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Created March 5, 2021 03:20
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using OrdinaryDiffEq, Flux, Random, Plots
using DiffEqSensitivity
using ForwardDiff
using LinearAlgebra, Statistics
using ProgressBars, Printf
using Flux.Optimise: update!, ExpDecay
using Flux.Losses: mae, mse
using BSON: @save, @load
# Arguments
is_restart = false;
n_epoch = 10000;
n_plot = 50;
datasize = 10;
tstep = 1;
n_exp_train = 30;
n_exp_test = 5;
n_exp = n_exp_train + n_exp_test;
noise = 0.05;
ns = 6;
nr = 3;
alg = AutoTsit5(Rosenbrock23(autodiff=true));
atol = 1e-6;
rtol = 1e-3;
# opt = ADAMW(5.f-3, (0.9, 0.999), 1.f-6);
opt = Flux.Optimiser(ExpDecay(5e-3, 0.5, 500 * n_exp_train, 1e-4),
ADAMW(0.005, (0.9, 0.999), 1.f-6));
const lb = atol;
function trueODEfunc(dydt, y, k, t)
# TG(1),ROH(2),DG(3),MG(4),GL(5),R'CO2R(6)
r1 = k[1] * y[1] * y[2];
r2 = k[2] * y[3] * y[2];
r3 = k[3] * y[4] * y[2];
dydt[1] = - r1; # TG
dydt[2] = - r1 - r2 - r3; # TG
dydt[3] = r1 - r2; # DG
dydt[4] = r2 - r3; # MG
dydt[5] = r3; # GL
dydt[6] = r1 + r2 + r3; # R'CO2R
dydt[7] = 0.f0;
logA = Float32[18.60f0, 19.13f0, 7.93f0];
Ea = Float32[14.54f0, 14.42f0, 6.47f0]; # kcal/mol
function Arrhenius(logA, Ea, T)
R = 1.98720425864083f-3
k = exp.(logA) .* exp.(-Ea ./ R ./ T)
return k
# Generate datasets
u0_list = rand(Float32, (n_exp, ns + 1));
u0_list[:, 1:2] = u0_list[:, 1:2] .* 2.0 .+ 0.2;
u0_list[:, 3:ns] .= 0.0;
u0_list[:, ns + 1] = u0_list[:, ns + 1] .* 20.0 .+ 323.0; # T[K]
tspan = Float32[0.0, datasize * tstep];
tsteps = range(tspan[1], tspan[2], length=datasize);
ode_data_list = zeros(Float32, (n_exp, ns, datasize));
yscale_list = [];
function max_min(ode_data)
return maximum(ode_data, dims=2) .- minimum(ode_data, dims=2) .+ lb
for i in 1:n_exp
u0 = u0_list[i, :]
k = Arrhenius(logA, Ea, u0[end])
prob_trueode = ODEProblem(trueODEfunc, u0, tspan, k)
ode_data = Array(solve(prob_trueode, alg, saveat=tsteps))[1:end - 1, :]
ode_data .+= randn(size(ode_data)) .* ode_data .* noise
ode_data_list[i, :, :] .= ode_data
push!(yscale_list, max_min(ode_data))
yscale = maximum(hcat(yscale_list...), dims=2);
np = nr * (ns + 2) + 1;
p = randn(Float32, np) .* 0.1;
p[1:nr] .+= 0.8;
p[nr * (ns + 1) + 1:nr * (ns + 2)] .+= 0.8;
p[end] = 0.1;
function p2vec(p)
slope = p[nr * (ns + 2) + 1] .* 10
w_b = p[1:nr] .* slope
w_b = clamp.(w_b, -5.0, 10.0)
w_out = reshape(p[nr + 1:nr * (ns + 1)], ns, nr)
w_in_Ea = abs.(p[nr * (ns + 1) + 1:nr * (ns + 2)] .* slope)
w_in_Ea = clamp.(w_in_Ea, 1.0, 40.0)
w_in = clamp.(-w_out, 0.0, 4.0)
w_in = vcat(w_in, w_in_Ea')
return w_in, w_b, w_out
function display_p(p)
w_in, w_b, w_out = p2vec(p);
println("species (column) reaction (row)")
println("w_in | w_b")
w_in_ = vcat(w_in, w_b')'
show(stdout, "text/plain", round.(w_in_, digits=3))
show(stdout, "text/plain", round.(w_out', digits=3))
const inv_R = - 1 / 1.98720425864083f-3;
function crnn!(du, u, p, t)
logX = @. log(clamp(u, lb, Inf))
w_in_x = w_in' * vcat(logX, inv_R / T)
du .= w_out * (@. exp(w_in_x + w_b))
u0 = u0_list[1, :];
prob = ODEProblem(crnn!, u0[1:end-1], tspan, saveat=tsteps, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
# sense = BacksolveAdjoint(checkpointing=true; autojacvec=ZygoteVJP());
sense = ForwardDiffSensitivity()
function predict_neuralode(u0, p)
