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Forked from nweldev/nodejs_installer.ps1
Created January 10, 2021 16:11
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Powershell script installing nodejs (with git) and some npm packages
write-host "`n ## NODEJS INSTALLER ## `n"
# nodejs
$version = "4.4.7-x64"
$url = "$version.msi"
# git
$git_version = "2.9.2"
$git_url = "$$git_version-64-bit.exe"
# npm packages
$gulp_version = ">=1.2.2 <1.3.0"
# extras
$vsc_exe = "$PSScriptRoot\vsc.exe"
$vsc_url = ""
# activate / desactivate any install
$install_node = $TRUE
$install_git = $TRUE
$install_gulp = $TRUE
$install_jspm = $TRUE
$install_eslint = $TRUE
write-host "`n----------------------------"
write-host " system requirements checking "
write-host "----------------------------`n"
### require administator rights
if (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) {
write-Warning "This setup needs admin permissions. Please run this file as admin."
### nodejs version check
if (Get-Command node -errorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$current_version = (node -v)
if ($current_version) {
write-host "[NODE] nodejs $current_version already installed"
$confirmation = read-host "Are you sure you want to replace this version ? [y/N]"
if ($confirmation -ne "y") {
$install_node = $FALSE
write-host "`n"
### git install
if ($install_git) {
if (Get-Command git -errorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$git_current_version = (git --version)
if ($git_current_version) {
write-host "[GIT] $git_current_version detected. Proceeding ..."
} else {
$git_exe = "$PSScriptRoot\git-installer.exe"
write-host "No git version dectected"
$download_git = $TRUE
if (Test-Path $git_exe) {
$confirmation = read-host "Local git install file detected. Do you want to use it ? [Y/n]"
if ($confirmation -eq "n") {
$download_git = $FALSE
if ($download_git) {
write-host "downloading the git for windows installer"
$start_time = Get-Date
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.DownloadFile($git_url, $git_exe)
write-Output "git installer downloaded"
write-Output "Time taken: $((Get-Date).Subtract($start_time).Seconds) second(s)"
write-host "proceeding with git install ..."
write-host "running $git_exe"
start-Process $git_exe -Wait
write-host "git installation done"
if ($install_node) {
### download nodejs msi file
# warning : if a node.msi file is already present in the current folder, this script will simply use it
write-host "`n----------------------------"
write-host " nodejs msi file retrieving "
write-host "----------------------------`n"
$filename = "node.msi"
$node_msi = "$PSScriptRoot\$filename"
$download_node = $TRUE
if (Test-Path $node_msi) {
$confirmation = read-host "Local $filename file detected. Do you want to use it ? [Y/n]"
if ($confirmation -eq "n") {
$download_node = $FALSE
if ($download_node) {
write-host "[NODE] downloading nodejs install"
write-host "url : $url"
$start_time = Get-Date
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.DownloadFile($url, $node_msi)
write-Output "$filename downloaded"
write-Output "Time taken: $((Get-Date).Subtract($start_time).Seconds) second(s)"
} else {
write-host "using the existing node.msi file"
### nodejs install
write-host "`n----------------------------"
write-host " nodejs installation "
write-host "----------------------------`n"
write-host "[NODE] running $node_msi"
Start-Process $node_msi -Wait
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")
} else {
write-host "Proceeding with the previously installed nodejs version ..."
### npm packages install
write-host "`n----------------------------"
write-host " npm packages installation "
write-host "----------------------------`n"
if (Get-Command gulp -errorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$gulp_prev_v = (gulp -v)
if ($gulp_prev_v) {
write-host "[GULP] Gulp is already installed :"
write-host $gulp_prev_v
$confirmation = read-host "Are you sure you want to replace this version ? [y/N]"
if ($confirmation -ne "y") {
$install_gulp = $FALSE
if ($install_gulp) {
write-host "Installing gulp-cli"
npm install --global gulp-cli@"$gulp_version"
if (Get-Command jspm -errorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$jspm_prev_v = (jspm -v)
if ($jspm_prev_v) {
write-host "[JSPM] jspm is already installed :"
write-host $jspm_prev_v
$confirmation = read-host "Are you sure you want to replace this version ? [y/N]"
if ($confirmation -ne "y") {
$install_jspm = $FALSE
if ($install_jspm) {
write-host "Installing jspm globally"
npm install --global jspm
if (Get-Command eslint -errorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$eslint_prev_v = (eslint -v)
if ($eslint_prev_v) {
write-host "[ESLINT] eslint is already installed :"
write-host $eslint_prev_v
$confirmation = read-host "Are you sure you want to replace this version ? [y/N]"
if ($confirmation -ne "y") {
$install_eslint = $FALSE
if ($install_eslint) {
write-host "Installing eslint globally"
npm install --global eslint
### extras
write-host "`n----------------------------"
write-host " extra tools "
write-host "----------------------------`n"
$confirmation = read-host "[VSC] Do you want to install VS Code ? [y/N]"
if ($confirmation -eq "y") {
$download_vsc = $TRUE
if (Test-Path $vsc_exe) {
$confirmation = read-host "Local VS Code install file detected. Do you want to use it ? [Y/n]"
if ($confirmation -eq "n") {
$download_vsc = $FALSE
if ($download_vsc) {
$start_time = Get-Date
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.DownloadFile($vsc_url, $vsc_exe)
write-Output "Visual Studio Code installer downloaded"
write-Output "Time taken: $((Get-Date).Subtract($start_time).Seconds) second(s)"
write-host "starting VSC install ..."
Start-Process $vsc_exe -Wait
write-host "VSC installed !"
### clean
write-host "`n----------------------------"
write-host " system cleaning "
write-host "----------------------------`n"
$confirmation = read-host "Delete install files ? [y/N]"
if ($confirmation -eq "y") {
if ($node_msi -and (Test-Path $node_msi)) {
rm $node_msi
if ($git_exe -and (Test-Path $git_exe)) {
rm $git_exe
if ($vsc_exe -and (Test-Path $vsc_exe)) {
rm $vsc_exe
write-host "Done !"
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