool = jsNative
member __.listenerCount(``type``: U2<string, Symbol>): float = jsNative
member __.prependListener(``event``: U2<string, Symbol>, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
member __.prependOnceListener(``event``: U2<string, Symbol>, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
member __.eventNames(): ResizeArray<U2<string, Symbol>> = jsNative
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ReadableStream =
abstract addListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract on: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeAllListeners: ?``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> obj
abstract setMaxListeners: n: float -> obj
abstract getMaxListeners: unit -> float
abstract listeners: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> ResizeArray<Function>
abstract emit: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * [<ParamArray>] args: obj[] -> bool
abstract listenerCount: ``type``: U2<string, Symbol> -> float
abstract prependListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract prependOnceListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract eventNames: unit -> ResizeArray<U2<string, Symbol>>
abstract readable: bool with get, set
abstract read: ?size: float -> U2<string, Buffer>
abstract setEncoding: encoding: string -> unit
abstract pause: unit -> ReadableStream
abstract resume: unit -> ReadableStream
abstract pipe: destination: 'T * ?options: obj -> 'T
abstract unpipe: ?destination: 'T -> unit
abstract unshift: chunk: string -> unit
abstract unshift: chunk: Buffer -> unit
abstract wrap: oldStream: ReadableStream -> ReadableStream
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] WritableStream =
abstract addListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract on: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeAllListeners: ?``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> obj
abstract setMaxListeners: n: float -> obj
abstract getMaxListeners: unit -> float
abstract listeners: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> ResizeArray<Function>
abstract emit: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * [<ParamArray>] args: obj[] -> bool
abstract listenerCount: ``type``: U2<string, Symbol> -> float
abstract prependListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract prependOnceListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract eventNames: unit -> ResizeArray<U2<string, Symbol>>
abstract writable: bool with get, set
abstract write: buffer: U2<Buffer, string> * ?cb: Function -> bool
abstract write: str: string * ?encoding: string * ?cb: Function -> bool
abstract ``end``: unit -> unit
abstract ``end``: buffer: Buffer * ?cb: Function -> unit
abstract ``end``: str: string * ?cb: Function -> unit
abstract ``end``: str: string * ?encoding: string * ?cb: Function -> unit
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ReadWriteStream =
inherit ReadableStream
inherit WritableStream
abstract pause: unit -> ReadWriteStream
abstract resume: unit -> ReadWriteStream
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Events =
abstract addListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract on: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeAllListeners: ?``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> obj
abstract setMaxListeners: n: float -> obj
abstract getMaxListeners: unit -> float
abstract listeners: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> ResizeArray<Function>
abstract emit: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * [<ParamArray>] args: obj[] -> bool
abstract listenerCount: ``type``: U2<string, Symbol> -> float
abstract prependListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract prependOnceListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract eventNames: unit -> ResizeArray<U2<string, Symbol>>
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Domain =
inherit Events
abstract run: fn: Function -> unit
abstract add: emitter: Events -> unit
abstract remove: emitter: Events -> unit
abstract bind: cb: Func<Error, obj, obj> -> obj
abstract intercept: cb: Func<obj, obj> -> obj
abstract dispose: unit -> unit
abstract addListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
abstract on: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeAllListeners: ?``event``: string -> obj
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] MemoryUsage =
abstract rss: float with get, set
abstract heapTotal: float with get, set
abstract heapUsed: float with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ProcessVersions =
abstract http_parser: string with get, set
abstract node: string with get, set
abstract v8: string with get, set
abstract ares: string with get, set
abstract uv: string with get, set
abstract zlib: string with get, set
abstract modules: string with get, set
abstract openssl: string with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Process =
abstract addListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract on: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeAllListeners: ?``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> obj
abstract setMaxListeners: n: float -> obj
abstract getMaxListeners: unit -> float
abstract listeners: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> ResizeArray<Function>
abstract emit: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * [<ParamArray>] args: obj[] -> bool
abstract listenerCount: ``type``: U2<string, Symbol> -> float
abstract prependListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract prependOnceListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract eventNames: unit -> ResizeArray<U2<string, Symbol>>
abstract stdout: WritableStream with get, set
abstract stderr: WritableStream with get, set
abstract stdin: ReadableStream with get, set
abstract argv: ResizeArray<string> with get, set
abstract argv0: string with get, set
abstract execArgv: ResizeArray<string> with get, set
abstract execPath: string with get, set
abstract env: obj with get, set
abstract exitCode: float with get, set
abstract version: string with get, set
abstract versions: ProcessVersions with get, set
abstract config: obj with get, set
abstract pid: float with get, set
abstract title: string with get, set
abstract arch: string with get, set
abstract platform: string with get, set
abstract domain: Domain with get, set
abstract connected: bool with get, set
abstract abort: unit -> unit
abstract chdir: directory: string -> unit
abstract cwd: unit -> string
abstract exit: ?code: float -> unit
abstract getgid: unit -> float
abstract setgid: id: float -> unit
abstract setgid: id: string -> unit
abstract getuid: unit -> float
abstract setuid: id: float -> unit
abstract setuid: id: string -> unit
abstract kill: pid: float * ?signal: U2<string, float> -> unit
abstract memoryUsage: unit -> MemoryUsage
abstract nextTick: callback: Function * [<ParamArray>] args: obj[] -> unit
abstract umask: ?mask: float -> float
abstract uptime: unit -> float
abstract hrtime: ?time: ResizeArray<float> -> ResizeArray<float>
abstract send: message: obj * ?sendHandle: obj -> unit
abstract disconnect: unit -> unit
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Global =
abstract Array: obj with get, set
abstract ArrayBuffer: obj with get, set
abstract Boolean: obj with get, set
abstract Buffer: obj with get, set
abstract DataView: obj with get, set
abstract Date: obj with get, set
abstract Error: obj with get, set
abstract EvalError: obj with get, set
abstract Float32Array: obj with get, set
abstract Float64Array: obj with get, set
abstract Function: obj with get, set
abstract GLOBAL: Global with get, set
abstract Infinity: obj with get, set
abstract Int16Array: obj with get, set
abstract Int32Array: obj with get, set
abstract Int8Array: obj with get, set
abstract Intl: obj with get, set
abstract JSON: obj with get, set
abstract Map: MapConstructor with get, set
abstract Math: obj with get, set
abstract NaN: obj with get, set
abstract Number: obj with get, set
abstract Object: obj with get, set
abstract Promise: Function with get, set
abstract RangeError: obj with get, set
abstract ReferenceError: obj with get, set
abstract RegExp: obj with get, set
abstract Set: SetConstructor with get, set
abstract String: obj with get, set
abstract Symbol: Function with get, set
abstract SyntaxError: obj with get, set
abstract TypeError: obj with get, set
abstract URIError: obj with get, set
abstract Uint16Array: obj with get, set
abstract Uint32Array: obj with get, set
abstract Uint8Array: obj with get, set
abstract Uint8ClampedArray: Function with get, set
abstract WeakMap: WeakMapConstructor with get, set
abstract WeakSet: WeakSetConstructor with get, set
abstract clearImmediate: Func<obj, unit> with get, set
abstract clearInterval: Func<NodeJS.Timer, unit> with get, set
abstract clearTimeout: Func<NodeJS.Timer, unit> with get, set
abstract console: obj with get, set
abstract decodeURI: obj with get, set
abstract decodeURIComponent: obj with get, set
abstract encodeURI: obj with get, set
abstract encodeURIComponent: obj with get, set
abstract escape: Func<string, string> with get, set
abstract eval: obj with get, set
abstract ``global``: Global with get, set
abstract isFinite: obj with get, set
abstract isNaN: obj with get, set
abstract parseFloat: obj with get, set
abstract parseInt: obj with get, set
abstract ``process``: Process with get, set
abstract root: Global with get, set
abstract setImmediate: Func<Func<obj, unit>, obj, obj> with get, set
abstract setInterval: Func<Func<obj, unit>, float, obj, NodeJS.Timer> with get, set
abstract setTimeout: Func<Func<obj, unit>, float, obj, NodeJS.Timer> with get, set
abstract undefined: obj with get, set
abstract unescape: Func<string, string> with get, set
abstract gc: Func<unit, unit> with get, set
abstract v8debug: obj option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Timer =
abstract ref: unit -> unit
abstract unref: unit -> unit
module buffer =
type [<Import("*","buffer")>] Globals =
static member INSPECT_MAX_BYTES with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member BuffType with get(): obj = jsNative and set(v: obj): unit = jsNative
static member SlowBuffType with get(): obj = jsNative and set(v: obj): unit = jsNative
module querystring =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] StringifyOptions =
abstract encodeURIComponent: Function option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ParseOptions =
abstract maxKeys: float option with get, set
abstract decodeURIComponent: Function option with get, set
type [<Import("*","querystring")>] Globals =
static member stringify(obj: 'T, ?sep: string, ?eq: string, ?options: StringifyOptions): string = jsNative
static member parse(str: string, ?sep: string, ?eq: string, ?options: ParseOptions): obj = jsNative
static member parse(str: string, ?sep: string, ?eq: string, ?options: ParseOptions): 'T = jsNative
static member escape(str: string): string = jsNative
static member unescape(str: string): string = jsNative
module events =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<Import("EventEmitter","events")>] EventEmitter() =
inherit NodeJS.EventEmitter()
member __.EventEmitter with get(): EventEmitter = jsNative and set(v: EventEmitter): unit = jsNative
member __.defaultMaxListeners with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member listenerCount(emitter: EventEmitter, ``event``: U2<string, Symbol>): float = jsNative
member __.addListener(``event``: U2<string, Symbol>, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
member __.on(``event``: U2<string, Symbol>, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
member __.once(``event``: U2<string, Symbol>, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
member __.prependListener(``event``: U2<string, Symbol>, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
member __.prependOnceListener(``event``: U2<string, Symbol>, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
member __.removeListener(``event``: U2<string, Symbol>, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
member __.removeAllListeners(?``event``: U2<string, Symbol>): obj = jsNative
member __.setMaxListeners(n: float): obj = jsNative
member __.getMaxListeners(): float = jsNative
member __.listeners(``event``: U2<string, Symbol>): ResizeArray<Function> = jsNative
member __.emit(``event``: U2<string, Symbol>, [<ParamArray>] args: obj[]): bool = jsNative
member __.eventNames(): ResizeArray<U2<string, Symbol>> = jsNative
member __.listenerCount(``type``: U2<string, Symbol>): float = jsNative
module http =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] RequestOptions =
abstract protocol: string option with get, set
abstract host: string option with get, set
abstract hostname: string option with get, set
abstract family: float option with get, set
abstract port: float option with get, set
abstract localAddress: string option with get, set
abstract socketPath: string option with get, set
abstract ``method``: string option with get, set
abstract path: string option with get, set
abstract headers: obj option with get, set
abstract auth: string option with get, set
abstract agent: U2<Agent, bool> option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Server =
inherit net.Server
abstract maxHeadersCount: float with get, set
abstract timeout: float with get, set
abstract listening: bool with get, set
abstract setTimeout: msecs: float * callback: Function -> unit
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ServerRequest =
inherit IncomingMessage
abstract connection: net.Socket with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ServerResponse =
inherit stream.Writable
abstract statusCode: float with get, set
abstract statusMessage: string with get, set
abstract headersSent: bool with get, set
abstract sendDate: bool with get, set
abstract finished: bool with get, set
abstract write: buffer: Buffer -> bool
abstract write: buffer: Buffer * ?cb: Function -> bool
abstract write: str: string * ?cb: Function -> bool
abstract write: str: string * ?encoding: string * ?cb: Function -> bool
abstract write: str: string * ?encoding: string * ?fd: string -> bool
abstract writeContinue: unit -> unit
abstract writeHead: statusCode: float * ?reasonPhrase: string * ?headers: obj -> unit
abstract writeHead: statusCode: float * ?headers: obj -> unit
abstract setHeader: name: string * value: U2<string, ResizeArray<string>> -> unit
abstract setTimeout: msecs: float * callback: Function -> ServerResponse
abstract getHeader: name: string -> string
abstract removeHeader: name: string -> unit
abstract write: chunk: obj * ?encoding: string -> obj
abstract addTrailers: headers: obj -> unit
abstract ``end``: unit -> unit
abstract ``end``: buffer: Buffer * ?cb: Function -> unit
abstract ``end``: str: string * ?cb: Function -> unit
abstract ``end``: str: string * ?encoding: string * ?cb: Function -> unit
abstract ``end``: ?data: obj * ?encoding: string -> unit
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ClientRequest =
inherit stream.Writable
abstract write: buffer: Buffer -> bool
abstract write: buffer: Buffer * ?cb: Function -> bool
abstract write: str: string * ?cb: Function -> bool
abstract write: str: string * ?encoding: string * ?cb: Function -> bool
abstract write: str: string * ?encoding: string * ?fd: string -> bool
abstract write: chunk: obj * ?encoding: string -> unit
abstract abort: unit -> unit
abstract setTimeout: timeout: float * ?callback: Function -> unit
abstract setNoDelay: ?noDelay: bool -> unit
abstract setSocketKeepAlive: ?enable: bool * ?initialDelay: float -> unit
abstract setHeader: name: string * value: U2<string, ResizeArray<string>> -> unit
abstract getHeader: name: string -> string
abstract removeHeader: name: string -> unit
abstract addTrailers: headers: obj -> unit
abstract ``end``: unit -> unit
abstract ``end``: buffer: Buffer * ?cb: Function -> unit
abstract ``end``: str: string * ?cb: Function -> unit
abstract ``end``: str: string * ?encoding: string * ?cb: Function -> unit
abstract ``end``: ?data: obj * ?encoding: string -> unit
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] IncomingMessage =
inherit stream.Readable
abstract httpVersion: string with get, set
abstract httpVersionMajor: float with get, set
abstract httpVersionMinor: float with get, set
abstract connection: net.Socket with get, set
abstract headers: obj with get, set
abstract rawHeaders: ResizeArray<string> with get, set
abstract trailers: obj with get, set
abstract rawTrailers: obj with get, set
abstract ``method``: string option with get, set
abstract url: string option with get, set
abstract statusCode: float option with get, set
abstract statusMessage: string option with get, set
abstract socket: net.Socket with get, set
abstract setTimeout: msecs: float * callback: Function -> NodeJS.Timer
abstract destroy: ?error: Error -> unit
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ClientResponse =
inherit IncomingMessage
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] AgentOptions =
abstract keepAlive: bool option with get, set
abstract keepAliveMsecs: float option with get, set
abstract maxSockets: float option with get, set
abstract maxFreeSockets: float option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<Import("Agent","http")>] Agent(?opts: AgentOptions) =
member __.maxSockets with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
member __.sockets with get(): obj = jsNative and set(v: obj): unit = jsNative
member __.requests with get(): obj = jsNative and set(v: obj): unit = jsNative
member __.destroy(): unit = jsNative
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] STATUS_CODESType =
[<Emit("$0[$1]{{=$2}}")>] abstract Item: errorCode: float -> string with get, set
[<Emit("$0[$1]{{=$2}}")>] abstract Item: errorCode: string -> string with get, set
type [<Import("*","http")>] Globals =
static member METHODS with get(): ResizeArray<string> = jsNative and set(v: ResizeArray<string>): unit = jsNative
static member STATUS_CODES with get(): STATUS_CODESType = jsNative and set(v: STATUS_CODESType): unit = jsNative
static member globalAgent with get(): Agent = jsNative and set(v: Agent): unit = jsNative
static member createServer(?requestListener: Func<IncomingMessage, ServerResponse, unit>): Server = jsNative
static member createClient(?port: float, ?host: string): obj = jsNative
static member request(options: RequestOptions, ?callback: Func<IncomingMessage, unit>): ClientRequest = jsNative
static member get(options: obj, ?callback: Func<IncomingMessage, unit>): ClientRequest = jsNative
module cluster =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ClusterSettings =
abstract execArgv: ResizeArray<string> option with get, set
abstract exec: string option with get, set
abstract args: ResizeArray<string> option with get, set
abstract silent: bool option with get, set
abstract stdio: ResizeArray<obj> option with get, set
abstract uid: float option with get, set
abstract gid: float option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ClusterSetupMasterSettings =
abstract exec: string option with get, set
abstract args: ResizeArray<string> option with get, set
abstract silent: bool option with get, set
abstract stdio: ResizeArray<obj> option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Address =
abstract address: string with get, set
abstract port: float with get, set
abstract addressType: U3<float, obj, obj> with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<Import("Worker","cluster")>] Worker() =
inherit events.EventEmitter()
member with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
member __.``process`` with get(): child.ChildProcess = jsNative and set(v: child.ChildProcess): unit = jsNative
member __.suicide with get(): bool = jsNative and set(v: bool): unit = jsNative
member __.exitedAfterDisconnect with get(): bool = jsNative and set(v: bool): unit = jsNative
member __.send(message: obj, ?sendHandle: obj): bool = jsNative
member __.kill(?signal: string): unit = jsNative
member __.destroy(?signal: string): unit = jsNative
member __.disconnect(): unit = jsNative
member __.isConnected(): bool = jsNative
member __.isDead(): bool = jsNative
member __.addListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('disconnect',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_disconnect(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('error',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_error(listener: Func<float, string, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('exit',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_exit(listener: Func<float, string, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('listening',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_listening(listener: Func<Address, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('message',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_message(listener: Func<obj, U2<net.Socket, net.Server>, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('online',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_online(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
member __.emit(``event``: string, listener: Function): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('disconnect',$1...)")>] member __.emit_disconnect(listener: Func<unit, unit>): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('error',$1...)")>] member __.emit_error(listener: Func<float, string, unit>): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('exit',$1...)")>] member __.emit_exit(listener: Func<float, string, unit>): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('listening',$1...)")>] member __.emit_listening(listener: Func<Address, unit>): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('message',$1...)")>] member __.emit_message(listener: Func<obj, U2<net.Socket, net.Server>, unit>): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('online',$1...)")>] member __.emit_online(listener: Func<unit, unit>): bool = jsNative
