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Last active August 10, 2016 09:41
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  • Save jinhwanlazy/d98c2b5851e1507c8af122e9724a0c4b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jinhwanlazy/d98c2b5851e1507c8af122e9724a0c4b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
3d printable mechanical keyboard, powered by openascad. still work in progress.
layout = [
split_pos = [
[5, 4.5, 4.75, 4.25, 4.75],
[10, 10.5, 9.75, 10.25, 10],
screw_pos = [
[1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 14],
[], [], [],
[0.25, 4.5, 5.25, 9.75, 10.25, 14.75]
teensy_pos = 7;
function getParameterDefinitions() {
return [
name: 'output',
type: 'choice',
caption: 'Output',
values: ['Plate', 'Case', 'Back covers',
'Test 1u', 'Test 1u*4', 'Test 2u', 'Test 6u', 'Test 6.25u'],
initial: 'Case'
name: 'split',
type: 'choice',
caption: 'Split Number',
values: ['No'].concat(Array.apply(null, Array(split_pos.length+1)).map(function (_, i) {return i;})),
initial: 'No'
name: 'shape',
type: 'choice',
caption: 'Case Shape',
values: ['Square', 'Rounded'],
initial: 'Rounded'
name: 'stabilizer',
type: 'choice',
caption: 'Stabilizer Type',
values: ['cherry', 'costar'],
captions: ['cherry', 'costar'],
initial: 'costar'
name: 'swappable',
type: 'choice',
caption: 'Hole Shape',
values: ['Plain', 'Swappable'],
initial: 'Swappable'
name: 'pcb_hole',
type: 'choice',
caption: 'PCB Mount Hole',
values: [true, false],
initial: false
name: 'led_hole',
type: 'choice',
caption: 'LED Lead Hole',
values: [true, false],
initial: false
name: 'solid',
type: 'choice',
caption: 'Solid Case',
values: [true, false],
initial: true
const inf = 98765;
const unit = 19.05;
const inch = 25.4;
const epsilon = 0.01;
function costar_stabilizer(A, bridge) {
let m = 0.5;
let shift = 0.60;
return union(
square({size: [3.3, 14]}).translate([A/2*inch-3.3/2, -14/2 - shift]),
square({size: [3.3+2*m, 0.2]}).translate([A/2*inch-3.3/2-m, -14/2 - shift]),
square({size: [3.3+2*m, 0.2]}).translate([A/2*inch-3.3/2-m, +14/2 - shift-0.1])
function costar_stabilizer_cutout(A) {
let m = 1.0;
let ret = cube({size: [3.3, 14+2*m, 3.6]})
.translate([A/2*inch-3.3/2, -14/2-0.75-m, -1.4]);
return ret;
function cherry_stabilizer(A, bridge) {
function bridge_(A) {
if (A < 1.5) {
return square({size: [A/2*inch, 0.421*inch], center: false})
.translate([-A/2*inch, -0.229*inch]);
} else {
return square({size: [A/2*inch, 0.18*inch], center: true})
.translate([-A/4*inch, 0]);
let ret = union(
square({size: [0.262*inch, 0.484*inch], center: true}).translate([0, -0.018*inch]),
square({size: [4, 2.8], center: false}).translate([0, -0.5])
if (bridge) {
ret = union(
square({size: [0.12*inch, 0.53*inch], center: true}).translate([0, -0.041*inch])
} else if (A < 1.5) ret = union(ret, bridge_(A));
return ret.translate([A/2*inch, 0]);
function cherry_stabilizer_cutout(A) {
let align = [true, false, false];
const snap = 1.4;
return union(
cube({size: [3, 16, 5-snap], center: align}).translate([A*inch/2, -0.375*inch, 0]),
cube({size: [3, 16, 5-snap], center: align}).translate([A*inch/2, -0.375*inch, 0]).mirroredX(),
cube({size: [0.262*inch, 0.3*inch, 5-snap], center: align}).translate([A*inch/2, -0.375*inch, 0]),
cube({size: [0.262*inch, 0.3*inch, 5-snap], center: align}).translate([A*inch/2, -0.375*inch, 0]).mirroredX(),
intersection( // wires goes
cube({size: [(A+0.262)*inch, 0.18*inch, 0.2*inch], center: align}).translate([0, -0.375*inch+1, 0]),
cube({size: [(A+0.262)*inch, 0.18*inch, 0.12*inch], center: align}).translate([0, -0.375*inch+1, 0]),
