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Created April 2, 2024 14:39
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Rec Active Pattern Parser
let (|TakeUntil|_|) x xs =
match List.takeWhile ((<>) x) xs with
| y when y = xs -> None
| y -> Some(y, List.skipWhile ((<>) x) xs)
let (|Split|_|) split xs =
match xs with
| TakeUntil split (x1, (_ :: x2)) -> Some(x1, x2)
| _ -> None
let (|Eq|_|) x y =
if x = y then Some()
else None
// detect list surrounded by before and after items, allow inner surrounds, count pairs
let (|Surround|_|) before after xs =
let rec f d acc xs =
match xs with
| _ when d < 0 -> None // wrong pairing
| Eq after :: [] when d = 1 -> List.rev acc |> Some // closing pair on end -> success
| Eq before :: rest -> f (d + 1) (before :: acc) rest // inner "before" char -> increase depth
| Eq after :: rest -> f (d - 1) (after :: acc) rest // inner "after" char -> decrease depth
| x :: rest -> f d (x :: acc) rest // other char copy to output
| _ -> None
match xs with
| Eq before :: rest -> f 1 [] rest
| _ -> None
let (|SplitsPick|_|) split f xs =
let rec loop prev xs =
seq {
match xs with
| TakeUntil split (x1, (_ :: x2)) ->
yield (prev @ x1, x2)
yield! loop (prev @ x1 @ [ split ]) x2
| _ -> ()
loop [] xs |> Seq.tryPick f
let (|Int|_|) str =
match System.Int32.TryParse(str: string) with
| (true, x) ->
| _ ->
type Op =
| Plus
| Minus
| Multiply
| Divide
type Ast =
| Number of int
| Op of Op * Ast * Ast
// split into chunks, where chunk is where function f returns true to adjacent elements
let chunkBy f xs =
let rec loop prev acc xs =
match xs, acc with
| [], _ -> List.rev acc
| x :: rest, g :: accRest ->
if f prev x then loop x ((x :: g) :: accRest) rest
else loop x ([x] :: List.rev g :: accRest) rest
| _, [] -> loop prev [[]] xs
match Seq.toList xs with
| [] -> []
| [x] -> [[x]]
| x :: xs ->
loop x [[x]] xs
let tokens (s: string) =
s |> chunkBy (fun x y -> System.Char.IsDigit x && System.Char.IsDigit y)
|> (Seq.filter (System.Char.IsWhiteSpace >> not) >> string >> String.concat "")
|> List.filter ((<>) "")
let rec (|BinaryOp|_|) s =
let twoExprs = function | (Expr e1, Expr e2) -> Some (e1, e2) | _ -> None
match s with
| SplitsPick "+" twoExprs (e1, e2) -> Ast.Op (Plus, e1, e2) |> Some
| SplitsPick "-" twoExprs (e1, e2) -> Ast.Op (Minus, e1, e2) |> Some
| SplitsPick "*" twoExprs (e1, e2) -> Ast.Op (Multiply, e1, e2) |> Some
| SplitsPick "/" twoExprs (e1, e2) -> Ast.Op (Divide, e1, e2) |> Some
| _ -> None
and (|Expr|_|) s =
match s with
| [ Int x ] -> (Ast.Number x) |> Some
| Surround "(" ")" (Expr e) -> Some e
| BinaryOp e -> Some e
| e ->
printfn "not Expr: %A" e
let parse s =
match tokens s with
| Expr e -> printfn "%A" e
| _ -> failwith s
parse "1+2"
parse "12/(1+2)"
parse "(1+2) * (3+4)"
parse "(10 * 4) / ((30/10) + 1)"
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