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jirkamarsik / preprocess.clj
Created December 17, 2012 22:42
Normalizing Stanford constituency trees as part of my "Applications of NLP" project.
(ns grook.preprocess
(:refer-clojure :exclude [==])
(:use clojure.core.logic
[clojure.pprint :only [pprint]])
(:require [clojure.walk :as walk]
[ :as io]))
;; Running this cleans any previously defined rules from the namespace.
(dorun (for [[sym var] (ns-interns *ns*)
:when (::rule (meta var))]
jirkamarsik / simple_rule.clj
Created December 17, 2012 23:23
Tree-rewriting rules using unification.
(defn simple-rule [in-tree]
(if-let [res (seq (run 1 [out-tree]
(fresh [X Y Z W]
(== in-tree ['VP X Y ['PP Z W]])
(== out-tree ['VP ['VP X Y] ['PP Z W]]))))]
(first res)
;=> #'user/simple-rule
(simple-rule '[VP [VB plays] [NP piano] [PP [IN for] [NP fun]]])
jirkamarsik / poly_appendo.clj
Created December 17, 2012 23:52
A variadic appendo for core.logic.
(defn poly-appendo
"Like clojure.core.logic/appendo, but works with arbitrary number of
args, like clojure.core/concat."
([x y]
(== x y))
([x y & more]
(fresh [z]
(apply poly-appendo z more)
(appendo x y z))))
jirkamarsik / fix_adjunctiono.clj
Created December 18, 2012 00:07
An example of a non-trivial core.logic predicate.
(defn ^::rule fix-adjunctiono
"A rule which takes a left-most or right-most child A, which is an
adjunct, and puts the A on a separate level from the other children,
i.e. (R A ...) -> (R A (R ...)) or (R ... A) -> (R (R ...) A).
This solves the general case when modifiers and adjuncts end up as
children of the consituent they modify (e.g. in VPs)."
[in-tree out-tree]
(fresh [root children other-children adjunct head-child]
(conso root children in-tree)
jirkamarsik / transformo.clj
Created December 18, 2012 00:49
A macro for collecting all predicates of a given class from my namespace and wrapping them in a disjunction.
(defmacro transformo
"Is satisfied when out-tree is a normalized version of the in-tree
node. Tries to use any goal annotated with ::rule."
[in-tree out-tree]
`(conde ~@(for [[sym var] (ns-interns *ns*)
:when (::rule (meta var))]
[(list sym in-tree out-tree)])))
(defn record-adjunct
"Records an adjunction performed by our rules."
[phrase adjunct]
(swap! adjunctions conj {:name name
:phrase phrase
:adjunct adjunct}))
(def fixed-trees
"A map from tree filenames to their fixed versions."
(into {} (for [[name tree] trees]
jirkamarsik / dynamic_scoping.clj
Created December 18, 2012 16:25
Dynamic scoping in action!
(def ^:dynamic *current-tree-name*)
(defn record-adjunct
"Records an adjunction performed by our rules."
[phrase adjunct]
(swap! adjunctions conj {:name *current-tree-name*
:phrase phrase
:adjunct adjunct}))
(def fixed-trees
jirkamarsik / dynamic_scoping2.clj
Created December 19, 2012 13:32
Collecting traces from algorithms using dynamic Vars, first version.
(def ^:dynamic *fix-tree-adjunctions*)
(def ^:dynamic *fix-tree-current-name*)
(defn record-adjunct
"Records an adjunction performed within fix-tree."
[phrase adjunct]
(if (thread-bound? #'*fix-tree-adjunctions*)
(let [record {:phrase phrase
:adjunct adjunct}
record (if (thread-bound? #'*fix-tree-current-name*)
jirkamarsik / dynamic_scoping3.clj
Created December 19, 2012 14:00
Collecting traces from algorithms using dynamic Vars, second version.
(def ^:dynamic *fix-tree-adjunctions*)
(defn record-adjunct
"Records an adjunction performed within fix-tree."
[phrase adjunct]
(if (thread-bound? #'*fix-tree-adjunctions*)
(set! *fix-tree-adjunctions* (conj *fix-tree-adjunctions*
{:phrase phrase
:adjunct adjunct}))))
jirkamarsik / Main.purs
Created August 13, 2015 22:59
Testing the patch function in purescript-virtual-dom
module Main where
import Prelude
import Data.DOM.Simple.Document
import Data.DOM.Simple.Element
import Data.DOM.Simple.Window
import qualified VirtualDOM as VD
import qualified VirtualDOM.VTree as VT
foreign import isoTS :: DOM.Node -> Data.DOM.Simple.Types.HTMLElement