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Sorting speed comparation (bubble, insertion, quick, radix, counting, combined, STL)
// Sorting comparation (bubble, insertion, quick, radix, counting, combined, STL)
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <random>
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
using std::cout;
using std::vector;
#define ARRAY_SIGNED_VALUES // use signed type
#define ARRAY_SIZE 65536 // size of test arrays
#define ARRAY_HUGE_SIZE (ARRAY_SIZE * 256) // size of huge test arrays
#define QUICKINS_SORT_THRESHOLD 16 // threshold to use insertion sort for subarrays with size less than specified value
// Minimum and maximum random number values
#define ARRAY_RAND_MIN (-32768)
#define ARRAY_RAND_MAX 32767
#define ARRAY_RAND_MIN 0
#define ARRAY_RAND_MAX 65535
#define COUNTING_SORT_MAX_RANGE (ARRAY_RAND_MAX - ARRAY_RAND_MIN + 1) // maximum range of numbers for counting sort
// Type of sorting data
using Data = int32_t;
using Data = uint32_t;
using DataIter = vector<Data>::iterator; // vector of Data iterator type
// Bubble sort
void bubble_sort(const DataIter first, DataIter last)
for (auto i_it = first; i_it != last; ++i_it) {
bool swapped = false;
for (auto j_it = first, last_j = std::next(first, last - i_it); j_it != last_j; ++j_it) {
if (*j_it > *std::next(j_it)) {
std::swap(*j_it, *std::next(j_it));
swapped = true;
if (!swapped) break;
// Combined (insertion and bubble) sort
void insbubble_sort(const DataIter first, DataIter last)
for (auto i_it = first; i_it != last; ++i_it) {
bool swapped = false;
auto min_it = i_it;
for (auto j_it = i_it, last_j = std::next(first, last - i_it); j_it != last_j; ++j_it) {
if (*j_it > *std::next(j_it)) {
std::swap(*j_it, *std::next(j_it));
swapped = true;
if (*j_it < *min_it) { min_it = j_it; }
if (!swapped) break;
if (min_it != i_it) {
std::swap(*i_it, *min_it);
// Straight insertion sort
void insertion_sort(const DataIter first, const DataIter last)
for (auto key_it = std::next(first); key_it != last; ++key_it) {
Data key = *key_it;
auto copy_it = key_it;
for (; copy_it > first && *std::prev(copy_it) > key; --copy_it) {
*copy_it = *std::prev(copy_it);
*copy_it = key;
// Binary insertion sort
void binins_sort(const DataIter first, const DataIter last)
for (auto key_it = std::next(first); key_it != last; ++key_it) {
Data key = *key_it;
DataIter from_it = std::upper_bound(first, key_it, key);
std::copy_backward(from_it, key_it, std::next(key_it));
*from_it = key;
// Quick sort
void quick_sort(DataIter first, DataIter last)
while (last - first >= 2) {
if (last - first == 2) {
if (*first > *std::next(first)) { std::swap(*first, *std::next(first)); }
Data pivot = *std::next(first, (last - first) / 2);
auto left = std::partition(first, last, [pivot](const Data el) { return el < pivot; });
auto right = std::partition(left, last, [pivot](const Data el) { return !(pivot < el); });
if (left - first > last - right) {
if (last - right >= 2) { quick_sort(right, last); }
last = left;
} else {
if (left - first >= 2) { quick_sort(first, left); }
first = right;
// Intermediary function for combined (quick and insertion) sort (see below)
void quick_sort_uncompleted(DataIter first, DataIter last)
while (last - first >= QUICKINS_SORT_THRESHOLD) {
Data pivot = *std::next(first, (last - first) / 2);
auto left = std::partition(first, last, [pivot](const Data el) { return el < pivot; });
auto right = std::partition(left, last, [pivot](const Data el) { return !(pivot < el); });
if (left - first > last - right) {
if (last - right >= QUICKINS_SORT_THRESHOLD) { quick_sort_uncompleted(right, last); }
last = left;
} else {
if (left - first >= QUICKINS_SORT_THRESHOLD) { quick_sort_uncompleted(first, left); }
first = right;
// Combined (quick and insertion) sort
void quickins_sort(DataIter first, DataIter last)
quick_sort_uncompleted(first, last);
insertion_sort(first, last);
// Most significant bit number
inline int msb(std::make_unsigned<Data>::type n)
int size = sizeof(Data) * 4, shift = sizeof(Data) * 2;
std::make_unsigned<Data>::type mask = (1 << sizeof(Data) * 4) - 1;
int result = 0;
while (n > 1) {
Data low = n >> size;
if (low) {
n = low;
result += size;
