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Last active November 11, 2019 00:46
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Testing halftone speeds
# Comparing answers to this Stack Overflow question:
from original import process_tones, halftone
from tstanisl import process_tones2, halftone_fast
from jirassimok import tones_as_array, np_halftone
def full_halftone(img):
return halftone(img, process_tones())
def full_halftone_fast(img):
return halftone_fast(img, *process_tones2())
def full_np_halftone(img):
return np_halftone(img, tones_as_array())
def randimage(h, w):
from numpy import random, uint8
return random.randint(0, 256, (h, w), uint8)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import timeit
n = 100
setup = ("from __main__ import randimage, full_halftone, full_halftone_fast, full_np_halftone\n"
f"img = randimage({n}, {n})")
# Run the original halftone function 10 times
orig = timeit.repeat(f'full_halftone(img)',
setup=setup, repeat=10, number=1)
# Run the other two in r sets of n runs each
r, n = 10, 1000 # trials per image
fast = timeit.repeat(f'full_halftone_fast(img)',
setup=setup, repeat=r, number=n)
fast = (t / n for t in fast)
npht = timeit.repeat(f'full_np_halftone(img)',
setup=setup, repeat=r, number=n)
npht = (t / n for t in npht)
print("Best times")
print(f"halftone: {min(orig):.15f}")
print(f"np_halftone: {min(npht):.15f}")
print(f"halftone_fast: {min(fast):.15f}")
Copyright 2019 jirassimok on Stack Overflow (
CC-BY SA 4.0 (
import numpy as np
from original import TONES
def tones_as_array():
global TONES
num_tones = len(TONES)
if num_tones <= 0:
raise ValueError("no tones")
xy = len(TONES[0])
x = y = int(np.sqrt(xy))
return 255 * np.array(TONES).reshape((num_tones, x, y))
def np_halftone(grayscale, tones):
"""Convert grayscale image to halftones.
The grayscale image should have shape (h, w) and values on [0, 255].
The tone array should have shape (n, x, y), where n is the number of tones
available, and (x, y) is the shape of each dot matrix.
The resulting halftone has shape (h*x, w*y).
h, w = grayscale.shape
num_tones, x, y = tones.shape
bins = np.linspace(0, 256, num_tones + 1)
levels = np.digitize(grayscale, bins) - 1
return tones[levels].swapaxes(1, 2).reshape(h * x, w * y)
Copyright 2019 miguelmorin on Stack Overflow (
CC-BY SA 4.0 (
import math
import time
import numpy as np
TONES = [[0, 0,
0, 0],
[0, 1,
0, 0],
[1, 1,
0, 0],
[1, 1,
0, 1],
[1, 1,
1, 1]]
def process_tones():
"""Converts the tones above to the right shape."""
tones_dict = dict()
for t in TONES:
brightness = sum(t)
bitmap_tone = np.reshape(t, (2, 2)) * 255
tones_dict[brightness] = bitmap_tone
def halftone(gray, tones_dict):
"""Generate a new image where each pixel is replaced by one with the values in tones_dict.
num_rows = gray.shape[0]
num_cols = gray.shape[1]
num_tones = len(tones_dict)
tone_width = int(math.sqrt(num_tones - 1))
output = np.zeros((num_rows * tone_width, num_cols * tone_width),
dtype = np.uint8)
# Go through each pixel
for i in range(num_rows):
i_output = range(i * tone_width, (i + 1)* tone_width)
for j in range(num_cols):
j_output = range(j * tone_width, (j + 1)* tone_width)
pixel = gray[i, j]
brightness = int(round((num_tones - 1) * pixel / 255))
output[np.ix_(i_output, j_output)] = tones_dict[brightness]
return output
Copyright 2019 tstanisl on Stack Overflow (
CC-BY SA 4.0 (
import numpy as np
from original import TONES
def process_tones2():
tones = np.array(TONES, dtype='u1')
size = int(np.sqrt(tones.shape[-1]))
tones = 255 * tones.reshape(-1, size, size)
bins = tones.sum(axis=(-2,-1), dtype=int) // size ** 2
iperm = np.argsort(bins)
return bins[iperm], tones[iperm]
def halftone_fast(gray, bins, tones):
height, width = gray.shape
tone_height, tone_width = tones.shape[-2:]
brightness = np.round(gray / 255 * (len(tones) - 1)).astype('u1')
binary4d = tones[brightness]
binary4d = binary4d.transpose((0,2,1,3))
binary = binary4d.reshape(height * tone_height, width * tone_width)
return binary
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