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Created January 2, 2024 14:51
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Azure DevOps CI/CD(Pipeline) for Vue.js Deployment with Shared Hosting(SiteGround) SSH
# Node.js with Vue
# Build a Node.js project that uses Vue.
# Add steps that analyze code, save build artifacts, deploy, and more:
- master
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- group: 'SiteGround_SSH'
- name: 'remoteServer'
value: ''
- name: 'remoteUser'
value: 'remote-user-name'
- name: 'remotePath'
value: '/path/to/your/domain'
- name: 'sshKeyFileName'
value: 'ssh_key_file'
- task: NodeTool@0
versionSpec: '14.x'
displayName: 'Install Node.js'
# Download SSH Key
- task: DownloadSecureFile@1
name: sshKey
displayName: 'Download SSH Key'
secureFile: 'ssh_key_file' # Make sure this is the private key
- script: |
npm install
npm run build
displayName: 'npm install and build'
# SCP Frontend dist folder to Remote Server
- script: |
echo "Secure File Path: $(sshKey.secureFilePath)"
chmod 600 $(sshKey.secureFilePath) # Fix permissions
eval $(ssh-agent -s) # Start the SSH agent
mkdir -p ~/.ssh # Ensure the .ssh directory exists
touch ~/.ssh/known_hosts # Ensure the known_hosts file exists
ssh-keyscan -p 18765 $(remoteServer) >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts # Add the remote server to the known hosts file
echo "${azure_pipeline}" | ssh-add $(sshKey.secureFilePath) # Add the SSH key to the agent
scp -P 18765 -r ./dist/* $(remoteUser)@$(remoteServer):$(remotePath) # Use sshpass to pass the passphrase and perform the SCP operation
displayName: 'SCP Frontend dist folder to Remote Server'
azure_pipeline: $(azure_pipeline) # Passphrase for the SSH key
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