member __.on(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('disconnect',$1...)")>] member __.on_disconnect(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('error',$1...)")>] member __.on_error(listener: Func<float, string, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('exit',$1...)")>] member __.on_exit(listener: Func<float, string, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('listening',$1...)")>] member __.on_listening(listener: Func<Address, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('message',$1...)")>] member __.on_message(listener: Func<obj, U2<net.Socket, net.Server>, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('online',$1...)")>] member __.on_online(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
member __.once(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('disconnect',$1...)")>] member __.once_disconnect(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('error',$1...)")>] member __.once_error(listener: Func<float, string, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('exit',$1...)")>] member __.once_exit(listener: Func<float, string, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('listening',$1...)")>] member __.once_listening(listener: Func<Address, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('message',$1...)")>] member __.once_message(listener: Func<obj, U2<net.Socket, net.Server>, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('online',$1...)")>] member __.once_online(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
member __.prependListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('disconnect',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_disconnect(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('error',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_error(listener: Func<float, string, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('exit',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_exit(listener: Func<float, string, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('listening',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_listening(listener: Func<Address, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('message',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_message(listener: Func<obj, U2<net.Socket, net.Server>, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('online',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_online(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
member __.prependOnceListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('disconnect',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_disconnect(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('error',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_error(listener: Func<float, string, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('exit',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_exit(listener: Func<float, string, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('listening',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_listening(listener: Func<Address, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('message',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_message(listener: Func<obj, U2<net.Socket, net.Server>, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('online',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_online(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Cluster =
abstract EventEmitter: EventEmitter with get, set
abstract defaultMaxListeners: float with get, set
abstract listenerCount: emitter: EventEmitter * ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> float
abstract addListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract on: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract prependListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract prependOnceListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeAllListeners: ?``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> obj
abstract setMaxListeners: n: float -> obj
abstract getMaxListeners: unit -> float
abstract listeners: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> ResizeArray<Function>
abstract emit: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * [<ParamArray>] args: obj[] -> bool
abstract eventNames: unit -> ResizeArray<U2<string, Symbol>>
abstract listenerCount: ``type``: U2<string, Symbol> -> float
abstract Worker: Worker with get, set
abstract isMaster: bool with get, set
abstract isWorker: bool with get, set
abstract settings: ClusterSettings with get, set
abstract worker: Worker with get, set
abstract workers: obj with get, set
abstract disconnect: ?callback: Function -> unit
abstract fork: ?env: obj -> Worker
abstract setupMaster: ?settings: ClusterSetupMasterSettings -> unit
abstract addListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('disconnect',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_disconnect: listener: Func<Worker, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('exit',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_exit: listener: Func<Worker, float, string, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('fork',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_fork: listener: Func<Worker, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('listening',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_listening: listener: Func<Worker, Address, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('message',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_message: listener: Func<Worker, obj, U2<net.Socket, net.Server>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('online',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_online: listener: Func<Worker, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('setup',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_setup: listener: Func<obj, unit> -> obj
abstract emit: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('disconnect',$1...)")>] abstract emit_disconnect: listener: Func<Worker, unit> -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('exit',$1...)")>] abstract emit_exit: listener: Func<Worker, float, string, unit> -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('fork',$1...)")>] abstract emit_fork: listener: Func<Worker, unit> -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('listening',$1...)")>] abstract emit_listening: listener: Func<Worker, Address, unit> -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('message',$1...)")>] abstract emit_message: listener: Func<Worker, obj, U2<net.Socket, net.Server>, unit> -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('online',$1...)")>] abstract emit_online: listener: Func<Worker, unit> -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('setup',$1...)")>] abstract emit_setup: listener: Func<obj, unit> -> bool
abstract on: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('disconnect',$1...)")>] abstract on_disconnect: listener: Func<Worker, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('exit',$1...)")>] abstract on_exit: listener: Func<Worker, float, string, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('fork',$1...)")>] abstract on_fork: listener: Func<Worker, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('listening',$1...)")>] abstract on_listening: listener: Func<Worker, Address, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('message',$1...)")>] abstract on_message: listener: Func<Worker, obj, U2<net.Socket, net.Server>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('online',$1...)")>] abstract on_online: listener: Func<Worker, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('setup',$1...)")>] abstract on_setup: listener: Func<obj, unit> -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('disconnect',$1...)")>] abstract once_disconnect: listener: Func<Worker, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('exit',$1...)")>] abstract once_exit: listener: Func<Worker, float, string, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('fork',$1...)")>] abstract once_fork: listener: Func<Worker, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('listening',$1...)")>] abstract once_listening: listener: Func<Worker, Address, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('message',$1...)")>] abstract once_message: listener: Func<Worker, obj, U2<net.Socket, net.Server>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('online',$1...)")>] abstract once_online: listener: Func<Worker, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('setup',$1...)")>] abstract once_setup: listener: Func<obj, unit> -> obj
abstract prependListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('disconnect',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_disconnect: listener: Func<Worker, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('exit',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_exit: listener: Func<Worker, float, string, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('fork',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_fork: listener: Func<Worker, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('listening',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_listening: listener: Func<Worker, Address, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('message',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_message: listener: Func<Worker, obj, U2<net.Socket, net.Server>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('online',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_online: listener: Func<Worker, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('setup',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_setup: listener: Func<obj, unit> -> obj
abstract prependOnceListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('disconnect',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_disconnect: listener: Func<Worker, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('exit',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_exit: listener: Func<Worker, float, string, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('fork',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_fork: listener: Func<Worker, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('listening',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_listening: listener: Func<Worker, Address, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('message',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_message: listener: Func<Worker, obj, U2<net.Socket, net.Server>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('online',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_online: listener: Func<Worker, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('setup',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_setup: listener: Func<obj, unit> -> obj
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] workersType =
[<Emit("$0[$1]{{=$2}}")>] abstract Item: index: string -> Worker with get, set
type [<Import("*","cluster")>] Globals =
static member isMaster with get(): bool = jsNative and set(v: bool): unit = jsNative
static member isWorker with get(): bool = jsNative and set(v: bool): unit = jsNative
static member settings with get(): ClusterSettings = jsNative and set(v: ClusterSettings): unit = jsNative
static member worker with get(): Worker = jsNative and set(v: Worker): unit = jsNative
static member workers with get(): workersType = jsNative and set(v: workersType): unit = jsNative
static member disconnect(?callback: Function): unit = jsNative
static member fork(?env: obj): Worker = jsNative
static member setupMaster(?settings: ClusterSetupMasterSettings): unit = jsNative
static member addListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('disconnect',$1...)")>] static member addListener_disconnect(listener: Func<Worker, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('exit',$1...)")>] static member addListener_exit(listener: Func<Worker, float, string, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('fork',$1...)")>] static member addListener_fork(listener: Func<Worker, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('listening',$1...)")>] static member addListener_listening(listener: Func<Worker, Address, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('message',$1...)")>] static member addListener_message(listener: Func<Worker, obj, U2<net.Socket, net.Server>, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('online',$1...)")>] static member addListener_online(listener: Func<Worker, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('setup',$1...)")>] static member addListener_setup(listener: Func<obj, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
static member emit(``event``: string, listener: Function): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('disconnect',$1...)")>] static member emit_disconnect(listener: Func<Worker, unit>): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('exit',$1...)")>] static member emit_exit(listener: Func<Worker, float, string, unit>): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('fork',$1...)")>] static member emit_fork(listener: Func<Worker, unit>): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('listening',$1...)")>] static member emit_listening(listener: Func<Worker, Address, unit>): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('message',$1...)")>] static member emit_message(listener: Func<Worker, obj, U2<net.Socket, net.Server>, unit>): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('online',$1...)")>] static member emit_online(listener: Func<Worker, unit>): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('setup',$1...)")>] static member emit_setup(listener: Func<obj, unit>): bool = jsNative
static member on(``event``: string, listener: Function): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('disconnect',$1...)")>] static member on_disconnect(listener: Func<Worker, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('exit',$1...)")>] static member on_exit(listener: Func<Worker, float, string, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('fork',$1...)")>] static member on_fork(listener: Func<Worker, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('listening',$1...)")>] static member on_listening(listener: Func<Worker, Address, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('message',$1...)")>] static member on_message(listener: Func<Worker, obj, U2<net.Socket, net.Server>, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('online',$1...)")>] static member on_online(listener: Func<Worker, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('setup',$1...)")>] static member on_setup(listener: Func<obj, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
static member once(``event``: string, listener: Function): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('disconnect',$1...)")>] static member once_disconnect(listener: Func<Worker, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('exit',$1...)")>] static member once_exit(listener: Func<Worker, float, string, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('fork',$1...)")>] static member once_fork(listener: Func<Worker, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('listening',$1...)")>] static member once_listening(listener: Func<Worker, Address, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('message',$1...)")>] static member once_message(listener: Func<Worker, obj, U2<net.Socket, net.Server>, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('online',$1...)")>] static member once_online(listener: Func<Worker, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('setup',$1...)")>] static member once_setup(listener: Func<obj, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
static member removeListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): Cluster = jsNative
static member removeAllListeners(?``event``: string): Cluster = jsNative
static member setMaxListeners(n: float): Cluster = jsNative
static member getMaxListeners(): float = jsNative
static member listeners(``event``: string): ResizeArray<Function> = jsNative
static member listenerCount(``type``: string): float = jsNative
static member prependListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('disconnect',$1...)")>] static member prependListener_disconnect(listener: Func<Worker, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('exit',$1...)")>] static member prependListener_exit(listener: Func<Worker, float, string, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('fork',$1...)")>] static member prependListener_fork(listener: Func<Worker, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('listening',$1...)")>] static member prependListener_listening(listener: Func<Worker, Address, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('message',$1...)")>] static member prependListener_message(listener: Func<Worker, obj, U2<net.Socket, net.Server>, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('online',$1...)")>] static member prependListener_online(listener: Func<Worker, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('setup',$1...)")>] static member prependListener_setup(listener: Func<obj, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
static member prependOnceListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('disconnect',$1...)")>] static member prependOnceListener_disconnect(listener: Func<Worker, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('exit',$1...)")>] static member prependOnceListener_exit(listener: Func<Worker, float, string, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('fork',$1...)")>] static member prependOnceListener_fork(listener: Func<Worker, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('listening',$1...)")>] static member prependOnceListener_listening(listener: Func<Worker, Address, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('message',$1...)")>] static member prependOnceListener_message(listener: Func<Worker, obj, U2<net.Socket, net.Server>, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('online',$1...)")>] static member prependOnceListener_online(listener: Func<Worker, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('setup',$1...)")>] static member prependOnceListener_setup(listener: Func<obj, unit>): Cluster = jsNative
static member eventNames(): ResizeArray<string> = jsNative
module zlib =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ZlibOptions =
abstract chunkSize: float option with get, set
abstract windowBits: float option with get, set
abstract level: float option with get, set
abstract memLevel: float option with get, set
abstract strategy: float option with get, set
abstract dictionary: obj option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Gzip =
inherit stream.Transform
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Gunzip =
inherit stream.Transform
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Deflate =
inherit stream.Transform
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Inflate =
inherit stream.Transform
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] DeflateRaw =
inherit stream.Transform
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] InflateRaw =
inherit stream.Transform
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Unzip =
inherit stream.Transform
type [<Import("*","zlib")>] Globals =
static member Z_NO_FLUSH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_SYNC_FLUSH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_FULL_FLUSH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_FINISH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_BLOCK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_TREES with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_OK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_STREAM_END with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_NEED_DICT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_ERRNO with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_STREAM_ERROR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_DATA_ERROR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_MEM_ERROR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_BUF_ERROR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_VERSION_ERROR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_NO_COMPRESSION with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_BEST_SPEED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_BEST_COMPRESSION with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_FILTERED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_RLE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_FIXED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_BINARY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_TEXT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_ASCII with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_UNKNOWN with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_DEFLATED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member Z_NULL with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member createGzip(?options: ZlibOptions): Gzip = jsNative
static member createGunzip(?options: ZlibOptions): Gunzip = jsNative
static member createDeflate(?options: ZlibOptions): Deflate = jsNative
static member createInflate(?options: ZlibOptions): Inflate = jsNative
static member createDeflateRaw(?options: ZlibOptions): DeflateRaw = jsNative
static member createInflateRaw(?options: ZlibOptions): InflateRaw = jsNative
static member createUnzip(?options: ZlibOptions): Unzip = jsNative
static member deflate(buf: Buffer, callback: Func<Error, obj, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member deflateSync(buf: Buffer, ?options: ZlibOptions): obj = jsNative
static member deflateRaw(buf: Buffer, callback: Func<Error, obj, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member deflateRawSync(buf: Buffer, ?options: ZlibOptions): obj = jsNative
static member gzip(buf: Buffer, callback: Func<Error, obj, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member gzipSync(buf: Buffer, ?options: ZlibOptions): obj = jsNative
static member gunzip(buf: Buffer, callback: Func<Error, obj, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member gunzipSync(buf: Buffer, ?options: ZlibOptions): obj = jsNative
static member inflate(buf: Buffer, callback: Func<Error, obj, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member inflateSync(buf: Buffer, ?options: ZlibOptions): obj = jsNative
static member inflateRaw(buf: Buffer, callback: Func<Error, obj, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member inflateRawSync(buf: Buffer, ?options: ZlibOptions): obj = jsNative
