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Forked from phpleo/FilterCode.cs
Created December 13, 2011 21:10
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Extrayendo el texto de un PDF con IFilter, se usa "Adobe PDF IFilter v6.0" con un proyecto en ASP MVC 2
/// Sample library for using IFilter to read text from any registered filter type.
/// Helpful links:
/// Code here is taken from a combination of the project located at
/// as well as definitions taken from License is MS-PL so enjoy.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace FilterLibrary
public class FilterCode
int DefaultBufferSize = 4096;
/// <summary>
/// Utilizes IFilter interface in Windows to parse the contents of files.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Path">Path - Location of file to parse</param>
/// <param name="Path">Buffer - Return text artifacts</param>
/// <returns>Raw set of strings from the document in plain text format.</returns>
public void GetTextFromDocument(string Path, ref StringBuilder Buffer)
IFilter filter = null;
int hresult;
IFilterReturnCodes rtn;
// Initialize the return buffer to 64K.
Buffer = new StringBuilder(64 * 1024);
// Try to load the filter for the path given.
hresult = LoadIFilter(Path, new IntPtr(0), ref filter);
if (hresult == 0)
// Init the filter provider.
rtn = filter.Init(
0, new IntPtr(0), out uflags);
if (rtn == IFilterReturnCodes.S_OK)
STAT_CHUNK statChunk;
// Outer loop will read chunks from the document at a time. For those
// chunks that have text, the contents will be pulled and put into the
// return buffer.
bool bMoreChunks = true;
while (bMoreChunks)
rtn = filter.GetChunk(out statChunk);
if (rtn == IFilterReturnCodes.S_OK)
// Ignore all non-text chunks.
if (statChunk.flags != CHUNKSTATE.CHUNK_TEXT)
// Check for white space items and add the appropriate breaks.
switch (statChunk.breakType)
Buffer.Append(' ');
// At this point we have a text chunk. The following code will pull out
// all of it and add it to the buffer.
bool bMoreText = true;
while (bMoreText)
// Create a temporary string buffer we can use for the parsing algorithm.
int cBuffer = DefaultBufferSize;
StringBuilder sbBuffer = new StringBuilder(DefaultBufferSize);
// Read the next piece of data up to the size of our local buffer.
rtn = filter.GetText(ref cBuffer, sbBuffer);
if (rtn == IFilterReturnCodes.S_OK || rtn == IFilterReturnCodes.FILTER_S_LAST_TEXT)
// If any data was returned, scrub it and then add it to the buffer.
CleanUpCharacters(cBuffer, sbBuffer);
// If we got back some text but there is no more, terminate the loop.
if (rtn == IFilterReturnCodes.FILTER_S_LAST_TEXT)
bMoreText = false;
// Once all data is exhausted, we are done so terminate.
else if (rtn == IFilterReturnCodes.FILTER_E_NO_MORE_TEXT)
bMoreText = false;
// Check for any fatal errors. It is a bug if you land here.
else if (rtn == IFilterReturnCodes.FILTER_E_NO_TEXT)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Should not get here");
throw new InvalidOperationException();
// Once all chunks have been read, we are done with the file.
else if (rtn == IFilterReturnCodes.FILTER_E_END_OF_CHUNKS)
bMoreChunks = false;
else if (rtn == IFilterReturnCodes.FILTER_E_EMBEDDING_UNAVAILABLE ||
rtn == IFilterReturnCodes.FILTER_E_LINK_UNAVAILABLE)
throw new COMException("IFilter COM error: " + rtn.ToString());
// If you get here there is no filter for the file type you asked for. Throw an
// exception for the caller.
throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to find IFilter for file " + Path);
[DllImport("query.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
static extern int LoadIFilter(string pwcsPath,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)] object pUnkOuter,
ref IFilter ppIUnk);
[ComImport, Guid("89BCB740-6119-101A-BCB7-00DD010655AF")]
public interface IFilter
/// <summary>
/// The IFilter::Init method initializes a filtering session.
