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Last active June 12, 2019 10:33
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<# start of block comment
Why powershell?
* it object oriented
* rich script environment
* bulk operations
* interactive shell
* task automation
* use of consistent, repetable task
* work with built in provider
end of block comment#>
#single line comment
#variables in powershell starts with a dollar sign ($)
#variables only exists inside the current powershell window
$var = 2
Write-Host $var
$var2 = "Hello Powershell";
Write-Host $var2
As you can see powershell automatically figures out what are the data types of your variables.
However; if you can you can explicitly say to powershell what the datatype is see an example below:
[string]$var3 = "Say What? $var2"
Write-Host $var3
#What are the data types we can use in Powershell: integers, floating points values, strings, booleans and datetime values.
#region data-types
$sum = 1+1 #integer
Write-Host $sum
Write-Host $sum.GetType() #get the value type
$stringConcat = "Hello Again" + $sum + "x"
Write-Host $stringConcat
Write-Host $stringConcat.GetType()
Notes to remember:
About $true and $false it is built in variables in Powershell used for displaying true and falses.
$youLovePowershell = $true;
$youLoveMsDOS = $false;
Write-Host $youLovePowershell
Write-Host $youLovePowershell.GetType()
#Write-Host -is $true -eq 1
#Write-Host -is $false -eq 0
$currentDate = Get-Date
Write-Host $currentDate
Write-Host $currentDate.GetType()
Powershell Comparison Operators
-eq (equal)
-ne (not equal)
-lt (less than)
-le (less than or equal)
-gt (greater than)
-ge (greater than or equal)
1 -eq 1 #equal
1 -ne 1 #not equal
1 -lt 1 #less than
1 -le 1 #less than or equal
1 -gt 1 #greater than
1 -ge 1 #greater than or equal
<#powershell arrays#>
$fruits = @('apple', 'banana', 'orange','avocado')
Write-Host $fruits[0]
foreach($item in $fruits){
Write-Host $item
$myFruits = @('apple', 'avocado', 'banana', 'mango','dragon-fruit')
foreach($fruit in $myFruits)
if($fruit -eq 'apple')
Write-Host -ForegroundColor "Green" $fruit
Write-Host $fruit
function sayHello(){
return "Hello function"
$result = sayHello
Write-Host $result
#region Strings
$name = "Powershell"
Write-Host $name.ToLower()
Write-Host $name.ToUpper()
Write-Host $name.Contains("shell")
$newName = $name.Replace("shell", "shells")
Write-Host $newName
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