static member unzip(buf: Buffer, callback: Func<Error, obj, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member unzipSync(buf: Buffer, ?options: ZlibOptions): obj = jsNative
module os =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] CpuInfo =
abstract model: string with get, set
abstract speed: float with get, set
abstract times: obj with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] NetworkInterfaceInfo =
abstract address: string with get, set
abstract netmask: string with get, set
abstract family: string with get, set
abstract mac: string with get, set
abstract ``internal``: bool with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] constantsType =
abstract UV_UDP_REUSEADDR: float with get, set
abstract errno: obj with get, set
abstract signals: obj with get, set
type [<Import("*","os")>] Globals =
static member constants with get(): constantsType = jsNative and set(v: constantsType): unit = jsNative
static member EOL with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member hostname(): string = jsNative
static member loadavg(): ResizeArray<float> = jsNative
static member uptime(): float = jsNative
static member freemem(): float = jsNative
static member totalmem(): float = jsNative
static member cpus(): ResizeArray<CpuInfo> = jsNative
static member ``type``(): string = jsNative
static member release(): string = jsNative
static member networkInterfaces(): obj = jsNative
static member homedir(): string = jsNative
static member userInfo(?options: obj): obj = jsNative
static member arch(): string = jsNative
static member platform(): string = jsNative
static member tmpdir(): string = jsNative
static member endianness(): (* TODO StringEnum BE | LE *) string = jsNative
module https =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ServerOptions =
abstract pfx: obj option with get, set
abstract key: obj option with get, set
abstract passphrase: string option with get, set
abstract cert: obj option with get, set
abstract ca: obj option with get, set
abstract crl: obj option with get, set
abstract ciphers: string option with get, set
abstract honorCipherOrder: bool option with get, set
abstract requestCert: bool option with get, set
abstract rejectUnauthorized: bool option with get, set
abstract NPNProtocols: obj option with get, set
abstract SNICallback: Func<string, Func<Error, tls.SecureContext, obj>, obj> option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] RequestOptions =
inherit http.RequestOptions
abstract pfx: obj option with get, set
abstract key: obj option with get, set
abstract passphrase: string option with get, set
abstract cert: obj option with get, set
abstract ca: obj option with get, set
abstract ciphers: string option with get, set
abstract rejectUnauthorized: bool option with get, set
abstract secureProtocol: string option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Agent =
abstract maxSockets: float with get, set
abstract sockets: obj with get, set
abstract requests: obj with get, set
abstract destroy: unit -> unit
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] AgentOptions =
inherit http.AgentOptions
abstract pfx: obj option with get, set
abstract key: obj option with get, set
abstract passphrase: string option with get, set
abstract cert: obj option with get, set
abstract ca: obj option with get, set
abstract ciphers: string option with get, set
abstract rejectUnauthorized: bool option with get, set
abstract secureProtocol: string option with get, set
abstract maxCachedSessions: float option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] AgentType =
[<Emit("new $0($1...)")>] abstract Create: ?options: AgentOptions -> Agent
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Server =
inherit tls.Server
type [<Import("*","https")>] Globals =
static member Agent with get(): AgentType = jsNative and set(v: AgentType): unit = jsNative
static member globalAgent with get(): Agent = jsNative and set(v: Agent): unit = jsNative
static member createServer(options: ServerOptions, ?requestListener: Function): Server = jsNative
static member request(options: RequestOptions, ?callback: Func<http.IncomingMessage, unit>): http.ClientRequest = jsNative
static member get(options: RequestOptions, ?callback: Func<http.IncomingMessage, unit>): http.ClientRequest = jsNative
module punycode =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ucs2 =
abstract decode: string: string -> ResizeArray<float>
abstract encode: codePoints: ResizeArray<float> -> string
type [<Import("*","punycode")>] Globals =
static member ucs2 with get(): ucs2 = jsNative and set(v: ucs2): unit = jsNative
static member version with get(): obj = jsNative and set(v: obj): unit = jsNative
static member decode(string: string): string = jsNative
static member encode(string: string): string = jsNative
static member toUnicode(domain: string): string = jsNative
static member toASCII(domain: string): string = jsNative
module repl =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ReplOptions =
abstract prompt: string option with get, set
abstract input: NodeJS.ReadableStream option with get, set
abstract output: NodeJS.WritableStream option with get, set
abstract terminal: bool option with get, set
abstract eval: Function option with get, set
abstract useColors: bool option with get, set
abstract useGlobal: bool option with get, set
abstract ignoreUndefined: bool option with get, set
abstract writer: Function option with get, set
abstract completer: Function option with get, set
abstract replMode: obj option with get, set
abstract breakEvalOnSigint: obj option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] REPLServer =
inherit readline.ReadLine
abstract defineCommand: keyword: string * cmd: U2<Function, obj> -> unit
abstract displayPrompt: ?preserveCursor: bool -> unit
type [<Import("*","repl")>] Globals =
static member start(options: ReplOptions): REPLServer = jsNative
module readline =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Key =
abstract sequence: string option with get, set
abstract name: string option with get, set
abstract ctrl: bool option with get, set
abstract meta: bool option with get, set
abstract shift: bool option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ReadLine =
abstract EventEmitter: EventEmitter with get, set
abstract defaultMaxListeners: float with get, set
abstract listenerCount: emitter: EventEmitter * ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> float
abstract addListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract on: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract prependListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract prependOnceListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeAllListeners: ?``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> obj
abstract setMaxListeners: n: float -> obj
abstract getMaxListeners: unit -> float
abstract listeners: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> ResizeArray<Function>
abstract emit: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * [<ParamArray>] args: obj[] -> bool
abstract eventNames: unit -> ResizeArray<U2<string, Symbol>>
abstract listenerCount: ``type``: U2<string, Symbol> -> float
abstract setPrompt: prompt: string -> unit
abstract prompt: ?preserveCursor: bool -> unit
abstract question: query: string * callback: Func<string, unit> -> unit
abstract pause: unit -> ReadLine
abstract resume: unit -> ReadLine
abstract close: unit -> unit
abstract write: data: U2<string, Buffer> * ?key: Key -> unit
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Completer =
[<Emit("$0($1...)")>] abstract Invoke: line: string -> CompleterResult
[<Emit("$0($1...)")>] abstract Invoke: line: string * callback: Func<obj, CompleterResult, unit> -> obj
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] CompleterResult =
abstract completions: ResizeArray<string> with get, set
abstract line: string with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ReadLineOptions =
abstract input: NodeJS.ReadableStream with get, set
abstract output: NodeJS.WritableStream option with get, set
abstract completer: Completer option with get, set
abstract terminal: bool option with get, set
abstract historySize: float option with get, set
type [<Import("*","readline")>] Globals =
static member createInterface(input: NodeJS.ReadableStream, ?output: NodeJS.WritableStream, ?completer: Completer, ?terminal: bool): ReadLine = jsNative
static member createInterface(options: ReadLineOptions): ReadLine = jsNative
static member cursorTo(stream: NodeJS.WritableStream, x: float, y: float): unit = jsNative
static member moveCursor(stream: NodeJS.WritableStream, dx: U2<float, string>, dy: U2<float, string>): unit = jsNative
static member clearLine(stream: NodeJS.WritableStream, dir: float): unit = jsNative
static member clearScreenDown(stream: NodeJS.WritableStream): unit = jsNative
module vm =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Context =
interface end
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ScriptOptions =
abstract filename: string option with get, set
abstract lineOffset: float option with get, set
abstract columnOffset: float option with get, set
abstract displayErrors: bool option with get, set
abstract timeout: float option with get, set
abstract cachedData: Buffer option with get, set
abstract produceCachedData: bool option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] RunningScriptOptions =
abstract filename: string option with get, set
abstract lineOffset: float option with get, set
abstract columnOffset: float option with get, set
abstract displayErrors: bool option with get, set
abstract timeout: float option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<Import("Script","vm")>] Script(code: string, ?options: ScriptOptions) =
member __.runInContext(contextifiedSandbox: Context, ?options: RunningScriptOptions): obj = jsNative
member __.runInNewContext(?sandbox: Context, ?options: RunningScriptOptions): obj = jsNative
member __.runInThisContext(?options: RunningScriptOptions): obj = jsNative
type [<Import("*","vm")>] Globals =
static member createContext(?sandbox: Context): Context = jsNative
static member isContext(sandbox: Context): bool = jsNative
static member runInContext(code: string, contextifiedSandbox: Context, ?options: RunningScriptOptions): obj = jsNative
static member runInDebugContext(code: string): obj = jsNative
static member runInNewContext(code: string, ?sandbox: Context, ?options: RunningScriptOptions): obj = jsNative
static member runInThisContext(code: string, ?options: RunningScriptOptions): obj = jsNative
module child_process =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ChildProcess =
abstract EventEmitter: EventEmitter with get, set
abstract defaultMaxListeners: float with get, set
abstract listenerCount: emitter: EventEmitter * ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> float
abstract addListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract on: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract prependListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract prependOnceListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeAllListeners: ?``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> obj
abstract setMaxListeners: n: float -> obj
abstract getMaxListeners: unit -> float
abstract listeners: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> ResizeArray<Function>
abstract emit: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * [<ParamArray>] args: obj[] -> bool
abstract eventNames: unit -> ResizeArray<U2<string, Symbol>>
abstract listenerCount: ``type``: U2<string, Symbol> -> float
abstract stdin: stream.Writable with get, set
abstract stdout: stream.Readable with get, set
abstract stderr: stream.Readable with get, set
abstract stdio: stream.Writable * stream.Readable * stream.Readable with get, set
abstract pid: float with get, set
abstract connected: bool with get, set
abstract kill: ?signal: string -> unit
abstract send: message: obj * ?sendHandle: obj -> bool
abstract disconnect: unit -> unit
abstract unref: unit -> unit
abstract ref: unit -> unit
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] SpawnOptions =
abstract cwd: string option with get, set
abstract env: obj option with get, set
abstract stdio: obj option with get, set
abstract detached: bool option with get, set
abstract uid: float option with get, set
abstract gid: float option with get, set
abstract shell: U2<bool, string> option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ExecOptions =
abstract cwd: string option with get, set
abstract env: obj option with get, set
abstract shell: string option with get, set
abstract timeout: float option with get, set
abstract maxBuffer: float option with get, set
abstract killSignal: string option with get, set
abstract uid: float option with get, set
abstract gid: float option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ExecOptionsWithStringEncoding =
inherit ExecOptions
abstract encoding: BufferEncoding with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ExecOptionsWithBufferEncoding =
inherit ExecOptions
abstract encoding: string with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ExecFileOptions =
abstract cwd: string option with get, set
abstract env: obj option with get, set
abstract timeout: float option with get, set
abstract maxBuffer: float option with get, set
abstract killSignal: string option with get, set
abstract uid: float option with get, set
abstract gid: float option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ExecFileOptionsWithStringEncoding =
inherit ExecFileOptions
abstract encoding: BufferEncoding with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ExecFileOptionsWithBufferEncoding =
inherit ExecFileOptions
abstract encoding: string with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ForkOptions =
abstract cwd: string option with get, set
abstract env: obj option with get, set
abstract execPath: string option with get, set
abstract execArgv: ResizeArray<string> option with get, set
abstract silent: bool option with get, set
abstract uid: float option with get, set
abstract gid: float option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] SpawnSyncOptions =
abstract cwd: string option with get, set
abstract input: U2<string, Buffer> option with get, set
abstract stdio: obj option with get, set
abstract env: obj option with get, set
abstract uid: float option with get, set
abstract gid: float option with get, set
abstract timeout: float option with get, set
abstract killSignal: string option with get, set
abstract maxBuffer: float option with get, set
abstract encoding: string option with get, set
abstract shell: U2<bool, string> option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] SpawnSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding =
inherit SpawnSyncOptions
abstract encoding: BufferEncoding with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] SpawnSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding =
inherit SpawnSyncOptions
abstract encoding: string with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] SpawnSyncReturns<'T> =
abstract pid: float with get, set
abstract output: ResizeArray<string> with get, set
abstract stdout: 'T with get, set
abstract stderr: 'T with get, set
abstract status: float with get, set
abstract signal: string with get, set
abstract error: Error with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ExecSyncOptions =
abstract cwd: string option with get, set
abstract input: U2<string, Buffer> option with get, set
abstract stdio: obj option with get, set
abstract env: obj option with get, set
abstract shell: string option with get, set
abstract uid: float option with get, set
abstract gid: float option with get, set
abstract timeout: float option with get, set
abstract killSignal: string option with get, set
abstract maxBuffer: float option with get, set
abstract encoding: string option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ExecSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding =
inherit ExecSyncOptions
abstract encoding: BufferEncoding with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ExecSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding =
inherit ExecSyncOptions
abstract encoding: string with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ExecFileSyncOptions =
abstract cwd: string option with get, set
abstract input: U2<string, Buffer> option with get, set
abstract stdio: obj option with get, set
abstract env: obj option with get, set
abstract uid: float option with get, set
abstract gid: float option with get, set
abstract timeout: float option with get, set
abstract killSignal: string option with get, set
abstract maxBuffer: float option with get, set
abstract encoding: string option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ExecFileSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding =
inherit ExecFileSyncOptions
abstract encoding: BufferEncoding with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ExecFileSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding =
inherit ExecFileSyncOptions
abstract encoding: string with get, set
type [<Import("*","child_process")>] Globals =
static member spawn(command: string, ?args: ResizeArray<string>, ?options: SpawnOptions): ChildProcess = jsNative
static member exec(command: string, ?callback: Func<Error, string, string, unit>): ChildProcess = jsNative
static member exec(command: string, options: ExecOptionsWithStringEncoding, ?callback: Func<Error, string, string, unit>): ChildProcess = jsNative
static member exec(command: string, options: ExecOptionsWithBufferEncoding, ?callback: Func<Error, Buffer, Buffer, unit>): ChildProcess = jsNative
static member exec(command: string, options: ExecOptions, ?callback: Func<Error, string, string, unit>): ChildProcess = jsNative
static member execFile(file: string, ?callback: Func<Error, string, string, unit>): ChildProcess = jsNative
static member execFile(file: string, ?options: ExecFileOptionsWithStringEncoding, ?callback: Func<Error, string, string, unit>): ChildProcess = jsNative
static member execFile(file: string, ?options: ExecFileOptionsWithBufferEncoding, ?callback: Func<Error, Buffer, Buffer, unit>): ChildProcess = jsNative
static member execFile(file: string, ?options: ExecFileOptions, ?callback: Func<Error, string, string, unit>): ChildProcess = jsNative
static member execFile(file: string, ?args: ResizeArray<string>, ?callback: Func<Error, string, string, unit>): ChildProcess = jsNative
static member execFile(file: string, ?args: ResizeArray<string>, ?options: ExecFileOptionsWithStringEncoding, ?callback: Func<Error, string, string, unit>): ChildProcess = jsNative
static member execFile(file: string, ?args: ResizeArray<string>, ?options: ExecFileOptionsWithBufferEncoding, ?callback: Func<Error, Buffer, Buffer, unit>): ChildProcess = jsNative
static member execFile(file: string, ?args: ResizeArray<string>, ?options: ExecFileOptions, ?callback: Func<Error, string, string, unit>): ChildProcess = jsNative
static member fork(modulePath: string, ?args: ResizeArray<string>, ?options: ForkOptions): ChildProcess = jsNative
static member spawnSync(command: string): SpawnSyncReturns<Buffer> = jsNative
static member spawnSync(command: string, ?options: SpawnSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): SpawnSyncReturns<string> = jsNative
static member spawnSync(command: string, ?options: SpawnSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): SpawnSyncReturns<Buffer> = jsNative
static member spawnSync(command: string, ?options: SpawnSyncOptions): SpawnSyncReturns<Buffer> = jsNative
static member spawnSync(command: string, ?args: ResizeArray<string>, ?options: SpawnSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): SpawnSyncReturns<string> = jsNative
static member spawnSync(command: string, ?args: ResizeArray<string>, ?options: SpawnSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): SpawnSyncReturns<Buffer> = jsNative
static member spawnSync(command: string, ?args: ResizeArray<string>, ?options: SpawnSyncOptions): SpawnSyncReturns<Buffer> = jsNative
static member execSync(command: string): Buffer = jsNative
static member execSync(command: string, ?options: ExecSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): string = jsNative
static member execSync(command: string, ?options: ExecSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): Buffer = jsNative
static member execSync(command: string, ?options: ExecSyncOptions): Buffer = jsNative
static member execFileSync(command: string): Buffer = jsNative
static member execFileSync(command: string, ?options: ExecFileSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): string = jsNative
static member execFileSync(command: string, ?options: ExecFileSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): Buffer = jsNative
static member execFileSync(command: string, ?options: ExecFileSyncOptions): Buffer = jsNative
static member execFileSync(command: string, ?args: ResizeArray<string>, ?options: ExecFileSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): string = jsNative
static member execFileSync(command: string, ?args: ResizeArray<string>, ?options: ExecFileSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): Buffer = jsNative
static member execFileSync(command: string, ?args: ResizeArray<string>, ?options: ExecFileSyncOptions): Buffer = jsNative
module url =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Url =
abstract href: string option with get, set
abstract protocol: string option with get, set
abstract auth: string option with get, set
abstract hostname: string option with get, set
abstract port: string option with get, set
abstract host: string option with get, set
abstract pathname: string option with get, set
abstract search: string option with get, set
abstract query: U2<string, obj> option with get, set
abstract slashes: bool option with get, set
abstract hash: string option with get, set
abstract path: string option with get, set
type [<Import("*","url")>] Globals =
static member parse(urlStr: string, ?parseQueryString: bool, ?slashesDenoteHost: bool): Url = jsNative
static member format(url: Url): string = jsNative
static member resolve(from: string, ``to``: string): string = jsNative
