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Created June 1, 2017 06:21
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module T =
open System
type Brand<'tag, 'b>(value: obj) =
member this.Apply() : 'c = value :?> _
type IBrand<'Kind, 'Tag, 'a> =
abstract inj: 'Kind -> Brand<'Tag, 'a>
abstract prj: Brand<'Tag, 'a> -> 'Kind
type Decision<'a> = Decision of 'a
type InProgress = class end
type Finished = class end
type Cancelled = class end
type InProgress<'a> = {value: 'a; decision: Decision<'a>}
type Finished<'a> = {value: 'a; initial: 'a; timestamp: DateTime}
type Cancelled<'a> = {value: 'a; decisions: list<Decision<'a>>; timestamp: DateTime; reason: string}
type InProgressBrand<'a> =
interface IBrand<InProgress<'a>, InProgress,'a> with
member this.inj v = new Brand<_,_>(v)
member this.prj v = v.Apply()
type FinishedBrand<'a> =
interface IBrand<Finished<'a>,Finished, 'a> with
member this.inj v = new Brand<_,_>(v)
member this.prj v = v.Apply()
type CancelledBrand<'a> =
interface IBrand<Cancelled<'a>, Cancelled,'a> with
member this.inj v = new Brand<_,_>(v)
member this.prj v = v.Apply()
let inj x = x |> IBrand.inj
let prj x = x |> IBrand.prj
let transitF f = fun x -> x |> prj |> f |> inj
let applyDecision (Decision d) v = d
type Transition<'a, 'b> =
abstract member transit: 'a -> 'b
type TransitionInProgressFinished<'a> =
interface Transition<InProgress<'a>, Finished<'a>> with
member __.transit {value = v; decision = d} = {value = applyDecision d v; initial = v; timestamp = DateTime.Now}
type TransitionFinishedInProgress<'a> =
interface Transition<Finished<'a>,InProgress<'a>> with
member __.transit {value = v; initial = d} = {InProgress.value = v; decision = Decision d}
type TransitionInProgressCancelled<'a> =
interface Transition<InProgress<'a>,Cancelled<'a>> with
member __.transit {value = v; decision = d} = {value = applyDecision d v; timestamp = DateTime.Now; decisions = [d]; reason = "reason"}
let transit x = x |> prj |> Transition.transit |> inj
type LineItem<'a> = {
articleID: Brand<'a,string>
units: Brand<'a,int>
amount: Brand<'a,float>
let mapLineItem li =
articleID = li.articleID |> transit
units = li.units |> transit
amount = li.amount |> transit
let a:LineItem<InProgress> = {
articleID = inj {InProgress.value = "foo"; decision = Decision "goo"}
units = inj {InProgress.value = 1; decision = Decision 2}
amount = inj {InProgress.value = 1.0; decision = Decision 2.0}
let print {articleID = a; units = u; amount = m} =
prj a |> printfn "%A"
prj u |> printfn "%A"
prj m |> printfn "%A"
a |> print
let f:LineItem<Finished> = (a |> mapLineItem):LineItem<Finished>
// warning FS3218: Multiple solutions to trait 'LineItem.2.T.Transition<LineItem.2.T.InProgress<Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string>,'?8922>';
// using 'LineItem.2.T.TransitionInProgressCancelled<'?9128>' (possibilities are 'LineItem.2.T.TransitionInProgressCancelled<'?9128>', 'LineItem.2.T.TransitionInProgressFinished<'?9129>')
// error FS3216: No solution to trait 'LineItem.2.T.IBrand<LineItem.2.T.Cancelled<Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string>,LineItem.2.T.Finished,Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string>'
// error FS0071: Type constraint mismatch when applying the default type 'obj' for a type inference variable. The type 'obj' is not compatible with the type 'T.IBrand<T.Cancelled<string>,T.Finished,string>' Consider adding further type constraints
f |> print
let c:LineItem<Cancelled> = a |> mapLineItem
c |> print
f |> mapLineItem |> print
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