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Last active May 23, 2019 03:28
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Make MOT videos
# utility functions for trajectory generation -------------------
# - these function came from motAnalysis package
random.positions <- function(n, xlim = c(-10, +10), ylim = xlim,
dot.radius = 0.5, min.dist = 1) {
pos <- list(
n = n, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
x = runif(n, xlim[1], xlim[2]),
y = runif(n, ylim[1], ylim[2]),
radius = dot.radius
while (!valid.positions(pos, min.dist = min.dist)) {
pos$x <- runif(n, xlim[1], xlim[2])
pos$y <- runif(n, ylim[1], ylim[2])
class(pos) <- "positions"
valid.positions <- function(pos, min.dist = 1) {
distances <- dist(data.frame(pos$x, pos$y))
distances <- as.numeric(distances)
valid.dist <- all(distances >= min.dist)
border.dist <-
(pos$x >= pos$xlim[1] + min.dist) &
(pos$x <= pos$xlim[2] - min.dist) &
(pos$y >= pos$ylim[1] + min.dist) &
(pos$y <= pos$ylim[2] + min.dist)
border.dist <- all(border.dist)
ok <- valid.dist & border.dist
vonmises.trajectory <- function(pos, speed = 5, secs = 10, fps = 100,
frame.step = 10,
initial.dir = numeric(pos$n),
kappa = 50, sep = 1) {
time <- seq(0, secs, 1 / fps)
n.frames <- length(time)
x <- matrix(0, nrow = n.frames, ncol = pos$n) * NA
y <- matrix(0, nrow = n.frames, ncol = pos$n) * NA
if (initial.dir[1] == "runif") {
dir <- runif(pos$n, min = 0, max = 2 * pi)
} else {
dir <- rep(1, pos$n) * initial.dir
# initial directions 0=up, pi/2=right (=CW)
# is there any other good default direction? => SEARCH
step <- speed / fps
for (f in 1:n.frames) {
if (f == 1) { # first frame from input positions
x[f, ] <- pos$x
y[f, ] <- pos$y
last.change <- 1
} else {
if (! & (f > last.change + frame.step)) {
# dir = runif(pos$n, min=0, max=2*pi)
jitt <- rvonmises(n = pos$n, mu = circular(0), kappa = kappa)
dir <- (dir + as.numeric(jitt)) %% (2 * pi)
last.change <- f
dir <- bounce(x[f - 1, ], y[f - 1, ], dir, step, pos$xlim, pos$ylim)
dir <-[f - 1, ], y[f - 1, ], dir, step, sep = sep)
x[f, ] <- x[f - 1, ] + sin(dir) * step
y[f, ] <- y[f - 1, ] - cos(dir) * step
track <- list(
n = pos$n, xlim = pos$xlim, ylim = pos$ylim,
time = time, x = x, y = y
class(track) <- "trajectory"
bounce <- function(x, y, dir, step, xlim = c(-10, +10), ylim = xlim) {
dir2 <- dir
x2 <- x + sin(dir) * step
y2 <- y - cos(dir) * step
too.R <- x2 > xlim[2]
too.L <- x2 < xlim[1]
too.U <- y2 < ylim[1]
too.D <- y2 > ylim[2]
corner <- (too.R | too.L) & (too.U | too.D)
side <- xor(too.R | too.L, too.U | too.D)
dir2[corner] <- (dir2[corner] + pi) %% (2 * pi)
dir2[too.R | too.L] <- 2 * pi - dir2[too.R | too.L]
dir2[too.U | too.D] <- (pi - dir2[too.U | too.D]) %% (2 * pi)