cube({size: [(A+0.262)*inch, 0.18*inch*cos(35), 0.12*inch/cos(35)], center: align}).mirroredZ().rotateX(35).translate([0, -0.375*inch+1, 0.12*inch]),
cube({size: [(A+0.262)*inch, 0.08*inch, 0.2*inch], center: align}).translate([0, (-0.225)*inch, 0.05*inch])
).translate([0, 0, -5]);
function cherry_mx_2D(w=1, h=1, A=0.94, stabil='costar', swappable=true, bridge=true) {
let stabilizer = (stabil == 'costar') ? costar_stabilizer : cherry_stabilizer;
let rot90 = false;
let ret;
if (h > w) {
rot90 = true;
let tmp = w; w = h; h = tmp;
if (w < 2) {
ret = square({size: [0.55*inch, 0.55*inch], center: true});
if (swappable) {
ret = union(
square({size: [0.614*inch, 0.1378*inch], center: true}).translate([0, (0.1972+0.1378)/2*inch]),
square({size: [0.614*inch, 0.1378*inch], center: true}).translate([0, (0.1972+0.1378)/2*inch]).mirroredY()
// } else if (w == 6){
// ret = union(
// cherry_mx_2D(1, 1, A, stabil=stabil, swappable=swappable).translate([0.5*unit, 0, 0]),
// stabilizer(3, bridge=bridge).translate([0.5*unit, 0, 0]),
// stabilizer(4.5, bridge=bridge).mirroredX().translate([0.5*unit, 0, 0])
// );
} else {
ret = union(
cherry_mx_2D(1, 1, A, stabil=stabil, swappable=swappable),
stabilizer(A, bridge=bridge),
stabilizer(A, bridge=bridge).mirroredX()
ret = ret.rotateZ(-90*rot90);
return ret;
function SW(ori, params)
this.w = ori.w;
this.h = ori.h;
this.pos = ori.keyCenter();
this.rot = ori.rot;
this.ix = new CSG.Vector2D([1, 0]);
this.iy = new CSG.Vector2D([0, 1]);
this.params = params;
if (this.w == 6) this.A = 3;
else if (this.w < 3) this.A = 0.94;
else if (this.w < 6.25) this.A = 1.5;
else if (this.w < 7) this.A = 3.75;
else if (this.w < 8) this.A = 4.5;
else this.A = 5.25;
this.cutout2D = function() {
return cherry_mx_2D(this.w, this.h, this.A, this.params.stabilizer,
this.cutout3D = function(pcb_mount_hole=false, led_hole=false, wires=true) {
let i = 1.27;
let ret = linear_extrude({height:4*i},
cherry_mx_2D(this.w, this.h, this.A, this.params.stabilizer,
this.params.swappable==='Swappable', bridge=false));
let c = [true, true, false];
ret = union(ret,
cylinder({d:4, h:20, center: c}).mirroredZ().translate([0, 0, -0.2]), // center stem
cylinder({d:2.5, h:20, center: c}).mirroredZ().translate([-3*i, 2*i, -0.2]), // lead1
cylinder({d:2.5, h:20, center: c}).mirroredZ().translate([ 2*i, 4*i, -0.2]), // lead2
cube({size:[5, 16, 5-1.4-epsilon], center: c})
.translate([0, 0, 0]) // push fit
).translate([0, 0, -5+epsilon]);
if (this.params.pcb_hole == 'true') ret = union(ret, this.pcb_mount_hole());
if (this.params.led_hole == 'true') ret = union(ret, this.led_hole());
if (this.w >= 2) {
let stabil = this.params.stabilizer == 'costar'
? costar_stabilizer_cutout
: cherry_stabilizer_cutout;
ret = union(ret, stabil(this.A), stabil(this.A).mirroredX());
ret = ret.rotateZ(-this.rot).translate(this.pos);
return ret;
this.moveX = function(x) {
this.pos =;
this.moveY = function(y) {
this.pos =;
this.pcb_mount_hole = function () {
let i = 1.27;
return union(
cylinder({d:1.8, h:20, center: [true, true, false]}).mirroredZ().translate([ 4*i, 0, -0.2]),
cylinder({d:1.8, h:20, center: [true, true, false]}).mirroredZ().translate([-4*i, 0, -0.2])
).translate([0, 0, -4*i]);
this.led_hole = function() {
let i = 1.27;
return union(
cylinder({d:1.0, h:20, center: [true, true, false]}).mirroredZ().translate([ 1*i, -4*i, -0.2]),
cylinder({d:1.0, h:20, center: [true, true, false]}).mirroredZ().translate([-1*i, -4*i, -0.2])
).translate([0, 0, -4*i]);
function Orientation()
this.ppivot = new CSG.Vector2D([0, 0]);
this.pivot = new CSG.Vector2D([0, 0]);
