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Created September 27, 2015 20:27
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template<typename type>
class HeapTree {
type max(type a, type b) { return a > b ? a : b; }
type min(type a, type b) { return a > b ? b : a; }
vector<type> m_ele, M_ele;
size_t e_size, t_size;
pair<type,type> qquery(size_t node, size_t begin, size_t end, size_t first, size_t second)
if (end < first || begin > second)
return {-1, -1 };
if (begin >= first && end <= second)
return { this->, this-> };
pair<type, type> p1 = this->qquery(2 * node, begin, (begin + end) / 2, first, second);
pair<type, type> p2 = this->qquery(2 * node + 1, (begin + end) / 2 + 1, end, first, second);
if (p1.first == -1 && p1.second ==-1)
return p2;
if (p2.first == -1 && p2.second == -1)
return p1;
return { max(max(0,p1.first),max(0,p2.first)), min(max(0,p1.second),max(0,p2.second)) };
void uupdate(size_t index, pair<type,type> value)
if (index)
this-> = value.first;
this-> = value.second;
size_t pair_index = index % 2 ? index - 1: index + 1;
type val_max = max(this->, this->;
type val_min = min(this->, this->;
uupdate(index / 2, { val_max, val_min });
HeapTree(vector<type> vector)
this->e_size = vector.size();
this->t_size = pow(2., (int)log2(this->e_size) + 1);
this->m_ele.assign(this->t_size * 2, 0);
this->M_ele.assign(this->t_size * 2, 0);
for (size_t index = 0; index < this->e_size; index++)
void update(size_t index, type value)
return this->uupdate(index + this->t_size, {value, value});
pair<type, type> query(size_t first, size_t second)
return this->qquery(1, 0, this->t_size - 1, first, second);
type query(size_t index)
return this->>t_size + index);
{ }
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