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Last active March 24, 2021 07:22
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/* eslint-disable camelcase */
const path = require('path')
const os = require('os')
const http = require('http')
const https = require('https')
const fetch = require('node-fetch')
/* eslint-disable-next-line */
const { Indexer, CellCollector } = require('@ckb-lumos/indexer')
const { SIMPLE_UDT, ANYONE_CAN_PAY_TESTNET } = require('@nervosnetwork/ckb-sdk-utils/lib/systemScripts')
const CKB = require('@nervosnetwork/ckb-sdk-core').default
const httpAgent = new http.Agent({
keepAlive: true
const httpsAgent = new https.Agent({
keepAlive: true
const agent = function(_parsedURL) {
if (_parsedURL.protocol == 'http:') {
return httpAgent;
} else {
return httpsAgent;
const CONFIG = {
privateKey: "0x4bfcab1ef30bac773bf04f72bb574bb359d0cac783ca044824bc2334e31f27a2",
ckbUrl: '',
lumosDbName: 'testnet_lomus_db',
sudtDep: {
codeHash: SIMPLE_UDT.codeHash,
hashType: SIMPLE_UDT.hashType,
outPoint: SIMPLE_UDT.testnetOutPoint,
depType: SIMPLE_UDT.depType,
acpDep: {
codeHash: ANYONE_CAN_PAY_TESTNET.codeHash,
hashType: ANYONE_CAN_PAY_TESTNET.hashType,
outPoint: ANYONE_CAN_PAY_TESTNET.testnetOutPoint,
const getCells = async (script, type) => {
let payload = {
id: 1,
jsonrpc: '2.0',
method: 'get_cells',
params: [
script: {
code_hash: script.codeHash,
hash_type: script.hashType,
args: script.args,
script_type: type,
// filter: filter,
const body = JSON.stringify(payload, null, ' ')
try {
let res = await fetch(CKB_NODE_INDEXER, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
res = await res.json()
return res.result.objects
} catch (error) {
console.error('error', error)
const CONSTANT = {
sudtCellSize: 142 * 10 ** 8,
acpCellSize: 61 * 10 ** 8,
class SudtAccount {
constructor(privateKey = CONFIG.privateKey, ckbUrl = CONFIG.ckbUrl) {
this.ckb = new CKB(ckbUrl)
const uri = "";
// this.indexer = new Indexer(uri, path.join('/Users/gaojin/Documents/GitHub/ckb-api/js', CONFIG.lumosDbName),{ rpcOptions: { agent: agent(new URL(uri))}});
// this.indexer.startForever()
const publicKey = this.ckb.utils.privateKeyToPublicKey(privateKey)
const publicKeyHash = `0x${this.ckb.utils.blake160(publicKey, 'hex')}`
this.sender = { privateKey, publicKey, publicKeyHash }
getReady = async () => {
await this.ckb.loadDeps()
this.sender.lock = {
codeHash: this.ckb.config.secp256k1Dep.codeHash,
hashType: this.ckb.config.secp256k1Dep.hashType,
args: this.sender.publicKeyHash,
getCells = async () => {
await this.ckb.loadCells({ indexer: this.indexer, CellCollector, lock: this.sender.lock, save: true })
return this.ckb.cells.get(this.ckb.utils.scriptToHash(this.sender.lock))
getSudtCells = async tokenId => {
const cells = []
const collector = new CellCollector(this.indexer, {
lock: {
code_hash: this.sender.lock.codeHash,
hash_type: this.sender.lock.hashType,
args: this.sender.publicKeyHash,
type: {
code_hash: CONFIG.sudtDep.codeHash,
hash_type: CONFIG.sudtDep.hashType,
args: tokenId || this.ckb.utils.scriptToHash(this.sender.lock),
/* eslint-disable-next-line */
for await (const {
cell_output: { lock, type, capacity },
} of collector.collect()) {
capacity: BigInt(capacity),
lock: {
codeHash: lock.code_hash,
hashType: lock.hash_type,
args: lock.args,
type: {
codeHash: type.code_hash,
hashType: type.hash_type,
args: type.args,
outPoint: {
txHash: out_point.tx_hash,
index: out_point.index,
sudt: BigInt(`0x${Buffer.from(data.slice(2), 'hex').reverse().toString('hex')}`),
return cells
createAcpCell = async amount => {
