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Created February 3, 2012 23:59
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  • Save jimschubert/1733871 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jimschubert/1733871 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Find all possible slogan words from a single sentence.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Find all possible slogan words from a single sentence.
use strict; $|++;
@ARGV >= 2 or die "usage: $0 input_file output_file 'sentence'\n";
my ($infile, $outfile, $sentence) = @ARGV;
$sentence = $sentence || 'how much wood could a woodchuck chuck';
open INPUT, "< $infile" or die $!;
open OUTPUT, "> $outfile" or die $!;
my $stdout = select STDOUT;
$| = 1;
select $stdout;
my %sentence_letters;
my $stmp = $sentence;
$sentence_letters{$&}++ while($stmp =~ s/[a-z]//);
print "Using the sentence '$sentence'\n";
print "Found the following letters:\n";
print "\t$_ - ". $sentence_letters{$_} ."\n" foreach(sort(keys %sentence_letters));
print "Processing $infile for slogan words\n";
my $count = 0;
my @indicators = qw{\ / | .};
LINE: while(<INPUT>) {
my $word = $_;
my $tmp = $word;
next LINE if($word =~ /['\&\d]/);
my %word_letters;
$word_letters{$&}++ while($tmp =~ s/[a-z]//);
foreach(keys %word_letters) {
next LINE if ($word_letters{$_} > $sentence_letters{$_});
print OUTPUT $word;
my $word_len = length($word);
open WORD_LEN_OUTPUT, ">> $outfile.$word_len";
print WORD_LEN_OUTPUT $word;
print $indicators[++$count % 4], "\r";
print "\nDone.\nView $outfile.* for words\n";
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Accompanies my blog post.

To run:

perl /usr/share/dict/words generated.txt 'Good goly, Miss Molly'

Output will resemble:

jim at schubert in ~/projects/gist-1733871 on master*
$ tree .
├── generated.txt
├── generated.txt.1
├── generated.txt.2
├── generated.txt.3
├── generated.txt.4
├── generated.txt.5
├── generated.txt.6
├── generated.txt.7
├── generated.txt.8

0 directories, 10 files

Where generated.txt.3 should contain all 3-letter words. If the input file has \r\n instead of \n, the counts might be off by one.

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