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Last active December 31, 2021 15:56
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This is simple Blender Python script for setting 3D background empty object.
This example try to create new empty object visualized as
image. Image fits to the background of current active camera.
When you set X,Y coordinates of empty object called 'Pixel',
then this object is position at corresponding X,Y coordinate
at image in 3D space.
import bpy
import math
import mathutils
def main():
Try to set 3D background image
factor = 10.0
# Get current camera
camera =
# Make sure camera is in perspective mode = 'PERSP'
# Save resolution
x_res = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x
y_res = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y
# Note: when you want to render this background image, then
# you will have to use mesh plane, set UV cordinates and material
# Create new empty object
# Newly created object will be selected. Save it in variable.
empty = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]
# Get image or generate new one
img =['background.png']
except KeyError:'background.png', width=x_res, height=y_res,
img =['background.png']
# Set image of empty = img
# Set parent
empty.parent = camera
# Get angle of camera
angle =
# Make sure resolution is in floats
x_res = float(x_res)
y_res = float(y_res)
z_coord = -factor
x_coord = z_coord * math.tan(angle/2.0)
y_coord = x_coord / (x_res/y_res)
empty.location = (x_coord, y_coord, z_coord)
# Set scale of image to fit view of camera
empty.empty_draw_size = factor * 2.0 * math.tan(angle/2.0)
# Create another empty object
# Save current object to variable
img_coord_syst = bpy.context.selected_objects[0] = 'Img_Coord_System'
img_coord_syst.parent = empty
# Set location (sam position as empty)
img_coord_syst.location = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
img_coord_syst.scale[0] = img_coord_syst.scale[1] = factor * 2.0 * math.tan(angle/2.0) / x_res
# Create yet another empty object
# Save current object to variable
pixel = bpy.context.selected_objects[0] = 'Pixel'
pixel.parent = img_coord_syst
# Try to set pixel position (right top corner)
pixel.location = (x_res, y_res, 0.0)
# Try to do the same thing using matrix multiplication
# Save current object to variable
point = bpy.context.selected_objects[0] = 'Point'
mat_scale = mathutils.Matrix(
[[2.0 * factor * math.tan(angle/2.0)/x_res, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 2.0 * factor * math.tan(angle/2.0)/x_res, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]]
mat_img = mathutils.Matrix(
[[1, 0, 0, -factor * math.tan(angle/2.0)],
[0, 1, 0, -factor * math.tan(angle/2.0) * (y_res/x_res)],
[0, 0, 1, -factor],
[0, 0, 0, 1]]
point.location = camera.matrix_world * mat_img * mat_scale * mathutils.Vector((x_res, y_res, 0))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Thanks for the help!

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missing import mathutils

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@shadiakiki1986 Thanks. Fixed.

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Neuroup commented Jan 20, 2021

I'm trying lunch this code on Blender 2.9x and I have such a problem in line 23
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'data'
And in line 108
Can You write me how to fix it ?


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