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Created December 17, 2012 22:42
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Save jirkamarsik/4323107 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Normalizing Stanford constituency trees as part of my "Applications of NLP" project.
(ns grook.preprocess
(:refer-clojure :exclude [==])
(:use clojure.core.logic
[clojure.pprint :only [pprint]])
(:require [clojure.walk :as walk]
[ :as io]))
;; Running this cleans any previously defined rules from the namespace.
(dorun (for [[sym var] (ns-interns *ns*)
:when (::rule (meta var))]
(ns-unmap *ns* sym)))
(def tree-dir
"Directory containing the parse trees which should be processed."
(def COMMA
"The comma is not allowed as a symbol in Clojure code. Hence,
to refer to the symbol, we have to write it down indirectly."
(symbol ","))
(defn read-tree
"Reads in the tree at tree-dir/name."
(->> (str tree-dir name)
; Since the Clojure reader treats commas as whitespace, we put
; them back by replacing any instance of () with (, ,).
(walk/postwalk #({() (list COMMA COMMA)} % %))))
(def trees
"Our dataset, represented as a map from file names to the trees
contained within."
(into {} (for [file (file-seq (io/file tree-dir))
:let [name (.getName file)]
:when (.endsWith name ".pst-heads")]
[name (read-tree name)])))
(def ^:dynamic ^{:doc "Bind this Var to some value before calling
fix-tree and records of all the adjunctions performed will
be conjed onto it."} *fix-tree-adjunctions*)
(defn record-adjunct
"Records an adjunction performed within fix-tree."
[phrase adjunct]
(if (thread-bound? #'*fix-tree-adjunctions*)
(set! *fix-tree-adjunctions* (conj *fix-tree-adjunctions*
{:phrase phrase
:adjunct adjunct}))))
(defn has-more-thano
"A goal satisfied iff l is a list with more than n elements; n is
not a relational argument."
[n l]
(fresh [a d]
(conso a d l)
(if (pos? n)
(has-more-thano (dec n) d)
(defn poly-appendo
"Like clojure.core.logic/appendo, but works with arbitrary number of
args, like clojure.core/concat."
([x y]
(== x y))
([x y & more]
(fresh [z]
(apply poly-appendo z more)
(appendo x y z))))
(defn adjuncto
"A goal satisfied iff `adjunct' is identified as an adjunct in the
phrase `phrase' (for the more general case when the adjunct is a
child of the constituent it modifies)."
[phrase adjunct]
(conde ; We treat all PPs as adjuncts.
[(firsto adjunct 'PP)]
[(firsto adjunct 'S)
; We don't want sentential complements such as "[to do Y]"
; in "The function of X is [to do Y]" to be recognized as
; adjuncts. Example file: ex03a.46
(fresh [to _]
(conda [(== adjunct ['S ['VP=H to _]])
(!= to ['TO=H 'to])]
; Commas are viewed as adjuncts. Usually, they introduce a
; sentential complement or a PP. Treating commas as just
; other adjuncts lets us extract both the comma and the
; adjunct it introduces as a two-level auxiliary tree.
[(firsto adjunct COMMA)]
[(firsto adjunct 'SBAR)
; We only want SBARS which correspond to appositive
; relative clauses introduced by the word "which".
(fresh [_]
(== adjunct ['SBAR ['WHNP=H ['WDT=H 'which]] _]))]))
(defn ^::rule fix-adjunctiono
"A rule which takes a left-most or right-most child A, which is an
adjunct, and puts the A on a separate level from the other children,
i.e. (R A ...) -> (R A (R ...)) or (R ... A) -> (R (R ...) A).
This solves the general case when modifiers and adjuncts end up as
children of the consituent they modify (e.g. in VPs)."
[in-tree out-tree]
(fresh [root children other-children adjunct head-child]
(conso root children in-tree)
(has-more-thano 2 children)
(conde [(conso adjunct other-children children)
(== out-tree (list root adjunct head-child))]
[(appendo other-children (list adjunct) children)
(== out-tree (list root head-child adjunct))])
(conso root other-children head-child)
(adjuncto in-tree adjunct)
; Record the phrase-adjunct pair we have found.
