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Last active February 14, 2018 12:12
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Search for phishing using certstream with regex
* Github
* Copyright (c) 2017 Fábio Castro
* Licensed under the MIT license.
'use strict'
const tld = require('tldjs');
const lodash = require('lodash');
const color = require('cli-color');
const status = require('node-status');
const punycode = require('punycode');
const yellow = color.yellow.underline;
const danger = color.redBright.underline;
const white = color.white.underline;
const certificates = status.addItem('certificates');
const mapping = {
"a": ["à", "á", "â", "ã", "ä", "å", "ā", "ă", "ą", "ǎ", "ȁ", "ȃ", "ȧ", "ḁ", "ẚ", "ạ"],
"b": ["ḃ", "ḅ", "ḇ", "ƀ"],
"c": ["ç", "ć", "ĉ", "ċ", "č"],
"d": ["ḋ", "ḍ", "ḏ", "ḑ", "ḓ", "đ"],
"e": ["è", "é", "ê", "ë", "ĕ", "ė", "ę", "ě", "ȅ", "ȇ", "ȩ", "ḙ", "ḛ", "ẹ", "ẽ"],
"f": ["ḟ"],
"g": ["ĝ", "ğ", "ġ", "ģ", "ǧ", "ǵ", "ḡ"],
"h": ["ĥ", "ȟ", "ḣ", "ḥ", "ḧ", "ḩ", "ḫ", "ẖ"],
"i": ["ì", "í", "î", "ï", "ĩ", "ī", "ĭ", "į", "ǐ", "ȉ", "ȋ", "ḭ", "ị"],
"j": ["ĵ", "ǰ"],
"k": ["ķ", "ǩ", "ḱ", "ḳ", "ḵ"],
"l": ["ĺ", "ļ", "ľ", "ŀ", "ḷ", "ḻ", "ḽ", "ι", "ł"],
"m": ["ḿ", "ṁ", "ṃ", "ϻ"],
"n": ["ñ", "ń", "ņ", "ň", "ʼn", "ǹ", "ṅ", "ṇ", "ṉ", "ṋ"],
"o": ["ò", "ó", "ô", "õ", "ö", "ō", "ŏ", "ő", "ơ", "ǒ", "ǫ", "ố", "ȍ", "ȏ", "ȯ", "ọ", "ø", "ộ"],
"p": ["ṕ", "ṗ", "ϸ"],
"r": ["ŕ", "ŗ", "ř", "ȑ", "ȓ", "ṙ", "ṛ", "ṟ", "ґ"],
"s": ["ŝ", "ş", "š", "ș", "ṡ", "ṣ"],
"t": ["ţ", "ť", "ț", "ṫ", "ṭ", "ṯ", "ṱ", "ẗ"],
"u": ["ù", "ú", "û", "ü", "ũ", "ū", "ŭ", "ů", "ű", "ų", "ư", "ǔ", "ȕ", "ȗ", "ṳ", "ṵ", "ṷ", "ụ"],
"v": ["ṽ", "ṿ"],
"w": ["ŵ", "ẁ", "ẃ", "ẅ", "ẇ", "ẉ", "ẘ"],
"x": ["ẋ", "ẍ"],
"y": ["ý", "ÿ", "ŷ", "ȳ", "ẏ", "ẙ", "ỳ", "ỵ", "ỹ"],
"z": ["ź", "ż", "ž", "ẑ", "ẓ", "ẕ"]
module.exports = {
certstreamClientPhishing: function (certstream, regex, tlds, options) {
this.certstream = certstream;
this.regex = regex;
this.tlds = tlds;
let settings = { tlds: false };
if (!options) { options = {}; }
for(var option in settings) {
if (typeof options[option] !== 'undefined') {
settings[option] = options[option];
} else {
settings[option] = settings[option];
// Retorna vazio se não retornar uma messagem de atualização
if (!lodash.includes(certstream, 'certificate_update')) {
let domains =;
let certs =;
lodash.forEach(domains, function(domains) {
if (lodash.startsWith(domains, '*.')) {
domains = lodash.replace(domains, '*.', '', 0);
// Expressões regulares criadas com base no comportamento dos sites de phishing
let keywords = (domains.match(regex) || []); // Keywords do dominio inteiro
// Filter o dominio
let domain = tld.parse(domains).domain;
// Filter subdominio
let subdomain = tld.parse(domains).subdomain;
let tlddomain = tld.parse(domains).publicSuffix;