/// </summary>
IFilterReturnCodes Init(
//[in] Flag settings from the IFILTER_INIT enumeration for
// controlling text standardization, property output, embedding
// scope, and IFilter access patterns.
// [in] The size of the attributes array. When nonzero, cAttributes
// takes
// precedence over attributes specified in grfFlags. If no
// attribute flags
// are specified and cAttributes is zero, the default is given by
// the
// PSGUID_STORAGE storage property set, which contains the date and
// time
// of the last write to the file, size, and so on; and by the
// 'contents' property, which maps to the main contents of the
// file.
// For more information about properties and property sets, see
// Property Sets.
int cAttributes,
//[in] Array of pointers to FULLPROPSPEC structures for the
// requested properties.
// When cAttributes is nonzero, only the properties in aAttributes
// are returned.
IntPtr aAttributes,
// [out] Information about additional properties available to the
// caller; from the IFILTER_FLAGS enumeration.
out IFILTER_FLAGS pdwFlags);
/// <summary>
/// The IFilter::GetChunk method positions the filter at the beginning
/// of the next chunk,
/// or at the first chunk if this is the first call to the GetChunk
/// method, and returns a description of the current chunk.
/// </summary>
IFilterReturnCodes GetChunk(out STAT_CHUNK pStat);
/// <summary>
/// The IFilter::GetText method retrieves text (text-type properties)
/// from the current chunk,
/// which must have a CHUNKSTATE enumeration value of CHUNK_TEXT.
/// </summary>
IFilterReturnCodes GetText(
// [in/out] On entry, the size of awcBuffer array in wide/Unicode
// characters. On exit, the number of Unicode characters written to
// awcBuffer.
// Note that this value is not the number of bytes in the buffer.
ref int pcwcBuffer,
// Text retrieved from the current chunk. Do not terminate the
// buffer with a character.
[Out(), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]
StringBuilder awcBuffer);
/// <summary>
/// The IFilter::GetValue method retrieves a value (public
/// value-type property) from a chunk,
/// which must have a CHUNKSTATE enumeration value of CHUNK_VALUE.
/// </summary>
IFilterReturnCodes GetValue(
// Allocate the PROPVARIANT structure with CoTaskMemAlloc. Some
// structures contain pointers, which can be freed by calling the
// PropVariantClear function.
// It is up to the caller of the GetValue method to call the
// PropVariantClear method.
// ref IntPtr ppPropValue
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)]
ref IntPtr PropVal);
/// <summary>
/// The IFilter::BindRegion method retrieves an interface representing
/// the specified portion of the object.
/// Currently reserved for future use.
/// </summary>
IFilterReturnCodes BindRegion(ref FILTERREGION origPos,
ref Guid riid, ref object ppunk);
public struct FILTERREGION
public int idChunk;
public int cwcStart;
public int cwcExtent;
public enum IFilterReturnCodes : uint
/// <summary>
/// Success
/// </summary>
S_OK = 0,
/// <summary>
/// The function was denied access to the filter file.
/// </summary>
E_ACCESSDENIED = 0x80070005,
/// <summary>
/// The function encountered an invalid handle,
/// probably due to a low-memory situation.
/// </summary>
E_HANDLE = 0x80070006,
/// <summary>
/// The function received an invalid parameter.
