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Last active December 12, 2023 08:39
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redis-config configMap
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: redis-config
namespace: redis
redis.conf: |
# important configurations
# ------------------------
cluster-enabled yes
# configuration file used by redis to store cluster info - do not create.
# created by redis, just give a path with a filename
cluster-config-file /conf/nodes-6379.conf
# configurations for snaposhot and AOF
# read more :
dbfilename dump.rdb
dir /data
appendonly yes
appendfilename "appendonly.aof"
# Enabled ACL based auth.
protected-mode yes
# This is used by the replics nodes to communicate with master to replicate the data.
# we are using a user called "replication" for this, and the a strong pwd for the same is given in masterauth
masterauth `5$!DfwSJ.Y(d:@M
masteruser replication
# this is the second ConfiMap will be mounted to. it has the list of uses needed.
aclfile /conf/acl/users.acl
# port, each redis nodes will be used
port 6379
# More configurations are optional, if not provided, redis will consider default values ------
# ------ More details on configuration : ------
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