} else {
n &= mask;
size >>= 1;
mask >>= shift;
shift >>= 1;
return result;
// Radix sort (MSD by 1 bit) [implementation for internal use]
void radix_sort_msd1b_impl(DataIter first, DataIter last, const Data mask, std::make_unsigned<Data>::type bit)
while (last - first >= 2) {
if (last - first == 2) {
if (*first > *std::next(first)) { std::swap(*first, *std::next(first)); }
auto middle = std::partition(first, last, [bit](const Data n) { return (n & bit) == 0; });
do { bit >>= 1; } while(bit && (mask & bit) == 0);
if (!bit) { return; }
if (middle - first > last - middle) {
if (last - middle >= 2) { radix_sort_msd1b_impl(middle, last, mask, bit); }
last = middle;
} else {
if (middle - first >= 2) { radix_sort_msd1b_impl(first, middle, mask, bit); }
first = middle;
// Radix sort (MSD by 1 bit)
void radix_sort_msd1b(const DataIter first, const DataIter last)
// Get mask of bits with different values of numbers in range or zero if range is sorted
auto get_mask = [](const DataIter first, const DataIter last) {
Data prev = *first, mask_or = prev, mask_and = prev;
bool sorted = true;
for_each(std::next(first), last, [&](const Data n) {
mask_or |= n;
mask_and &= n;
if (n < prev) { sorted = false; }
prev = n;
return sorted ? 0 : mask_or ^ mask_and; // mask_or & ~mask_and;
Data mask = get_mask(first, last);
if (mask > 0) {
radix_sort_msd1b_impl(first, last, mask, 1 << msb(mask));
if (std::is_signed<Data>::value && (mask < 0)) {
auto middle = std::partition(first, last, [](const Data n) { return n < 0; });
mask = get_mask(first, middle);
if (mask) { radix_sort_msd1b_impl(first, middle, mask, 1 << msb(mask)); }
mask = get_mask(middle, last);
if (mask) { radix_sort_msd1b_impl(middle, last, mask, 1 << msb(mask)); }
// Radix sort (LSD by 4 bits)
void radix_sort_lsd4b(DataIter first, DataIter last)
using UData = std::make_unsigned<Data>::type;
constexpr UData add = static_cast<UData>(INT_MIN);
constexpr UData add = 0;
constexpr unsigned radix = 4, width = sizeof(UData) * CHAR_BIT, mask = (1 << radix) - 1;
std::vector<Data> dest(std::distance(first, last));
DataIter first2 = dest.begin(), last2 = dest.end();
std::vector<size_t> counts(1 << radix);
// Main loop
for (unsigned shift = 0; shift < width; shift += radix) {
if (shift) { std::fill(counts.begin(), counts.end(), 0); }
// Next three loops implement counting sort
for_each(first, last, [&](const auto el) { ++counts[((el+add) >> shift) & mask]; });
size_t idx = 0;
for (auto& el : counts) { const size_t temp = el; el = idx; idx += temp; }
for_each(first, last, [&](const auto el) { *std::next(first2, counts[((el+add) >> shift) & mask]++) = el; });
std::swap(first, first2);
std::swap(last, last2);
// Radix sort (LSD by 8 bits)
void radix_sort_lsd8b(DataIter first, DataIter last)
using UData = std::make_unsigned<Data>::type;
constexpr UData add = static_cast<UData>(INT_MIN);
constexpr UData add = 0;
constexpr unsigned radix = 8, width = sizeof(UData) * CHAR_BIT, mask = (1 << radix) - 1;
std::vector<Data> dest(std::distance(first, last));
DataIter first2 = dest.begin(), last2 = dest.end();
std::vector<size_t> counts(1 << radix);
// Main loop
for (unsigned shift = 0; shift < width; shift += radix) {
if (shift) { std::fill(counts.begin(), counts.end(), 0); }
// Next three loops implement counting sort
for_each(first, last, [&](const auto el) { ++counts[((el+add) >> shift) & mask]; });
size_t idx = 0;
for (auto& el : counts) { const size_t temp = el; el = idx; idx += temp; }
for_each(first, last, [&](const auto el) { *std::next(first2, counts[((el+add) >> shift) & mask]++) = el; });
std::swap(first, first2);
std::swap(last, last2);
// Radix sort (LSD by 8 bits, modified)
void radix_sort_lsd8b_mod(DataIter first, DataIter last)
using UData = std::make_unsigned<Data>::type;
constexpr UData add = static_cast<UData>(INT_MIN);
constexpr UData add = 0;
constexpr unsigned radix = 8, width = sizeof(UData) * CHAR_BIT, count_blocks = width / radix, cb_size = 1 << radix, mask = cb_size - 1;
static_assert(width == 32, "This functions is designed for 32-bit integers!");
std::vector<Data> temp(std::distance(first, last));
DataIter first2 = temp.begin(), last2 = temp.end();
std::vector<size_t> counts(cb_size * count_blocks);
