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Last active February 25, 2022 21:42
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(1) PLease upload your client side code to call talents API
(2) AWS url for web API if you have PUBLISHED your web api to AWS
or url to S3 image
(3) Sequence diagram for calling Stripe API
or calling global weather web service
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shuimeihe commented Jan 17, 2019

He Shuimei

`public class TalentsController : ApiController
static readonly TalentRepository repository = new TalentRepository();
//[EnableCors(origins: "", headers: "", methods: "*")]
public IEnumerable GetAllTalents()
return repository.GetAll();

    public Talent GetTalent(int id)
        Talent item = repository.Get(id);
        if (item == null)
            throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
        return item;
  1. []


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$('#search').keyup(function () {

    //get data from Restful web Service in development environment
    var urlForJson = "/api/talents";

    //get data from Restful web Service in production environment
    //var urlForJson= "";

    //Url for the Cloud image hosting
    var urlForCloudImage = "";

    var searchField = $('#search').val();
    var myExp = new RegExp(searchField, "i");
        type: 'GET',
        url: urlForJson
    }).done(function (data) {
        var output = '<ul class="searchresults">';
        $.each(data, function (key, val) {
            if (( != -1) ||
                ( != -1)) {
                output += '<li>';
                output += '<h2>' + val.Name + '</h2>';
                //get the absolute path for local image
                //output += '<img src="images/'+ val.ShortName +'_tn.jpg" alt="'+ val.Name +'" />';

                //get the image from cloud hosting
                output += '<img src=' + urlForCloudImage + val.ShortName + "_tn.jpg alt=" + val.Name + '" />';
                output += '<p>' + val.Bio + '</p>';
                output += '</li>';
        output += '</ul>';
    }).fail(function (data) {
        $('#update').html("Error " + data.status + ": " + data.statusText);


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>Live Search</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="mystyle.css" />
        .liClass:hover {
            cursor: pointer;

        @keyframes spinner {
            to {
                transform: rotate(360deg);

        .spinner:before {
            content: '';
            box-sizing: border-box;
            position: absolute;
            top: 50%;
            left: 50%;
            width: 50px;
            height: 50px;
            margin-top: -10px;
            margin-left: -10px;
            border-radius: 50%;
            border: 2px solid #f6f;
            border-top-color: #0e0;
            border-right-color: #0dd;
            border-bottom-color: #f90;
            animation: spinner .6s linear infinite;
    <div id="searcharea">
        <label for="search">live search</label>
        <p>Enter the name or info about a speaker</p>
        <input type="search" name="search" id="search" placeholder="name or info" />
    <div class="spinner" id="loader"></div>
    <div id="wholeDiv">
        <div id="update"></div>
    <script src="jquery.js"></script>
    <script src="script.js"></script>

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Lau Wei Yang Jeffery

  1. Talent API Controller

[ApiController, Route("api/talents"), RequireHttps]

public class TalentsController : ControllerBase
    private ITalentRepository talentRepository;
    public TalentsController(ITalentRepository talentRepository)
        this.talentRepository = talentRepository;
    public IEnumerable<Talent> GetAllTalents()
        return talentRepository.GetAll();
    [HttpGet, Route("{Id:int:min(1)}")]
    public Talent GetTalent(int Id) => talentRepository.Get(Id);


  1. AWS S3 Path

  2. Sequence Diagram

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ghost commented Jan 18, 2019

Poh Yi Jie Nicholas

  1. `public class TalentsController : ApiController
    static readonly TalentRepository repository = new TalentRepository();
    [EnableCors(origins: "", headers: "", methods: "*")]

    public IEnumerable<Talent> GetAllTalents()
        return repository.GetAll();
    public Talent GetTalent(int id)
        Talent item = repository.Get(id);
        if (item == null)
            throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
        return item;


  2. AWS S3


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Excelic commented Jan 18, 2019

Ng Yu Xiang

public class TalentsController : ControllerBase
static readonly TalentRepository repository = new TalentRepository();
public IEnumerable GetAllTalents()
return repository.GetAll();
public Talent GetTalent(int id)
Talent item = repository.Get(id);
if (item == null)
return null;
return item;


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ghost commented Jan 18, 2019

1626373, Koh Ding Yuan

  1. Talents API Controller
    ` [ApiController, Route("api/talents"), RequireHttps]
    public class TalentsController : ControllerBase
    private ITalentRepository talentRepository = new TalentRepository();
    #region TalentsController - Crud Methods
    //Create Method
    public Task PostTalent([BindRequired]TalentView inputTalent)
    #region PostTalent - Model Validation
    if (!ModelState.IsValid) {
    return Task.FromResult(
    BadRequest("Invalid object as parameter."));
    #region PostTalent - Conflict Validation
    Talent tempTalent = talentRepository.Get(inputTalent.Id);
    if (tempTalent != null) {
    return Task.FromResult(
    Conflict("Talent with the id of " + inputTalent.Id + " already exists."));
    #region PostTalent - Data Processing
    return Task.FromResult(
    Ok("Talent with the id of " + inputTalent.Id + " was successfully created."));
    catch (Exception) {
    return Task.FromResult(