this.pos = new CSG.Vector2D([0, 0]);
this.ix = new CSG.Vector2D([1, 0]);
this.yy = new CSG.Vector2D([0, -1]);
this.dx = new CSG.Vector2D([1, 0]);
this.dy = new CSG.Vector2D([0, -1]);
this.rot = 0;
this.h = 1;
this.w = 1;
this.stack = [];
this.moveX = function(x) {
this.pos =*x));
this.moveY = function(y) {
this.pivot =*y));
this.pos =*y));
this.rotate = function(r) {
this.rot = r;
this.dx = new CSG.Vector2D([Math.cos(r*Math.PI/180), -Math.sin(r*Math.PI/180)]);
this.dy = new CSG.Vector2D([-Math.sin(r*Math.PI/180), -Math.cos(r*Math.PI/180)]);
this.setX = function(x) {
this.ppivot = new CSG.Vector2D([x*unit, this.ppivot.y]);
this.pivot = new CSG.Vector2D(this.ppivot);
this.pos = new CSG.Vector2D(this.pivot);
this.setY = function(y) {
this.ppivot = new CSG.Vector2D([this.pivot.x, -y*unit]);
this.pivot = new CSG.Vector2D(this.ppivot);
this.pos = new CSG.Vector2D(this.pivot);
this.nextRow = function() {
this.pivot =;
this.pos = new CSG.Vector2D(this.pivot);
this.keyCenter = function() {
this.update = function(op) {
if ('r' in op) this.rotate(op.r);
if ('rx' in op) this.setX(op.rx);
if ('ry' in op) this.setY(op.ry);
if ('x' in op) this.moveX(op.x);
if ('y' in op) this.moveY(op.y);
if ('w' in op) this.w = op.w;
if ('h' in op) this.h = op.h;
this.resetSize = function() {
this.w = 1;
this.h = 1;
function Dimension()
this.left = inf;
this.right = -inf;
this.bottom = inf;
this.top_ = -inf;
this.update_ = function(pos) {
this.left = Math.min(this.left, pos.x);
this.right = Math.max(this.right, pos.x);
this.bottom = Math.min(this.bottom, pos.y);
this.top_ = Math.max(this.top_, pos.y);
this.update = function(ori) {
let pos = new CSG.Vector2D(ori.pos);
this.plate = function() {
return square([this.right-this.left, this.top_-this.bottom])
.translate([this.left, this.bottom]);
}; = function() {
let ret = [(this.right+this.left)/2, (this.top_+this.bottom)/2];
return new CSG.Vector2D(ret);
}; = function(th=1.5) {
return square([this.right-this.left, this.top_-this.bottom])
.translate([this.left, this.bottom]).subtract(
square([this.right-this.left-th*2, this.top_-this.bottom-th*2])
.translate([this.left+th, this.bottom+th])
this.size = function() {
return [this.right-this.left, this.top_-this.bottom];
function gen_switches(layout, stabil)
let switches = [];
let ori = new Orientation();
let dim = new Dimension();
for (let r = 0; r < layout.length; r++) {
for (let c = 0; c < layout[r].length; c++) {
if (typeof layout[r][c] == "string") {
switches.push(new SW(ori, stabil));
} else {
return [switches, dim];
function screw_holes(pillar)
let d = pillar ? 5.2 : 2.6;
let h = pillar ? 8.5 : 6;
let ret = [];
for (let r = 0; r < screw_pos.length; ++r) {
for (let c = 0; c < screw_pos[r].length; ++c) {
let y = -(0.5+r) * unit;
let x = screw_pos[r][c] * unit;
ret.push(cylinder({d: d, h: h, center: [true, true, false]})
.translate([x, y, 0]));
return union(ret);
function back_cover(dim, no=0, split=3, side_th=4)
const height = 5;
const depth = 3;
let dx = (dim.right - dim.left) / split;
let dy = dim.top_ - dim.bottom;
let x = no * dx;
let y = -dy;
let ret = cube({size: [dx, dy, height]}).translate([x, y, 0]);
let cutout = [];
let screw_col = [];
cutout.push(cube({size: [dx-2*side_th, dy-2*side_th, inf]})
.translate([x+side_th, y+side_th, height-depth]));
cutout.push(cube({size: [dx*split-20, dy-20, inf]})
.translate([10, y+10, height-depth+1]));
let t = teensy.mount_size();
let m = 0.4;
cutout.push(cube({size: [t[0]+m, t[1]+m, t[2]+m], center: [true, false, false]})
.mirroredY().mirroredZ().translate([teensy_pos*unit, y+dy, height]));