/// </summary>
E_INVALIDARG = 0x80070057,
/// <summary>
/// Out of memory
/// </summary>
E_OUTOFMEMORY = 0x8007000E,
/// <summary>
/// Not implemented
/// </summary>
E_NOTIMPL = 0x80004001,
/// <summary>
/// Unknown error
/// </summary>
E_FAIL = 0x80000008,
/// <summary>
/// File not filtered due to password protection
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The document format is not recognised by the filter
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// No text in current chunk
/// </summary>
FILTER_E_NO_TEXT = 0x80041705,
/// <summary>
/// No values in current chunk
/// </summary>
FILTER_E_NO_VALUES = 0x80041706,
/// <summary>
/// No more chunks of text available in object
/// </summary>
FILTER_E_END_OF_CHUNKS = 0x80041700,
/// <summary>
/// No more text available in chunk
/// </summary>
FILTER_E_NO_MORE_TEXT = 0x80041701,
/// <summary>
/// No more property values available in chunk
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Unable to access object
/// </summary>
FILTER_E_ACCESS = 0x80041703,
/// <summary>
/// Moniker doesn't cover entire region
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Unable to bind IFilter for embedded object
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Unable to bind IFilter for linked object
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// This is the last text in the current chunk
/// </summary>
FILTER_S_LAST_TEXT = 0x00041709,
/// <summary>
/// This is the last value in the current chunk
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Flags controlling the operation of the FileFilter
/// instance.
/// </summary>
public enum IFILTER_INIT
/// <summary>
/// Paragraph breaks should be marked with the Unicode PARAGRAPH
/// SEPARATOR (0x2029)
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Soft returns, such as the newline character in Microsoft Word, should
/// be replaced by hard returnsLINE SEPARATOR (0x2028). Existing hard
/// returns can be doubled. A carriage return (0x000D), line feed (0x000A),
/// or the carriage return and line feed in combination should be considered
/// a hard return. The intent is to enable pattern-expression matches that
/// match against observed line breaks.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Various word-processing programs have forms of hyphens that are not
/// represented in the host character set, such as optional hyphens
/// (appearing only at the end of a line) and nonbreaking hyphens. This flag
/// indicates that optional hyphens are to be converted to nulls, and
/// non-breaking hyphens are to be converted to normal hyphens (0x2010), or
/// HYPHEN-MINUSES (0x002D).
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Just as the IFILTER_INIT_CANON_HYPHENS flag standardizes hyphens,
/// this one standardizes spaces. All special space characters, such as
/// nonbreaking spaces, are converted to the standard space character
/// (0x0020).
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Indicates that the client wants text split into chunks representing
/// public value-type properties.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Indicates that the client wants text split into chunks representing
/// properties determined during the indexing process.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Any properties not covered by the IFILTER_INIT_APPLY_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES
/// and IFILTER_INIT_APPLY_CRAWL_ATTRIBUTES flags should be emitted.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Optimizes IFilter for indexing because the client calls the
/// IFilter::Init method only once and does not call IFilter::BindRegion.
/// This eliminates the possibility of accessing a chunk both before and
/// after accessing another chunk.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The text extraction process must recursively search all linked
/// objects within the document. If a link is unavailable, the
/// IFilter::GetChunk call that would have obtained the first chunk of the
/// link should return FILTER_E_LINK_UNAVAILABLE.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The content indexing process can return property values set by the filter.
/// </summary>
public enum IFILTER_FLAGS
/// <summary>
/// The caller should use the IPropertySetStorage and IPropertyStorage
/// interfaces to locate additional properties.
/// When this flag is set, properties available through COM
/// enumerators should not be returned from IFilter.
/// </summary>
public struct STAT_CHUNK
/// <summary>
/// The chunk identifier. Chunk identifiers must be unique for the
/// current instance of the IFilter interface.
/// Chunk identifiers must be in ascending order. The order in which
/// chunks are numbered should correspond to the order in which they appear
/// in the source document. Some search engines can take advantage of the
/// proximity of chunks of various properties. If so, the order in which
/// chunks with different properties are emitted will be important to the
/// search engine.
/// </summary>
public int idChunk;
/// <summary>
/// The type of break that separates the previous chunk from the current
/// chunk. Values are from the CHUNK_BREAKTYPE enumeration.
/// </summary>
public CHUNK_BREAKTYPE breakType;
/// <summary>
/// Flags indicate whether this chunk contains a text-type or a
/// value-type property.
/// Flag values are taken from the CHUNKSTATE enumeration. If the CHUNK_TEXT flag is set,
/// IFilter::GetText should be used to retrieve the contents of the chunk
/// as a series of words.
