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Last active May 2, 2024 06:02
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let lockObj = obj()
let printLock s = lock lockObj (fun () -> printfn "%s" s)
let memoizeAsyncAsTask f =
let cache = System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary()
let f' x = Async.StartAsTask (f x)
fun x -> async { return cache.GetOrAdd(x, lazy f' x).Value.Result }
type MemoizeAsyncState<'a> = | Running of sem:System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim | Completed of 'a
let memoizeAsync f =
let cache = System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary()
fun x -> async {
match cache.GetOrAdd(x, valueFactory = fun _ -> Running(new System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim 1)) with
| Running sem as r ->
if sem.Wait(0) then
printLock (sprintf "computing %A" x)
let! y = f x
cache.TryUpdate(x, Completed y, r) |> ignore
sem.Release() |> ignore
return y
printLock (sprintf "waiting for %A" x)
sem.Release() |> ignore
let (_, Completed y) = cache.TryGetValue x
return y
| Completed y -> return y
let a = memoizeAsync (fun x -> async {printLock (sprintf "Run %i" x); return x})
[1..10] |> (fun x -> a (x % 2)) |> Async.Parallel |> Async.RunSynchronously
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I think there may be a scenario where we come in line 17 but by then the value is already computed and available in the cache. The scenario is similar to the double-lock singleton pattern.

This is just my attempt how to do manual locking and definitely there could be bugs.

You are right about the problem. I didn't want to create the lock for every read, but maybe it is better to be on safe side and put locks.GetOrAdd on top of async.

Another idea I had is to use MailboxProcessor. It seems heavy-weight for this use case, but something like this can be written fail-proof in it.

Also, the locks dictionary may grow unbounded (as may the cache dictionary but I would replace it with IMemoryCache instead).

Yes, I didn't attempt to solve this. Maybe some way to use one dict instead two would be better?

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Updated with fixed version that use only one Dictionary. Multiple eval shouldn't be possible here.

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