     //Read Methods
     [HttpGet, Route("{inputId:int:min(1)}")]
     public Task<Talent> GetTalent(int inputId) => Task.FromResult<Talent>(talentRepository.Get(inputId));
     public Task<IEnumerable<Talent>> GetAllTalents() => Task.FromResult<IEnumerable<Talent>>(talentRepository.GetAll());
     //Update Method
     [HttpPut, Route("{inputId:int:min(0)}")]
     public Task<IActionResult> PutTalent(int inputId, Talent inputTalent)
             #region PutTalent - Model Validation
             if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                 return Task.FromResult<IActionResult>(
                     BadRequest("Invalid object as parameter."));
             #region PutTalent - Content Validation
             Talent tempTalent = talentRepository.Get(inputId);
             if (tempTalent == null) {
                 return Task.FromResult<IActionResult>(
                     NotFound("Talent with the id of " + inputTalent.Id + " does not exist."));
             if (tempTalent.Id != inputTalent.Id)
                 tempTalent = talentRepository.Get(inputTalent.Id);
                 if (tempTalent != null) {
                     return Task.FromResult<IActionResult>(
                         Conflict("Potential conflict of proposed Id detected."));
             #region PutTalent - Data Processing
             talentRepository.Put(inputId, inputTalent);
             return Task.FromResult<IActionResult>(
                 Ok("Talent with the id of " + inputTalent.Id + " was successfully updated."));
         catch (Exception) {
             return Task.FromResult<IActionResult>(
     //Delete Method
     [HttpDelete, Route("{inputId:int:min(1)}")]
     public Task<IActionResult> DeleteTalent(int inputId)
             #region DeleteTalent - Content Validation
             Talent tempTalent = talentRepository.Get(inputId);
             if (tempTalent == null)
                 return Task.FromResult<IActionResult>(
                     NotFound("Talent with the id of " + inputId + " does not exist."));
             #region DeleteTalent - Data Processing
             return Task.FromResult<IActionResult>(
                 Ok("Talent with the id of " + inputId + " was successfully deleted."));
         catch (Exception) {
             return Task.FromResult<IActionResult>(


  2. AWS S3 Url

  3. Sequence Diagram

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1503393 | Tang Guan You Darryl

1. TalentsController.cs

using ProductStore.Models;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Web.Http;

namespace ProductStore.Controllers
    public class TalentsController : ApiController
        static readonly TalentRepository repository = new TalentRepository();
        public IEnumerable<Talent> GetAllTalents()
            return repository.GetAll();

        public Talent GetTalent(int id)
            Talent item = repository.Get(id);
            if (item == null)
                throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
            return item;



Some Screenshots for API annotations [Task 3]

Trying to POST object that is not compliant with annotated fields.


Attempting to POST object with fields that are not within pre-definied model.


Some screenshots regarding HTTPS authentication [Task 5]

When requesting with http://, it gets redirected to HTTPS. Below shows that an SSL protocol is needed to go through


Using Postman, there is no response when using http


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Database Driven Approach

public class TalentController : ApiController
CSC_DatabaseEntitiesv1 db = new CSC_DatabaseEntitiesv1();

/// Get all talents objects from database

[EnableCors(origins: "", headers: "", methods: "*")]
public IEnumerable GetAllTalents()
List talents = db.Talents.ToList();
return talents;

    /// <summary>
    /// Get one talent object from database by id
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="id">The id of the talent object</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public Talent GetTalent(int id)
        Talent item = db.Talents.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
        if (item == null)
            throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
        return item;




Adding a Database Model


Reference (Start from 2:03)

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  1. AJAX Timeout Retry

$.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: url, async: false, contentType: "application/json", jsonpCallback: callback, dataType: 'jsonp', tryCount: 0, retryLimit: 3, success: function (json) { console.dir('success'); }, error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown ) { if (textStatus == 'timeout') { this.tryCount++; if (this.tryCount <= this.retryLimit) { sleep(1000); $.ajax(this); return; } return; } console.log(e.message); } });

  1. Entity Framework (DotNet Core)

2.1 Startup - Specify services used
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.AddDbContext<TalentDbContext>( options => options.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"))); services.AddScoped<ITalentRepository, SqlTalentRepository>(); services.AddMvc().SetCompatibilityVersion(CompatibilityVersion.Version_2_1); }

2.2 TalentDbContext - Create DB Context

public class TalentDbContext : DbContext
public TalentDbContext(DbContextOptions options) : base(options) {}

    public DbSet<Talent> Talents { get; set; }


2.3 SqlTalentRepository - DB CRUD operations

public class SqlTalentRepository : ITalentRepository
private TalentDbContext _context;

    public SqlTalentRepository(TalentDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public void Post(Talent inputTalent)

    public IEnumerable<Talent> GetAll() => _context.Talents;

    public Talent Get(int inputId) => _context.Talents.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == inputId);

    public void Put(int inputId, Talent inputTalent)
        Talent talent = _context.Talents.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == inputId);
        if (talent != null)
    public void Delete(int inputId)
        Talent talent = _context.Talents.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == inputId);

3. AJAX Loading

$(document).ajaxStart(function () { $("#loading").show(); }).ajaxStop(function () { $("#loading").hide(); });

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WeeA5A3 commented Jan 18, 2019

  1. Incorrect data type creating products:

  2. Sequence Diagram Stripe:

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Lim Wen Hui 1646348

public class TalentsController : ApiController
static readonly TalentRepository repository = new TalentRepository();
[EnableCors(origins: "", headers: "", methods: "*")]
// download Microsoft.AspNet.Cors package library
public IEnumerable GetAllTalents()
return repository.GetAll();

    public Talent GetTalent(int id)
        Talent item = repository.Get(id);
        if (item == null)
            throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
        return item;

web payment stripe

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