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Created April 23, 2016 11:01
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Fast objects generation with bulk operations for Django app
from import BaseCommand
from qa.models import Question, Answer
from lib.models import Liker, Tag
import random
#cd /Users/denis/track/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django && fgrep -lr "def " . | xargs -P8 -n1 cat | perl -lne '/^def (\w+)\(/ && print $1' >/tmp/all_django_funcs.txt
with open('/tmp/all_django_funcs.txt', 'r') as f:
all_django_funcs =
question_text_templates = (
'What is "{}" for?',
'How to use "{}"?',
'Is it error in "{}"?',
'Why Django has function "{}"?',
'Does RoR have analog of Django`s "{}"?',
'Where to find definition of "{}"?',
'Can you explain me Django function "{}"?',
answer_templates = (
'Just open source code to see what "{}" does',
'Function "{}" does nothing',
'The function "{}" is deprecated, dont use it"',
'There is some error in function "{}"',
'What version of Django do you use?',
question_long_templates = (
'I have googled it, searched through source code, but I cant find. Help me plz!',
'Thanks for your responses',
'Also I`d like to know what I need to read to easily understand all Django function. Give me an advice please.',
def create_questions(obj_n):
questions = []
for idx in range(obj_n):
func_name = random.choice(all_django_funcs)
question_title = 'Django function "{}"'.format(func_name)
question_text = random.choice(question_text_templates).format(func_name) + ' ' + random.choice(question_long_templates)
q = Question(title=question_title, text=question_text, likes_n=random.randint(-3, 3))
answers = []
created_questions = Question.objects.all()
for q in created_questions:
for _ in range(random.randint(0, 10)):
answer_text = random.choice(answer_templates).format(func_name)
a = Answer(text=answer_text, question=q, likes_n=random.randint(-3, 3))
likes = []
for a in Answer.objects.all():
is_like = True if a.likes_n >= 0 else False
likes.extend([Liker(content_object=a, is_like=is_like) for _ in range(abs(a.likes_n))])
for q in created_questions:
is_like = True if q.likes_n >= 0 else False
likes.extend([Liker(content_object=q, is_like=is_like) for _ in range(abs(q.likes_n))])
class Command(BaseCommand):
def add_arguments(self, parser):
parser.add_argument("-n", type=int, dest="num")
def handle(self, *args, **options):
obj_n = options.get('num', 100)
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