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Created September 5, 2020 03:05
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Jira lead time extraction
import pandas as pd
import requests
JIRA_TOKEN = "abcdefg12345"
# Setup a requests session
rsession = requests.Session()
# New Jira instances authenticate through a token
rsession.auth = (JIRA_USER, JIRA_TOKEN)
# Jira query
jql = "project = BT"
# Parameters with the changelog enabled
params = {
'jql': jql,
'expand': 'changelog',
# Execute the Jira query and get the issues field from the JSON response.
issues = rsession.get(f"{JIRA_URL}/rest/api/2/search", params=params).json()['issues']
# Get the base data
base = pd.json_normalize(issues)[['key', 'fields.created']]
base.rename(columns={'fields.created': 'created'}, inplace=True)
# Get the transitions
transitions = pd.json_normalize(data=issues,
record_path=['changelog', 'histories'],
meta=['fields', 'key'])[['created', 'items', 'key']]
# Filter and transform the status transitions
transitions = transitions\
.query("field == 'status'")\
.drop("items", axis=1)[['created', 'key', 'toString']]
# Create the backlog transitions
create_transitions = base.copy()
create_transitions['toString'] = 'Backlog'
# Combine the transitions and the Backlog dates
transitions = pd.concat([transitions, create_transitions])
# Pivot the statuses
statuses = transitions.pivot(index='key', values='created', columns='toString')
# Make sure all fields are of datetime
statuses = statuses.astype('datetime64[ns]')
statuses.rename(columns={'toString': 'Status'}, inplace=True)
# Calculate the lead time (in seconds) by calculating the timedelta
statuses['Duration'] = (statuses['Done'] - statuses['Backlog']).apply(lambda x: x.seconds)
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