/// If the CHUNK_VALUE flag is set, IFilter::GetValue should be used to retrieve
/// the value and treat it as a single property value. If the filter dictates that the same
/// content be treated as both text and as a value, the chunk should be emitted twice in two
/// different chunks, each with one flag set.
/// </summary>
public CHUNKSTATE flags;
/// <summary>
/// The language and sublanguage associated with a chunk of text. Chunk locale is used
/// by document indexers to perform proper word breaking of text. If the chunk is
/// neither text-type nor a value-type with data type VT_LPWSTR, VT_LPSTR or VT_BSTR,
/// this field is ignored.
/// </summary>
public int locale;
/// <summary>
/// The property to be applied to the chunk. If a filter requires that the same text
/// have more than one property, it needs to emit the text once for each property
/// in separate chunks.
/// </summary>
public FULLPROPSPEC attribute;
/// <summary>
/// The ID of the source of a chunk. The value of the idChunkSource member depends on the nature of the chunk:
/// If the chunk is a text-type property, the value of the idChunkSource member must be the same as the value of the idChunk member.
/// If the chunk is an public value-type property derived from textual content, the value of the idChunkSource member is the chunk ID for the
/// text-type chunk from which it is derived.
/// If the filter attributes specify to return only public value-type
/// properties, there is no content chunk from which to derive the current
/// public value-type property. In this case, the value of the
/// idChunkSource member must be set to zero, which is an invalid chunk.
/// </summary>
public int idChunkSource;
/// <summary>
/// The offset from which the source text for a derived chunk starts in
/// the source chunk.
/// </summary>
public int cwcStartSource;
/// <summary>
/// The length in characters of the source text from which the current
/// chunk was derived.
/// A zero value signifies character-by-character correspondence between
/// the source text and
/// the derived text. A nonzero value means that no such direct
/// correspondence exists
/// </summary>
public int cwcLenSource;
public enum CHUNKSTATE
/// <summary>
/// The current chunk is a text-type property.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The current chunk is a value-type property.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Reserved
/// </summary>
public struct PROPSPEC
public int ulKind; // 0 - string used; 1 - PROPID
public int propid;
public IntPtr lpwstr;
public struct FULLPROPSPEC
public Guid guidPropSet;
public PROPSPEC psProperty;
/// <summary>
/// Enumerates the different breaking types that occur between
/// chunks of text read out by the FileFilter.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// No break is placed between the current chunk and the previous chunk.
/// The chunks are glued together.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// A word break is placed between this chunk and the previous chunk that
/// had the same attribute.
/// Use of CHUNK_EOW should be minimized because the choice of word
/// breaks is language-dependent,
/// so determining word breaks is best left to the search engine.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// A sentence break is placed between this chunk and the previous chunk
/// that had the same attribute.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// A paragraph break is placed between this chunk and the previous chunk
/// that had the same attribute.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// A chapter break is placed between this chunk and the previous chunk
/// that had the same attribute.
/// </summary>
static void CleanUpCharacters(int chBuf, StringBuilder buf)
// The game here is to fold any "cute" versions of characters to thier
// simplified form to make parsing easier.
// Truncate any extra chars that may have been writting to the buffer.