ret = ret.subtract(union(cutout)); cutout = [];
for (let r = 0; r < screw_pos.length; ++r) {
for (let c = 0; c < screw_pos[r].length; ++c) {
let dy_ = -(0.5+r) * unit;
let dx_ = screw_pos[r][c] * unit;
cylinder({d: 8, h: height, center: [true, true, false]}) .translate([dx_, dy_, 0]),
cube({size: [dx, dy, height]}).translate([x, y, 0])
cutout.push(cylinder({d: 3, h: 6, center: [true, true, false]})
.translate([dx_, dy_, 0]));
ret = ret.union(union(screw_col));
ret = ret.subtract(cutout);
return ret;
function body(params)
let switches = gen_switches(layout, params);
let sws = switches[0];
let dim = switches[1];
let s = dim.size();
let ret = gen_case(s[0]/unit, s[1]/unit, params).translate([0, -s[1], 0]);
let cutout = [];
let teensy_y = (params.shape == 'Square' ? -1 : 0);
for (let i = 0; i < sws.length; i++) {
cutout.push(sws[i].cutout3D().translate([0, 0, 12]));
ret = ret.subtract(cutout);
ret = ret.union(union(
screw_holes(true).translate([0, 0, 3]),
teensy.mount().rotateY(180).translate([teensy_pos*unit, teensy_y, 1.5])
ret = ret.subtract(union(
screw_holes(false).translate([0, 0, 1]),
cube({size: [12, 5, 8], center: [true, false, false]}).translate([teensy_pos*unit, 1, 1.5]), // usb cable
teensy.slot().rotateY(180).translate([teensy_pos*unit, teensy_y, 1.5])
if (params.split != 'No')
ret = ret.intersect(linear_extrude({height: 12}, split_mask_2D(parseInt(params.split))));
return ret;
function plate_2D(params)
let switches = gen_switches(layout, params);
let sws = switches[0];
let dim = switches[1];
let ret = dim.plate()
for (let i = 0; i < sws.length; i++) {
ret = ret.subtract(sws[i].cutout2D());
if (params.split != 'No')
ret = ret.intersect(split_mask_2D(parseInt(params.split)));
ret = ret.translate(;
return ret;
function mini_usb_2D()
const m = 0.4;
return union(chain_hull(
circle({r: 0.5}).translate([0.0-m, 0]),
circle({r: 0.5}).translate([7.8-1+m, 0]),
circle({r: 0.5}).translate([7.8-1+m, 1.89-0.9+0.1]),
circle({r: 0.5}).translate([7.3-1+m, 1.89-0.9+0.8]),
circle({r: 0.4}).translate([7.3-1+m+0.2, 4-0.8]),
circle({r: 0.4}).translate([0.5-m, 4-0.8]),
circle({r: 0.5}).translate([0.5-m, 1.89-0.9+0.8]),
circle({r: 0.5}).translate([0.0-m, 1.89-0.9+0.1]),
circle({r: 0.5}).translate([0.0-m, 0])),
square([6.8, 3.6]).translate([0.5, 0])
function mini_usb()
return union(
linear_extrude({height: teensy.usb_len+5}, mini_usb_2D()),
cube({size: [7.8, 4, 12]}))
.translate([-7.8/2, -4, -teensy.usb_len]).rotateX(-90);
const teensy = {
x: 18.03,
y: 32.00,
mount_th: 1,
smd_th: 1,
pcb_th: 1.63,
buf: 2,
usb_len: 15,
usb_side_wall: 1,
size: function() {
return [this.x, this.y, this.pcb_th];
mount_size: function() {
return [
this.x + 2*this.buf,
this.y + this.buf + this.usb_side_wall,
this.pcb_th + this.smd_th + this.mount_th]
height: function() {
return pcb_th + smd_th + mount_th;
screw_x: function() {
return x / 2 + buf;
screw_y: function() {
return y + buf +usb_side_wall - unit;
mount: function() {
let m = 0.2;
let t = this;
let h = 5;
return union(
cube({size: [3, 3, h]}).translate([-t.x/2-1, -2, -5]),
cube({size: [3, 3, h]}).translate([t.x/2-2, -2, -5]),
cube({size: [3, 3, h]}).translate([-t.x/2-1, -t.y-1, -5]),
cube({size: [3, 3, h]}).translate([t.x/2-2, -t.y-1, -5])
cube({size: [t.x+m*2, t.y+m*2, t.pcb_th+epsilon], center: [true, false, false]}
).translate([0, -t.y-m, -t.pcb_th])
slot: function() {
let m = 0.2;
let t = this;
return cube({size: [t.x+2*m, t.y+2*m, t.pcb_th], center: [true, false, false]}
).translate([0, -t.y-m, -t.pcb_th]
).union(mini_usb().mirroredZ().translate([0, 0, -t.pcb_th])
