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Created May 28, 2018 00:53
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Second business rule for semi identical records
var line = data[i].ToString().Split('\t');
var nextLine = data[i + 1].ToString().Split('\t');
if (line[0].ToString().Trim() == nextLine[0].ToString().Trim())
//The fourth column in our data text file that we already read - text file
String PKcriteria = nextLine[3].ToString().Trim();
//ALL LRT3FK values, or , our Foreign Key Values Table
// We, in a way import all of it to our business layer, then use it
var allforeignkeyvaluesin_LRT3FK = (from fkey in LRT3FK
where fkey.COLFOUR == 4816
select fkey).ToList();
// Pick the one key that we need, since the two tables are related with constraints
var FKtoInsert = allforeignkeyvaluesin_LRT3FK.Where(x => x.COLTHREE.ToString().Trim() == PKcriteria.ToString().Trim()).Select(x => x.PKID).SingleOrDefault();
DateTime nw = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, 0, 0, 0);
// Add row to data table
table.Rows.Add(new object[] { 4816, nextLine[0].ToString().Trim(), nw, Convert.ToByte(nextLine[4].ToString().Trim()), nextLine[1].ToString().Trim(), FKtoInsert });
i = i + 1;
//The fourth column in our data text file that we already read - text file
String PKcriteria = line[3].ToString().Trim();
//ALL LRT3FK values, or , our Foreign Key Values Table
// We, in a way import all of it to our business layer, then use it
var allforeignkeyvaluesin_LRT3FK = (from fkey in LRT3FK
where fkey.COLFOUR == 4816
select fkey).ToList();
// Pick the one key that we need, since the two tables are related with constraints
var FKtoInsert = allforeignkeyvaluesin_LRT3FK.Where(x => x.COLTHREE.ToString().Trim() == PKcriteria.ToString().Trim()).Select(x => x.PKID).SingleOrDefault();
DateTime nw = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, 0, 0, 0);
// Add row to data table
table.Rows.Add(new object[] { 4816, line[0].ToString().Trim(), nw, Convert.ToByte(line[4].ToString().Trim()), line[1].ToString().Trim(), FKtoInsert });
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