buf.Remove(chBuf, buf.Length - chBuf);
for (int i = 0; i < chBuf; i++)
char ch = buf[i];
int chi = ch;
switch (chi)
case 0: // embedded null
case 0x2000: // en quad
case 0x2001: // em quad
case 0x2002: // en space
case 0x2003: // em space
case 0x2004: // three-per-em space
case 0x2005: // four-per-em space
case 0x2006: // six-per-em space
case 0x2007: // figure space
case 0x2008: // puctuation space
case 0x2009: // thin space
case 0x200A: // hair space
case 0x200B: // zero-width space
case 0x200C: // zero-width non-joiner
case 0x200D: // zero-width joiner
case 0x202f: // no-break space
case 0x3000: // ideographic space
buf[i] = ' ';
case 0x00B6: // pilcro
case 0x2028: // line seperator
case 0x2029: // paragraph seperator
buf[i] = '\n';
case 0x00AD: // soft-hyphen
case 0x00B7: // middle dot
case 0x2010: // hyphen
case 0x2011: // non-breaking hyphen
case 0x2012: // figure dash
case 0x2013: // en dash
case 0x2014: // em dash
case 0x2015: // quote dash
case 0x2027: // hyphenation point
case 0x2043: // hyphen bullet
case 0x208B: // subscript minus
case 0xFE31: // vertical em dash
case 0xFE32: // vertical en dash
case 0xFE58: // small em dash
case 0xFE63: // small hyphen minus
buf[i] = '-';
case 0x00B0: // degree
case 0x2018: // left single quote
case 0x2019: // right single quote
case 0x201A: // low right single quote
case 0x201B: // high left single quote
case 0x2032: // prime
case 0x2035: // reversed prime
case 0x2039: // left-pointing angle quotation mark
case 0x203A: // right-pointing angle quotation mark
buf[i] = '\'';
case 0x201C: // left double quote
case 0x201D: // right double quote
case 0x201E: // low right double quote
case 0x201F: // high left double quote
case 0x2033: // double prime
case 0x2034: // triple prime
case 0x2036: // reversed double prime
case 0x2037: // reversed triple prime
case 0x00AB: // left-pointing double angle quotation mark
case 0x00BB: // right-pointing double angle quotation mark
case 0x3003: // ditto mark
case 0x301D: // reversed double prime quotation mark
case 0x301E: // double prime quotation mark
case 0x301F: // low double prime quotation mark
buf[i] = '\"';
case 0x00A7: // section-sign
case 0x2020: // dagger
case 0x2021: // double-dagger
case 0x2022: // bullet
case 0x2023: // triangle bullet
case 0x203B: // reference mark
case 0xFE55: // small colon
buf[i] = ':';
case 0x2024: // one dot leader
case 0x2025: // two dot leader
case 0x2026: // elipsis
case 0x3002: // ideographic full stop
case 0xFE30: // two dot vertical leader
case 0xFE52: // small full stop
buf[i] = '.';
case 0x3001: // ideographic comma
case 0xFE50: // small comma
case 0xFE51: // small ideographic comma
buf[i] = ',';
case 0xFE54: // small semicolon
buf[i] = ';';
case 0x00A6: // broken-bar
case 0x2016: // double vertical line
buf[i] = '|';
case 0x2017: // double low line
case 0x203E: // overline
case 0x203F: // undertie
case 0x2040: // character tie
case 0xFE33: // vertical low line
case 0xFE49: // dashed overline
case 0xFE4A: // centerline overline
case 0xFE4D: // dashed low line
case 0xFE4E: // centerline low line
buf[i] = '_';
case 0x301C: // wave dash
case 0x3030: // wavy dash
case 0xFE34: // vertical wavy low line
case 0xFE4B: // wavy overline
case 0xFE4C: // double wavy overline
case 0xFE4F: // wavy low line
buf[i] = '~';
case 0x2038: // caret
case 0x2041: // caret insertion point
buf[i] = '^';
case 0x2030: // per-mille
case 0x2031: // per-ten thousand
case 0xFE6A: // small per-cent
buf[i] = '%';
case 0xFE6B: // small commercial at
buf[i] = '@';
