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Created August 6, 2020 11:30
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Processing images for memory experiments
# make the grid file
grid_size <- 900
n_square <- 6
ss <- 900 / n_square # square size
d <- array(0, c(grid_size, grid_size, 4))
fillcolor <- c(235, 220, 36, 128)
for (i in 1:n_square) {
for (j in 1:n_square) {
if ((i + j) %% 2 == 0) {
d[((i - 1) * ss + 1):(i * ss), ((j - 1) * ss + 1):(j * ss), 1] <-
d[((i - 1) * ss + 1):(i * ss), ((j - 1) * ss + 1):(j * ss), 2] <-
d[((i - 1) * ss + 1):(i * ss), ((j - 1) * ss + 1):(j * ss), 3] <-
d[((i - 1) * ss + 1):(i * ss), ((j - 1) * ss + 1):(j * ss), 4] <-
png::writePNG(d / 255, here::here("grid.png"))
# Image processing pipeline ------------------------------------------
# 0) We start with images we want to process
# 1) Manually, in GIMP we crop them to square format
# => we save the result in `square-hires` folder
# with suffix `-cut`
# 2) The following script resizes the images and overlays a grid
# => results saved to `900px` folder
# with suffix `-cut-900x900` and `-cut-900x900x` (for grid version)
# We use magick package
# SETUP: folders and files -------------------------------------------
path_to_square_hires <- here::here("square-hires")
path_to_900px <- here::here("900px")
fn_grid <- here::here("grid.png")
# tool for renaming/suffixes -----------------------------------------
fname <- function(fn, folder, suffix = "") {
name_wo_ext <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(fn)
ext <- tools::file_ext(fn)
file.path(folder, paste0(name_wo_ext, suffix, ".", ext))
# load the grid ------------------------------------------------------
img_grid <- image_read(fn_grid)
img_grid_900px <- image_resize(img_grid, "900x900")
# list files to process and process one at the time ------------------
files <- dir(path = path_to_square_hires)
for (fn in files) {
# read
img <- image_read(fname(fn, path_to_square_hires))
# resize
img_900px <- image_resize(img, "900x900")
# add grid
img_x <- c(img_900px, img_grid_900px) # try image_info(img_x)
img_f <- image_mosaic(img_x)
# save both
image_write(img_900px, path = fname(fn, path_to_900px, "-900x900"),
format = "jpeg", quality = 95)
image_write(img_f, path = fname(fn, path_to_900px, "-900x900x"),
format = "jpeg", quality = 90)
# notes ------------------------------------------------------------
# utility functions
# - preview: image_ggplot(img)
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