// Prepare counters
for_each(first, last, [&](const auto el) {
++counts[ el & mask];
++counts[( el >> radix*1 & mask) + cb_size*1];
++counts[( el >> radix*2 & mask) + cb_size*2];
++counts[((el+add) >> radix*3) + cb_size*3];
// Converting counters to indexes
for (auto it = counts.begin(); it != counts.end(); ) {
size_t idx = 0;
for (auto it_end = it + cb_size; it != it_end; ++it) {
const size_t el = *it; *it = idx; idx += el;
// Sort
for_each(first, last, [&](const auto el) { *std::next(first2, counts[ el & mask ]++) = el; });
for_each(first2, last2, [&](const auto el) { *std::next(first, counts[((el >> radix*1) & mask) + cb_size*1]++) = el; });
for_each(first, last, [&](const auto el) { *std::next(first2, counts[((el >> radix*2) & mask) + cb_size*2]++) = el; });
for_each(first2, last2, [&](const auto el) { *std::next(first, counts[((el+add) >> radix*3) + cb_size*3]++) = el; });
// Counting sort, returns false if range of numbers > COUNTING_SORT_MAX_RANGE
bool counting_sort(DataIter first, const DataIter last)
auto minmax_it = std::minmax_element(first, last);
const Data min_el = *std::get<0>(minmax_it), max_el = *std::get<1>(minmax_it);
const Data range = max_el - min_el + 1;
if (range > COUNTING_SORT_MAX_RANGE) { return false; }
vector<Data> count(range, 0);
for_each(first, last, [&count, min_el](const Data n) {
++count[n - min_el];
for (Data n = min_el; n <= max_el; ++n) {
size_t count_n = count[n - min_el];
if (count_n > 0) { first = std::fill_n(first, count_n, n); }
return true;
// Counting sort using map
void counting_sort_map(DataIter first, const DataIter last)
std::unordered_map<Data, size_t> count_map;
for_each(first, last, [&count_map](const Data n) {
std::vector<std::pair<Data, size_t>> count(count_map.begin(), count_map.end());
std::sort(count.begin(), count.end(), [](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return a.first < b.first; });
for_each(count.begin(), count.end(), [count, &first](const auto& el) {
first = std::fill_n(first, el.second, el.first);
// Counting sort using ordered map (very slow!)
void counting_sort_orderedmap(DataIter first, const DataIter last)
std::map<Data, size_t> count_map;
for_each(first, last, [&count_map](const Data n) {
for_each(count_map.begin(), count_map.end(), [count_map, &first](const auto& el) {
first = std::fill_n(first, el.second, el.first);
// Sort, time measure and check
double sort_measure_check(vector<Data> a, const vector<Data>& ok, std::function<void(DataIter, DataIter)> sort_func, bool display = true)
// Sorting
auto start_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
sort_func(a.begin(), a.end());
std::chrono::duration<double> total_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start_time;
double time = total_time.count();
if (display) {
cout << "Elapsed time: " << time << " sec\n"
// Checking
if (display) {
if (a == ok) {
cout << " successfully sorted!\n";
} else {
cout << " sort is *FAILED*!\n";
return time;
int main()
// Generating an array
vector<Data> array, array_ok;
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 re(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<Data> random(ARRAY_RAND_MIN, ARRAY_RAND_MAX);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; ++i) {
array_ok = array;
sort(array_ok.begin(), array_ok.end());
cout << std::fixed;
// Sorting, measuring and testing
cout << "\nBubble sorting...\n";
double time_bubble = sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, bubble_sort);
cout << "\nInsertion-bubble combined sorting...\n";
sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, insbubble_sort); // sometimes crashes :(
cout << "\nStraight insertion sorting...\n";
double time_insertion = sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, insertion_sort);
cout << "\nBinary insertion sorting...\n";
double time_binins = sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, binins_sort);
cout << "\nQuick sorting...\n";
double time_quick = sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, quick_sort);
cout << "\nCombined (quick-insertion) sorting...\n";
sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, quickins_sort);
cout << "\nRadix (MSD/1bit) sorting...\n";
sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, radix_sort_msd1b);
cout << "\nRadix (LSD/4bit) sorting...\n";
sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, radix_sort_lsd4b);
cout << "\nRadix (LSD/8bit) sorting...\n";
sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, radix_sort_lsd8b);
cout << "\nRadix (LSD/8bit, modified) sorting...\n";
sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, radix_sort_lsd8b_mod);
cout << "\nCounting sorting...\n";
sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, counting_sort);
cout << "\nCounting (unordered map) sorting...\n";
sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, counting_sort_map);
cout << "\nCounting (ordered map) sorting...\n";
sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, counting_sort_orderedmap);
cout << "\nSTL sorting...\n";
sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, std::move(std::sort<DataIter>));
cout << "\nSTL stable sorting...\n";
sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, std::move(std::stable_sort<DataIter>));
cout << "\nPress Enter to show comparation and start extra test for fast sorts (huge arrays)...";
// Comparing
cout << "\nBubble/straight insertion sort time ratio: " << time_bubble / time_insertion;
cout << "\nBubble/binary insertion sort time ratio: " << time_bubble / time_binins;
cout << "\nStraight/binary insertion sort time ratio: " << time_insertion / time_binins;
cout << "\nStraight insertion/quick sort time ratio: " << time_insertion / time_quick;
cout << "\nBinary insertion/quick sort time ratio: " << time_binins / time_quick;
cout << "\n\n";
// Fast sorts comparing
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_HUGE_SIZE; ++i) {
array_ok = array;
sort(array_ok.begin(), array_ok.end());
time_quick = sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, quick_sort, false);
cout << "Quick sort time: " << time_quick << " sec\n";
double time = sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, quickins_sort, false);
cout << "Quick-insertion sort time: " << time << " sec [quick/quick-insertion sort time ratio: " << time_quick / time << "]\n";
time = sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, radix_sort_msd1b, false);
cout << "Radix (MSD/1bit) sort time: " << time << " sec [quick/radix_msd1b sort time ratio: " << time_quick / time << "]\n";
time = sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, radix_sort_lsd4b, false);
cout << "Radix (LSD/4bit) sort time: " << time << " sec [quick/radix_lsd4b sort time ratio: " << time_quick / time << "]\n";
time = sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, radix_sort_lsd8b, false);
cout << "Radix (LSD/8bit) sort time: " << time << " sec [quick/radix_lsd8b sort time ratio: " << time_quick / time << "]\n";
time = sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, radix_sort_lsd8b_mod, false);
cout << "Radix (LSD/8bit, modified) sort time: " << time << " sec [quick/radix_lsd8b_mod sort time ratio: " << time_quick / time << "]\n";
time = sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, counting_sort, false);
cout << "Counting sort time: " << time << " sec [quick/counting sort time ratio: " << time_quick / time << "]\n";
time = sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, counting_sort_map, false);
cout << "Counting sort (unordered map) time: " << time << " sec [quick/counting sort (with map) time ratio: " << time_quick / time << "]\n";
time = sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, counting_sort_orderedmap, false);
cout << "Counting sort (ordered map) time: " << time << " sec [quick/counting sort (with ordered map) time ratio: " << time_quick / time << "]\n";
time = sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, std::move(std::sort<DataIter>), false);
cout << "STL sort time: " << time << " sec [quick/STL sort time ratio: " << time_quick / time << "]\n";
time = sort_measure_check(array, array_ok, std::move(std::stable_sort<DataIter>), false);
cout << "Stable STL sort time: " << time << " sec [quick/stable STL sort time ratio: " << time_quick / time << "]\n";
return 0;
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jin-x commented Jun 1, 2019