module dns =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] MxRecord =
abstract exchange: string with get, set
abstract priority: float with get, set
type [<Import("*","dns")>] Globals =
static member NODATA with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member FORMERR with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member SERVFAIL with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member NOTFOUND with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member NOTIMP with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member REFUSED with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member BADQUERY with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member BADNAME with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member BADFAMILY with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member BADRESP with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member CONNREFUSED with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member TIMEOUT with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member EOF with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member FILE with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member NOMEM with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member DESTRUCTION with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member BADSTR with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member BADFLAGS with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member NONAME with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member BADHINTS with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member NOTINITIALIZED with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member LOADIPHLPAPI with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member ADDRGETNETWORKPARAMS with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member CANCELLED with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member lookup(domain: string, family: float, callback: Func<Error, string, float, unit>): string = jsNative
static member lookup(domain: string, callback: Func<Error, string, float, unit>): string = jsNative
static member resolve(domain: string, rrtype: string, callback: Func<Error, ResizeArray<string>, unit>): ResizeArray<string> = jsNative
static member resolve(domain: string, callback: Func<Error, ResizeArray<string>, unit>): ResizeArray<string> = jsNative
static member resolve4(domain: string, callback: Func<Error, ResizeArray<string>, unit>): ResizeArray<string> = jsNative
static member resolve6(domain: string, callback: Func<Error, ResizeArray<string>, unit>): ResizeArray<string> = jsNative
static member resolveMx(domain: string, callback: Func<Error, ResizeArray<MxRecord>, unit>): ResizeArray<string> = jsNative
static member resolveTxt(domain: string, callback: Func<Error, ResizeArray<string>, unit>): ResizeArray<string> = jsNative
static member resolveSrv(domain: string, callback: Func<Error, ResizeArray<string>, unit>): ResizeArray<string> = jsNative
static member resolveNs(domain: string, callback: Func<Error, ResizeArray<string>, unit>): ResizeArray<string> = jsNative
static member resolveCname(domain: string, callback: Func<Error, ResizeArray<string>, unit>): ResizeArray<string> = jsNative
static member reverse(ip: string, callback: Func<Error, ResizeArray<string>, unit>): ResizeArray<string> = jsNative
static member setServers(servers: ResizeArray<string>): unit = jsNative
module net =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Socket =
inherit stream.Duplex
abstract bufferSize: float with get, set
abstract remoteAddress: string with get, set
abstract remoteFamily: string with get, set
abstract remotePort: float with get, set
abstract localAddress: string with get, set
abstract localPort: float with get, set
abstract bytesRead: float with get, set
abstract bytesWritten: float with get, set
abstract write: buffer: Buffer -> bool
abstract write: buffer: Buffer * ?cb: Function -> bool
abstract write: str: string * ?cb: Function -> bool
abstract write: str: string * ?encoding: string * ?cb: Function -> bool
abstract write: str: string * ?encoding: string * ?fd: string -> bool
abstract connect: port: float * ?host: string * ?connectionListener: Function -> unit
abstract connect: path: string * ?connectionListener: Function -> unit
abstract setEncoding: ?encoding: string -> unit
abstract write: data: obj * ?encoding: string * ?callback: Function -> unit
abstract destroy: unit -> unit
abstract pause: unit -> Socket
abstract resume: unit -> Socket
abstract setTimeout: timeout: float * ?callback: Function -> unit
abstract setNoDelay: ?noDelay: bool -> unit
abstract setKeepAlive: ?enable: bool * ?initialDelay: float -> unit
abstract address: unit -> obj
abstract unref: unit -> unit
abstract ref: unit -> unit
abstract ``end``: unit -> unit
abstract ``end``: buffer: Buffer * ?cb: Function -> unit
abstract ``end``: str: string * ?cb: Function -> unit
abstract ``end``: str: string * ?encoding: string * ?cb: Function -> unit
abstract ``end``: ?data: obj * ?encoding: string -> unit
abstract addListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('close',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_close: listener: Func<bool, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('connect',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_connect: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('data',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_data: listener: Func<Buffer, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('drain',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_drain: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('end',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_end: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('error',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_error: listener: Func<Error, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('lookup',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_lookup: listener: Func<Error, string, U2<string, float>, string, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('timeout',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_timeout: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
abstract emit: ``event``: string * [<ParamArray>] args: obj[] -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('close',$1...)")>] abstract emit_close: had_error: bool -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('connect')")>] abstract emit_connect: unit -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('data',$1...)")>] abstract emit_data: data: Buffer -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('drain')")>] abstract emit_drain: unit -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('end')")>] abstract emit_end: unit -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('error',$1...)")>] abstract emit_error: err: Error -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('lookup',$1...)")>] abstract emit_lookup: err: Error * address: string * family: U2<string, float> * host: string -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('timeout')")>] abstract emit_timeout: unit -> bool
abstract on: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('close',$1...)")>] abstract on_close: listener: Func<bool, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('connect',$1...)")>] abstract on_connect: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('data',$1...)")>] abstract on_data: listener: Func<Buffer, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('drain',$1...)")>] abstract on_drain: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('end',$1...)")>] abstract on_end: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('error',$1...)")>] abstract on_error: listener: Func<Error, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('lookup',$1...)")>] abstract on_lookup: listener: Func<Error, string, U2<string, float>, string, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('timeout',$1...)")>] abstract on_timeout: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('close',$1...)")>] abstract once_close: listener: Func<bool, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('connect',$1...)")>] abstract once_connect: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('data',$1...)")>] abstract once_data: listener: Func<Buffer, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('drain',$1...)")>] abstract once_drain: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('end',$1...)")>] abstract once_end: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('error',$1...)")>] abstract once_error: listener: Func<Error, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('lookup',$1...)")>] abstract once_lookup: listener: Func<Error, string, U2<string, float>, string, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('timeout',$1...)")>] abstract once_timeout: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
abstract prependListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('close',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_close: listener: Func<bool, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('connect',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_connect: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('data',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_data: listener: Func<Buffer, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('drain',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_drain: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('end',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_end: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('error',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_error: listener: Func<Error, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('lookup',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_lookup: listener: Func<Error, string, U2<string, float>, string, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('timeout',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_timeout: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
abstract prependOnceListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('close',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_close: listener: Func<bool, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('connect',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_connect: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('data',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_data: listener: Func<Buffer, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('drain',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_drain: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('end',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_end: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('error',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_error: listener: Func<Error, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('lookup',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_lookup: listener: Func<Error, string, U2<string, float>, string, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('timeout',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_timeout: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] SocketType =
[<Emit("new $0($1...)")>] abstract Create: ?options: obj -> Socket
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ListenOptions =
abstract port: float option with get, set
abstract host: string option with get, set
abstract backlog: float option with get, set
abstract path: string option with get, set
abstract exclusive: bool option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Server =
abstract EventEmitter: EventEmitter with get, set
abstract defaultMaxListeners: float with get, set
abstract listenerCount: emitter: EventEmitter * ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> float
abstract addListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract on: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract prependListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract prependOnceListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeAllListeners: ?``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> obj
abstract setMaxListeners: n: float -> obj
abstract getMaxListeners: unit -> float
abstract listeners: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> ResizeArray<Function>
abstract emit: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * [<ParamArray>] args: obj[] -> bool
abstract eventNames: unit -> ResizeArray<U2<string, Symbol>>
abstract listenerCount: ``type``: U2<string, Symbol> -> float
abstract maxConnections: float with get, set
abstract connections: float with get, set
abstract listen: port: float * ?hostname: string * ?backlog: float * ?listeningListener: Function -> Server
abstract listen: port: float * ?hostname: string * ?listeningListener: Function -> Server
abstract listen: port: float * ?backlog: float * ?listeningListener: Function -> Server
abstract listen: port: float * ?listeningListener: Function -> Server
abstract listen: path: string * ?backlog: float * ?listeningListener: Function -> Server
abstract listen: path: string * ?listeningListener: Function -> Server
abstract listen: handle: obj * ?backlog: float * ?listeningListener: Function -> Server
abstract listen: handle: obj * ?listeningListener: Function -> Server
abstract listen: options: ListenOptions * ?listeningListener: Function -> Server
abstract close: ?callback: Function -> Server
abstract address: unit -> obj
abstract getConnections: cb: Func<Error, float, unit> -> unit
abstract ref: unit -> Server
abstract unref: unit -> Server
abstract addListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('close',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('connection',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_connection: listener: Func<Socket, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('error',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_error: listener: Func<Error, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('listening',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_listening: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
abstract emit: ``event``: string * [<ParamArray>] args: obj[] -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('close')")>] abstract emit_close: unit -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('connection',$1...)")>] abstract emit_connection: socket: Socket -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('error',$1...)")>] abstract emit_error: err: Error -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('listening')")>] abstract emit_listening: unit -> bool
abstract on: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('close',$1...)")>] abstract on_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('connection',$1...)")>] abstract on_connection: listener: Func<Socket, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('error',$1...)")>] abstract on_error: listener: Func<Error, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('listening',$1...)")>] abstract on_listening: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('close',$1...)")>] abstract once_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('connection',$1...)")>] abstract once_connection: listener: Func<Socket, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('error',$1...)")>] abstract once_error: listener: Func<Error, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('listening',$1...)")>] abstract once_listening: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
abstract prependListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('close',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('connection',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_connection: listener: Func<Socket, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('error',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_error: listener: Func<Error, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('listening',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_listening: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
abstract prependOnceListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('close',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('connection',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_connection: listener: Func<Socket, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('error',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_error: listener: Func<Error, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('listening',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_listening: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
type [<Import("*","net")>] Globals =
static member Socket with get(): SocketType = jsNative and set(v: SocketType): unit = jsNative
static member createServer(?connectionListener: Func<Socket, unit>): Server = jsNative
static member createServer(?options: obj, ?connectionListener: Func<Socket, unit>): Server = jsNative
static member connect(options: obj, ?connectionListener: Function): Socket = jsNative
static member connect(port: float, ?host: string, ?connectionListener: Function): Socket = jsNative
static member connect(path: string, ?connectionListener: Function): Socket = jsNative
static member createConnection(options: obj, ?connectionListener: Function): Socket = jsNative
static member createConnection(port: float, ?host: string, ?connectionListener: Function): Socket = jsNative
static member createConnection(path: string, ?connectionListener: Function): Socket = jsNative
static member isIP(input: string): float = jsNative
static member isIPv4(input: string): bool = jsNative
static member isIPv6(input: string): bool = jsNative
module dgram =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] RemoteInfo =
abstract address: string with get, set
abstract family: string with get, set
abstract port: float with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] AddressInfo =
abstract address: string with get, set
abstract family: string with get, set
abstract port: float with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] BindOptions =
abstract port: float with get, set
abstract address: string option with get, set
abstract exclusive: bool option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] SocketOptions =
abstract ``type``: (* TODO StringEnum udp4 | udp6 *) string with get, set
abstract reuseAddr: bool option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Socket =
abstract EventEmitter: EventEmitter with get, set
abstract defaultMaxListeners: float with get, set
abstract listenerCount: emitter: EventEmitter * ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> float
abstract addListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract on: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract prependListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract prependOnceListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeAllListeners: ?``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> obj
abstract setMaxListeners: n: float -> obj
abstract getMaxListeners: unit -> float
abstract listeners: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> ResizeArray<Function>
abstract emit: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * [<ParamArray>] args: obj[] -> bool
abstract eventNames: unit -> ResizeArray<U2<string, Symbol>>
abstract listenerCount: ``type``: U2<string, Symbol> -> float
abstract send: msg: U3<Buffer, string, ResizeArray<obj>> * port: float * address: string * ?callback: Func<Error, float, unit> -> unit
abstract send: msg: U3<Buffer, string, ResizeArray<obj>> * offset: float * length: float * port: float * address: string * ?callback: Func<Error, float, unit> -> unit
abstract bind: ?port: float * ?address: string * ?callback: Func<unit, unit> -> unit
abstract bind: options: BindOptions * ?callback: Function -> unit
abstract close: ?callback: obj -> unit
abstract address: unit -> AddressInfo
abstract setBroadcast: flag: bool -> unit
abstract setTTL: ttl: float -> unit
abstract setMulticastTTL: ttl: float -> unit
abstract setMulticastLoopback: flag: bool -> unit
abstract addMembership: multicastAddress: string * ?multicastInterface: string -> unit
abstract dropMembership: multicastAddress: string * ?multicastInterface: string -> unit
abstract ref: unit -> unit
abstract unref: unit -> unit
abstract addListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('close',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('error',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_error: listener: Func<Error, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('listening',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_listening: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('message',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_message: listener: Func<string, AddressInfo, unit> -> obj
abstract emit: ``event``: string * [<ParamArray>] args: obj[] -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('close')")>] abstract emit_close: unit -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('error',$1...)")>] abstract emit_error: err: Error -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('listening')")>] abstract emit_listening: unit -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('message',$1...)")>] abstract emit_message: msg: string * rinfo: AddressInfo -> bool
abstract on: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('close',$1...)")>] abstract on_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('error',$1...)")>] abstract on_error: listener: Func<Error, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('listening',$1...)")>] abstract on_listening: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('message',$1...)")>] abstract on_message: listener: Func<string, AddressInfo, unit> -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('close',$1...)")>] abstract once_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('error',$1...)")>] abstract once_error: listener: Func<Error, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('listening',$1...)")>] abstract once_listening: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('message',$1...)")>] abstract once_message: listener: Func<string, AddressInfo, unit> -> obj