(project [in-tree adjunct]
(do (record-adjunct in-tree adjunct)
(defn ^::rule fix-flat-npo
"A rule which takes an NP whose head is preceded by a modifier and
puts the modifier and the head under a new binary head node. The
head noun can be any noun or noun phrase which is either the last
child of the NP or is followed by a comma or conjunction.
I.e., (NP ... MOD (N ...) (COMMA|CONJ) ...) ->
(NP ... (N MOD (N ...)) (COMMA|CONJ) ...)
and (NP ... MOD (N ...)) -> (NP ... (N MOD (N ...))).
This solves the case when modifiers are on the same level of the
tree as the constituent they modify (only NPs in our data)."
[in-np out-np]
(fresh [root-tag prefix modifier modifier-tag head-noun head-noun-tag
suffix affixes new-head]
(membero root-tag '[NP NP=H])
(poly-appendo [root-tag] prefix [modifier] [head-noun] suffix in-np)
(appendo prefix suffix affixes)
(!= affixes ())
(firsto modifier modifier-tag)
(membero modifier-tag ['NN 'NNP 'JJ 'VBN 'ADJP])
(firsto head-noun head-noun-tag)
(membero head-noun-tag ['NN=H 'NNP=H 'NNS=H 'NP=H])
(conde [(emptyo suffix)]
[(fresh [conjunction conjunction-tag]
(firsto suffix conjunction)
(firsto conjunction conjunction-tag)
(membero conjunction-tag ['CC COMMA]))])
(== new-head (list head-noun-tag modifier head-noun))
(poly-appendo [root-tag] prefix [new-head] suffix out-np)
; Record the phrase-adjunct pair we have found.
(project [in-np modifier]
(do (record-adjunct in-np modifier)
(defmacro transformo
"Is satisfied when out-tree is a normalized version of the in-tree
node. Tries to use any goal annotated with ::rule."
[in-tree out-tree]
`(conde ~@(for [[sym var] (ns-interns *ns*)
:when (::rule (meta var))]
[(list sym in-tree out-tree)])))
(defn try-transform
"Repeatedly transforms the input phrase tree until no further
normalization can be found."
(let [solutions (run 1 [out-tree]
(transformo in-tree out-tree))]
(if (empty? solutions)
(recur (first solutions)))))
(defn fix-tree
"Walks the tree bottom-up and tries to normalize every phrase.
If you bind a value to *fix-tree-adjunctions*, a record of every
adjunction performed by the algorithm will be conjed onto it."
(walk/prewalk try-transform tree))
(def fixed-trees
"A map from tree filenames to their fixed versions."
(into {} (for [[name tree] trees]
[name (fix-tree tree)])))
(def adjunctions
"A vector recording all the phrases which we recognized as
adjunctions. This is the place to check for `false positives',
occassions when we identified something as an adjunct even though it
could have been something else."
(apply concat (for [[name tree] trees]
(binding [*fix-tree-adjunctions* []]
(fix-tree tree)
(map #(assoc % :name name) *fix-tree-adjunctions*)))))
(defn interesting-phrases
"Selects phrases with more than two children from all the
relevant-trees. relevant-trees is expected to be a map from tree
names to trees. This is the place to check for false
negatives (places where the system should have done more
(for [[name tree] relevant-trees
subtree (tree-seq seq? seq tree)
:when (and (seq? subtree)
(> (count subtree) 3)
(not= (last subtree) '(. .)))]
[name subtree]))
(def fixed-dir
"The place where to save all the processed trees."
(defn fix-all-the-trees!
"Reads in all the trees from tree-dir, processes them and saves the
results in fixed-dir."
(dorun (for [file (file-seq (io/file tree-dir))
:let [name (.getName file)]
:when (.endsWith name ".pst-heads")]
(with-open [fixed-file (io/writer (str fixed-dir name "-fixed"))]
(pprint (fix-tree (read-tree name)) fixed-file)))))
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