case 0x00A9: // copyright
buf[i] = 'c';
case 0x00B5: // micro
buf[i] = 'u';
case 0x00AE: // registered
buf[i] = 'r';
case 0x207A: // superscript plus
case 0x208A: // subscript plus
case 0xFE62: // small plus
buf[i] = '+';
case 0x2044: // fraction slash
buf[i] = '/';
case 0x2042: // asterism
case 0xFE61: // small asterisk
buf[i] = '*';
case 0x208C: // subscript equal
case 0xFE66: // small equal
buf[i] = '=';
case 0xFE68: // small reverse solidus
buf[i] = '\\';
case 0xFE5F: // small number sign
buf[i] = '#';
case 0xFE60: // small ampersand
buf[i] = '&';
case 0xFE69: // small dollar sign
buf[i] = '$';
case 0x2045: // left square bracket with quill
case 0x3010: // left black lenticular bracket
case 0x3016: // left white lenticular bracket
case 0x301A: // left white square bracket
case 0xFE3B: // vertical left lenticular bracket
case 0xFF41: // vertical left corner bracket
case 0xFF43: // vertical white left corner bracket
buf[i] = '[';
case 0x2046: // right square bracket with quill
case 0x3011: // right black lenticular bracket
case 0x3017: // right white lenticular bracket
case 0x301B: // right white square bracket
case 0xFE3C: // vertical right lenticular bracket
case 0xFF42: // vertical right corner bracket
case 0xFF44: // vertical white right corner bracket
buf[i] = ']';
case 0x208D: // subscript left parenthesis
case 0x3014: // left tortise-shell bracket
case 0x3018: // left white tortise-shell bracket
case 0xFE35: // vertical left parenthesis
case 0xFE39: // vertical left tortise-shell bracket
case 0xFE59: // small left parenthesis
case 0xFE5D: // small left tortise-shell bracket
buf[i] = '(';
case 0x208E: // subscript right parenthesis
case 0x3015: // right tortise-shell bracket
case 0x3019: // right white tortise-shell bracket
case 0xFE36: // vertical right parenthesis
case 0xFE3A: // vertical right tortise-shell bracket
case 0xFE5A: // small right parenthesis
case 0xFE5E: // small right tortise-shell bracket
buf[i] = ')';
case 0x3008: // left angle bracket
case 0x300A: // left double angle bracket
case 0xFF3D: // vertical left double angle bracket
case 0xFF3F: // vertical left angle bracket
case 0xFF64: // small less-than
buf[i] = '<';
case 0x3009: // right angle bracket
case 0x300B: // right double angle bracket
case 0xFF3E: // vertical right double angle bracket
case 0xFF40: // vertical right angle bracket
case 0xFF65: // small greater-than
buf[i] = '>';
case 0xFE37: // vertical left curly bracket
case 0xFE5B: // small left curly bracket
buf[i] = '{';
case 0xFE38: // vertical right curly bracket
case 0xFE5C: // small right curly bracket
buf[i] = '}';
case 0x00A1: // inverted exclamation mark
case 0x00AC: // not
case 0x203C: // double exclamation mark
case 0x203D: // interrobang
case 0xFE57: // small exclamation mark
buf[i] = '!';
case 0x00BF: // inverted question mark
case 0xFE56: // small question mark
buf[i] = '?';
case 0x00B9: // superscript one
buf[i] = '1';
case 0x00B2: // superscript two
buf[i] = '2';
case 0x00B3: // superscript three
buf[i] = '3';
case 0x2070: // superscript zero
case 0x2074: // superscript four
case 0x2075: // superscript five
case 0x2076: // superscript six
case 0x2077: // superscript seven
case 0x2078: // superscript eight
case 0x2079: // superscript nine
case 0x2080: // subscript zero
case 0x2081: // subscript one
case 0x2082: // subscript two
case 0x2083: // subscript three
case 0x2084: // subscript four
case 0x2085: // subscript five
case 0x2086: // subscript six
case 0x2087: // subscript seven
case 0x2088: // subscript eight
