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Created December 21, 2020 17:37
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Hoteless - Booking Tool - Java
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<html>Simple <b>Java</b> application that includes a class with <code>main()</code> method</html>
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import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static void bookRoom() {
Double bedCost;
String bedType;
Scanner s = new Scanner(;
// create room types hashmap <associated with roomCost hashmap by key value>
Map<Integer, String> roomTypes = new HashMap<>();
roomTypes.put(1, "King");
roomTypes.put(2, "Double Queen");
roomTypes.put(3, "Single Queen");
roomTypes.put(4, "Full");
// create room cost hashmap <associated with roomTypes hashmap by key value>
Map<Integer, Double> roomCost = new HashMap<>();
System.out.println("Welcome to our room booking tool! Here is our current availability:\n");
// print hashmap of room types
for (Integer i : roomTypes.keySet()) {
System.out.printf("%s - %s\n", i, roomTypes.get(i));
System.out.println("Please enter a number corresponding to your preferred room type:");
// user input : request room preference <pulls from hashmap for room type and price>
int preferredRoom = s.nextInt();
while (preferredRoom < 1 || preferredRoom > 4)
System.out.println("Your entry " + preferredRoom + " is invalid. Please choose a number between 1 and " +
roomTypes.size() + " which corresponds with your desired room configuration.");
preferredRoom = s.nextInt();
// set room roomCost value from hashmap based on preferredRoom value
bedCost = roomCost.get(preferredRoom);
// set room roomType value from hashmap based on preferredRoom value
bedType = roomTypes.get(preferredRoom);
// print cost of room per night
System.out.printf("For the %s room it will cost $%s per night.\n" +
"How many nights would you like to stay?\n", bedType.toLowerCase(),bedCost);
// user input : ask for length of stay
int nights = s.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter your desired check-in date in mm/dd/yy format:");
DateTimeFormatter format = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("M/d/yy");
LocalDate checkIn = null;
// create boolean for try/catch block to handle parsing exceptions
boolean parseError;
do {
try {
// user input : request check-in date in mm/dd/yy format
parseError = false;
checkIn = LocalDate.parse(s.nextLine(), format);
} catch (Exception e) {
// if incorrect format, repeat request for proper date format
parseError = true;
System.out.println("Your entry is invalid. Please enter a valid date in mm/dd/yy format:");
} while (parseError);
// compute checkOut date
LocalDate checkOut = IncrementDate(checkIn, nights);
// calculate total cost of stay based on bedCost and # of nights
double total = bedCost * nights;
// print out details of reservation
System.out.printf("Here are the details of your reservation:\n" +
"Room Type: %s\n" +
"Nights: %s\n" +
"Cost Per Night: %s\n" +
"Check-in: %s\n" +
"Checkout: %s\n" +
"Total Cost: $%.2f\n\n" +
"Type Y to confirm your reservation or N to cancel:\n",bedType.toLowerCase(),nights,bedCost,checkIn,checkOut,total);
// user input : confirm reservation details
String confirmation = s.nextLine();
// validate "Y" or "N" response to confirmation
while (!confirmation.equalsIgnoreCase("N") && !confirmation.equalsIgnoreCase("Y"))
System.out.println("Your entry of " + confirmation + " is not valid. Please enter Y or N:");
confirmation = s.nextLine();
if (confirmation.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) {
System.out.println("Your reservation has been cancelled.");
} else {
// once confirmed, create new reservation object using Reservation method
Reservation newReservation = new Reservation(new Date(),nights,checkIn,checkOut,bedCost,bedType,total);
System.out.println("Your reservation has been confirmed!");
// print reservation confirmation including reservation id;
// method: increment dates for check-out calculation
public static LocalDate IncrementDate(LocalDate initialDate, int daysToIncrement) {
LocalDate incrementedDate = initialDate.plusDays(daysToIncrement);
return incrementedDate;
static class Reservation {
int id;
Date made;
int stayDays;
double dailyRate;
LocalDate in;
LocalDate out;
String bedType;
double total;
static int totalReservations;
Reservation(Date m, int s, LocalDate i, LocalDate o, double d, String b, double t) {
id = totalReservations + 10000;
made = m;
stayDays = s;
in = i;
out = o;
dailyRate = d;
bedType = b;
total = t;
void show() {
" - Your confirmation number is %s.\n" +
" - We've reserved a %s room for %d days starting on %s and ending on %s\n" +
" - Based on your daily rate of %s, the total cost of your stay will be $%.2f \n",
id, bedType, stayDays, in, out, dailyRate,total);
static void showReservations() {
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