VC++2019 (64-bit) results:

Bubble sorting...
Elapsed time: 5.760899 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Insertion-bubble combined sorting...
Elapsed time: 3.301789 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Insertion sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.626306 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Quick sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.003945 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Combined (quick-insertion) sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.003795 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Radix sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004372 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Counting sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.000973 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Counting (map) sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.012931 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Counting (ordered map) sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.022677 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

STL sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004187 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

STL stable sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.003631 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Bubble/insertion sort time ratio: 9.198216
Insertion/quick sort time ratio: 158.767517

Press Enter to start extra test for fast sorts (huge arrays)...
Quick sort time: 0.949962 sec
Quick-insertion sort time: 1.007622 sec [quick/quick-insertion sort time ratio: 0.942776]
Radix sort time: 1.012636 sec [quick/radix sort time ratio: 0.938108]
Counting sort time: 0.087769 sec [quick/counting sort time ratio: 10.823416]
Counting sort (map) time: 0.424622 sec [quick/counting sort (with map) time ratio: 2.237191]
Counting sort (ordered map) time: 3.348882 sec [quick/counting sort (with map) time ratio: 0.283665]
STL sort time: 1.134262 sec [quick/STL sort time ratio: 0.837515]
Stable STL sort time: 1.303425 sec [quick/stable STL sort time ratio: 0.728819]


VC++2019 (32-bit) results:

Bubble sorting...
Elapsed time: 6.083628 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Insertion-bubble combined sorting...
Elapsed time: 3.375193 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Insertion sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.635745 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Quick sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004232 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Combined (quick-insertion) sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.003794 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Radix sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004916 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Counting sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.001029 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Counting (map) sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.012712 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Counting (ordered map) sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.020907 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

STL sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004624 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

STL stable sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004019 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Bubble/insertion sort time ratio: 9.569296
Insertion/quick sort time ratio: 150.233854

Press Enter to start extra test for fast sorts (huge arrays)...
Quick sort time: 0.943157 sec
Quick-insertion sort time: 0.941727 sec [quick/quick-insertion sort time ratio: 1.001518]
Radix sort time: 1.090758 sec [quick/radix sort time ratio: 0.864680]
Counting sort time: 0.095926 sec [quick/counting sort time ratio: 9.832101]
Counting sort (map) time: 0.291345 sec [quick/counting sort (with map) time ratio: 3.237257]
Counting sort (ordered map) time: 2.818296 sec [quick/counting sort (with map) time ratio: 0.334655]
STL sort time: 1.225816 sec [quick/STL sort time ratio: 0.769412]
Stable STL sort time: 1.407950 sec [quick/stable STL sort time ratio: 0.669880]

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jin-x commented Jun 1, 2019

G++ (MinGW, 64-bit) results:

Bubble sorting...
Elapsed time: 6.374747 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Insertion-bubble combined sorting...
Elapsed time: 3.262074 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Insertion sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.859826 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Quick sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004498 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Combined (quick-insertion) sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.003753 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Radix sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004339 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Counting sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.000702 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Counting (map) sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.010720 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Counting (ordered map) sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.023904 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

STL sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004132 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

STL stable sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.003925 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Bubble/insertion sort time ratio: 7.413996
Insertion/quick sort time ratio: 191.165903

Press Enter to start extra test for fast sorts (huge arrays)...
Quick sort time: 1.049459 sec
Quick-insertion sort time: 1.015772 sec [quick/quick-insertion sort time ratio: 1.033164]
Radix sort time: 1.012416 sec [quick/radix sort time ratio: 1.036590]
Counting sort time: 0.082723 sec [quick/counting sort time ratio: 12.686460]
Counting sort (map) time: 0.685396 sec [quick/counting sort (with map) time ratio: 1.531174]
Counting sort (ordered map) time: 3.423327 sec [quick/counting sort (with map) time ratio: 0.306561]
STL sort time: 1.022013 sec [quick/STL sort time ratio: 1.026856]
Stable STL sort time: 1.356755 sec [quick/stable STL sort time ratio: 0.773507]