abstract prependListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('close',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('error',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_error: listener: Func<Error, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('listening',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_listening: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('message',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_message: listener: Func<string, AddressInfo, unit> -> obj
abstract prependOnceListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('close',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('error',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_error: listener: Func<Error, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('listening',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_listening: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('message',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_message: listener: Func<string, AddressInfo, unit> -> obj
type [<Import("*","dgram")>] Globals =
static member createSocket(``type``: string, ?callback: Func<Buffer, RemoteInfo, unit>): Socket = jsNative
static member createSocket(options: SocketOptions, ?callback: Func<Buffer, RemoteInfo, unit>): Socket = jsNative
module fs =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Stats =
abstract dev: float with get, set
abstract ino: float with get, set
abstract mode: float with get, set
abstract nlink: float with get, set
abstract uid: float with get, set
abstract gid: float with get, set
abstract rdev: float with get, set
abstract size: float with get, set
abstract blksize: float with get, set
abstract blocks: float with get, set
abstract atime: DateTime with get, set
abstract mtime: DateTime with get, set
abstract ctime: DateTime with get, set
abstract birthtime: DateTime with get, set
abstract isFile: unit -> bool
abstract isDirectory: unit -> bool
abstract isBlockDevice: unit -> bool
abstract isCharacterDevice: unit -> bool
abstract isSymbolicLink: unit -> bool
abstract isFIFO: unit -> bool
abstract isSocket: unit -> bool
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] FSWatcher =
abstract EventEmitter: EventEmitter with get, set
abstract defaultMaxListeners: float with get, set
abstract listenerCount: emitter: EventEmitter * ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> float
abstract addListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract on: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract prependListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract prependOnceListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeListener: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * listener: Function -> obj
abstract removeAllListeners: ?``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> obj
abstract setMaxListeners: n: float -> obj
abstract getMaxListeners: unit -> float
abstract listeners: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> -> ResizeArray<Function>
abstract emit: ``event``: U2<string, Symbol> * [<ParamArray>] args: obj[] -> bool
abstract eventNames: unit -> ResizeArray<U2<string, Symbol>>
abstract listenerCount: ``type``: U2<string, Symbol> -> float
abstract close: unit -> unit
abstract addListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('change',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_change: listener: Func<string, U2<string, Buffer>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('error',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_error: listener: Func<float, string, unit> -> obj
abstract on: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('change',$1...)")>] abstract on_change: listener: Func<string, U2<string, Buffer>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('error',$1...)")>] abstract on_error: listener: Func<float, string, unit> -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('change',$1...)")>] abstract once_change: listener: Func<string, U2<string, Buffer>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('error',$1...)")>] abstract once_error: listener: Func<float, string, unit> -> obj
abstract prependListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('change',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_change: listener: Func<string, U2<string, Buffer>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('error',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_error: listener: Func<float, string, unit> -> obj
abstract prependOnceListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('change',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_change: listener: Func<string, U2<string, Buffer>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('error',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_error: listener: Func<float, string, unit> -> obj
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ReadStream =
inherit stream.Readable
abstract close: unit -> unit
abstract destroy: unit -> unit
abstract addListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('open',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_open: listener: Func<float, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('close',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
abstract on: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('open',$1...)")>] abstract on_open: listener: Func<float, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('close',$1...)")>] abstract on_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('open',$1...)")>] abstract once_open: listener: Func<float, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('close',$1...)")>] abstract once_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
abstract prependListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('open',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_open: listener: Func<float, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('close',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
abstract prependOnceListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('open',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_open: listener: Func<float, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('close',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] WriteStream =
inherit stream.Writable
abstract bytesWritten: float with get, set
abstract path: U2<string, Buffer> with get, set
abstract close: unit -> unit
abstract addListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('open',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_open: listener: Func<float, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('close',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
abstract on: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('open',$1...)")>] abstract on_open: listener: Func<float, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('close',$1...)")>] abstract on_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('open',$1...)")>] abstract once_open: listener: Func<float, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('close',$1...)")>] abstract once_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
abstract prependListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('open',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_open: listener: Func<float, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('close',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
abstract prependOnceListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('open',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_open: listener: Func<float, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('close',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_close: listener: Func<unit, unit> -> obj
type [<Import("*","fs")>] Globals =
static member rename(oldPath: string, newPath: string, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member renameSync(oldPath: string, newPath: string): unit = jsNative
static member truncate(path: U2<string, Buffer>, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member truncate(path: U2<string, Buffer>, len: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member truncateSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>, ?len: float): unit = jsNative
static member ftruncate(fd: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member ftruncate(fd: float, len: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member ftruncateSync(fd: float, ?len: float): unit = jsNative
static member chown(path: U2<string, Buffer>, uid: float, gid: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member chownSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>, uid: float, gid: float): unit = jsNative
static member fchown(fd: float, uid: float, gid: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member fchownSync(fd: float, uid: float, gid: float): unit = jsNative
static member lchown(path: U2<string, Buffer>, uid: float, gid: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member lchownSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>, uid: float, gid: float): unit = jsNative
static member chmod(path: U2<string, Buffer>, mode: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member chmod(path: U2<string, Buffer>, mode: string, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member chmodSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>, mode: float): unit = jsNative
static member chmodSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>, mode: string): unit = jsNative
static member fchmod(fd: float, mode: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member fchmod(fd: float, mode: string, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member fchmodSync(fd: float, mode: float): unit = jsNative
static member fchmodSync(fd: float, mode: string): unit = jsNative
static member lchmod(path: U2<string, Buffer>, mode: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member lchmod(path: U2<string, Buffer>, mode: string, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member lchmodSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>, mode: float): unit = jsNative
static member lchmodSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>, mode: string): unit = jsNative
static member stat(path: U2<string, Buffer>, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, Stats, obj>): unit = jsNative
static member lstat(path: U2<string, Buffer>, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, Stats, obj>): unit = jsNative
static member fstat(fd: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, Stats, obj>): unit = jsNative
static member statSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>): Stats = jsNative
static member lstatSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>): Stats = jsNative
static member fstatSync(fd: float): Stats = jsNative
static member link(srcpath: U2<string, Buffer>, dstpath: U2<string, Buffer>, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member linkSync(srcpath: U2<string, Buffer>, dstpath: U2<string, Buffer>): unit = jsNative
static member symlink(srcpath: U2<string, Buffer>, dstpath: U2<string, Buffer>, ?``type``: string, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member symlinkSync(srcpath: U2<string, Buffer>, dstpath: U2<string, Buffer>, ?``type``: string): unit = jsNative
static member readlink(path: U2<string, Buffer>, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, string, obj>): unit = jsNative
static member readlinkSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>): string = jsNative
static member realpath(path: U2<string, Buffer>, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, string, obj>): unit = jsNative
static member realpath(path: U2<string, Buffer>, cache: obj, callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, string, obj>): unit = jsNative
static member realpathSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>, ?cache: obj): string = jsNative
static member unlink(path: U2<string, Buffer>, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member unlinkSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>): unit = jsNative
static member rmdir(path: U2<string, Buffer>, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member rmdirSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>): unit = jsNative
static member mkdir(path: U2<string, Buffer>, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member mkdir(path: U2<string, Buffer>, mode: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member mkdir(path: U2<string, Buffer>, mode: string, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member mkdirSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>, ?mode: float): unit = jsNative
static member mkdirSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>, ?mode: string): unit = jsNative
static member mkdtemp(prefix: string, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, string, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member mkdtempSync(prefix: string): string = jsNative
static member readdir(path: U2<string, Buffer>, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, ResizeArray<string>, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member readdirSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>): ResizeArray<string> = jsNative
static member close(fd: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member closeSync(fd: float): unit = jsNative
static member ``open``(path: U2<string, Buffer>, flags: U2<string, float>, callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, float, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member ``open``(path: U2<string, Buffer>, flags: U2<string, float>, mode: float, callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, float, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member openSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>, flags: U2<string, float>, ?mode: float): float = jsNative
static member utimes(path: U2<string, Buffer>, atime: float, mtime: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member utimes(path: U2<string, Buffer>, atime: DateTime, mtime: DateTime, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member utimesSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>, atime: float, mtime: float): unit = jsNative
static member utimesSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>, atime: DateTime, mtime: DateTime): unit = jsNative
static member futimes(fd: float, atime: float, mtime: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member futimes(fd: float, atime: DateTime, mtime: DateTime, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member futimesSync(fd: float, atime: float, mtime: float): unit = jsNative
static member futimesSync(fd: float, atime: DateTime, mtime: DateTime): unit = jsNative
static member fsync(fd: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member fsyncSync(fd: float): unit = jsNative
static member write(fd: float, buffer: Buffer, offset: float, length: float, position: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, float, Buffer, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member write(fd: float, buffer: Buffer, offset: float, length: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, float, Buffer, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member write(fd: float, data: obj, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, float, string, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member write(fd: float, data: obj, offset: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, float, string, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member write(fd: float, data: obj, offset: float, encoding: string, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, float, string, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member writeSync(fd: float, buffer: Buffer, offset: float, length: float, ?position: float): float = jsNative
static member writeSync(fd: float, data: obj, ?position: float, ?enconding: string): float = jsNative
static member read(fd: float, buffer: Buffer, offset: float, length: float, position: float, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, float, Buffer, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member readSync(fd: float, buffer: Buffer, offset: float, length: float, position: float): float = jsNative
static member readFile(filename: string, encoding: string, callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, string, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member readFile(filename: string, options: obj, callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, string, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member readFile(filename: string, options: obj, callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, Buffer, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member readFile(filename: string, callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, Buffer, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member readFileSync(filename: string, encoding: string): string = jsNative
static member readFileSync(filename: string, options: obj): string = jsNative
static member readFileSync(filename: string, ?options: obj): Buffer = jsNative
static member writeFile(filename: string, data: obj, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member writeFile(filename: string, data: obj, options: obj, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member writeFile(filename: string, data: obj, options: obj, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member writeFileSync(filename: string, data: obj, ?options: obj): unit = jsNative
static member writeFileSync(filename: string, data: obj, ?options: obj): unit = jsNative
static member appendFile(filename: string, data: obj, options: obj, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member appendFile(filename: string, data: obj, options: obj, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member appendFile(filename: string, data: obj, ?callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member appendFileSync(filename: string, data: obj, ?options: obj): unit = jsNative
static member appendFileSync(filename: string, data: obj, ?options: obj): unit = jsNative
static member watchFile(filename: string, listener: Func<Stats, Stats, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member watchFile(filename: string, options: obj, listener: Func<Stats, Stats, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member unwatchFile(filename: string, ?listener: Func<Stats, Stats, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member watch(filename: string, ?listener: Func<string, string, obj>): FSWatcher = jsNative
static member watch(filename: string, encoding: string, ?listener: Func<string, U2<string, Buffer>, obj>): FSWatcher = jsNative
static member watch(filename: string, options: obj, ?listener: Func<string, U2<string, Buffer>, obj>): FSWatcher = jsNative
static member exists(path: U2<string, Buffer>, ?callback: Func<bool, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member existsSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>): bool = jsNative
static member access(path: U2<string, Buffer>, callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member access(path: U2<string, Buffer>, mode: float, callback: Func<NodeJS.ErrnoException, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member accessSync(path: U2<string, Buffer>, ?mode: float): unit = jsNative
static member createReadStream(path: U2<string, Buffer>, ?options: obj): ReadStream = jsNative
static member createWriteStream(path: U2<string, Buffer>, ?options: obj): WriteStream = jsNative
static member fdatasync(fd: float, callback: Function): unit = jsNative
static member fdatasyncSync(fd: float): unit = jsNative
module constants =
type [<Import("constants","fs")>] Globals =
static member F_OK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member R_OK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member W_OK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member X_OK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_RDONLY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_WRONLY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_RDWR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_CREAT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_EXCL with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_NOCTTY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_TRUNC with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_APPEND with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_DIRECTORY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_NOATIME with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_NOFOLLOW with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_SYNC with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_SYMLINK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_DIRECT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_NONBLOCK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IFMT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IFREG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IFDIR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IFCHR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IFBLK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IFIFO with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IFLNK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IFSOCK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IRWXU with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IRUSR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IWUSR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IXUSR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IRWXG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IRGRP with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IWGRP with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IXGRP with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IRWXO with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IROTH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IWOTH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IXOTH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
