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Created October 28, 2018 02:13
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webgoat ClientsideServerSide validation
package org.owasp.webgoat.lessons;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.ecs.Element;
import org.apache.ecs.ElementContainer;
import org.apache.ecs.StringElement;
import org.apache.ecs.html.A;
import org.apache.ecs.html.Div;
import org.apache.ecs.html.IMG;
import org.apache.ecs.html.Input;
import org.apache.ecs.html.P;
import org.apache.ecs.html.TextArea;
import org.owasp.webgoat.session.WebSession;
import org.owasp.webgoat.util.WebGoatI18N;
* This file is part of WebGoat, an Open Web Application Security Project utility. For details,
* please see
* Copyright (c) 2002 - 2007 Bruce Mayhew
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if
* not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
* Getting Source ==============
* Source for this application is maintained at, a repository for free software
* projects.
* For details, please see
* @author Jeff Williams <a href="">Aspect Security</a>
* @created October 28, 2003
public class JavaScriptValidation extends LessonAdapter
public final static A ASPECT_LOGO = new A().setHref("")
new IMG("images/logos/aspect.jpg").setAlt("Aspect Security").setBorder(0).setHspace(0)
* Description of the Method
* @param s
* Description of the Parameter
* @return Description of the Return Value
protected Element createContent(WebSession s)
ElementContainer ec = new ElementContainer();
// Regular expressions in Java and JavaScript compatible form
// Note: if you want to use the regex=new RegExp(\"" + regex + "\");" syntax
// you'll have to use \\\\d to indicate a digit for example -- one escaping for Java and one
// for JavaScript
String regex1 = "^[a-z]{3}$";// any three lowercase letters
String regex2 = "^[0-9]{3}$";// any three digits
String regex3 = "^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*$";// alphanumerics and space without punctuation
String regex4 = "^(one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine)$";// enumeration of
// numbers
String regex5 = "^\\d{5}$";// simple zip code
String regex6 = "^\\d{5}(-\\d{4})?$";// zip with optional dash-four
String regex7 = "^[2-9]\\d{2}-?\\d{3}-?\\d{4}$";// US phone number with or without dashes
Pattern pattern1 = Pattern.compile(regex1);
Pattern pattern2 = Pattern.compile(regex2);
Pattern pattern3 = Pattern.compile(regex3);
Pattern pattern4 = Pattern.compile(regex4);
Pattern pattern5 = Pattern.compile(regex5);
Pattern pattern6 = Pattern.compile(regex6);
Pattern pattern7 = Pattern.compile(regex7);
String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
String script = "<SCRIPT>" + lineSep + "regex1=/" + regex1 + "/;" + lineSep + "regex2=/" + regex2 + "/;"
+ lineSep + "regex3=/" + regex3 + "/;" + lineSep + "regex4=/" + regex4 + "/;" + lineSep + "regex5=/"
+ regex5 + "/;" + lineSep + "regex6=/" + regex6 + "/;" + lineSep + "regex7=/" + regex7 + "/;" + lineSep
+ "function validate() { " + lineSep + "msg='JavaScript found form errors'; err=0; " + lineSep
+ "if (!regex1.test(document.form.field1.value)) {err+=1; msg+='\\n bad field1';}" + lineSep
+ "if (!regex2.test(document.form.field2.value)) {err+=1; msg+='\\n bad field2';}" + lineSep
+ "if (!regex3.test(document.form.field3.value)) {err+=1; msg+='\\n bad field3';}" + lineSep
+ "if (!regex4.test(document.form.field4.value)) {err+=1; msg+='\\n bad field4';}" + lineSep
+ "if (!regex5.test(document.form.field5.value)) {err+=1; msg+='\\n bad field5';}" + lineSep
+ "if (!regex6.test(document.form.field6.value)) {err+=1; msg+='\\n bad field6';}" + lineSep
+ "if (!regex7.test(document.form.field7.value)) {err+=1; msg+='\\n bad field7';}" + lineSep
+ "if ( err > 0 ) alert(msg);" + lineSep + "else document.form.submit();" + lineSep + "} " + lineSep
+ "</SCRIPT>" + lineSep;
String param1 = s.getParser().getRawParameter("field1", "abc");
String param2 = s.getParser().getRawParameter("field2", "123");
