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Created February 16, 2016 12:45
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namespace tags
// TODO: Add support for "has tag" queries. Preferably through a big-ass bit vector.
typedef unsigned Tag;
struct TagInstance
Entity entity;
MultiInstanceComponent::InstanceId component;
const unsigned BLOCK_SIZE = 1024;
const unsigned PAGE_SIZE = 64 * 1024;
const unsigned INSTANCES_PER_BLOCK = BLOCK_SIZE / sizeof(TagInstance);
struct Page
void* p;
unsigned used;
struct Block
TagInstance* instances;
unsigned size;
struct Store
// Not sorted for now. Sorting would allow for faster rejection of empty queries and better locality when
// theres alot of instances for a particular tag. If the common case is that theres more that ~128 tags
// a binary search might prove more efficient.
// See
Array<Tag> block_tags;
Array<Block> blocks;
Array<Page> pages;
Array<unsigned> sort_scratch;
Allocator& allocator;
explicit Store(Allocator& a) : block_tags(a), blocks(a), pages(a), sort_scratch(a), allocator(a) { };
for (const auto& p : pages)
Page make_page(Allocator& a)
Page p = { (TagInstance*)a.allocate(PAGE_SIZE), 0 };
return p;
Block make_block(Page& p)
Block b = { (TagInstance*)memory_utilities::pointer_add(p.p, p.used), 0 };
return b;
Block* allocate_block(Store& s, Tag t)
auto& page = s.pages.empty() || PAGE_SIZE - s.pages.back().used < BLOCK_SIZE
? s.pages.extend() = make_page(s.allocator)
: s.pages.back();
auto& b = s.blocks.extend() = make_block(page);
s.block_tags.extend() = t;
page.used += BLOCK_SIZE;
return &b;
// Interface
void instances(const Store& s, Tag tag, Array<TagInstance>& result)
const auto n_blocks = s.blocks.size();
auto at = 0u;
for (auto i = 0u; i < n_blocks; i++) {
if (s.block_tags[i] != tag)
const auto& b = s.blocks[i];
result.resize(result.size() + b.size);
memcpy(result.begin() + at, b.instances, sizeof(*b.instances)*b.size);
at += b.size;
void tag_instance(Store& store, Entity e, MultiInstanceComponent::InstanceId c, const Tag* tags, const unsigned n_tags)
auto needs_sort = false;
const int n_block_tags = store.block_tags.size();
for (const auto t : range(tags, n_tags)) {
auto* block = (Block*)nullptr;
for (auto i = n_block_tags-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (store.block_tags[i] != t)
auto& b = store.blocks[i];
if (b.size < INSTANCES_PER_BLOCK) {
block = &b;
if (block == nullptr)
block = allocate_block(store, t);
auto& inst = block->instances[block->size++];
inst.entity = e;
inst.component = c;
void remove_instance(Store& store, MultiInstanceComponent::InstanceId c)
for (auto& block : store.blocks) {
for (auto i = 0u; i < block.size; ++i) {
if (block.instances[i].component == c) {
block.instances[i] = block.instances[--block.size];
inline Tag tag(const char* s) { return IdString32(s).id(); }
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