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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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// With a normal stack, to find the min at any time, we have to scan through all elements in the stack
// and this is taking O(n) time. How can we know the min of the stack at any time or at any state immediately?
// One way to do it is to save the min of the stack in any state somewhere.
// push, pop and min operation of the following data structre takes amortized O(1) time.
public class StackWithMin{
private int N;
private int capacity;
private int[] data;
private int[] mins;
// Assume that the user will set a capacity > 0
// otherwise we could throw an exception to warn the user
public StackWithMin(int capacity) throws Exception{
if(capacity <= 0) throw new Exception("the capacity must be positive!");
this.capacity = capacity;
N = 0;
data = new int[capacity];
mins = new int[capacity];
public void push(int val){
if(N == capacity) resize(2*N);
data[N] = val;
if(N == 0) mins[N] = val;
else mins[N] = mins[N-1] > val ? val : mins[N-1];
public int pop() throws Exception{
if(N == 0) throw new Exception("Stack underflow!");
int tmp = data[--N];
if(N == capacity / 4) resize(capacity / 2);
return tmp;
public int min() throws Exception{
if(N == 0) throw new Exception("Stack is empty!");
return mins[N-1];
private void resize(int size){
data = copyData(data, size);
mins = copyData(mins, size);
capacity = size;
private int[] copyData(int[] data, int size){
int[] newData = new int[size];
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){
newData[i] = data[i];
return newData;
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