const address = this.ckb.utils.privateKeyToAddress(this.sender.privateKey, { prefix: 'ckt' })
const rawTx = this.ckb.generateRawTransaction({
fromAddress: address,
toAddress: address,
capacity: `0x${(BigInt(CONSTANT.acpCellSize) + amount).toString(16)}`,
fee: 100000n,
cells: this.ckb.cells.get(this.ckb.utils.scriptToHash(this.sender.lock)),
deps: [this.ckb.config.secp256k1Dep, CONFIG.acpDep],
rawTx.outputs[0].lock = {
codeHash: CONFIG.acpDep.codeHash,
hashType: CONFIG.acpDep.hashType,
args: this.sender.publicKeyHash,
const signedTx = this.ckb.signTransaction(this.sender.privateKey)(rawTx)
return this.ckb.rpc.sendTransaction(signedTx)
issue = async (amount,cells) => {
const address = this.ckb.utils.privateKeyToAddress(this.sender.privateKey, { prefix: 'ckt' })
const rawTx = this.ckb.generateRawTransaction({
fromAddress: address,
toAddress: address,
capacity: CONSTANT.sudtCellSize,
fee: 100000n,
cells: cells,
// cells: this.ckb.cells.get(this.ckb.utils.scriptToHash(this.sender.lock)),
deps: [this.ckb.config.secp256k1Dep, CONFIG.sudtDep],
* set the first output cell as the sudt-issuer
rawTx.outputs[0].type = {
codeHash: CONFIG.sudtDep.codeHash,
hashType: CONFIG.sudtDep.hashType,
args: this.ckb.utils.scriptToHash(this.sender.lock),
rawTx.outputsData[0] = `0x${Buffer.from(amount.toString(16).padStart(32, '0'), 'hex').reverse().toString('hex')}`
const signedTx = this.ckb.signTransaction(this.sender.privateKey)(rawTx)
return this.ckb.rpc.sendTransaction(signedTx)
transfer = async (tokenId, amount, receiverCell) => {
const availableCells = await this.getSudtCells(tokenId)
const inputs = []
let sumSudt = 0n
/* eslint-disable-next-line */
for (const cell of availableCells) {
sumSudt += cell.sudt
if (amount <= sumSudt) {
/* eslint-disable-next-line */
if (amount > sumSudt) {
throw new Error(`This account has ${sumSudt} sudt, which is not enough for a transaction of amount ${amount}`)
const address = this.ckb.utils.privateKeyToAddress(this.sender.privateKey, { prefix: 'ckt' })
const sudtTypeScript = inputs[0].type
/* transaction skeleton */
const rawTx = this.ckb.generateRawTransaction({
fromAddress: address,
toAddress: address,
capacity: `0x${inputs.reduce((sum, i) => sum + i.capacity, 0n).toString(16)}`,
fee: 0n,
cells: => ({ ...input, capacity: `0x${input.capacity.toString(16)}` })),
deps: [this.ckb.config.secp256k1Dep, CONFIG.sudtDep],
safeMode: false,
changeThreshold: '0x0',
outputsData: [sumSudt - amount, amount].map(
sudt => `0x${Buffer.from(sudt.toString(16), 'hex').reverse().toString('hex').padEnd(32, '0')}`,
rawTx.outputs[0].type = sudtTypeScript
/* add receiver */
const fee = 10000n
previousOutput: receiverCell.outPoint,
since: '0x0',
lock: receiverCell.lock,
capacity: `0x${(BigInt(receiverCell.capacity) - fee).toString(16)}`,
type: sudtTypeScript,
const signedTx = this.ckb.signTransaction(this.sender.privateKey)(rawTx)
return this.ckb.rpc.sendTransaction(signedTx)
module.exports = SudtAccount
const run = async () => {
const account = new SudtAccount()
await account.getReady()
const cells = await getCells(account.sender.lock,'lock')
/* issue sudt */
const txHash = await account.issue(2000000n * BigInt(10 ** 8),cells)
// /* get sudt cells */
// const sudtCells = await account.getSudtCells()
// console.log(sudtCells)
/* transfer */
// const receiverCell = cells.find(cell => !cell.type && === '0x')
// if (!receiverCell) {
// throw new Error('Please add a secp256k1 cell to receive sudt')
// }
// const txHash = await account.transfer(null, 999n * BigInt(10 ** 8), receiverCell)
// console.log(txHash)
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