# bounce.inspect(x,y,dir,dir2,xlim,ylim)
} <- function(x, y, dir1, step, sep = 1) {
# je to tak?
n <- length(x)
dir2 <- dir1
next.x <- x + sin(dir1) * step
next.y <- y - cos(dir1) * step
ro <- matrix(rep(1:n, n), n, n)
ro <- ro[lower.tri(ro)]
co <- matrix(rep(1:n, each = n), n, n)
co <- co[lower.tri(co)]
di <- as.matrix(dist(data.frame(next.x, next.y)))
di <- di[lower.tri(di)]
# print(co); print(ro); print(di)
colli <- which(di < sep)
for (i in colli) {
e1 <- ro[i]
e2 <- co[i]
dir2[c(e1, e2)] <- dir2[c(e2, e1)]
#,2,3), c(1,2,1), c(0,0,0), .1, sep=1.9)
snapshot.trajectory <- function(track, time, time.index = NA) {
if ( {
time.index <- which.min(abs(track$time - time))
pos <- list(
n = track$n, xlim = track$xlim, ylim = track$ylim,
x = track$x[time.index, ],
y = track$y[time.index, ],
radius = 0.5
) # TODO
class(pos) <- "positions"
# test generation code --------------------------------------------
xy <- random.positions(8)
xyt <- vonmises.trajectory(xy, initial.dir = 3.14 * (1:8) / 4)
# display functions ---------------------------------------------
xplot.positions <- function(pos, targets = NA, labels = F,
legend = F, expand = c(0, 1)) {
expand.add <- c(-1, +1) * expand[2]
expand <- as.numeric(na.omit(c(expand, 0, 0))) # add one or two zeros
width <- diff(pos$xlim)
height <- diff(pos$ylim)
margin.x <- width * expand[1]
margin.y <- height * expand[1] <- c(
pos$xlim[1] - margin.x - expand[2],
pos$xlim[2] + margin.x + expand[2]
) <- c(
pos$ylim[1] - margin.y - expand[2],
pos$ylim[2] + margin.y + expand[2]
n <- pos$n
d <- data.frame(
dot = factor(1:n), x = pos$x, y = pos$y,
type = "dot", stringsAsFactors = F
d$type[d$type != "target"] <- "distractor"
if (!any( {
d$type[targets] <- "target"
d$type[d$type != "target"] <- "distractor"
pp <- qplot(x, y,
data = d,
geom = "point", colour = type,
asp = 1, size = I(10)
) +
x = "", y = "", title = "",
colour = "", shape = ""
) +
coord_cartesian(xlim =, ylim = +
scale_y_reverse() +
scale_color_manual(values = c("#AAAAAA", "#00FF00")) +
rect = element_rect(fill = "white"), text = element_blank(),
line = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white")
if (labels) {
pp <- pp + geom_text(aes(label = dot),
colour = I("black"), size = I(8)
# better or _no_ legend
pp <- pp + theme(legend.position = "none")
# xplot.positions(xy, targets = 1:3)
plot.trajectory.x <- function(tr, legend = F, expand = c(1, 1)) {
expand.add <- c(-1, +1) * expand[2] <- tr$xlim * expand[1] + expand.add <- rev(tr$ylim * expand[1] + expand.add)
n <- tr$n
d <- long.trajectory(tr)
pp <- qplot(x, y,
data = d,
geom = "point", colour = factor(object), asp = 1
) +
labs(x = "", y = "", title = "") +
coord_cartesian(xlim =, ylim = +
pp <- pp + theme(legend.position = "none")
pp <- pp + theme()
# plot.trajectory.x(xyt)
make.videox <- function(tt, fname, fps = 25,
outdir = getwd(), targets) {
tmin <- min(tt$time)
tmax <- max(tt$time)
tlen <- tmax - tmin
oopt <- ani.options(
interval = 1 / fps, nmax = fps * tlen * 2,
outdir = outdir, ani.width = 1920 / 2, ani.height = 1080 / 2
for (i in 1:(2 * fps)) {
p <- snapshot.trajectory(tt, tmin)
print(xplot.positions(p, targets = targets))
for (tim in seq(tmin, tmax, 1 / fps)) {
p <- snapshot.trajectory(tt, tim)
print(xplot.positions(p, targets = NA))
for (i in 1:(2 * fps)) {
p <- snapshot.trajectory(tt, tmax)
print(xplot.positions(p, targets = targets))
}, = fname, other.opts = "-pix_fmt yuv420p -b 300k", clean = T)
# making videos ------------------------------------------------------------
ani.options(ffmpeg = "CHANGE/Apps/ffmpeg/ffmpeg") # TODO
xy1 <- random.positions(8)
xyt1 <- vonmises.trajectory(xy1, speed = 5, initial.dir = "runif")
make.videox(xyt1, "video_s05_n1_01.mp4", targets = 1)
xy2 <- random.positions(8)
xyt2 <- vonmises.trajectory(xy2, speed = 10, initial.dir = "runif")
make.videox(xyt2, "video_s10_n1_01.mp4", targets = 1)
xy3 <- random.positions(8)
xyt3 <- vonmises.trajectory(xy3, speed = 5, initial.dir = "runif")
make.videox(xyt3, "video_s05_n4_01.mp4", targets = 1:4)
xy4 <- random.positions(8)
xyt4 <- vonmises.trajectory(xy4, speed = 10, initial.dir = "runif")
make.videox(xyt4, "video_s10_n4_01.mp4", targets = 1:4)
xy5 <- random.positions(8)
xyt5 <- vonmises.trajectory(xy5, speed = 10, initial.dir = "runif")
make.videox(xyt5, "video_s10_n4_02.mp4", targets = 1:4)
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Removed dependency on motAnalysis

  • utility functions from motAnalysis package copied to the beginning
  • some cleanup

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