case 0x2089: // subscript nine
case 0x3021: // Hangzhou numeral one
case 0x3022: // Hangzhou numeral two
case 0x3023: // Hangzhou numeral three
case 0x3024: // Hangzhou numeral four
case 0x3025: // Hangzhou numeral five
case 0x3026: // Hangzhou numeral six
case 0x3027: // Hangzhou numeral seven
case 0x3028: // Hangzhou numeral eight
case 0x3029: // Hangzhou numeral nine
chi = chi & 0x000F;
buf[i] = System.Convert.ToChar(chi);
// ONE is at ZERO location... careful
case 0x3220: // parenthesized ideograph one
case 0x3221: // parenthesized ideograph two
case 0x3222: // parenthesized ideograph three
case 0x3223: // parenthesized ideograph four
case 0x3224: // parenthesized ideograph five
case 0x3225: // parenthesized ideograph six
case 0x3226: // parenthesized ideograph seven
case 0x3227: // parenthesized ideograph eight
case 0x3228: // parenthesized ideograph nine
case 0x3280: // circled ideograph one
case 0x3281: // circled ideograph two
case 0x3282: // circled ideograph three
case 0x3283: // circled ideograph four
case 0x3284: // circled ideograph five
case 0x3285: // circled ideograph six
case 0x3286: // circled ideograph seven
case 0x3287: // circled ideograph eight
case 0x3288: // circled ideograph nine
chi = (chi & 0x000F) + 1;
buf[i] = System.Convert.ToChar(chi);
case 0x3007: // ideographic number zero
case 0x24EA: // circled number zero
buf[i] = '0';
if (0xFF01 <= ch // fullwidth exclamation mark
&& ch <= 0xFF5E) // fullwidth tilde
// the fullwidths line up with ASCII low subset
buf[i] = System.Convert.ToChar(chi & 0xFF00 + '!' - 1);
//ch = ch & 0xFF00 + '!' - 1;
else if (0x2460 <= ch // circled one
&& ch <= 0x2468) // circled nine
buf[i] = System.Convert.ToChar(chi - 0x2460 + '1');
//ch = ch - 0x2460 + '1';
else if (0x2474 <= ch // parenthesized one
&& ch <= 0x247C) // parenthesized nine
buf[i] = System.Convert.ToChar(chi - 0x2474 + '1');
// ch = ch - 0x2474 + '1';
else if (0x2488 <= ch // one full stop
&& ch <= 0x2490) // nine full stop
buf[i] = System.Convert.ToChar(chi - 0x2488 + '1');
//ch = ch - 0x2488 + '1';
else if (0x249C <= ch // parenthesized small a
&& ch <= 0x24B5) // parenthesized small z
buf[i] = System.Convert.ToChar(chi - 0x249C + 'a');
//ch = ch - 0x249C + 'a';
else if (0x24B6 <= ch // circled capital A
&& ch <= 0x24CF) // circled capital Z
buf[i] = System.Convert.ToChar(chi - 0x24B6 + 'A');
//ch = ch - 0x24B6 + 'A';
else if (0x24D0 <= ch // circled small a
&& ch <= 0x24E9) // circled small z
buf[i] = System.Convert.ToChar(chi - 0x24D0 + 'a');
//ch = ch - 0x24D0 + 'a';
else if (0x2500 <= ch // box drawing (begin)
&& ch <= 0x257F) // box drawing (end)
buf[i] = '|';
else if (0x2580 <= ch // block elements (begin)
&& ch <= 0x259F) // block elements (end)
buf[i] = '#';
else if (0x25A0 <= ch // geometric shapes (begin)
&& ch <= 0x25FF) // geometric shapes (end)
buf[i] = '*';
else if (0x2600 <= ch // dingbats (begin)
&& ch <= 0x267F) // dingbats (end)
buf[i] = '.';
// ValidUnicode(ch); // validate that it's legit Unicode
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
// proyecto donde esta la clase "FilterCode.cs" de:
using FilterLibrary;
// ...
string p = @"C:\Proyectos\Pruebas PDF\TestPdf\TestPdf\pdfs\PUYANGO_BASES_Propuesta.PDF";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// el texto que se extrae se encuentra en la variable sb
var fc = new FilterCode();
fc.GetTextFromDocument(p, ref sb);
// pasando el texto extraído a la plantilla
ViewData["sb"] = sb;
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