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Last active April 29, 2021 15:22
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array(['9-12', '6-8', 'K-4', '5-8', '4-5', 'K-5', '4-6', '7-12', 'K-6','4-8', 'K-8', '1-6', 'PK-3', '6-12', 'K-3', 'PK-K', 'PK', 'PK-8',
'PK-6', '4-12', 'PK-6 & Ungraded', '1-8', 'K', 'PK-5', 'PK-12','7-11', '3-6', 'K-12', '3-8', '2-10', 'K-1, 5-8', 'PK-4',
'Ungraded', '1-12', '2-5', '3-5', '10-12', 'PK-1 & Ungraded','K-11', 'K-2', 'K-1', '9-10', 'K-7', '1-5', 'PK-1', 'PK-K, 2',
'PK-2', '7-8', 'PK-11', '9', 'K-9', '2-11', '2-12', '2-9', '8-12','K-10', 'PK & Ungraded', '7-9', '6', '5-6', '2, 5-6, 8-9, 11-12',
'11-12', '3-12', 'K-1, 3-4, 6-7, 9, 11', '1-11', '5-12', '6-10','11', '3-7', '7-10', 'PK-10', 'PK-12 & Ungraded', 'PK-9', '6-9',
'4-9', '9-11', '6-7', '5-12 & Ungraded', '8-11', '2-8', '3, 5, 7-11', 'PK, 8', 'PK-7', '6, 9-12', '1-3', 'K-3, 5-10, 12',
'PK-8 & Ungraded', '5', '12', 'K-8, 10-12', '1-9', '1-5, 7-8','9, 12', '5-7', '8', '3-10', '1-12 & Ungraded', '5, 7-8, 10-12',
'PK, 1-4', '1-4', '3, 6-7, 10, 12', '3-4, 6, 9-12', '1-2', '8-9','4', 'PK-3, 5-7', 'K-1, 4, 6, 8', '5-10', '6-12 & Ungraded',
'6-11', 'K, 5-12', 'K-6, 8', 'PK-4 & Ungraded', 'PK-1, 3-5','PK-1, 3', '10-12 & Ungraded', 'K-3, 5-9, 11-12', 'PK-K, 2-4, 6-8',
'PK, 3-4', '1-7', '1-10', 'PK, 2', '2, 4, 7, 9-10, 12', 'PK, 1', '1-3, 5, 8', '1-3, 5-6, 8', 'K, 3, 5-12', '4-11', 'K-4, 7-8',
'7-8, 10-12', 'PK, 1, 3-12', '7, 9-12', 'PK-2, 6, 8', '2-6','PK-8, 10-11', '2-3', '3-4', 'PK, 3-5', '3-9', 'PK-4, 6',
'PK, 1-6', 'PK-4, 8', 'PK-K, 9-12', '3-11', 'PK-3 & Ungraded','PK-3, 5-6', '2-7', '2-12 & Ungraded', 'PK-K, 2-7', '8-10', '2-4',
'PK-4, 6-8', 'PK-K, 3-5, 7', '7, 11', 'K-5, 7, 9-10, 12', 'PK-K, 2-4, 6 & Ungraded', '2', 'PK-7, 11', 'K, 2, 4-9, 12',
'PK-1, 4, 6', '9-12 & Ungraded', '4-6, 8', '2-4, 6, 9-12', '4-7', 'PK-3, 5-8', '1-2, 4-8', 'PK, 12', '10', '3-5, 9-10, 12', '5-11',
'2-3, 5, 10-12', '3-10, 12', 'K-12 & Ungraded', '4-10','PK-1, 3, 5', 'PK-1, 5, 7, 9', 'PK-K, 2-5', 'K, 2-7, 9',
'K-7, 9-12', '2, 6-7', '6-10, 12', 'K-5, 7-9, 11', '2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12', 'K-2, 4-12', 'PK, 7-12', '1, 3-4, 6-12',
'K-6, 8-11', '2-5, 7-12', '1, 4-10, 12', 'PK-2, 4, 6, 8','K-10, 12', '9 & Ungraded', 'PK-5 & Ungraded', 'PK-3, 5',
'1, 3-5, 7', 'PK, 2, 4-7, 9-10, 12', 'K, 2, 5-12', 'PK-4, 6-12','3', '4, 10', '2, 5-6, 8-12', 'K-6, 8-12', 'PK, 3-6, 8, 10, 12',
'K-3, 6-8', '3-9, 11-12', 'PK-5, 7-12', 'K, 2-4, 7-12', '1-4, 6-8', 'PK-3, 5-12', '1-3, 5-9', '1, 3-8', '9-11 & Ungraded', '5-9',
'K, 4-5, 7-8', 'PK, 1-5', '3-12 & Ungraded', 'K-8 & Ungraded', '2-3, 5-8', '1-6, 9-12', 'PK-8, 10-12', 'PK-K, 4-8', 'K-1, 7-12',
'K-4, 6-7, 9-12', '9-10, 12', 'K-5, 7', 'K, 2-8', '1, 4, 7, 10-11', 'K, 2-3, 5-6', 'K-5, 7, 11-12', '7', 'PK-4, 7-12', 'K-9, 11-12',
'K-4, 6-8, 10', '1, 3-5, 7-12', 'K-2, 5-7', 'K, 3, 6-8, 10, 12','K, 3, 7-8, 12', 'PK, 9-12', 'K-2, 4-10, 12', '12 & Ungraded',
'PK-6, 8-10', 'PK-1, 3-8', '1, 3', 'K-8, 12', '3-4, 6-9, 12','5, 7-8', 'PK-K, 2-3', 'K-1, 3-12', '1, 5-9, 12', '5, 7-8, 10-11',
'PK-5, 7-8', '4, 7, 10-12', 'PK-1, 3-4', 'PK-2, 4-6', 'K-8, 10','10-11', '6, 9', 'PK-2, 4', 'K-4, 6', 'K-2, 6-7, 12', 'PK-6, 8',
'3-4, 7, 10-12', '1, 3-7', 'K-5, 8', '2, 4-5, 7, 9-11','1-3, 5, 7-8', '1-2, 9-12', 'K-1, 3-5, 7-8', 'K, 2-8, 10',
'PK, 1-3, 6', '7-8, 10-11', '7, 10-12', '3, 5, 8-9, 11-12', '1-3, 5', 'K-5, 7-12', '1-7, 9-10, 12', '2, 4-8', 'K-3, 6-12',
'PK, 5-8', '6-8, 10', 'PK-5, 7', 'PK, 1, 5', 'PK, 1-4, 6','3, 5, 10, 12', 'PK-6, 8-12', '4-5, 7-12', 'PK-1, 6-7, 9-11',
'2-7, 9-11', 'K-1, 6, 8, 11', '7, 9, 11-12', '1-3, 5-10','K-5, 7-9', '1', 'K-5, 7-11', '7-12 & Ungraded', '1-6 & Ungraded',
'3, 12', 'PK-8, 11', 'K-5, 7-9, 12', 'K-1, 4, 7-9, 11', '1-2, 4-12', 'PK-9, 11-12'], dtype=object)
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