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Created March 15, 2021 16:29
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Solve PSR using adam
Simulate an unsteady PSR with oscilation
using Arrhenius
using LinearAlgebra
using DifferentialEquations
using ForwardDiff
using DiffEqSensitivity
using Sundials
using Plots
using DelimitedFiles
using Profile
using Flux
using Flux: update!
using ForwardDiff: gradient!
using ProgressBars
using Printf
using BSON: @save, @load
# Load cantera data for comparision
cantera_data = readdlm("cantera/data_T.txt");
ct_ts = cantera_data[:, 1];
ct_T = cantera_data[:, 2];
ct_Y = cantera_data[:, 3:end];
# Arrhenius.jl
gas = CreateSolution("./cantera/gri30.yaml");
ns = gas.n_species;
cb = function (p, loss_mean, g_norm; doplot=true)
global l_loss, l_grad, iter
push!(l_loss, loss_mean)
push!(l_grad, g_norm)
push!(l_pnorm, norm(p))
if doplot & (iter % n_plot == 0)
plt_loss = plot(l_loss, yscale=:log10, label="loss");
plt_grad = plot(l_grad, yscale=:log10, label="grad_norm");
plt_pnorm = plot(l_pnorm, yscale=:log10, label="p_norm");
xlabel!(plt_loss, "Epoch");
xlabel!(plt_grad, "Epoch");
xlabel!(plt_pnorm, "Epoch");
ylabel!(plt_loss, "Loss");
ylabel!(plt_grad, "Grad Norm");
ylabel!(plt_pnorm, "p Norm");
plt_all = plot([plt_loss, plt_grad, plt_pnorm]..., legend=:bottomleft);
png(plt_all, "./figs/loss_grad");
@save "./checkpoint/mymodel.bson" p opt l_loss l_grad l_pnorm iter
iter += 1
return false
# Load inlet conditions
# 300, P, 'H2:9.5023,CO:1.7104,CH4:5.7014,O2:17.0090,N2:66.0769'
TYin = readdlm("cantera/TYin.txt")
Yin = zeros(ns)
Tin = 300.0
# for (i, s) in enumerate(["H2", "CO", "CH4", "O2", "N2"])
# Yin[species_index(gas, s)] = TYin[i+1]
# end
# Y0 = ct_Y[1, :]
# T0 = ct_T[1]
P = one_atm
T0 = 1500.0
Yin[species_index(gas, "CH4")] = 0.1
Yin[species_index(gas, "O2")] = 0.2
Yin[species_index(gas, "N2")] = 0.7 - 1.e-4
Yin[species_index(gas, "AR")] = 1.e-4
Y0 = Yin
@inbounds function dudt(u, p, t)
tres = 10.0 # 1.0
T = u[end]
Y = @view(u[1:ns])
mean_MW = 1.0 / dot(Y, 1 ./ gas.MW)
ρ_mass = P / R / T * mean_MW
X = Y2X(gas, Y, mean_MW)
C = Y2C(gas, Y, ρ_mass)
cp_mole, cp_mass = get_cp(gas, T, X, mean_MW)
h_mole = get_H(gas, T, Y, X)
S0 = get_S(gas, T, P, X)
wdot = wdot_func(gas.reaction, T, C, S0, h_mole)
Ydot = @. wdot / ρ_mass * gas.MW + (Yin - Y) / tres
Tdot =
-dot(h_mole, wdot) / ρ_mass / cp_mass +
(Tin - T) / tres
return vcat(Ydot, Tdot)
tspan = [0.0, 20.0];
u0 = vcat(Y0, T0);
prob = ODEProblem(dudt, u0, tspan, p);
sol = solve(prob, CVODE_BDF(), reltol = 1e-6, abstol = 1e-9);
u = log.(vcat(sol[1:end-1, end], 1.e0))
p = [2000.0];
function f!(F, x)
tres = exp(x[end])
T = 1500.0 * ones(eltype(x), 1)[1]
Y = exp.(@view(x[1:ns]))
mean_MW = 1.0 / dot(Y, 1 ./ gas.MW)
ρ_mass = P / R / T * mean_MW
X = Y2X(gas, Y, mean_MW)
C = Y2C(gas, Y, ρ_mass)
cp_mole, cp_mass = get_cp(gas, T, X, mean_MW)
h_mole = get_H(gas, T, Y, X)
S0 = get_S(gas, T, P, X)
wdot = wdot_func(gas.reaction, T, C, S0, h_mole)
Ydot = @. wdot / ρ_mass * gas.MW + (Yin - Y) / tres
Tdot =
-dot(h_mole, wdot) / ρ_mass / cp_mass +
(Tin - T) / tres
F .= vcat(Ydot, Tdot/1000.0)
F = similar(u)
f!(F, u)
function j!(J, x)
F = similar(x)
ForwardDiff.jacobian!(J, (F, x) -> f!(F, x), F, x)
res = nlsolve(f!, j!, u; method = :newton, iterations=1000)
@show sum(exp.([1:end-1]))
grad_max = 1.e10;
n_plot = 1000;
l_loss = [];
l_grad = [];
l_pnorm = [];
iter = 1;
grad = similar(u);
opt = ADAMW(0.001, (0.9, 0.999), 1.e-4);
epochs = ProgressBar(1:10000);
for epoch in epochs
loss = sum(abs.(dudt(u, p)))
gradient!(grad, u -> sum(abs.(dudt(u, p))), u)
g_norm = norm(grad)
if g_norm > grad_max
@. grad = grad / g_norm * grad_max
update!(opt, u, grad)
set_description(epochs, string(@sprintf("loss %.2e pnorm %.2e gnorm %.2e",
loss, norm(u), g_norm)))
cb(u, loss, g_norm; doplot=true)
plt = plot(
sol[species_index(gas, "CH4"), :],
lw = 2,
label = "Arrhenius.jl",
ylabel!(plt, "Mass Fraction of CH4");
xlabel!(plt, "Time [s]");
plt_CO = plot(
sol[species_index(gas, "CO"), :],
lw = 2,
label = "Arrhenius.jl",
ylabel!(plt_CO, "Mass Fraction of CO");
xlabel!(plt_CO, "Time [s]");
pltT = plot(sol.t, sol[end, :], lw = 2, label = "Arrhenius.jl");
ylabel!(pltT, "Temperature [K]");
xlabel!(pltT, "Time [s]");
pltsum = plot(
legend = true,
framestyle = :box,
layout = (3, 1),
size = (1200, 1200),
png(pltsum, "figs/PSR_SCure.png");
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