module path =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ParsedPath =
abstract root: string with get, set
abstract dir: string with get, set
abstract ``base``: string with get, set
abstract ext: string with get, set
abstract name: string with get, set
type [<Import("*","path")>] Globals =
static member sep with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member delimiter with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member normalize(p: string): string = jsNative
static member join([<ParamArray>] paths: obj[]): string = jsNative
static member join([<ParamArray>] paths: string[]): string = jsNative
static member resolve([<ParamArray>] pathSegments: obj[]): string = jsNative
static member isAbsolute(path: string): bool = jsNative
static member relative(from: string, ``to``: string): string = jsNative
static member dirname(p: string): string = jsNative
static member basename(p: string, ?ext: string): string = jsNative
static member extname(p: string): string = jsNative
static member parse(pathString: string): ParsedPath = jsNative
static member format(pathObject: ParsedPath): string = jsNative
module posix =
type [<Import("posix","path")>] Globals =
static member sep with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member delimiter with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member normalize(p: string): string = jsNative
static member join([<ParamArray>] paths: obj[]): string = jsNative
static member resolve([<ParamArray>] pathSegments: obj[]): string = jsNative
static member isAbsolute(p: string): bool = jsNative
static member relative(from: string, ``to``: string): string = jsNative
static member dirname(p: string): string = jsNative
static member basename(p: string, ?ext: string): string = jsNative
static member extname(p: string): string = jsNative
static member parse(p: string): ParsedPath = jsNative
static member format(pP: ParsedPath): string = jsNative
module win32 =
type [<Import("win32","path")>] Globals =
static member sep with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member delimiter with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member normalize(p: string): string = jsNative
static member join([<ParamArray>] paths: obj[]): string = jsNative
static member resolve([<ParamArray>] pathSegments: obj[]): string = jsNative
static member isAbsolute(p: string): bool = jsNative
static member relative(from: string, ``to``: string): string = jsNative
static member dirname(p: string): string = jsNative
static member basename(p: string, ?ext: string): string = jsNative
static member extname(p: string): string = jsNative
static member parse(p: string): ParsedPath = jsNative
static member format(pP: ParsedPath): string = jsNative
module string_decoder =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] NodeStringDecoder =
abstract write: buffer: Buffer -> string
abstract ``end``: ?buffer: Buffer -> string
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] StringDecoderType =
[<Emit("new $0($1...)")>] abstract Create: ?encoding: string -> NodeStringDecoder
type [<Import("*","string_decoder")>] Globals =
static member StringDecoder with get(): StringDecoderType = jsNative and set(v: StringDecoderType): unit = jsNative
module tls =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Certificate =
abstract C: string with get, set
abstract ST: string with get, set
abstract L: string with get, set
abstract O: string with get, set
abstract OU: string with get, set
abstract CN: string with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] CipherNameAndProtocol =
abstract name: string with get, set
abstract version: string with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<Import("TLSSocket","tls")>] TLSSocket(socket: net.Socket, ?options: obj) =
interface stream.Duplex
member __.authorized with get(): bool = jsNative and set(v: bool): unit = jsNative
member __.authorizationError with get(): Error = jsNative and set(v: Error): unit = jsNative
member __.encrypted with get(): bool = jsNative and set(v: bool): unit = jsNative
member __.localAddress with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
member __.localPort with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
member __.remoteAddress with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
member __.remoteFamily with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
member __.remotePort with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
member __.address(): obj = jsNative
member __.getCipher(): CipherNameAndProtocol = jsNative
member __.getPeerCertificate(?detailed: bool): obj = jsNative
member __.getSession(): obj = jsNative
member __.getTLSTicket(): obj = jsNative
member __.renegotiate(options: TlsOptions, callback: Func<Error, obj>): obj = jsNative
member __.setMaxSendFragment(size: float): bool = jsNative
member __.addListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('OCSPResponse',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_OCSPResponse(listener: Func<Buffer, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('secureConnect',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_secureConnect(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
member __.emit(``event``: string, [<ParamArray>] args: obj[]): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('OCSPResponse',$1...)")>] member __.emit_OCSPResponse(response: Buffer): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('secureConnect')")>] member __.emit_secureConnect(): bool = jsNative
member __.on(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('OCSPResponse',$1...)")>] member __.on_OCSPResponse(listener: Func<Buffer, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('secureConnect',$1...)")>] member __.on_secureConnect(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
member __.once(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('OCSPResponse',$1...)")>] member __.once_OCSPResponse(listener: Func<Buffer, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('secureConnect',$1...)")>] member __.once_secureConnect(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
member __.prependListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('OCSPResponse',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_OCSPResponse(listener: Func<Buffer, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('secureConnect',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_secureConnect(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
member __.prependOnceListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('OCSPResponse',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_OCSPResponse(listener: Func<Buffer, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('secureConnect',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_secureConnect(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] TlsOptions =
abstract host: string option with get, set
abstract port: float option with get, set
abstract pfx: U2<string, ResizeArray<Buffer>> option with get, set
abstract key: U4<string, ResizeArray<string>, Buffer, ResizeArray<obj>> option with get, set
abstract passphrase: string option with get, set
abstract cert: U4<string, ResizeArray<string>, Buffer, ResizeArray<Buffer>> option with get, set
abstract ca: U4<string, ResizeArray<string>, Buffer, ResizeArray<Buffer>> option with get, set
abstract crl: U2<string, ResizeArray<string>> option with get, set
abstract ciphers: string option with get, set
abstract honorCipherOrder: bool option with get, set
abstract requestCert: bool option with get, set
abstract rejectUnauthorized: bool option with get, set
abstract NPNProtocols: U2<ResizeArray<string>, Buffer> option with get, set
abstract SNICallback: Func<string, Func<Error, SecureContext, obj>, obj> option with get, set
abstract ecdhCurve: string option with get, set
abstract dhparam: U2<string, Buffer> option with get, set
abstract handshakeTimeout: float option with get, set
abstract ALPNProtocols: U2<ResizeArray<string>, Buffer> option with get, set
abstract sessionTimeout: float option with get, set
abstract ticketKeys: obj option with get, set
abstract sessionIdContext: string option with get, set
abstract secureProtocol: string option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ConnectionOptions =
abstract host: string option with get, set
abstract port: float option with get, set
abstract socket: net.Socket option with get, set
abstract pfx: U2<string, Buffer> option with get, set
abstract key: U4<string, ResizeArray<string>, Buffer, ResizeArray<Buffer>> option with get, set
abstract passphrase: string option with get, set
abstract cert: U4<string, ResizeArray<string>, Buffer, ResizeArray<Buffer>> option with get, set
abstract ca: U3<string, Buffer, ResizeArray<U2<string, Buffer>>> option with get, set
abstract rejectUnauthorized: bool option with get, set
abstract NPNProtocols: ResizeArray<U2<string, Buffer>> option with get, set
abstract servername: string option with get, set
abstract path: string option with get, set
abstract ALPNProtocols: ResizeArray<U2<string, Buffer>> option with get, set
abstract checkServerIdentity: Func<string, U3<string, Buffer, ResizeArray<U2<string, Buffer>>>, obj> option with get, set
abstract secureProtocol: string option with get, set
abstract secureContext: obj option with get, set
abstract session: Buffer option with get, set
abstract minDHSize: float option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Server =
inherit net.Server
abstract maxConnections: float with get, set
abstract connections: float with get, set
abstract close: unit -> Server
abstract address: unit -> obj
abstract addContext: hostName: string * credentials: obj -> unit
abstract addListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('tlsClientError',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_tlsClientError: listener: Func<Error, TLSSocket, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('newSession',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_newSession: listener: Func<obj, obj, Func<Error, Buffer, unit>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('OCSPRequest',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_OCSPRequest: listener: Func<Buffer, Buffer, Function, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('resumeSession',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_resumeSession: listener: Func<obj, Func<Error, obj, unit>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.addListener('secureConnection',$1...)")>] abstract addListener_secureConnection: listener: Func<TLSSocket, unit> -> obj
abstract emit: ``event``: string * [<ParamArray>] args: obj[] -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('tlsClientError',$1...)")>] abstract emit_tlsClientError: err: Error * tlsSocket: TLSSocket -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('newSession',$1...)")>] abstract emit_newSession: sessionId: obj * sessionData: obj * callback: Func<Error, Buffer, unit> -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('OCSPRequest',$1...)")>] abstract emit_OCSPRequest: certificate: Buffer * issuer: Buffer * callback: Function -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('resumeSession',$1...)")>] abstract emit_resumeSession: sessionId: obj * callback: Func<Error, obj, unit> -> bool
[<Emit("$0.emit('secureConnection',$1...)")>] abstract emit_secureConnection: tlsSocket: TLSSocket -> bool
abstract on: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('tlsClientError',$1...)")>] abstract on_tlsClientError: listener: Func<Error, TLSSocket, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('newSession',$1...)")>] abstract on_newSession: listener: Func<obj, obj, Func<Error, Buffer, unit>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('OCSPRequest',$1...)")>] abstract on_OCSPRequest: listener: Func<Buffer, Buffer, Function, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('resumeSession',$1...)")>] abstract on_resumeSession: listener: Func<obj, Func<Error, obj, unit>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.on('secureConnection',$1...)")>] abstract on_secureConnection: listener: Func<TLSSocket, unit> -> obj
abstract once: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('tlsClientError',$1...)")>] abstract once_tlsClientError: listener: Func<Error, TLSSocket, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('newSession',$1...)")>] abstract once_newSession: listener: Func<obj, obj, Func<Error, Buffer, unit>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('OCSPRequest',$1...)")>] abstract once_OCSPRequest: listener: Func<Buffer, Buffer, Function, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('resumeSession',$1...)")>] abstract once_resumeSession: listener: Func<obj, Func<Error, obj, unit>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.once('secureConnection',$1...)")>] abstract once_secureConnection: listener: Func<TLSSocket, unit> -> obj
abstract prependListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('tlsClientError',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_tlsClientError: listener: Func<Error, TLSSocket, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('newSession',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_newSession: listener: Func<obj, obj, Func<Error, Buffer, unit>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('OCSPRequest',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_OCSPRequest: listener: Func<Buffer, Buffer, Function, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('resumeSession',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_resumeSession: listener: Func<obj, Func<Error, obj, unit>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('secureConnection',$1...)")>] abstract prependListener_secureConnection: listener: Func<TLSSocket, unit> -> obj
abstract prependOnceListener: ``event``: string * listener: Function -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('tlsClientError',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_tlsClientError: listener: Func<Error, TLSSocket, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('newSession',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_newSession: listener: Func<obj, obj, Func<Error, Buffer, unit>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('OCSPRequest',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_OCSPRequest: listener: Func<Buffer, Buffer, Function, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('resumeSession',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_resumeSession: listener: Func<obj, Func<Error, obj, unit>, unit> -> obj
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('secureConnection',$1...)")>] abstract prependOnceListener_secureConnection: listener: Func<TLSSocket, unit> -> obj
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ClearTextStream =
inherit stream.Duplex
abstract authorized: bool with get, set
abstract authorizationError: Error with get, set
abstract getCipher: obj with get, set
abstract address: obj with get, set
abstract remoteAddress: string with get, set
abstract remotePort: float with get, set
abstract getPeerCertificate: unit -> obj
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] SecurePair =
abstract encrypted: obj with get, set
abstract cleartext: obj with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] SecureContextOptions =
abstract pfx: U2<string, Buffer> option with get, set
abstract key: U2<string, Buffer> option with get, set
abstract passphrase: string option with get, set
abstract cert: U2<string, Buffer> option with get, set
abstract ca: U2<string, Buffer> option with get, set
abstract crl: U2<string, ResizeArray<string>> option with get, set
abstract ciphers: string option with get, set
abstract honorCipherOrder: bool option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] SecureContext =
abstract context: obj with get, set
type [<Import("*","tls")>] Globals =
static member CLIENT_RENEG_LIMIT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member CLIENT_RENEG_WINDOW with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member createServer(options: TlsOptions, ?secureConnectionListener: Func<ClearTextStream, unit>): Server = jsNative
static member connect(options: ConnectionOptions, ?secureConnectionListener: Func<unit, unit>): ClearTextStream = jsNative
static member connect(port: float, ?host: string, ?options: ConnectionOptions, ?secureConnectListener: Func<unit, unit>): ClearTextStream = jsNative
static member connect(port: float, ?options: ConnectionOptions, ?secureConnectListener: Func<unit, unit>): ClearTextStream = jsNative
static member createSecurePair(?credentials: crypto.Credentials, ?isServer: bool, ?requestCert: bool, ?rejectUnauthorized: bool): SecurePair = jsNative
static member createSecureContext(details: SecureContextOptions): SecureContext = jsNative
module crypto =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] Certificate =
abstract exportChallenge: spkac: U2<string, Buffer> -> Buffer
abstract exportPublicKey: spkac: U2<string, Buffer> -> Buffer
abstract verifySpkac: spkac: Buffer -> bool
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] CertificateType =
[<Emit("new $0($1...)")>] abstract Create: unit -> Certificate
[<Emit("$0($1...)")>] abstract Invoke: unit -> Certificate
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] CredentialDetails =
abstract pfx: string with get, set
abstract key: string with get, set
abstract passphrase: string with get, set
abstract cert: string with get, set
abstract ca: U2<string, ResizeArray<string>> with get, set
abstract crl: U2<string, ResizeArray<string>> with get, set
abstract ciphers: string with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Credentials =
abstract context: obj option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<StringEnum>] Utf8AsciiLatin1Encoding =
| Utf8 | Ascii | Latin1
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<StringEnum>] HexBase64Latin1Encoding =
| Latin1 | Hex | Base64
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<StringEnum>] Utf8AsciiBinaryEncoding =
| Utf8 | Ascii | Binary
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<StringEnum>] HexBase64BinaryEncoding =
| Binary | Base64 | Hex
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<StringEnum>] ECDHKeyFormat =
| Compressed | Uncompressed | Hybrid
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Hash =
inherit NodeJS.ReadWriteStream
abstract update: data: U2<string, Buffer> -> Hash
abstract update: data: U2<string, Buffer> * input_encoding: Utf8AsciiLatin1Encoding -> Hash
abstract digest: unit -> Buffer
abstract digest: encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding -> string
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Hmac =
inherit NodeJS.ReadWriteStream
abstract update: data: U2<string, Buffer> -> Hmac
abstract update: data: U2<string, Buffer> * input_encoding: Utf8AsciiLatin1Encoding -> Hmac
abstract digest: unit -> Buffer
abstract digest: encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding -> string
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Cipher =
inherit NodeJS.ReadWriteStream
abstract update: data: Buffer -> Buffer
abstract update: data: string * input_encoding: Utf8AsciiBinaryEncoding -> Buffer
abstract update: data: Buffer * input_encoding: obj * output_encoding: HexBase64BinaryEncoding -> string
abstract update: data: string * input_encoding: Utf8AsciiBinaryEncoding * output_encoding: HexBase64BinaryEncoding -> string
abstract final: unit -> Buffer
abstract final: output_encoding: string -> string
abstract setAutoPadding: ?auto_padding: bool -> unit
abstract getAuthTag: unit -> Buffer
abstract setAAD: buffer: Buffer -> unit
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Decipher =
inherit NodeJS.ReadWriteStream
abstract update: data: Buffer -> Buffer
abstract update: data: string * input_encoding: HexBase64BinaryEncoding -> Buffer
abstract update: data: Buffer * input_encoding: obj * output_encoding: Utf8AsciiBinaryEncoding -> string
abstract update: data: string * input_encoding: HexBase64BinaryEncoding * output_encoding: Utf8AsciiBinaryEncoding -> string
abstract final: unit -> Buffer
abstract final: output_encoding: string -> string
abstract setAutoPadding: ?auto_padding: bool -> unit
abstract setAuthTag: tag: Buffer -> unit
abstract setAAD: buffer: Buffer -> unit
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Signer =
inherit NodeJS.WritableStream
abstract update: data: U2<string, Buffer> -> Signer
abstract update: data: U2<string, Buffer> * input_encoding: Utf8AsciiLatin1Encoding -> Signer
abstract sign: private_key: U2<string, obj> -> Buffer
abstract sign: private_key: U2<string, obj> * output_format: HexBase64Latin1Encoding -> string
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] Verify =
inherit NodeJS.WritableStream
abstract update: data: U2<string, Buffer> -> Verify
abstract update: data: U2<string, Buffer> * input_encoding: Utf8AsciiLatin1Encoding -> Verify
abstract verify: ``object``: string * signature: Buffer -> bool
abstract verify: ``object``: string * signature: string * signature_format: HexBase64Latin1Encoding -> bool
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] DiffieHellman =
abstract verifyError: float with get, set
abstract generateKeys: unit -> Buffer
abstract generateKeys: encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding -> string
abstract computeSecret: other_public_key: Buffer -> Buffer
abstract computeSecret: other_public_key: string * input_encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding -> Buffer
abstract computeSecret: other_public_key: string * input_encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding * output_encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding -> string
abstract getPrime: unit -> Buffer
abstract getPrime: encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding -> string
abstract getGenerator: unit -> Buffer
abstract getGenerator: encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding -> string
abstract getPublicKey: unit -> Buffer
abstract getPublicKey: encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding -> string
abstract getPrivateKey: unit -> Buffer
abstract getPrivateKey: encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding -> string