function split_mask_2D(num_split=0)
if (split_pos.length < 1) return body;
if (num_split > split_pos.length) return body;
let vsize = split_pos[0].length;
if (vsize < 1) return body;
for (let i = 0; i < split_pos.length; ++i)
if (split_pos[i].length != vsize)
return body;
let left, right;
if (num_split === 0) {
left = Array.apply(null, Array(vsize)).map(Number.prototype.valueOf, -100);
right = split_pos[0];
} else if (num_split == split_pos.length) {
left = split_pos[num_split-1];
right = Array.apply(null, Array(vsize)).map(Number.prototype.valueOf, 100);
} else {
left = split_pos[num_split-1];
right = split_pos[num_split];
let mask = [];
for (let i = 0; i < vsize; i++) {
mask.push(square({size: [(right[i]-left[i])*unit, (i == 0 || i == vsize-1 ? 2*unit : unit)]}) .translate([left[i]*unit, (vsize-i-1)*unit-(i == vsize-1 ? unit : 0)]));
mask = union(mask);
cutout = []
if (num_split < split_pos.length) {
for (let r = 0; r < vsize-1; r++)
if (right[r+1] > right[r])
cutout.push(square({size: [1, 1], center: true})
.translate([right[r]*unit, (vsize-r-1)*unit]));
for (let r = 1; r < vsize; r++)
if (right[r-1] > right[r])
cutout.push(square({size: [1, 1], center: true})
.translate([right[r]*unit, (vsize-r)*unit]));
if (num_split > 0) {
for (let r = 0; r < vsize-1; r++)
if (left[r+1] < left[r])
cutout.push(square({size: [1, 1], center: true})
.translate([left[r]*unit, (vsize-r-1)*unit]));
for (let r = 1; r < vsize; r++)
if (left[r-1] < left[r])
cutout.push(square({size: [1, 1], center: true})
.translate([left[r]*unit, (vsize-r)*unit]));
mask = mask.subtract(cutout);
return mask.translate([0, -vsize*unit]);
function test_object(w, params)
let ori = new Orientation(); ori.w = w;
let sw = new SW(ori, params);
return gen_case(w, 1, params).subtract(sw.cutout3D().translate([0, unit, 12]));
function test_object_4x(params)
let ori = new Orientation();
let sw = new SW(ori, params);
let block = gen_case(2, 2, params);
let cutout = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
for (let j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
cutout.push(sw.cutout3D().translate([unit*i, unit*(1+j), 12]));
return block.subtract(union(cutout));
function gen_case(w, h, params)
let th = 12;
let side_r = 10;
let top_r = 5;
let o = 1;
let ret;
let x = w*unit, y = h*unit;
if (params.shape == 'Square') {
ret = cube({size: [x, y, th]}
} else if(params.shape == 'Rounded') {
ret = CSG.roundedCube({
radius: [w*unit/2+2*o, h*unit/2+2*o, th/2+1],
roundradius: [4, 4, th/2],
resolution: 48
}).translate([w*unit/2, h*unit/2, th/2]
).intersect(cube({size: [inf, inf, th]}).translate([-inf/3, -inf/3])
ret = ret.subtract(cube({size: [x-2, y-2, 1.5+epsilon]}).translate([1, 1, -epsilon]));
if (params.solid == 'false')
ret = ret.subtract(cube({size: [x-4, y-4, th-1.4]}).translate([2, 2, 0]));
ret = ret.subtract(cube({size: [x-4, y-4, th-7]}).translate([2, 2, 0]));
return ret;
function main(params)
if (params.output == 'Test 1u') return test_object(1, params);
if (params.output == 'Test 1u*4') return test_object_4x(params);
if (params.output == 'Test 2u') return test_object(2, params);
if (params.output == 'Test 6u') return test_object(6, params);
if (params.output == 'Test 6.25u') return test_object(6.25, params);
if (params.output == 'Case') return body(params);
if (params.output == 'Plate') return plate_2D(params);
if (params.output == 'Back covers') {
let ret = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
ret.push(back_cover(dim, i, 3, 4).translate([10*i, 0, 0]));
return union(ret);
return 0;
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