global w_in, w_b, w_out = p2vec(p)
global T = u0[end]
pred = Array(solve(prob, alg, u0=@view(u0[1:end-1]),
p=p, sensalg=sense, maxiter=1000))
return pred
predict_neuralode(u0, p)
function loss_neuralode(p, i_exp)
ode_data = @view(ode_data_list[i_exp, :, :])
pred = predict_neuralode(@view(u0_list[i_exp, :]), p)
loss = mae(ode_data ./ yscale, pred ./ yscale)
return loss
cbi = function (p, i_exp)
ode_data = ode_data_list[i_exp, :, :]
pred = predict_neuralode(u0_list[i_exp, :], p)
l_plt = []
for i in 1:ns
plt = scatter(tsteps, ode_data[i,:], markercolor=:transparent,
title=string(i), label=string("data_", i))
plot!(plt, tsteps, pred[i,:], label=string("pred_", i))
push!(l_plt, plt)
plt_all = plot(l_plt..., legend=false)
png(plt_all, string("figs/i_exp_", i_exp))
return false
l_loss_train = []
l_loss_val = []
iter = 1
cb = function (p, loss_train, loss_val)
global l_loss_train, l_loss_val, iter
push!(l_loss_train, loss_train)
push!(l_loss_val, loss_val)
if iter % n_plot == 0
@printf("min loss train %.4e val %.4e\n", minimum(l_loss_train), minimum(l_loss_val))
l_exp = randperm(n_exp)[1:1];
println("update plot for ", l_exp)
for i_exp in l_exp
cbi(p, i_exp)
plt_loss = plot(l_loss_train, xscale=:log10, yscale=:log10,
framestyle=:box, label="Training")
plot!(plt_loss, l_loss_val, label="Validation")
plot!(xlabel="Epoch", ylabel="Loss")
png(plt_loss, "figs/loss")
@save "./checkpoint/mymodel.bson" p opt l_loss_train l_loss_val iter;
iter += 1;
if is_restart
@load "./checkpoint/mymodel.bson" p opt l_loss_train l_loss_val iter;
iter += 1;
function plot_trace(res)
l_loss = ones(res.trace.f_calls, 4)
for i = 1:res.trace.f_calls
l_loss[i, 1] = res.trace.trace[i].iteration
l_loss[i, 2] = res.trace.trace[i].fnorm
l_loss[i, 3] = res.trace.trace[i].xnorm
l_loss[i, 4] = res.trace.trace[i].step_time
l_plt = []
plt = plot(
l_loss[:, 1],
l_loss[:, 2],
xscale = :identity,
yscale = :log10,
label = "fnorm",
push!(l_plt, plt)
plt = plot(
l_loss[:, 1],
l_loss[:, 3] .+ 1.e-6,
xscale = :identity,
yscale = :log10,
label = "xnorm",
push!(l_plt, plt)
plt = plot(l_plt...)
png(plt, "figs/lm_loss")
function f!(fvec, p)
fvec .= [loss_neuralode(p, i) for i in 1:n_exp_train]
return fvec
fvec = zeros(n_exp_train)
@time f!(fvec, p)
function g!(fjac, p)
for i_exp in 1:n_exp_train
fjac[i_exp, :] .= ForwardDiff.gradient(x -> loss_neuralode(x, i_exp), p)
return fjac
fjac = zeros(n_exp_train, length(p))
@time g!(fjac, p)
i_exp = 1
epochs = ProgressBar(iter:n_epoch);
loss_epoch = zeros(Float32, n_exp);
grad_norm = zeros(Float32, n_exp_train);
for epoch in epochs
global p
for i_exp in randperm(n_exp_train)
grad = ForwardDiff.gradient(x -> loss_neuralode(x, i_exp), p)
grad_norm[i_exp] = norm(grad, 2)
update!(opt, p, grad)
for i_exp in 1:n_exp
loss_epoch[i_exp] = loss_neuralode(p, i_exp)
loss_train = mean(loss_epoch[1:n_exp_train]);
loss_val = mean(loss_epoch[n_exp_train + 1:end]);
set_description(epochs, string(@sprintf("Loss train %.2e val %.2e gnorm %.1e lr %.1e",
loss_train, loss_val, mean(grad_norm), opt[1].eta)))
cb(p, loss_train, loss_val);
p0 = Float64.(p);
m = n_exp_train
res = fsolve(f!, g!, p0, m,
iterations = 2000, tol = 1e-8,
show_trace = true, tracing = true; method = :lm)
for i_exp in 1:5
cbi(res.x, i_exp)
# for i_exp in 1:n_exp
# cbi(p, i_exp)
# end
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