abstract setPublicKey: public_key: Buffer -> unit
abstract setPublicKey: public_key: string * encoding: string -> unit
abstract setPrivateKey: private_key: Buffer -> unit
abstract setPrivateKey: private_key: string * encoding: string -> unit
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] RsaPublicKey =
abstract key: string with get, set
abstract padding: float option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] RsaPrivateKey =
abstract key: string with get, set
abstract passphrase: string option with get, set
abstract padding: float option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ECDH =
abstract generateKeys: unit -> Buffer
abstract generateKeys: encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding -> string
abstract generateKeys: encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding * format: ECDHKeyFormat -> string
abstract computeSecret: other_public_key: Buffer -> Buffer
abstract computeSecret: other_public_key: string * input_encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding -> Buffer
abstract computeSecret: other_public_key: string * input_encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding * output_encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding -> string
abstract getPrivateKey: unit -> Buffer
abstract getPrivateKey: encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding -> string
abstract getPublicKey: unit -> Buffer
abstract getPublicKey: encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding -> string
abstract getPublicKey: encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding * format: ECDHKeyFormat -> string
abstract setPrivateKey: private_key: Buffer -> unit
abstract setPrivateKey: private_key: string * encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding -> unit
type [<Import("*","crypto")>] Globals =
static member Certificate with get(): CertificateType = jsNative and set(v: CertificateType): unit = jsNative
static member fips with get(): bool = jsNative and set(v: bool): unit = jsNative
static member DEFAULT_ENCODING with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member createCredentials(details: CredentialDetails): Credentials = jsNative
static member createHash(algorithm: string): Hash = jsNative
static member createHmac(algorithm: string, key: U2<string, Buffer>): Hmac = jsNative
static member createCipher(algorithm: string, password: obj): Cipher = jsNative
static member createCipheriv(algorithm: string, key: obj, iv: obj): Cipher = jsNative
static member createDecipher(algorithm: string, password: obj): Decipher = jsNative
static member createDecipheriv(algorithm: string, key: obj, iv: obj): Decipher = jsNative
static member createSign(algorithm: string): Signer = jsNative
static member createVerify(algorith: string): Verify = jsNative
static member createDiffieHellman(prime_length: float, ?generator: float): DiffieHellman = jsNative
static member createDiffieHellman(prime: Buffer): DiffieHellman = jsNative
static member createDiffieHellman(prime: string, prime_encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding): DiffieHellman = jsNative
static member createDiffieHellman(prime: string, prime_encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding, generator: U2<float, Buffer>): DiffieHellman = jsNative
static member createDiffieHellman(prime: string, prime_encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding, generator: string, generator_encoding: HexBase64Latin1Encoding): DiffieHellman = jsNative
static member getDiffieHellman(group_name: string): DiffieHellman = jsNative
static member pbkdf2(password: U2<string, Buffer>, salt: U2<string, Buffer>, iterations: float, keylen: float, digest: string, callback: Func<Error, Buffer, obj>): unit = jsNative
static member pbkdf2Sync(password: U2<string, Buffer>, salt: U2<string, Buffer>, iterations: float, keylen: float, digest: string): Buffer = jsNative
static member randomBytes(size: float): Buffer = jsNative
static member randomBytes(size: float, callback: Func<Error, Buffer, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member pseudoRandomBytes(size: float): Buffer = jsNative
static member pseudoRandomBytes(size: float, callback: Func<Error, Buffer, unit>): unit = jsNative
static member publicEncrypt(public_key: U2<string, RsaPublicKey>, buffer: Buffer): Buffer = jsNative
static member privateDecrypt(private_key: U2<string, RsaPrivateKey>, buffer: Buffer): Buffer = jsNative
static member privateEncrypt(private_key: U2<string, RsaPrivateKey>, buffer: Buffer): Buffer = jsNative
static member publicDecrypt(public_key: U2<string, RsaPublicKey>, buffer: Buffer): Buffer = jsNative
static member getCiphers(): ResizeArray<string> = jsNative
static member getCurves(): ResizeArray<string> = jsNative
static member getHashes(): ResizeArray<string> = jsNative
static member createECDH(curve_name: string): ECDH = jsNative
static member timingSafeEqual(a: Buffer, b: Buffer): bool = jsNative
module stream =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<Import("internal","stream")>] ``internal``() =
inherit events.EventEmitter()
member __.pipe(destination: 'T, ?options: obj): 'T = jsNative
module ``internal`` =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<Import("internal.Stream","stream")>] Stream() =
interface internal
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] ReadableOptions =
abstract highWaterMark: float option with get, set
abstract encoding: string option with get, set
abstract objectMode: bool option with get, set
abstract read: Func<float, obj> option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<Import("internal.Readable","stream")>] Readable(?opts: ReadableOptions) =
inherit events.EventEmitter()
interface ReadableStream with
member __.readable with get(): bool = jsNative and set(v: bool): unit = jsNative
member float): U2<string, Buffer> = jsNative
member __.setEncoding(encoding: string): unit = jsNative
member __.pause(): ReadableStream = jsNative
member __.resume(): ReadableStream = jsNative
member __.pipe(destination: 'T, ?options: obj): 'T = jsNative
member __.unpipe(?destination: 'T): unit = jsNative
member __.unshift(chunk: string): unit = jsNative
member __.unshift(chunk: Buffer): unit = jsNative
member __.wrap(oldStream: ReadableStream): ReadableStream = jsNative
member __._read(size: float): unit = jsNative
member __.unshift(chunk: obj): unit = jsNative
member __.wrap(oldStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream): NodeJS.ReadableStream = jsNative
member __.push(chunk: obj, ?encoding: string): bool = jsNative
member __.addListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('close',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_close(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('data',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_data(listener: Func<U2<Buffer, string>, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('end',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_end(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('readable',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_readable(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('error',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_error(listener: Func<Error, unit>): obj = jsNative
member __.emit(``event``: string, [<ParamArray>] args: obj[]): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('close')")>] member __.emit_close(): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('data',$1...)")>] member __.emit_data(chunk: U2<Buffer, string>): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('end')")>] member __.emit_end(): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('readable')")>] member __.emit_readable(): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('error',$1...)")>] member __.emit_error(err: Error): bool = jsNative
member __.on(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('close',$1...)")>] member __.on_close(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('data',$1...)")>] member __.on_data(listener: Func<U2<Buffer, string>, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('end',$1...)")>] member __.on_end(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('readable',$1...)")>] member __.on_readable(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('error',$1...)")>] member __.on_error(listener: Func<Error, unit>): obj = jsNative
member __.once(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('close',$1...)")>] member __.once_close(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('data',$1...)")>] member __.once_data(listener: Func<U2<Buffer, string>, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('end',$1...)")>] member __.once_end(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('readable',$1...)")>] member __.once_readable(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('error',$1...)")>] member __.once_error(listener: Func<Error, unit>): obj = jsNative
member __.prependListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('close',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_close(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('data',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_data(listener: Func<U2<Buffer, string>, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('end',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_end(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('readable',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_readable(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('error',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_error(listener: Func<Error, unit>): obj = jsNative
member __.prependOnceListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('close',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_close(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('data',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_data(listener: Func<U2<Buffer, string>, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('end',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_end(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('readable',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_readable(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('error',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_error(listener: Func<Error, unit>): obj = jsNative
member __.removeListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.removeListener('close',$1...)")>] member __.removeListener_close(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.removeListener('data',$1...)")>] member __.removeListener_data(listener: Func<U2<Buffer, string>, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.removeListener('end',$1...)")>] member __.removeListener_end(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.removeListener('readable',$1...)")>] member __.removeListener_readable(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.removeListener('error',$1...)")>] member __.removeListener_error(listener: Func<Error, unit>): obj = jsNative
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] WritableOptions =
abstract highWaterMark: float option with get, set
abstract decodeStrings: bool option with get, set
abstract objectMode: bool option with get, set
abstract write: Func<U2<string, Buffer>, string, Function, obj> option with get, set
abstract writev: Func<ResizeArray<obj>, Function, obj> option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<Import("internal.Writable","stream")>] Writable(?opts: WritableOptions) =
inherit events.EventEmitter()
interface WritableStream with
member __.writable with get(): bool = jsNative and set(v: bool): unit = jsNative
member __.write(buffer: U2<Buffer, string>, ?cb: Function): bool = jsNative
member __.write(str: string, ?encoding: string, ?cb: Function): bool = jsNative
member __.``end``(): unit = jsNative
member __.``end``(buffer: Buffer, ?cb: Function): unit = jsNative
member __.``end``(str: string, ?cb: Function): unit = jsNative
member __.``end``(str: string, ?encoding: string, ?cb: Function): unit = jsNative
member __._write(chunk: obj, encoding: string, callback: Function): unit = jsNative
member __.write(chunk: obj, ?cb: Function): bool = jsNative
member __.write(chunk: obj, ?encoding: string, ?cb: Function): bool = jsNative
member __.``end``(chunk: obj, ?cb: Function): unit = jsNative
member __.``end``(chunk: obj, ?encoding: string, ?cb: Function): unit = jsNative
member __.addListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('close',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_close(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('drain',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_drain(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('error',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_error(listener: Func<Error, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('finish',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_finish(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('pipe',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_pipe(listener: Func<Readable, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.addListener('unpipe',$1...)")>] member __.addListener_unpipe(listener: Func<Readable, unit>): obj = jsNative
member __.emit(``event``: string, [<ParamArray>] args: obj[]): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('close')")>] member __.emit_close(): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('drain',$1...)")>] member __.emit_drain(chunk: U2<Buffer, string>): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('error',$1...)")>] member __.emit_error(err: Error): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('finish')")>] member __.emit_finish(): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('pipe',$1...)")>] member __.emit_pipe(src: Readable): bool = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.emit('unpipe',$1...)")>] member __.emit_unpipe(src: Readable): bool = jsNative
member __.on(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('close',$1...)")>] member __.on_close(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('drain',$1...)")>] member __.on_drain(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('error',$1...)")>] member __.on_error(listener: Func<Error, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('finish',$1...)")>] member __.on_finish(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('pipe',$1...)")>] member __.on_pipe(listener: Func<Readable, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.on('unpipe',$1...)")>] member __.on_unpipe(listener: Func<Readable, unit>): obj = jsNative
member __.once(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('close',$1...)")>] member __.once_close(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('drain',$1...)")>] member __.once_drain(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('error',$1...)")>] member __.once_error(listener: Func<Error, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('finish',$1...)")>] member __.once_finish(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('pipe',$1...)")>] member __.once_pipe(listener: Func<Readable, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.once('unpipe',$1...)")>] member __.once_unpipe(listener: Func<Readable, unit>): obj = jsNative
member __.prependListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('close',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_close(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('drain',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_drain(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('error',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_error(listener: Func<Error, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('finish',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_finish(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('pipe',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_pipe(listener: Func<Readable, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependListener('unpipe',$1...)")>] member __.prependListener_unpipe(listener: Func<Readable, unit>): obj = jsNative
member __.prependOnceListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('close',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_close(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('drain',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_drain(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('error',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_error(listener: Func<Error, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('finish',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_finish(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('pipe',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_pipe(listener: Func<Readable, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.prependOnceListener('unpipe',$1...)")>] member __.prependOnceListener_unpipe(listener: Func<Readable, unit>): obj = jsNative
member __.removeListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.removeListener('close',$1...)")>] member __.removeListener_close(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.removeListener('drain',$1...)")>] member __.removeListener_drain(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.removeListener('error',$1...)")>] member __.removeListener_error(listener: Func<Error, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.removeListener('finish',$1...)")>] member __.removeListener_finish(listener: Func<unit, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.removeListener('pipe',$1...)")>] member __.removeListener_pipe(listener: Func<Readable, unit>): obj = jsNative
[<Emit("$0.removeListener('unpipe',$1...)")>] member __.removeListener_unpipe(listener: Func<Readable, unit>): obj = jsNative
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] DuplexOptions =
inherit ReadableOptions
inherit WritableOptions
abstract allowHalfOpen: bool option with get, set
abstract readableObjectMode: bool option with get, set
abstract writableObjectMode: bool option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<Import("internal.Duplex","stream")>] Duplex(?opts: DuplexOptions) =
inherit Readable()
interface ReadWriteStream with
member __.pause(): ReadWriteStream = jsNative
member __.resume(): ReadWriteStream = jsNative
member __.writable with get(): bool = jsNative and set(v: bool): unit = jsNative
member __._write(chunk: obj, encoding: string, callback: Function): unit = jsNative
member __.write(chunk: obj, ?cb: Function): bool = jsNative
member __.write(chunk: obj, ?encoding: string, ?cb: Function): bool = jsNative
member __.``end``(): unit = jsNative
member __.``end``(chunk: obj, ?cb: Function): unit = jsNative
member __.``end``(chunk: obj, ?encoding: string, ?cb: Function): unit = jsNative
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] TransformOptions =
inherit DuplexOptions
abstract transform: Func<U2<string, Buffer>, string, Function, obj> option with get, set
abstract flush: Func<Function, obj> option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<Import("internal.Transform","stream")>] Transform(?opts: TransformOptions) =
inherit events.EventEmitter()
interface ReadWriteStream with
member __.pause(): ReadWriteStream = jsNative
member __.resume(): ReadWriteStream = jsNative
member __.readable with get(): bool = jsNative and set(v: bool): unit = jsNative
member __.writable with get(): bool = jsNative and set(v: bool): unit = jsNative
member __._transform(chunk: obj, encoding: string, callback: Function): unit = jsNative
member __._flush(callback: Function): unit = jsNative
member float): obj = jsNative
member __.setEncoding(encoding: string): unit = jsNative
member __.pipe(destination: 'T, ?options: obj): 'T = jsNative
member __.unpipe(?destination: 'T): unit = jsNative
member __.unshift(chunk: obj): unit = jsNative
member __.wrap(oldStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream): NodeJS.ReadableStream = jsNative
member __.push(chunk: obj, ?encoding: string): bool = jsNative
member __.write(chunk: obj, ?cb: Function): bool = jsNative
member __.write(chunk: obj, ?encoding: string, ?cb: Function): bool = jsNative
member __.``end``(): unit = jsNative
member __.``end``(chunk: obj, ?cb: Function): unit = jsNative
member __.``end``(chunk: obj, ?encoding: string, ?cb: Function): unit = jsNative
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<Import("internal.PassThrough","stream")>] PassThrough() =
inherit Transform()
module util =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] InspectOptions =
abstract showHidden: bool option with get, set
abstract depth: float option with get, set
abstract colors: bool option with get, set
abstract customInspect: bool option with get, set
type [<Import("*","util")>] Globals =
static member format(format: obj, [<ParamArray>] param: obj[]): string = jsNative
static member debug(string: string): unit = jsNative
static member error([<ParamArray>] param: obj[]): unit = jsNative
static member puts([<ParamArray>] param: obj[]): unit = jsNative
static member print([<ParamArray>] param: obj[]): unit = jsNative
static member log(string: string): unit = jsNative
static member inspect(``object``: obj, ?showHidden: bool, ?depth: float, ?color: bool): string = jsNative
static member inspect(``object``: obj, options: InspectOptions): string = jsNative
static member isArray(``object``: obj): bool = jsNative
static member isRegExp(``object``: obj): bool = jsNative
static member isDate(``object``: obj): bool = jsNative
static member isError(``object``: obj): bool = jsNative
static member inherits(``constructor``: obj, superConstructor: obj): unit = jsNative
static member debuglog(key: string): Func<string, obj, unit> = jsNative
static member isBoolean(``object``: obj): bool = jsNative
static member isBuffer(``object``: obj): bool = jsNative
static member isFunction(``object``: obj): bool = jsNative
static member isNull(``object``: obj): bool = jsNative
static member isNullOrUndefined(``object``: obj): bool = jsNative
static member isNumber(``object``: obj): bool = jsNative
static member isObject(``object``: obj): bool = jsNative
static member isPrimitive(``object``: obj): bool = jsNative
static member isString(``object``: obj): bool = jsNative
static member isSymbol(``object``: obj): bool = jsNative