if ((lodash.isNull(subdomain) && lodash.isEmpty(subdomain))) { return; } // Dominios com o subdomain vazio ou null
if ((lodash.isNull(domain) && lodash.isEmpty(domain))) { return; }
subdomain = (subdomain.match(regex) || []); // Subdomain Keywords
domain = (domain.match(regex) || []); // Domain Keywords
const dashed = (domains.match(/\-/g) || []).length;
const points = (domains.match(/(\.)/g) || []).length;
// Certificados gratuitos são mais propensos a serem utilizados para phishing
let suspicious = false;
lodash.forEach(certs, function(cert) {
if (lodash.hasIn(cert,"subject")) {
lodash.forOwn(cert, function(keyword) {
if (lodash.includes(cert.subject.aggregated, "Let's Encrypt") || lodash.includes(cert.subject.aggregated, "CACert free certificate")
|| lodash.includes(cert.subject.aggregated, "StartSSL"
|| lodash.includes(cert.subject.aggregated, "Cloudflare")
|| lodash.includes(cert.subject.aggregated, "Free SSL")))
suspicious = true;
if (lodash.startsWith(domains, 'xn--', 0)) {
let punyencode = punycode.toUnicode(domains);
let punydecode = punycode.ucs2.decode(punyencode);
lodash.forEach(punydecode, function(punycode) {
if (punycode >= 128) {
for(var keyword in mapping) {
var maps = mapping[keyword];
for(var keywords in maps ) {
punyencode = punyencode.replace(maps[keywords], keyword);
var punykeywords = (punyencode.match(regex) || []).length;
if (punykeywords >= 1) {
console.log(`[!] Punycode ${danger(`${domains}`)}`);
if (settings.tlds) {
// Retorn apenas os tlds passados como parametro
lodash.forEach(tlds, function(tld) {
if (lodash.includes(tld, tlddomain)) {
lodash.forEach(keywords, function(keyword) {
if (suspicious) {
if (lodash.startsWith(subdomain, keyword, 0) && subdomain.length >= 1) {
console.log(`[!] Suspicious ${danger(`${domains}`)}`);
if (lodash.startsWith(domain, keyword, 0) && domain.length >= 1) {
console.log(`[!] Suspicious ${danger(`${domains}`)}`);
} else {
if (lodash.startsWith(subdomain, keyword, 0) && subdomain.length >= 1) {
console.log(`[!] Likely ${yellow(`${domains}`)}`);
if ((subdomain.length >= 1 || domain.length >= 1) || (dashed >= 3 || points >= 2)) {
console.log(`[!] Potential ${white(`${domains}`)}`);
} else {
lodash.forEach(keywords, function(keyword) {
if (suspicious) {
if (lodash.startsWith(subdomain, keyword, 0) && subdomain.length >= 1) {
console.log(`[!] Suspicious ${danger(`${domains}`)}`);
if (lodash.startsWith(domain, keyword, 0) && domain.length >= 1) {
console.log(`[!] Likely ${yellow(`${domains}`)}`);
} else {
if (lodash.startsWith(subdomain, keyword, 0) && subdomain.length >= 1) {
console.log(`[!] Likely ${yellow(`${domains}`)}`);
if ((subdomain.length >= 1 || domain.length >= 1) || (dashed >= 3 || points >= 2)) {
console.log(`[!] Potential ${white(`${domains}`)}`);
pattern: '{spinner.cyan} {certificates} Certs'
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