G++ (MinGW, 32-bit) results:

Bubble sorting...
Elapsed time: 6.234558 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Insertion-bubble combined sorting...
Elapsed time: 3.187109 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Insertion sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.623302 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Quick sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004080 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Combined (quick-insertion) sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004767 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Radix sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004653 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Counting sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.000751 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Counting (map) sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.011480 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Counting (ordered map) sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.021483 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

STL sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.003475 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

STL stable sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004748 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Bubble/insertion sort time ratio: 10.002472
Insertion/quick sort time ratio: 152.781258

Press Enter to start extra test for fast sorts (huge arrays)...
Quick sort time: 0.979387 sec
Quick-insertion sort time: 1.037273 sec [quick/quick-insertion sort time ratio: 0.944193]
Radix sort time: 0.995465 sec [quick/radix sort time ratio: 0.983848]
Counting sort time: 0.085438 sec [quick/counting sort time ratio: 11.463113]
Counting sort (map) time: 0.379395 sec [quick/counting sort (with map) time ratio: 2.581444]
Counting sort (ordered map) time: 2.521386 sec [quick/counting sort (with map) time ratio: 0.388432]
STL sort time: 1.029249 sec [quick/STL sort time ratio: 0.951554]
Stable STL sort time: 1.468098 sec [quick/stable STL sort time ratio: 0.667113]

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jin-x commented Jun 1, 2019

Clang (64-bit) results:

Bubble sorting...
Elapsed time: 4.635505 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Insertion-bubble combined sorting...
Elapsed time: 2.525102 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Insertion sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.641659 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Quick sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.003840 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Combined (quick-insertion) sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.003408 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Radix sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004325 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Counting sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.001016 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Counting (map) sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.013753 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Counting (ordered map) sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.023928 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

STL sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004129 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

STL stable sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.003847 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Bubble/insertion sort time ratio: 7.224247
Insertion/quick sort time ratio: 167.085722

Press Enter to start extra test for fast sorts (huge arrays)...
Quick sort time: 0.874214 sec
Quick-insertion sort time: 0.881937 sec [quick/quick-insertion sort time ratio: 0.991243]
Radix sort time: 0.991927 sec [quick/radix sort time ratio: 0.881328]
Counting sort time: 0.090409 sec [quick/counting sort time ratio: 9.669500]
Counting sort (map) time: 0.511668 sec [quick/counting sort (with map) time ratio: 1.708555]
Counting sort (ordered map) time: 3.374957 sec [quick/counting sort (with map) time ratio: 0.259030]
STL sort time: 1.145496 sec [quick/STL sort time ratio: 0.763175]
Stable STL sort time: 1.379499 sec [quick/stable STL sort time ratio: 0.633718]


Clang (32-bit) results:

Bubble sorting...
Elapsed time: 5.468504 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Insertion-bubble combined sorting...
Elapsed time: 2.877002 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Insertion sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.613666 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Quick sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004283 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Combined (quick-insertion) sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.003543 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Radix sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004312 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Counting sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.000830 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Counting (map) sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.011564 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Counting (ordered map) sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.019331 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

STL sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004460 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

STL stable sorting...
Elapsed time: 0.004160 sec
Checking... successfully sorted!

Bubble/insertion sort time ratio: 8.911202
Insertion/quick sort time ratio: 143.282892

Press Enter to start extra test for fast sorts (huge arrays)...
Quick sort time: 0.870513 sec
Quick-insertion sort time: 0.909650 sec [quick/quick-insertion sort time ratio: 0.956976]
Radix sort time: 1.032305 sec [quick/radix sort time ratio: 0.843271]
Counting sort time: 0.092751 sec [quick/counting sort time ratio: 9.385442]
Counting sort (map) time: 0.369344 sec [quick/counting sort (with map) time ratio: 2.356915]
Counting sort (ordered map) time: 2.254671 sec [quick/counting sort (with map) time ratio: 0.386093]
STL sort time: 1.172021 sec [quick/STL sort time ratio: 0.742745]
Stable STL sort time: 1.444928 sec [quick/stable STL sort time ratio: 0.602461]

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