static member isUndefined(``object``: obj): bool = jsNative
static member deprecate(fn: Function, message: string): Function = jsNative
module ``assert`` =
type [<Import("*","assert")>] Globals =
static member ``internal``(value: obj, ?message: string): unit = jsNative
module ``internal`` =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<Import("internal.AssertionError","assert")>] AssertionError(?options: obj) =
interface Error
member with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
member __.message with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
member __.actual with get(): obj = jsNative and set(v: obj): unit = jsNative
member __.expected with get(): obj = jsNative and set(v: obj): unit = jsNative
member __.operator with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
member __.generatedMessage with get(): bool = jsNative and set(v: bool): unit = jsNative
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] throwsType =
[<Emit("$0($1...)")>] abstract Invoke: block: Function * ?message: string -> unit
[<Emit("$0($1...)")>] abstract Invoke: block: Function * error: Function * ?message: string -> unit
[<Emit("$0($1...)")>] abstract Invoke: block: Function * error: Regex * ?message: string -> unit
[<Emit("$0($1...)")>] abstract Invoke: block: Function * error: Func<obj, bool> * ?message: string -> unit
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] doesNotThrowType =
[<Emit("$0($1...)")>] abstract Invoke: block: Function * ?message: string -> unit
[<Emit("$0($1...)")>] abstract Invoke: block: Function * error: Function * ?message: string -> unit
[<Emit("$0($1...)")>] abstract Invoke: block: Function * error: Regex * ?message: string -> unit
[<Emit("$0($1...)")>] abstract Invoke: block: Function * error: Func<obj, bool> * ?message: string -> unit
type [<Import("internal","assert")>] Globals =
static member throws with get(): throwsType = jsNative and set(v: throwsType): unit = jsNative
static member doesNotThrow with get(): doesNotThrowType = jsNative and set(v: doesNotThrowType): unit = jsNative
static member fail(actual: obj, expected: obj, message: string, operator: string): unit = jsNative
static member ok(value: obj, ?message: string): unit = jsNative
static member equal(actual: obj, expected: obj, ?message: string): unit = jsNative
static member notEqual(actual: obj, expected: obj, ?message: string): unit = jsNative
static member deepEqual(actual: obj, expected: obj, ?message: string): unit = jsNative
static member notDeepEqual(acutal: obj, expected: obj, ?message: string): unit = jsNative
static member strictEqual(actual: obj, expected: obj, ?message: string): unit = jsNative
static member notStrictEqual(actual: obj, expected: obj, ?message: string): unit = jsNative
static member deepStrictEqual(actual: obj, expected: obj, ?message: string): unit = jsNative
static member notDeepStrictEqual(actual: obj, expected: obj, ?message: string): unit = jsNative
static member ifError(value: obj): unit = jsNative
module tty =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] ReadStream =
inherit net.Socket
abstract isRaw: bool with get, set
abstract isTTY: bool with get, set
abstract setRawMode: mode: bool -> unit
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] WriteStream =
inherit net.Socket
abstract columns: float with get, set
abstract rows: float with get, set
abstract isTTY: bool with get, set
type [<Import("*","tty")>] Globals =
static member isatty(fd: float): bool = jsNative
module domain =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] [<Import("Domain","domain")>] Domain() =
inherit events.EventEmitter()
interface Domain with
member Function): unit = jsNative
member __.add(emitter: Events): unit = jsNative
member __.remove(emitter: Events): unit = jsNative
member __.bind(cb: Func<Error, obj, obj>): obj = jsNative
member __.intercept(cb: Func<obj, obj>): obj = jsNative
member __.dispose(): unit = jsNative
member __.addListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
member __.on(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
member __.once(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
member __.removeListener(``event``: string, listener: Function): obj = jsNative
member __.removeAllListeners(?``event``: string): obj = jsNative
member __.members with get(): ResizeArray<obj> = jsNative and set(v: ResizeArray<obj>): unit = jsNative
member __.add(emitter: events.EventEmitter): unit = jsNative
member __.remove(emitter: events.EventEmitter): unit = jsNative
member __.enter(): unit = jsNative
member __.exit(): unit = jsNative
type [<Import("*","domain")>] Globals =
static member create(): Domain = jsNative
module constants =
type [<Import("*","constants")>] Globals =
static member E2BIG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EACCES with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EADDRINUSE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EADDRNOTAVAIL with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EAFNOSUPPORT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EAGAIN with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EALREADY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EBADF with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EBADMSG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EBUSY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ECANCELED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ECHILD with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ECONNABORTED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ECONNREFUSED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ECONNRESET with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EDEADLK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EDESTADDRREQ with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EDOM with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EEXIST with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EFAULT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EFBIG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EHOSTUNREACH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EIDRM with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EILSEQ with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EINPROGRESS with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EINTR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EINVAL with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EIO with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EISCONN with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EISDIR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ELOOP with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EMFILE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EMLINK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EMSGSIZE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENAMETOOLONG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENETDOWN with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENETRESET with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENETUNREACH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENFILE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENOBUFS with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENODATA with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENODEV with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENOENT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENOEXEC with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENOLCK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENOLINK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENOMEM with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENOMSG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENOPROTOOPT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENOSPC with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENOSR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENOSTR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENOSYS with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENOTCONN with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENOTDIR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENOTEMPTY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENOTSOCK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENOTSUP with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENOTTY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENXIO with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EOPNOTSUPP with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EOVERFLOW with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EPERM with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EPIPE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EPROTO with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EPROTONOSUPPORT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EPROTOTYPE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ERANGE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EROFS with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ESPIPE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ESRCH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ETIME with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ETIMEDOUT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ETXTBSY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EWOULDBLOCK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member EXDEV with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEINTR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEBADF with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEACCES with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEFAULT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEINVAL with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEMFILE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEWOULDBLOCK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEINPROGRESS with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEALREADY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAENOTSOCK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEDESTADDRREQ with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEMSGSIZE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEPROTOTYPE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAENOPROTOOPT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEOPNOTSUPP with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEPFNOSUPPORT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEAFNOSUPPORT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEADDRINUSE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAENETDOWN with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAENETUNREACH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAENETRESET with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAECONNABORTED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAECONNRESET with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAENOBUFS with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEISCONN with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAENOTCONN with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAESHUTDOWN with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAETOOMANYREFS with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAETIMEDOUT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAECONNREFUSED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAELOOP with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAENAMETOOLONG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEHOSTDOWN with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEHOSTUNREACH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAENOTEMPTY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEPROCLIM with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEUSERS with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEDQUOT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAESTALE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEREMOTE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSASYSNOTREADY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSANOTINITIALISED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEDISCON with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAENOMORE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAECANCELLED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSASYSCALLFAILURE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSA_E_NO_MORE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSA_E_CANCELLED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member WSAEREFUSED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGHUP with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGINT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGILL with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGABRT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGFPE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGKILL with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGSEGV with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGTERM with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGBREAK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGWINCH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_ALL with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_ALLOW_UNSAFE_LEGACY_RENEGOTIATION with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_CISCO_ANYCONNECT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_COOKIE_EXCHANGE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_CRYPTOPRO_TLSEXT_BUG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_EPHEMERAL_RSA with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_LEGACY_SERVER_CONNECT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_MICROSOFT_BIG_SSLV3_BUFFER with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_MICROSOFT_SESS_ID_BUG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_MSIE_SSLV2_RSA_PADDING with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_CA_DN_BUG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_CHALLENGE_BUG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_DEMO_CIPHER_CHANGE_BUG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_REUSE_CIPHER_CHANGE_BUG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_NO_SESSION_RESUMPTION_ON_RENEGOTIATION with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_NO_TICKET with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1 with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2 with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_PKCS1_CHECK_1 with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_PKCS1_CHECK_2 with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_SSLEAY_080_CLIENT_DH_BUG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_SSLREF2_REUSE_CERT_TYPE_BUG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_TLS_BLOCK_PADDING_BUG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_TLS_D5_BUG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SSL_OP_TLS_ROLLBACK_BUG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENGINE_METHOD_DSA with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENGINE_METHOD_DH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENGINE_METHOD_RAND with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENGINE_METHOD_ECDH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENGINE_METHOD_ECDSA with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENGINE_METHOD_CIPHERS with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENGINE_METHOD_DIGESTS with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENGINE_METHOD_STORE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENGINE_METHOD_PKEY_METHS with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENGINE_METHOD_PKEY_ASN1_METHS with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENGINE_METHOD_ALL with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ENGINE_METHOD_NONE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member DH_CHECK_P_NOT_SAFE_PRIME with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member DH_CHECK_P_NOT_PRIME with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member DH_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_GENERATOR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member DH_NOT_SUITABLE_GENERATOR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member NPN_ENABLED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member RSA_PKCS1_PADDING with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member RSA_SSLV23_PADDING with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member RSA_NO_PADDING with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member RSA_X931_PADDING with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member POINT_CONVERSION_HYBRID with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_RDONLY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_WRONLY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_RDWR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IFMT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IFREG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IFDIR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IFCHR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IFBLK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IFIFO with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IFSOCK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IRWXU with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IRUSR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IWUSR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IXUSR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IRWXG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IRGRP with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IWGRP with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IXGRP with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IRWXO with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IROTH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IWOTH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IXOTH with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member S_IFLNK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_CREAT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_EXCL with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_NOCTTY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_DIRECTORY with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_NOATIME with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_NOFOLLOW with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_SYNC with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_SYMLINK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_DIRECT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_NONBLOCK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_TRUNC with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member O_APPEND with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member F_OK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member R_OK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member W_OK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member X_OK with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member UV_UDP_REUSEADDR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGQUIT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGTRAP with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGIOT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGBUS with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGUSR1 with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGUSR2 with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGPIPE with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGALRM with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGCHLD with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGSTKFLT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGCONT with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGSTOP with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGTSTP with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGTTIN with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGTTOU with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGURG with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGXCPU with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGXFSZ with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGVTALRM with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGPROF with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGIO with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGPOLL with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGPWR with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGSYS with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member SIGUNUSED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member defaultCoreCipherList with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member defaultCipherList with get(): string = jsNative and set(v: string): unit = jsNative
static member ENGINE_METHOD_RSA with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
static member ALPN_ENABLED with get(): float = jsNative and set(v: float): unit = jsNative
module v8 =
type [<AllowNullLiteral>] HeapSpaceInfo =
abstract space_name: string with get, set
abstract space_size: float with get, set
abstract space_used_size: float with get, set
abstract space_available_size: float with get, set
abstract physical_space_size: float with get, set
type [<Import("*","v8")>] Globals =
static member getHeapStatistics(): obj = jsNative
static member getHeapSpaceStatistics(): ResizeArray<HeapSpaceInfo> = jsNative
static member setFlagsFromString(flags: string): unit = jsNative
module timers =
type [<Import("*","timers")>] Globals =
static member setTimeout(callback: Func<obj, unit>, ms: float, [<ParamArray>] args: obj[]): NodeJS.Timer = jsNative
static member clearTimeout(timeoutId: NodeJS.Timer): unit = jsNative
static member setInterval(callback: Func<obj, unit>, ms: float, [<ParamArray>] args: obj[]): NodeJS.Timer = jsNative
static member clearInterval(intervalId: NodeJS.Timer): unit = jsNative
static member setImmediate(callback: Func<obj, unit>, [<ParamArray>] args: obj[]): obj = jsNative
static member clearImmediate(immediateId: obj): unit = jsNative
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