String param3 = s.getParser().getRawParameter("field3", "abc 123 ABC");
String param4 = s.getParser().getRawParameter("field4", "seven");
String param5 = s.getParser().getRawParameter("field5", "90210");
String param6 = s.getParser().getRawParameter("field6", "90210-1111");
String param7 = s.getParser().getRawParameter("field7", "301-604-4882");
ec.addElement(new StringElement(script));
TextArea input1 = new TextArea("field1", 1, 25).addElement(param1);
TextArea input2 = new TextArea("field2", 1, 25).addElement(param2);
TextArea input3 = new TextArea("field3", 1, 25).addElement(param3);
TextArea input4 = new TextArea("field4", 1, 25).addElement(param4);
TextArea input5 = new TextArea("field5", 1, 25).addElement(param5);
TextArea input6 = new TextArea("field6", 1, 25).addElement(param6);
TextArea input7 = new TextArea("field7", 1, 25).addElement(param7);
Input b = new Input();
b.addAttribute("onclick", "validate();");
ec.addElement(new Div().addElement(new StringElement(WebGoatI18N.get("3LowerCase")+"("
+ regex1 + ")")));
ec.addElement(new Div().addElement(input1));
ec.addElement(new P());
ec.addElement(new Div().addElement(new StringElement(WebGoatI18N.get("Exactly3Digits")+"(" + regex2 + ")")));
ec.addElement(new Div().addElement(input2));
ec.addElement(new P());
ec.addElement(new Div().addElement(new StringElement(WebGoatI18N.get("LettersNumbersSpaceOnly")+"(" + regex3
+ ")")));
ec.addElement(new Div().addElement(input3));
ec.addElement(new P());
ec.addElement(new Div().addElement(new StringElement(WebGoatI18N.get("EnumerationOfNumbers")+" (" + regex4 + ")")));
ec.addElement(new Div().addElement(input4));
ec.addElement(new P());
ec.addElement(new Div().addElement(new StringElement(WebGoatI18N.get("SimpleZipCode")+ " (" + regex5 + ")")));
ec.addElement(new Div().addElement(input5));
ec.addElement(new P());
ec.addElement(new Div()
.addElement(new StringElement(WebGoatI18N.get("ZIPDashFour")+" (" + regex6 + ")")));
ec.addElement(new Div().addElement(input6));
ec.addElement(new P());
ec.addElement(new Div().addElement(new StringElement(WebGoatI18N.get("USPhoneNumber")+ " ("
+ regex7 + ")")));
ec.addElement(new Div().addElement(input7));
ec.addElement(new P());
// Check the patterns on the server -- and note the errors in the response
// these should never match unless the client side pattern script doesn't work
int err = 0;
String msg = "";
if (!pattern1.matcher(param1).matches())
msg += "<BR>"+WebGoatI18N.get("ServerSideValidationViolation")+" Field1.";
if (!pattern2.matcher(param2).matches())
msg += "<BR>"+WebGoatI18N.get("ServerSideValidationViolation")+" Field2.";
if (!pattern3.matcher(param3).matches())
msg += "<BR>"+WebGoatI18N.get("ServerSideValidationViolation")+"Field3.";
if (!pattern4.matcher(param4).matches())
msg += "<BR>"+WebGoatI18N.get("ServerSideValidationViolation")+"Field4.";
if (!pattern5.matcher(param5).matches())
msg += "<BR>"+WebGoatI18N.get("ServerSideValidationViolation")+"Field5.";
if (!pattern6.matcher(param6).matches())
msg += "<BR>"+WebGoatI18N.get("ServerSideValidationViolation")+"Field6.";
if (!pattern7.matcher(param7).matches())
msg += "<BR>"+WebGoatI18N.get("ServerSideValidationViolation")+"Field7.";
if (err > 0)
if (err >= 7)
// This means they defeated all the client side checks
catch (Exception e)
s.setMessage(WebGoatI18N.get("ErrorGenerating") + this.getClass().getName());
return (ec);
* @return DOCUMENT ME!
protected Category getDefaultCategory()
* Gets the hints attribute of the AccessControlScreen object
* @return The hints value
protected List<String> getHints(WebSession s)
List<String> hints = new ArrayList<String>();
return hints;
private final static Integer DEFAULT_RANKING = new Integer(120);
protected Integer getDefaultRanking()
* Gets the title attribute of the AccessControlScreen object
* @return The title value
public String getTitle()
return ("Bypass Client Side JavaScript Validation");
public Element getCredits()
return super.getCustomCredits("", ASPECT_LOGO);
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